Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AU

By Amiss_Covert

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Eburnean Tommy belongs to @blublu_by either on Insta or YouTube, This AU is completely not mine. The story'... More

Author's Note
i - dull cold
ii - bitter relief
iii - down
im very clumsy..like..god
iv - instability, confusion, and delusions
v - inhale, exhale
vi - eburnean hair
vii - it's white out here
viii - i hear you now
ix - emeralds under aurora borealis
x - stagnancy
xi - theseus, what have you endured?
i might need a break question mark?
xii - amendment
may he finally sleeps in peace
xiii - reluctant comfort
xiv - sisyphus
xv - never question his loyalty
xvi - father of crows
xvii - daedalus and iapyx
xviii - unable to mend
xix - his lily, her angel; his boo, his bee
xx - trigger
xxi - relapse
xxii - escapism I
xxii - escapism II
xxiii - lily of the valley
xxiv - truth hurts, lies soothe
xxv - home?
xxvi - best friends
xxvii - this is my gamble
xxviii - amidst the flowers, smells the sea
xxix - smells like citrus and cinnamon
xxx - are you still you?
(rush) announcement
xxxi - forgive, forget
xxxii - hopeface
xxxiii - all in
Give me ur questions (not a chapter, its christmas)
hellow everyone
xxxiv - eavesdrop
xxxv - brother
xxxvi - you left me
xxxvii - take a break
xxxviii - im not angry anymore I
xxxviii - im not angry anymore II
xxxviii - im not angry anymore III
i messed up (chapter is not found..for now)
xxxvix - crack I
xxxvix - crack II
xl - attachments i
xl - attachments ii
xl - attachments iii
xli - the limit I
xli - the limit II
xlii - your hope
discontinuing ivory
xliii - you maniac
xliv - loss
xlv - beneath those smiles
ceasefire - lost chapter
xlvi - 0bsidian wa11s !
xlvi - 0bsidian wa- he1p m3mm3m- 11s !!
xlvii - ⎐ ⍜ ⟟ ☊ ⟒
xlviii - revengers 2.1
xlviii - revengers 2.2
xlix - two peas in a pod
l - u ruin3d d c ol o ur blu????? 4 m3
am bacc- so i got some snacs like a few qnas and a chapter synopsis OoO/
li - die 🐈 lässt das 🐁 nicht
lii - "Your character was like a fuel to his fire."
liii - at least a snitch is human..but a rat is FUCKING rat. period.
liv - Too bad..three of a kind..three A's motherfucke- 🃏🃏🃏
lv - 🎆 No festival needed to execute a nobody~ 🎆
lvi - ur just a boy..u are no man..and nobody u know will understand..🐈‍⬛
lviii - why did i bother fightingg..again?
lix - but I should probably think about better things to do..
lx - im still cool for holding my ground against dream for like..3 mins right?..
nom (update rawr)
lxi - ϟꈌ≚ ☩⌑‡ ⇌⌑⌆ ∦⌑ꑇ⇌∦ ☇⌑≡≚ 〲ꑇ⌆☇ ‡⌤
quick note, will be back after finals

lvii - "Gonna fuck up some kids..emphasis on the up."

145 5 42
By Amiss_Covert

Ivory - lvii ; This Is Not Your War, This Is Not Your Story

Created: 07.18.23

Finished: 07.20.23

Edited: 10.01.23

Published: 10.02.23


Trigger Warning: fighting, swearing, slight mention of wound and stabbing, denial

Word Count: 6205

A/N: dont mind the crack sht above, It's really late, and I can't sleep- well I could and I wanna, but I'm terrified. Nightmare's fucked up my sleep and my breathing soo I'm here:D I forgot to publish a chapter, so I did this instead and will probably work a few more stuff. I really want to sleep, but man, I'm scared to turn the lights off. Take care of peeps who struggle with nightmares almost in the daily and even dissociative problems, we get loopy and sillyXD I'm just glad someone's around that's keeping me company. I usually handle these things alone and it gets scary alone<3

Hope you enjoyyy mwah mwah mwah /pos /p ^^^^



"Didn't know babysitting could be so fucking dull-"

The baldman groans in his seat as Michael huffs in slight annoyance.

He doesn't really know Jack, and can't fully trust him, as for Jack, although Michael's just a kid – his 'don't trust anybody' policy still stands.

