Fated Love

By mehhh024

85.2K 5.2K 822

In a story shaped by fate, Khan Murtasim Khan and Meerab Waqas Ahmed are brought together to get married, a u... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
New fanfic annoucement

Last Chapter

2.1K 114 44
By mehhh024

Murtasim's vision of the perfect family had finally materialized, as a transformative shift in his father's demeanor brought about a welcoming change. Shahnawaz had chosen to officially step back from his once incessant criticism of Murtasim, replacing it with genuine appreciation now. The air between father and son had undergone a profound transformation, shedding its earlier hesitancy and paving the way for more open communication.

Gone were the days of a somber and formal atmosphere enveloping the dinner table at the Khan Haveli. Instead, a joyful and cheerful aura now graced the family gatherings, with all members actively engaging and eagerly sharing the highlights of their day over the dinner table. The heavy clouds of tension that had lingered in their interactions had dissipated, making room for warmth and understanding.

Shahnawaz Khan's newfound encouragement had not only boosted Murtasim's confidence but also fostered a deeper connection between them. The walls that had once stood tall between father and son had crumbled, allowing a genuine and heartfelt bond to take root. The family, once defined by strained relations, now reveled in the joy of each other's company. And all of this made Murtasim feel absolutely euphoric.

"What is making you smiling so widely?" Meerab inquired, her eyes reflecting the genuine curiosity as they laid comfortable wrapped in the warmth of the bed.

Murtasim's eyes lingered on Meerab, the room filled with the soft glow of the bedside lamp, as he began to unravel the source of his joy. "It's just incredible, Meerab. The way things have changed with Baba. The heaviness that used to weigh down our days, the tension around the house—it's all evaporated now. Baba has become so appreciative, so supportive. It feels like we're standing at the threshold of a whole new beginning."

Meerab's eyes sparkled with genuine interest, and her love for Murtasim radiated as she listened intently. With a light smile, she tenderly caressed his cheek, her voice softening the air around them. "I'm happy that you're happy. It feels like ages since I saw you smile like that."

Leaning into the warmth of her touch, Murtasim replied, "It's just that I feel—overwhelmed. This is everything I ever wanted for my family, ever since I was young."

Meerab's finger traced a gentle path along Murtasim's cheek, her affectionate gaze never leaving his. "I'm so proud of you, Murtasim. You've played a significant role in bringing about this change. Your patience, your kindness—it all paid off."

Their fingers intertwined, creating a tangible link between them. Murtasim, savoring the touch, continued, "And having you by my side has made all the difference, Meerab. Your support has been my anchor through it all."

In that heartwarming moment, the unspoken sentiments between them blossomed into something more profound. Without the need for further words, Murtasim closed the distance between them, and their lips met in a soft, lingering kiss—a tender affirmation of the bond they had forged through trials and triumphs.

Parting away, their gaze met, as a shared warmth lingered in their eyes. As the gravity of the moment settled in, a comfortable silence embraced them. Soon, Meerab playfully broke it with a teasing tone, "You know, Murtasim, this beard of yours really annoys me sometimes. The roughness of it scratches."

Murtasim chuckled, "Should I shave it all off, then?"

Meerab shake her head quickly as she said, "That would look weird, wouldn't it?"

Murtasim, feigning seriousness, replied, "I've considered it, you know."

Curiosity sparkled in Meerab's eyes as she asked, "Why on earth would you ever think of it?"

Murtasim took a moment before confessing, "Well, you remember when we were newly married, and you ended up calling me your 'friend'?" Meerab smiled as she caught Murtasim's eye roll at the word 'friend' as he continued, "It kinda broke my heart. I started brainstorming ways to woo you, and since I noticed that you loved those K-dramas, I thought maybe you liked guys without facial hair, so I considered shaving it off. But, truth be told, I was too scared to actually do it."

Meerab paused for a second, processing the revelation, before bursting into laughter. "You're just too crazy, Murtasim Khan."

He grinned, "I'd do anything for you."

