A Love Of Eternity

By amigoclen22

62 0 2

A simple American beauty, Lia, flies over to Korea on a scholarship. Upon getting there, she finds out her bo... More



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By amigoclen22

Lia's POV

"wait, you said you're 24? "
I ask, out of the blue.
He replies.
"aren't you supposed to be in your 4th year or something.."
I say.
"to be honest, I don't really what year I'm in"
He replies and I stare at him wide-eyed.
"what?! , dude you attended freshman class with me, do you have short term memory or something?"
I ask, incredulously.
"I just attended that class for fun princess"
He says with a huff.
"fun, isn't this your first year?"
I ask, confused.
"no princess"
He says and lets out a little laugh before continuing,
"I've been there since I graduated highschool in London. I'm there at my step uncle's request. I'm a trustee of the uni, as much as I don't want to, I have to, I'm being compelled by my dad, well atleast until i made an agreement with my step uncle. I have to attend the uni, if I withdraw from being a student then I leave my place as a trustee so my uncle has me stay there. I just go there to pass time. "
He finishes.

Classic family problems...

"wow, such privilege"
I blurt out.
He let's out a little laugh.
Truly, it's a priveledge to still have your biological parents by your side, not that I'm being ungrateful, Mr and Mrs Grey are wonderful people, but sometimes I just miss my actual parents, they may try their very best to stop the pain of my loss but somewhere inside me, the pain still resides.

Parking in front of my maisonette, I reach for the door handle when I feel a grip on my arm.
"let me"
He says, opening the driver's side door and stepping out. He jogs to the passenger side and opens it, holding his hand out to help me out.
I take it and grab my bag, stepping out.
"thank you"
I say, looking into his grey eyes. He looks back into mine with intensity, till then I hadn't realised his arm around my waist, pulling me close.

His gaze feathered down to my lips and then back to my eyes again. For a moment I felt he leaned closer but I didn't think much of it until I could feel his hot breath on my lips, his eyes now a darker shade of grey. At that moment I could see it all, all the emotions in his eyes, flashing like a TV screen; the care, the lust, the will, the pain, and surprisingly, the fear. But there was something more, some thing strong, but I just could not make out what it was.

And then, the shuffling of foot steps broke us out of the trance we were in. He pulled back and loosened his grip around my waist. I took a few steps back, glancing at him who's looking around, alarmed.

Why's he acting so weird...

"are you okay? "
I asked, walking closer and placing my arm on his shoulder.
I felt him go stiff for a moment before relaxing under my touch.
"oh yes, I'm fine"
He says, giving me a small smile.
A raft of breeze blew sending uneasiness through my skin, I cringed at that feeling and he immediately noticed.
"oh sorry, come on I'll walk you to your door princess"
He says, his smile widening as he places his hand on the small of my back and gestures me to go forward.
Although it wasn't direct skin contact, I could feel the heat from his hand seeping through my shirt and my mind jump for joy the moment he called me princess.

It's weird, I know, especially now that I don't know what I feel for the man sitting on my living room couch. Twice now, twice that I felt we almost kissed, I need to tell Lin about this or maybe even mom, she may know how to explain this. I mentally slap my forehead is I stand, leaning on the wall next to the kitchen door, staring at him.

After a few deep breaths, I walk over to him.
"look, I dont know how to cook, all I actually can do is make the weird healthy stuff and the mad unhealthy ones"
He cocked his head to the side at my last words.
"mad unhealthy ones? "
He asked in a questioning tone.
I say, letting out an awkward laugh and scratching the back of my neck.
"I promise I'll eat anything you cook princess"
He says, giving me a small smile.
My heart fluttered his words but I don't know which one. Whether it's the fact he's being so nice and promising to eat anything I make him or the fact that he called me princess again.

My cheeks warm up and I walk away quickly so he doesn't notice.
Mom never let me in the kitchen although she liked my mad concussions, well who wouldn't when I always use stiff like ice-cream, popcorn, fruits and all that.