Since he's unwilling to do whatever Niki and the others are doing – suicide mission to the prison to get everyone out of there, especially Tommy.

The 'especially Tommy' made him sour and it irked him not to go.

Niki paid no mind to that, but in exchange to not have him get dragged to the prison, he'll take care of Michael.

Thinking it would be an easy feat, he casually accepted the agreement.

Didn't know kids could get this frustrating.

Why did Tubbo want a kid again?

What's worse – a fucking zombie piglin.

Jesus christ.

When the enderman emits noises once more, he cusses at it

Oh this, Techno and Phil are fucking weirdos too for keeping a fucking enderman on a damn boat.

Like what is this, trying to be so fucking cool?

Not to mention the amount of wolves and foxes around the whole house outside.

Christ, he remembers those in Doomsday. Techno's dogs really aided him in the war.

At least the leashed bear is behaving, Steve his name? Not gonna lie, he actually looks like a marshmallow, a quiet marshmallow.

It has been resting close to where Jack has been sitting the entire time, sometimes giving it pets and pats.

He doesn't recall having months worth of pets.

Without Tubbo..without Niki..he had always been lonely.

Another paper ball crumpled was thrown at Jack once more, which made him glare at Michael.

The piglin was fuming, whining with oinks the bald can't understand,

"Dude if I hit you once, I think I'd get nuked by your crazy parents so consider yourself lucky."

Michael crosses his arms, and Jack knows why he's upset, "You're just a kid, man. I don't get why you need to get yourself in that prison and risk your life. No one's expecting you to do that."

Whining again, he harshly colours the drawing he's doing,

"So you want to go there and get yourself killed? I get your parents are idiots and got themselves in this mess, doesn't mean you should be an idiot too and involve yourself with Niki's and her troops for their suicide mission."

Looking away, Michael grumbles a few more but no longer argues with him.

In the end, grownups are right – mostly right.

He just wants to save his parents. Yes, it's not his damn problem, but he'd rather do something than sit here like ducks – with the likes of him.

Snow falls from the windows as he runs towards it and watches. Its falling quicker than usual – heavier even,

"Oh shit- I mean- Oh fu- fuzzy- uh-" Jack tries not to swear but fails, "Might be a storm coming bout again here-"

Michael gives him a deadpanned look before eyeing the window again, almost leaning against it.

Distant as he is, he misses his parents..he misses Aimsey and Tommy too.

He hopes they're okay.

When two hands grab him up, he squeaks up trying to smack whoever tried to hold him,

"Fuck man- Its just me you little shit-" Jack swears off without concern if he'd hear it.

But honestly, Michael doesn't seem to mind, he seems used to being around such a vulgar environment anyway,

"Just taking you somewhere warm man..Surely, Ranboo has some stored firewood somewhere in this hut. For now.." He plops the kid down near the fireplace,

"Stay there." He tells him before going off, trying to find something to start a fire.

When he's gone, Michael gives a tongue at him before huffing. A part of him doesn't really know why he seems to dislike him – he's probably just in a bad mood.

Orrr he's aware that he's one to decline to help Niki and the others to save the people who are in the prison right now – that includes his dads.

He mentioned how he disliked Tommy..what did he do to make him hated so much anyway?

"This all I got- I swear to god I might get fucking wood from the other house..that's been..yeah-"

He doesn't want to mention how Phil and Techno's cabin was burnt down, Niki explained it all too well that there's no need to talk about it anymore.

And he supposes Michael knows about it now too.

Sighing as Jack squats, he starts cleaning up the wood one by one, hoping for the best none of them are wet from the snow as he wipes with a random cloth.

While that was going on, Michael notices the flint and steel beside Jack as he works with the wood..before slowly picking it up

He wants to light the fire up – prove to Jack that he's competent to go,

"Alright, we good-"

With a flick, Michael gets close to the pile of wood, fumbling but sure with his attempts to light the fireplace,

"Hey hey hey- What the fuck where'd you get that-" Jack tries to get the flint and steel off of Michael but the piglin runs away before he could grab his shirt.

And gods the piglin is quick, and the other isn't that old.

Jack Manifold isn't that old.

But still..it was exhausting to deal with an energetic child.