Meerab, still chuckling, said, "Well, I wasn't really a fan of facial hair on men before, but when I saw you, my perspective changed. I really like the beard and mustache combo on you only."

Murtasim smiled, "You got it, Milady. Beard and mustache stay, then."

As their playful banter subsided, they found themselves naturally drawn into each other's arms. Wrapped in the warmth of their love, they cuddled together, the moonlight gently illuminating the room. With whispered words of affection, they drifted into a peaceful slumber, the moon casting a soft glow on the perfect harmony that enveloped them.


"Oh, come on, Murtasim! Let me see it already. It's been months since you've been working on it. Is it still not done yet?" Meerab whined, her curiosity piqued as Murtasim tightly held the doorknob of his art room, blocking her from entering.

Meerab had been seriously intrigued by the painting that Murtasim had been working on for months, but every time she asked him to show it to her, he had brushed her away. Today, she decided to take matters into her own hands and entered the room unannounced. Unfortunately, the canvas was blocked from her view as her eyes met with her husband's wide, shocked gaze. Shrieking loudly, Murtasim hurriedly walked over to Meerab, holding her arms as he guided her out of the room.

"Just a few more days. I promise it'll be worth it," Murtasim spoke desperately, the hint of annoyance in his wife's eyes making it difficult for him to deny her.

"Just let me get a glimpse of it. Just a small peek!" Meerab argued, but Murtasim remained unmoved. Shaking his finger, he said, "No, that'll ruin the whole experience of it."

Determined to change her strategy, Meerab softened her expression and adopted a sweet tone. "Have I ever told you how good you look in your painter aura? Your messy hair, this paint on your cheek and arms," she gently traced an imaginary line on his arm, "it's like you're living and breathing your art. It's irresistible."

Murtasim couldn't help but be charmed by her words, though he tried to play it cool. "Flattery won't open that door, Meerab."

She leaned in, her voice a seductive whisper, "But what if I promise to be your muse? Just for today, let me in, and I'll pose for you."

Murtasim felt a noticeable shift in the air as Meerab's words lingered, a tempting offer that stirred his senses. A gulp escaped him as he considered the possibilities.

"Think about it, Murtasim," Meerab continued, her tone becoming even more persuasive. "What if I have some brilliant insights that could make your masterpiece even more amazing? You wouldn't want to miss out on that, would you?"

Murtasim hesitated, the allure of Meerab's offer tugging at his resolve. However, in a blink of a second, he nodded his head, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes as he spoke, "As tempting as all of this sounds, my love, unfortunately, I'll have to do otherwise. I appreciate your, um, creative input, but this is a solo project."

Having all her attempts fail, Meerab annoyedly huffed. "Ugh, you're so annoying! I hate you," she exclaimed, giving him a light push.

"And I love you," Murtasim responded, his voice filled with affection.

"Khan Murtasim Khan, I hope you're ready to sleep on that goddamn sofa today!" Meerab declared, frustration evident in her tone as she stomped her way back to their room, leaving Murtasim laughing out loud at his wife's assertive yet adorable antics.


The air was filled with a sense of anticipation as Murtasim has instructed Meerab to keep her eyes closed. It was weeks after her relentless whinny that Murtasim had finally decided to show her the painting he had been working on.

"Close your eyes, Meerab," Murtasim whispered, his voice a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She obliged, her trust in him evident in the way she surrendered her vision.

Murtasim took a deep breath, his fingers trembling slightly as he carefully positioned the canvas in front of Meerab. He had spent countless hours, pouring his emotions onto the canvas, creating a masterpiece that was a testament to the beauty he saw in her. The painting captured the essence of a moment frozen in time — Meerab twirling in the rain, her dark blue dress billowing around her like a cascade of midnight.

As Meerab stood there with closed eyes, Murtasim couldn't help but admire the painting before him once again — the woman he loved, surrounded by the ethereal glow of raindrops, a reflection of her joy and freedom. He stepped back, ensuring that every stroke, every color, conveyed the depth of his feelings.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now," he said, his voice barely above a whisper, laced with nervousness.