Vanilla Ice-cream, popcorn, chocolate cubes, whip cream, and chocolate covered raisins mixed together and frozen in one tub, yeah, one tub, I got tired of mixing it over and over again each time I wanted some. I take three scoops of it into a bowl and add thin sliced strawberries and apples and put sprinkles on top.
I wouldn't call this a concussion because it's just too sweet to be one. I place a spoon in the bowl and walk out of the kitchen and into the living room.
"done! "
I say, looking towards the couch but he was no longer there. I narrow my gaze to the class wall where he stood, gazing out, his hands in his pockets. His muscles were threatening to tear through his T-shirt, the fine sculpt of his upper back, his graceful long model like legs, I shivered a bit as his mighty, dominating aura filled the room.

The bowl in my hands were ice cold and I walked quickly, placing it on the centre table. Hearing my footsteps, he turns back, his gaze locking with mine immediately. A bead of sweat trickles down my back as nervousness envelopes me like a duvet.

His walks towards me, his gaze never leaving mine. He stands before me, towering over me like the street lamp does the asphalt, so close I fear he may hear my rapid heartbeat. My will to move, suppressed to the point I felt paralyzed on the spot.

He takes out his hand from his pocket as his gaze feathers down to my lips. He raises his hand to my lips and wipes softly beneath my lower lip with his thumb, his touch sent warm tingles through my skin and my lips part a bit at the sensation.

Unfortunately, my sane self was on a vacation at that moment and so I responded to his contact by placing my hand on his chest, he took a sharp breath and his gaze darkened with lust. Even through the shirt he had on, the touch was electric. His warmth covered me, holding me tight under its protection. The moment was interrupted by ring of my phone and so I pulled back, my sanity returning along with the previous cool of the room.
I take a few steps away, not before noticing the frown on his face. I pull out my phone, mentally reading the caller ID,

I pick up the call, placing the phone on my ear.
"Hey mom"
I say in a light voice.
"oh honey, your alive, you hadn't called since yesterday, I was so scared"
She says in a worried tone.
The chatter in the background draws my attention.
"oh, sorry mom, I was a bit busy"
I say.
"oh honey___dis___"
She says, the noise in the background increasing.
I take a glance at Hyun, seeing at his expression grew soft as he stared at me.
"sorry mom, I can't hear you, where are you? There's so much noise there"
I say.
"oh, sorry honey, I'm at the airport"
She says.
"what? Why? "
I ask, confused.
"I was so scared honey, I had to come meet you, I was about to board the plane before your dad asked me if I had called you first to check if you were alright, apparently I hadn't and I forgot, i was just so worried"
She says and I let out a little laugh at her forgetfulness.
"oh, okay mom"
I say, a smile on my face.
"hold on honey, your dad wants to talk to you"
"hey kiddo"
My dad's deep voice rings across the line.
"hey dad"
I reply, giggling.
"I miss you so much kiddo"
He says, his voice holding deep emotion.
"I miss you more"
I reply, my voice holding the same emotion.
He let's out a little laugh.
"it's not easy to hold down the fort here kiddo"
He says
"hey am I the fort"
I hear mom say, I could feel the pout on her lips.
"I gotta go now kiddo or she won't give me cuddles tonight, bye kiddo, I love you"
He says and let's out a little laugh.
"okay, bye, love you"
I say, laughing at his childishness.
"I love you honey"
I hear mom say before the call ends.
I sigh, putting the phone down, I miss them so much.

Classic attachment theory...

"are you okay?"
I voice calls from beside me.
Hyun, I had totally forgotten he was still here.
"oh, I'm so sorry"
I say, taking a step towards him.
"it's okay"
He says as I pick up the bowl and hand it to him.
He takes it gracefully and settles down on the couch and I sit at the end of the couch, picking up the TV remote. I could feel his eyes on me as I turned on the TV.


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