Not after a while, he manages to catch the kid with one hand as the other struggles against his hold, "I can't have you burning this house kid, hand my flint and steel back-"

Michael whines and points at the fireplace with the item he's holding,

"Like you know how to start a fireplace ki- AHH FAKCKK-"

Michael manages to twist his neck enough to bite Jack's skin off and drop on the ground with enough time to do what he needs to do,

"Christ on a stick, you're Tubbo's kid? Fuckin dick-" He swears, checking up his light wound before catching up to the kid, "Hey you little shi-"

The fireplace is lit up the moment Jack topples Michael over, pinning him down, immediately taking the flint and steel off of him,

"I don't get how he handles you- With a flowery language, you're one piece of shit."

Hearing those familiar crackles, he feels warmer for some reason.

With a smug look, Michael crosses his arms, his hand motioning the fireplace lit..because of him,

"Well fuck..I guess you can light it up on your own." Before Michael can smile with his accomplishment, Jack adds one more, "Still doesn't convince me to take you to the prison. Niki ordered me to keep you here, and that's final."

He receives a tongue out instead, which earns a sigh, "You act like Tommy it hurts- jesus-"

Michael blinked when he said that, as Jack let go of him before patching up the mess the two made.

He notices the small frown on Jack's face so he couldn't help but ask. If only he can talk well already..oh well..there's always a paper and pen.

"What are you doing, brat?" Jack calls at him once he's done cleaning up the small den.

Michael finishes up the writing at him, as the other leans close to understand what the piglin is trying to say,

'Why Baldie not like Tommy?'

I swear to god the kid really knows how to get on his nerves,

"Cuz he acts like you: loud, stubborn, painfully annoying..a brat." He answers simply.

Michael tilts his head with that answer, he hasn't really seen Tommy as annoying ever – loud?

He hardly even spoke to him. Maybe because he's only loud when he's with someone he's close with?

With that, he writes again, but at least Jack seems willing to answer questions still,

'Baldie and Tommy old frends?'

Frowning, Jack looks away, eyeing the fire, "I hate his guts, yeah..But I guess you can say we're friends." He murmurs in a low tone, remembering the memories he had with him,

"He's just..difficult sometimes, you know? He likes to annoy me, and really knows how to make me feel shit about myself. Never for once he apologised – asshole he is, you know?"

Michael grips tight of his papers as he listens,

"Either it's cringe for him to apologise, or he's that much of an egotistical bastard to never say sorry..don't really know if he sees me the same way I see him."

Michael writes once more, quicker and messier about him,

'Is Tommy bad?'

The question made Jack laugh, "The most asshole person ever..he's a shit friend and terrible in everything he does. Doesn't apologise and never learns from his mistakes. Likes to cause trouble and blames it on someone else. A problem starter..a shitty guy."

He smiles a little, "But even with all of that, I don't think he's bad. Fucked up yeah..but..not a bad person."

Michael is surprised by his answer. He supposes he never saw the Tommy Jack managed to be stuck with.

The Tommy he knew now seems quieter, afraid of making mistakes..depressed.

Michael frowns..wondering what happened to him.

By the looks of Jack, he seems unaware of what Tommy has been through. If he realises who Tommy is now, would he still think he's an asshole?

His ears perk up at the noise trudging against the snow, he leaps and squeaks loudly to grab his attention,

"Fuck what is it-"

Michael runs towards the window closest to where he can hear the noise.

Jack with narrowed brows, follows him and checks out the blazing storm outside.

Indeed, he can see a faint glow – must be a lantern amidst the middle of the snow.

It could be anyone, shit.

"Michael fucking hide-" The piglin stays his ground, as Jack groans how much this kid is still eager to fucking fight,

"Listen kid, if you die, I die so fucking hide." He pulls a struggling Michael, he tries to squeak but Jack shushes him up every time he does.

He looks around, trying to find a good place to hide. Eventually, a small chest catches his eyes and opens it. It looks nothing much so he dumps Michael in there,

"Stay there, and take this-" He throws Michael a potion he recognizes all too well,

"Whoever gets in that is not me, drink that. I'll get back inside if the coast is clear, and I'll fucking talk if I do get in, don't go out if its anyone besides my voice you hear. If I get hurt or someone takes me, don't save me. You got that?"

Michael wants to say something but Jack cuts him off,

"Jesus fucking christ Michael- Don't rebel me right now- For all we know its fucking Dream that's outside right this fucking second- And as much as I want to fuck him up, emphasis on the up, I can't beat him on my own..and definitely not you. So please..."