Meerab's eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, she was suspended in silence. Then, as her gaze fell upon the painting, her breath got caught in her throat. The room seemed to shrink as she absorbed the beauty before her. The background of the painting was a symphony of deep blues and purples, reminiscent of the night sky just before it surrenders to dawn. The raindrops, meticulously rendered in shimmering silver, cascaded down the canvas, creating a sense of motion and vitality. Each droplet seemed to have a life of its own, capturing the ambient light and casting tiny reflections.

In the center of this celestial display stood Meerab, her figure ethereal against the dark backdrop. Her dress, a rich shade of midnight blue, billowed around her like a swirling galaxy, capturing the essence of movement and grace. The fabric clung to her form in places, accentuating the curves of her silhouette. The delicate folds of the dress seemed to dance with the rain, mirroring the rhythm of her own twirl.

Meerab's hair, adorned with droplets of rain, cascaded in loose waves around her shoulders. Murtasim had masterfully captured the strands in motion, as if they were caught in a dance of their own. Her face, framed by the glistening rain, bore an expression of unbridled joy and freedom. Her eyes, reflecting the light like stars in the night, held a depth of emotion that transcended the canvas.

Murtasim's attention to detail was evident in the fine brushstrokes that composed Meerab's features — the subtle curve of her smile, the sparkle in her eyes, and the delicate flush on her cheeks. He had managed to infuse the painting with a sense of intimacy, as if he had unraveled the layers of her soul and translated them onto the canvas.

The play of light and shadow on Meerab's form was a testament to Murtasim's skill. He had captured the nuanced interplay between darkness and illumination, creating a sense of depth that drew the viewer into the very heart of the painting.

Overall, the masterpiece was not just a representation of a woman in the rain; it was a celebration of love, joy, and the sheer beauty of being alive. As Meerab beheld the painting, she couldn't help but gasp, "Oh, Murtasim," her hand instinctively covering her mouth. Tears welled up in her eyes, reflecting the emotion that the painting had stirred within her.

Murtasim, watching her reaction, felt a rush of relief and joy. "I wanted to capture the magic you bring into my life, Meerab. You're the muse that inspires me every day."

She turned to him, her eyes glistening. "I never imagined... this is beyond anything I could have dreamed of."

Murtasim stepped closer, his hand gently cupping her cheek. "You're worth it all, Meerab. You've been my anchor, my source of strength. With you, I found the courage to pursue my dreams again, and I couldn't imagine painting anyone else but you."

Their eyes locked, a silent understanding passing between them. Meerab's tears transformed into tears of overwhelming joy. "Murtasim, I love you," she confessed, her voice a soft declaration that filled the room.

"I love you too, Meerab," he replied, his voice husky with emotion. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as they learned in, their lips meeting in a tender kiss.

Just then, a distant rumble of thunder echoed through the room, and raindrops began to tap against the window. Meerab pulled back, laughter bubbling from her lips. "It's raining again. Just like in the painting."

Murtasim grinned, captivated by her infectious joy. "Would you fancy reliving the moment?" he inquired, his eyes twinkling.

Meerab's eyebrows raised in surprise as Murtasim, the man who usually found refuge from raindrops, made such a suggestion? Her eyes widened. "Are you sure?" she questioned, a hint of surprise and disbelief in her voice. Murtasim offered a carefree smile. He nodded, a silent assurance that spoke of a willingness to embrace the unexpected. Leading her out, the cool drops of rain greeted them, as she laughed, her arms outstretched. Murtasim, caught up in the spontaneity of the moment, couldn't resist joining her.

Slowly, Murtasim took Meerab's hands, tugging her into his embrace. his fingers slowly wrapping around her waist, pulling her in a spontaneous dance. Their movements were graceful and unrestrained, guided by the rhythm of the falling rain. Each step was a testament to their connection, a dance that spoke of love and the freedom they found in each other.