He stands and closes the chest, "Listen to me for once and fucking save yourself."












"Philza and Technoblade are gone."


"Their cabin..everything...it's all blown up..They're gone."

He focuses on checking up the damages. And with his analysis, he can guess a bunch of tnts below were to blame.

A little redstone, and it would do the trick.

Despite someone telling him not to enter, he checks inside.

Techno's part of the house is more destroyed than Phil's..still, doesn't mean it's any less damaged as the other.

He can see the blown up furniture, broken items..glasses and smell of ash all over the floor.

He frowns at the sight of it before getting up the ladder.

It's a slightly tight room, but it seems some bookshelves were left intact..as well as that random emerald block and that bell.

What's with that dude with emeralds and bells?

Despite a terrifying warrior to fight with, he's one weird man.

Going towards the bridge, it's burnt up, but with a leap he manages to get to the other side towards Phil's place.

He can sort of see the difference due to the style of their home.

Techno's more..greek-ish kind of themes, whereas the other..he can just smell an old man lives there


Definitely Phil's.

It's less damaged, well the second room was definitely hit by a large tnt coming here.

Whoever was not here, or was here but survived were totally deemed to be lucky.

He takes the ladders and goes down, and some parts of this small den are fine..barely.

Chests are littered around, burnt up carpets and paintings.

One frame in particular caught his attention..it's a small one with a lily of the valley enclosed in it. Strangely drawn to it, he kneels down and picks it up.

Out of all the things, this one was left..alright. Since it looked like a genuine plant, the heat of the explosions could have wilted it for sure.

But it didn't. How is that possible? Dumb luck?

Other than that, he doesn't get why he has the need to protect it, and so, he tucks the frame safely to his belongings, before picking up the communicator,

"Hey..checking up their house in case they left something I can use-"


"Sorry babe. Just...I don't know."


"Nothing. Its fin-"

He can hear someone moving from outside and he immediately takes up his axe, "Sorry babe, I heard someone. Might not reply for a while."

He plops the communicator down for good. With his other hand, he lifts the lantern and turns it off as he lets his body slowly leave the premises.

It's getting dark as he narrows his eyes, trying to find whoever made that noise.

It could be anything, some wild animal in some random snowstorm.

Seems illogical, but better than a person with him in the middle of this dreadful tundra.

"I know you're in there.."

Great. Now that figure has a voice.

It's definitely a male one with its deep voice, but completely unidentifiable due to the harsh weather

If he talks back, he might sound like a stranger to someone else then.

Perfect, he wouldn't know who he is,

"You must have seen the light then." He replies back, readying his weapon.

He finally gets a foot away from the broken house and can see the dark figure amidst the snow. Oh great,

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Oh shit. That voice sounds so deep.

If he's any bigger and stronger than he is, he's fucked.

Still, he can beat most tall people – and that includes Dream.

Height isn't the issue, it hardly puts the person on the upper hand though.

In the end, skill matters

"Looking for people, what about you?"

Honest, vague words..decent answer in his opinion.

Still, the foe's sword didn't go down, so his answer must be somewhat hostile then,

"You better leave before I make you."

That made him grin, liking the challenge, "Oh yeah? Why not check me out if you're so sure that you can actually take me."

He bolts, and takes the first move.

He raised his axe and expected his attack to be parried.

Instead of a parry, his opponent backed off, seemingly unsure if he should share the same energy as he did, and you know what? If he wants to live, might as well.

After a few seconds to compose and to take in with his speed, he strikes back as to which he parried quite well.

One thing he noticed though is that his enemy's weaker than he anticipated, but his fury's stronger than his own sword.

Unfortunate really.

He twists his body and kicks his stomach that makes his opponent stun and back off a few feet once more to take in for what he did.

Rusty. It'd be an easy fight then.

He didn't give time for him to have a break, besides, he has no other harsh intentions, just knock him out to know he is – that's it.

He advances, giving him a few strokes that the other has no choice but to parry it off or make his body dodge to the point he manages to make him fall down hard on the ground.

Quickly, he disarms him by kicking his sword off of his hold,

"Alright man...it's over." He huffs but he doesn't really get tired much with the fight, it's just that he's cold..really cold.

With all his might, he tries to pull off the hood of his enemy but leads his boot to hit his neck.

The opponent tries to pull away his boot, both choked and terrified if this stranger finds out about his identity, but with a kick to the head, he finds out who it is,

"What the fuck? Baldman?"

..Is him being bald his whole fucking personality at this point?

But that voice.

Jack squints more to check the person's features.

Black hair, slightly tanned skin...this axe is familiar.

The only person who has dark strands in this server who knows how to fight good is..holy shit-


The two stare at each other for a moment.

Sapnap for once didn't expect he'd meet this guy out of all people, Jack would say the same,

"You're..not on Dream's side right?.." Jack musters to ask, hoping this pyromaniac is on their side.

Sapnap scoffs and removes his boot, "The fuck? 'Course I am not on his side, I'm here to kill him man."

Jack snorts at his words, "Guess we have the same goal or some shit. The only thing you're lacking is no hair."


"What the fu-"


"Kid- I'm back- It's me I swear- I don't think anyone can imitate a baldass man's voice."

Pretty reasonable enough,

Jack lets Sapnap in as he checks for Michael on the chest he ordered him to hide in.

Opening it, he frowns, "Where the fuck is that brat?.."

Sapnap raises a brow, "Hm?"

Jack glares at him, "You pretty much came to a bad timing..I'm on babysitting duty."

That made Sapnap laugh and cross his arms, "You, in the middle of some- I don't know people probably dying left and right and you are here babysitting some kid."

The other raises his hands, "Hey- I didn't ask for this- This is better than saving Tommy's ass."

Sapnap blinks, Tommy's in danger?

Before he could ask about that, he yelps as something burns on his leg.

Red seeps on his pants as he wonders how he got punctured out of nowhere.

While Jack panicked, Sapnap thought quickly and grabbed a bucket of milk and threw it at where he got the wound.

Soon, hands form out of thin air, holding a small knife..soon a small body..of a piglin,

"Oh for fuck's sake, this piglin's ass what you're babysitting?"

Jack rushes over and grabs Michael who was whining and going around, "Sorry about him- Tubbo said he's usually behaved..he's just like this cuz he wants to play hero."

Michael blows raspberries at him, crossing his arms.

Sapnap chuckles at his attitude, leaning down, as he takes a few bandages from his inventory,

"It's all good, I like his spirit. Too young, but it's never too young to start fighting."

The second he pulls off the knife, he quickly pressures his wound, waiting for the blood to clog up before he patches it up completely, "Thankfully you didn't hit the parts where it would be a bitch to walk afterwards. Good aim though. You hit without hesitation."

Michael looks at him, finding it strange to be appreciated. Usually he'd get scolded for something like that.

Jack rolls his eyes, "I don't see why you're encouraging him like this. He's just a kid."

Sapnap grins, wrapping up his wound, "Whatever works to make that kid feel good about himself. Like I said, start young."

Sighing loudly, he gets up, "Anyway, I'm looking for Phil and Techno. I wanted to collaborate with them in taking down Dream."

Jack's face darkens at the mention of the two, Michael whimpers as well,

"Anddd I have a feeling something bad happened to make your faces look like shit-"

"They've been captured, Sapnap. Both of them."

Sapnap freezes,

"They and the others are currently imprisoned by you-know-where."

Soon, answer made him laugh, finding that unbelievable, "No way, Phil and Techno- Those fucked up people that caused mass destruction in the SMP...got captured? Talk about a good fucking joke, Manifold."

Jack only shrugs, putting down the kid to let it run around and hope for the best, not break another window to escape, "Whatever happened happened I guess. I'm guessing you travelling here is a waste? You better leave if you have no purpose to be here."

Michael fumes at those words before pulling Sapnap closer to the fire, telling Jack that it's better to go if the storm's at least ceased, but what came off from his mouth was all nothing but gibberish oinks.

Sapnap appreciates the attempt though, "Well, I don't think it's completely a waste. You seem to have loads of information as to what's going on. I only know so little."

Since Jack didn't respond much, Sapnap pushes more, "I know we haven't talked much, but I don't see the reason why we'd be enemies. So..why not help me out?"

Groaning helplessly, Jack goes to the kitchen, "I'll make tea then." he grumbles.

The pyromaniac takes that as a yes.



"I'm here..Sorry it's just..things happened. And I guess I can no longer set up an agreement with those two."