Meerab twirled beneath the invisible spotlight of the rain, her happiness merging with the sound of droplets hitting the ground. Murtasim, not known for his dancing skills, moved with a charming awkwardness, accidently stepping on her feet a few times as she bursted into giggles. Their laughter mingled in the air, creating a symphony that echoed through the night.

Stepping aside, Murtasim allowed himself a moment of reflection as the rain intensified. The world around them seemed to blur as he saw Meerab carefreely spinning and swaying in the rain. Time seemed to halt, as Murtasim, momentarily captivated, couldn't look away. Every droplet that adorned her, every movement that rippled through her dress, painted a portrait of sheer beauty against the canvas of the night.

Her dress, now a second skin, clung to her body, highlighting the curves of her figure in a way that left Murtasim breathless. The raindrops adorned her like glistening jewels, and the soft, pink blush on her cheeks, combined with the doe-like innocence in her eyes, made her look utterly irresistible.

As Murtasim took in the vision before him, a sudden surge of emotion overwhelmed him. His heart, usually steady and composed, now beat with an uncontrollable rhythm, each pulse echoing the intensity of what he was feeling.

Unable to resist the magnetic pull, Murtasim, driven by a force beyond his control, reached out and gently pulled Meerab towards him. The air, once filled with the lightheartedness of their laughter, now crackled with an electrifying charge.

Meerab's heart quickened as she felt the warmth of Murtasim's body pressed against hers. She could feel his heartbeat, strong and steady, now mirroring the rhythm of her own. Their breaths synchronized, a wordless conversation passing between them, deeper than any words could convey.

Murtasim's hand gently moved to cup Meerab's cheek. His thumb grazed her lower lip, and a tender, unspoken longing filled his eyes. "Murtasim," Meerab whispered but her voice died down as Murtasim crashed his lips onto hers, locking their mouths in a passionate kiss. Meerab's eyes closed as she surrendered to the moment.

Their bodies pressed closer, the boundaries between them disappearing. Fingers tangled in hair, hands explored familiar contours, and a gentle urgency grew between them. It was a moment of pure intimacy, where words were unnecessary, and their hearts spoke directly to each other.

Pulling apart, they both were breathless as Murtasim's dark gaze locked onto Meerab's. Murtasim's fingers traced a path along her jawline, down her neck, and the sensation sent shivers down Meerab's spine.

"I—I can't..." Murtasim struggled to articulate, his voice faltering under the weight of the intense moment. The sheer magnitude of the emotions flooding through him made it difficult to form coherent words. His body pulsed with a rush of blood, and an involuntary shiver ran down his spine, a physical manifestation of the intensity enveloping him.

Meerab's cheeks reddened as she whispered, "Murtasim, I want you to know that you have all of me—the laughter, the tears, the uncertainties. Every part of me belongs to you."

He held her gaze, his touch gentle as he brushed a strand of hair away from her face, "And you, Meerab, you have my heart. With every beat, it calls out your name."

Tingles washed down his back as he closed the gap between their mouths once again, first with the utmost gentleness, then with the hunger of a starved man. A soft whim left Meerab's mouth as she reciprocated with the same intensity. The kiss deepening as they explored the uncharted territory of their desires.

As the night deepened, their embrace grew more intense, their bodies aligning as if they were two halves of a whole. They spoke through their touches, their kisses, conveying emotions that words couldn't capture. It was a dance of longing, a symphony of intimacy, a climax of feelings that had been building since a very long time. In the hushed hours of the night, they discovered each other anew, uncovering layers of passion and vulnerability that bound them together, basking the warmth of their love.


Perched on the rooftop of the bustling restaurant, Meerab and Murtasim found themselves enveloped in a tranquil silence, the breathtaking Badshahi Masjid unfolding in all its splendor before them. Their journey to Karachi, originally intended to visit Waqas and Anila, took an unexpected turn when Meerab proposed an idea to Murtasim to relive their first meeting, a nostalgic escapade when she, along with Murtasim and Mariam, embarked on a spirited tour of Lahore. Captivated by the thought, Murtasim accepted the idea, and so their day unfolded into a delightful exploration of Lahore's treasures.