Sapnap's expression slightly darkens, "Both were taken to the prison. Whatever Dream is doing now, and whoever he is now..he's not alone and he's not the same guy as I know before."


He looks up at Jack, making drinks, as Michael heats up some leftover pastries that Eret left for him – with Jack's supervision, "Making friends. They'll give me information for what I'm about to do. Once the storm's over here in this shitty ass arctic...I'll be heading to the vault."


He didn't like the way he said that, it sounded sad. He didn't even tell him what's going to happen to him,

"Karl..whatever happens, I'm doing this for everyone..for everyone to be safe and happy. For you to be okay. Once this blows over..things can go back to the way it was..hopefully."

There was a pause.

"Love..I can't promise that.." He sighs, turning off the communicator.

He didn't want to hear Karl's words anymore.

Not like it even happened anyway.

"Cocoa?" Jack grabs his attention, setting the drinks and biscuits down the table.

Michael plops on the carpet close to the fire, seemingly behaved now that there's not much reason for him or a mood to mess with Jack,

"I might fuck up doing tea, but cocoa? You can never fuck up a chocofucking drink."

Sapnap can't help but to give a little laugh at that, sitting on a free spot on the floor, "Damn right- I hate tea anyways. People are fucked up if they hate cocoa too though." He takes a cup and observes the drink.

He trusts Jack a little, but still, one can never be too careful,

"I'm not like Wil, don't know a thing or two about poison, man." Jack admits, giving Michael a cup of cocoa, "Wil's on Dream's side, got Phil and Techno captured."

That almost made Sapnap choke on his drink, "Fuck really? That crazy dude got them all in prison?"

Jack shrugs, "Yeps- Niki told me so: Wil poisoned Phil through a drink, Techno was about to kill him, Dream came by..Dream..defeated Techno, so...I guess you can leave the rest with your imagination."

Sapnap nods, taking in what he said, "Dream and Techno had always been equals..wasn't surprised that at one point, he can defeat Techno too."

He sighs, "So most people are in the prison right now? Who was captured? Does Dream have any allies?"

Jack thinks for a moment, trying to list them all out, "What's confirmed is that..those who are in the prison are obviously Phil and Techno, Tommy and probably Tubbo..Sam and Quackity-"

"So Quacks is involved with this.."

Jack raises a brow, "Well..since I've heard he and Sam were willing to partake in this..he had what's coming. Niki believed that Quackity and Sam were taken from Las Nevadas..so yeah-"

He takes a sip of his cup, "We don't really know who's siding with Dream right now, there's at least four or five of them but as for now, Wilbur's definitely one of them."

Sapnap realises that although this information has been helpful, not knowing who sides with Dream completely puts him in a position to question who to really trust or not,

"Why did he capture Techno and Phil?"

Jack hums in thought, "Maybe to reduce risks? Those two can ruin any plans man so I'd get why he'd needed to capture them.

The other narrows his brows, "Then Dream is planning something big."

Jack nods, "Very big. Said that it would cause a massive change in the server and hurt a lot of people. I don't know..I still heard that shit from Niki."

What has happened to his old friend?

"I see." Sapnap murmurs, "Why didn't you go by the way?"

Jack shrugs again, trying to act casual, "It's not really my business you know..but I'm helping a little by dealing with this assfuck of a kid."

Michael growls and sips his cup in silence,

"I don't really know what Dream is fully up to, Niki doesn't know either yet still..risking her ass in this, bringing along other people who have little no shit or have any involvement."

Sapnap inhales, "Who did she bring?"

Jack counts with his fingers, "Uhh..Eret, Ponk, some guy named Aimsey?? And Er-Eryn?-"

"Eryn. Oh fuck great." Sapnap groans.

That made Jack slightly confused, "Ayup?"

The other glares at him, "I guess you could say he's half a brother..stepbrother. Whatever, Bad would freak if something were to happen to that kid."

Jack chuckles, "Then yikes."


He looks down at his half empty cup, "Why do you need to kill Dream anyway? Aren't you two friends?"

That made Sapnap laugh, "Used to be, now I gotta kill him."

Jack swallows, "Yeah but why?"

Sapnap sighs, "If I kill him, he'll be gone for good. No ghosts, no chance of revival..fucking dead for good."

... "Since when are you capable of doing that?"

Sapnap clutches the most important thing that he carried with him,

"Just now..I guess you could say I made a pact with the devil."

Michael's ears furrow, not liking the sound of that,

"...What the fuck did you do man?"

Sighing as he doubts he'd get in trouble if anyone with the likes of him would be able to see it, he takes out the book that made Jack shudder from the terrible energy it brings upon, "Dude what the?! What the fuck is that?!"

The pyromaniac only looks at him with a grimace, "Sold my soul for this death book, to take down Dream for good."


"So let me get this straight." Jack clasps his hands together, "You were looking for Dream, so you went to his old base and found- whatever that is. Summon you call a god, and he explained to you what that fucking death ass book contains, and out of all people you want to take out on, you chose Dream. But he denied, cuz he's the owner of the Revival Book so it's a no- But you gave options and favours.

"So it ended up as this: Dream would be killed permanently, at the cost of your death as well..for good as well."

Sapnap nods, "Yep. Usually I would have done it now, but I figured Dream brought allies this time, knowing that last time, it didn't work out so well when he did all his madness shit alone. As much as I prefer to work on my own, out of all the people I'd rather work with to get the job done, those two were taken. SO I have no choice but to be on my own for this. Besides, those idiots might give me backup once I'm there."

He looks up and notices the storm has ended, giving a few more gales but shows the visibility of this cold evening, "Welp. I'd best be going. Enjoy your time babysitting dude."

Jack gives a wave in what seems like 'sure dude.'

But Michael, Michael whines and grabs Sapnap's hand, saying out words that he can't understand,

"What do you want, kid?" Sapnap asks awkwardly, unsure how to handle children.

Can they still be punted like mobs? Michael's a mob...right?

The child points at himself, then back at him, before doing punching motions and kicks,

"Hah..stubborn as ever? Unfortunately kid, as much as I don't mind you going, your babysitter wouldn't like that. Else he'd get killed right?"

Jack casually clicks his tongue as agreement, "Definitely nuked the moment they know I got him killed."

Sapnap snaps a finger, "Exactly..with that. I should take my leave. See you never, kid."

Jack frowns at that, "If you're not..crazy I don't know and what you said is really true about meeting god and having a deal with him and everything. If you succeeded, you wouldn't exist after that?"

That made Sapnap sigh, "Pretty much yea, but if I'm gone, Dream will be gone too. So- kinda worth it?"

The other hums a little, "You not gonna leave anything behind? Like..don't you have a boyfriend or something? Wouldn't he miss you? Wouldn't you miss him?"

Sapnap smiles at that, and Jack realises he's talking to a man..

..that's got nothing to lose, "I got nothing left man. Got no friends, my partner hardly remembers me..and he's not waking up any sooner."

No one had ever talked back to him in that very communicator.

"Even if I save Quackity, doubt he'd ever accept my apology and even if he does, things won't go back to the way it was for me." He sighs, "It'd be nice if things were simpler. Not..this."

He groans heavily, "I like fighting..I like banters..But this..this is too much."

He eyes Jack with a solemn stare, "Even if this is not my story, not my war..I have been a part of it. At some point, I'm at fault. So I'm going to fix things..even if it costs my life..for good."

Departing, he shuts the door with a little snow getting in.

After a long silence, Jack scoffs, "Man got some main character syndrome or something. Had the fucking audacity to some fucking monologue on. Like- where's the consent? Hello??? Didn't ask for this- Fucking prick.am I righ-?"

Michael's no longer at the carpet, as Jack feared the worst, "..I hate that fucking pig."


"I know you're in the bag kid. And man..you're really giving me some weight."

Sapnap grabs the piglin out of his bag and meets the grumbled look of the child,

"Guess why I didn't bother taking you out sooner? Figured it'd be useless, you'd just try to get to the prison anyway no matter how much that baldman will try to stop you."

Michael crosses his arms and sniffles a bit.

Sapnap sighs, "Care to tell me why are you that persistent to go to that prison?"

Michael stares at him before punching Sapnap's hand with his two small fists that led him to be dropped on the ground,


He takes out his leftover papers and markers on his pockets and writes something quickly,

'Tubbo. Ranboo. Papas. My parents. In the prison.'

Sapnap nods, "Oh..them.They're your parents huh...now I know why you need to go."

Michael nods repeatedly, wanting to reassure Sapnap that he's strong enough to go – that he's been preparing to go for a while now after he knew his parents are in trouble,

"Well, you know how to fight?"