After a day brimming with adventure and almost every tourist spot ticked off Meerab's mental list, they chose to conclude their tour with a moment of serenity. The Badshahi Masjid, with its regal presence and serene surroundings, served as the perfect finale to their escapade through Lahore's rich tapestry.

Beneath the star-studded canvas of the night sky, Murtasim noticed Meerab's subtle shiver. Her gaze was lost in the expanse above, where billions of tiny stars shimmered like celestial confetti. Seizing the moment, Murtasim reached for one side of his white shawl, letting its soft fabric cascade over Meerab's shoulders.

Meerab, drawn back from her celestial trance, turned to Murtasim, finding him with a light smile playing on his lips. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she inquired, nestling into the warmth of the shawl and Murtasim's arm, a subtle closeness settling between them.

With a gentle caress of her back, Murtasim spoke, his words carrying a nostalgic weight. "Nothing, just reminiscing about the time we first came here. We were strangers back then, and now, here we are."

The city lights twinkled below, mirroring the stars above as Meerab mused, "It's funny, isn't it? How life weaves its ways."

Murtasim, his gaze locked with hers, shared a tender revelation. "You know, even though we were strangers, there was a strange comfort in your presence that day. I can't explain it. When you brought us here, my heart found peace after a long time. It was as if my heart had already recognized yours."

His words hung in the air, wrapped in the hush of the night and the warmth of the shawl. Meerab, caught in the sincerity of Murtasim's gaze, felt a soft flutter in her chest. "Do you know," Meerab began, her voice carrying a gentle cadence "the heart... it's like a compass. It leads us to places, to people, sometimes without us even realizing it. Maybe your heart recognizing mine that day—that was fate gently binding us together."

As Meerab spoke, the night embraced them, and the city's hum became a distant melody. The stars overhead, like witnesses to a cosmic dance, twinkled with approval.

Murtasim, intrigued, questioned with a curious look at Meerab, "So, you mean to say that our love was fated?"

Meerab smiled, her eyes reflecting the glint of starlight. "Maybe," she replied, a playful lilt in her voice. "I like to think that the universe conspired this for us. Call it fate, call it serendipity, but there's something beautifully poetic about how our hearts found each other amidst the chaos of the world."

Murtasim chuckled, the sound blending with the night's gentle breeze. "Well, in that case, I'm grateful fate had a good plan for us. I wouldn't have it any other way."

Nuzzling into his neck, Meerab whispered softly, "I love you, Murtasim."

The air seemed to shimmer with the magic of those three words. Murtasim's heart danced, as he leaned in, capturing the scent of her hair. "I love you more, Meri Jaan," he replied, his hand finding its way to her stomach. There, he gently cradled the small bump—a cherished secret, a testament of their love growing.

Under the moonlight's tender glow, he pressed a tender kiss to her shoulder, sealing the moment in the silent language of shared love. Their tale, marked by destiny, love, and the magical twists of a fate that had once brought them together, made them inseparable for life. Now, bound by an inseparable love, they embraced the promise of a new chapter, where their shared laughter and whispered confessions would echo through each corridor of time.

The End (or rather a new start of something more beautiful and profound.)


First of all, apologizes for updating this so late. I literally wasn't ready to let go which is why it took sooo long but here it is. I guess all good things have to come to an end🥹

This was my first proper fanfiction and i have a special sorta attachment to it. I really longed to see the soft version of meerasim, tho i very much love the angst version in the drama too, but still. And they just turned out to be adorable af. I hope I am able to deliver a worthy ending for this and that you all like it. Please drop your feedbacks and comments regarding this. I would very much appreciate it. Thankyou for all the love and support. I'm feel really grateful for it all💞💞💞

Lastly, I wanted to tell you all that I have another fanfic planned. I might drop the prologue for it next week👀

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