The piglin nods and takes out his small knife.

Sapnap snickers at that, "That ain't going to get you anywhere, least we hope you won't stumble into somebody."

Checking his inventory, he notices an old golden sword he got one time in the nether from a random piglin, "Try this instead?"

He lets the sword drop as Michael nimbly catches it, but the weight pulls him down, struggling to carry it,

"You wanna get to the prison don't you?" Sapnap begins to walk, and it's clear that he doesn't mind Michael being left behind unless he starts walking.

Grunting as he struggles, he drags the sword with him as he follows Sapnap, still eager to go.

Sapnap grins at his perseverance, "If you keep that up, you'll be my cannon fodder at this point."

Michael tilts his head, as he doesn't know what that means.

Sapnap's grins widen more, "Means you'll be my shield. You'll take the shot kid."

Since Michael thought that that is like a good thing, it made him happy as he's more eager to fight now.

After a few hours of walking, they can finally see that familiar infrastructure up ahead.

Michael has seen this huge place a few times, bold enough to get a few metres but that's about it.

The energy..seems darker than ever, it creates a noise on his belly..his gut telling him that that is definitely not a good start to play hero,

"Nervous kid? You can always take the audience role right outside the vault."

Michael shakes his head and gives Sapnap a glare, in a way of saying, 'Nothing stopping me now.'

The other only chuckles as he stops the boat, "Oh well, if you're dying it ain't my probs alright?"

He gets off, and starts moving, not waiting for the kid who's having a hard time to get off, at the same time, grabbing that heavy sword.

Inhaling deeply, both salt and the putrid smell of the cascading prison envelop the man's nostrils.

Gods, he hopes he's ready to die. He has already prepared everything.

Well..not really.

He tries not to think about Karl too much though.

Eventually, he'll move on...just like everyone that came and left in his life, "You ready, kid?"

Michael eyes the gate and nods,

"You have so much to live for and you could die right here and right now..you okay with it?"

He nods again, lifting the golden sword enough to make it look convincing that he can take this.

Sapnap releases a breath, "Unlike you kid, I got nothing much in me no more man. Could have died peacefully, but you know, why not end it with a bang you know?"

Michael looks up at him, almost with a sense of both wonder and pity,

"Don't pity me..pity yourself. You got yourself stuck with two problematic ass parents, one a tryhard, and one an indecisive fuck and let anyone bully him..you might have lived a decent life down the nether. At least it's warm..than nothing."

Michael frowns, almost lowering the sword,

"Man you're good at persuading this kid more than me- Might as well make you his babysitter."

Both Sapnap and Michael look back and see Jack laughing,

"Jack.." Sapnap whispers, giving a smile, "You managed to catch up- I don't want a kid risking his ass around him so I'd like you to take him."

Jack shrugs and throws something at the kid.

It appears to be an armour..a netherite armour suitable for his small size? Where did he even get that?

"What the fuck are you-"

"Leave the kid be, I guess. I don't know, it's his choice-

"He's just a kid. He doesn't know what's best for him."

"Even if we get ourselves in and leave him here, he'll be bound to get inside and get himself in trouble. Might as well have him join us."

Sapnap raises a brow, "You're joining?"

Jack shrugs, "Like you mate, I have nothing. Never did. Must have pretended, but I guess it was just to make me feel better."

Sapnap frowns at that, and looks away, "I guess this kid is the only one who's fighting for something, and dies with someone actually missing him. Holy shit that's sad."

Michael eyes the both of them, finally with his armour and everything, giving both of them pity faces,

"Like I said kid, you're lucky you have parents that can skin me alive and nuke me else I could have punted you." Jack tells him before lifting his sword, "Let's fucking finish this shit."

Sapnap grins, "End our stories with a bang cuz fucking why n-?"

"Wait I swear to gods the exit was just here.."

"Can't we at least just check it if it's still open? Niki might get mad if we left our post."

"I swear we're going around in circles- Who's the dumbass that kept leading us to this dead en-"

Michael leaps up, hearing a familiar voice as the three see a familiar trio right in front of them.

Eryn looks away seeing Sapnap being one of them, and silently begs a confused Ponk to hide daem..as Aimsey's ready to shout right then and there the moment star saw Michael here,

"What the fUc-!"

*tomas the train engine noises plays*

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