Fated Love

By mehhh024

85.5K 5.2K 824

In a story shaped by fate, Khan Murtasim Khan and Meerab Waqas Ahmed are brought together to get married, a u... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Last Chapter
New fanfic annoucement

Chapter 35

1.5K 89 5
By mehhh024

With the Hashwanis' departure, a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions stormed through Murtasim's mind. How on earth could Zain, the very person he detested, become the future husband of his sweet, precious little sister? His heart churned with a chaotic mix of anger, disappointment, annoyance, irritation, confusion, and above all, profound hurt. He couldn't believe how his parents had neglected to involve him in any discussion regarding Mariam's marriage. Did they believe he had no say in his sister's life? Did they think his opinion didn't matter at all? Though he wasn't certain his input would change anything, he still yearned to be part of the conversation.

Amidst this tumultuous sea of thoughts, another question struck him like a lightning bolt: Had they even asked Mariam for her consent in this matter? The idea of his sister's life being manipulated without her agreement filled him with a burning sense of injustice. She was still so young, and the responsibilities of marriage were immense. Was she truly ready to shoulder this burden?

Murtasim's mind teetered on the brink of overwhelming confusion. As soon as the Hashwanis departed, he turned towards his parents, determined to voice his concerns.

"What is all of this about? Why didn't you inform me about any of this?" Murtasim asked, his voice heavy with a mix of emotions.

"We're sorry we didn't inform you earlier, Murtasim," Maa Begum replied, her expression betraying a trace of guilt over her husband's decision to keep Murtasim out of the loop until everything was settled.

"I don't want apologies. I want to know how you could even consider marrying off Mariam; she's still so young," Murtasim declared, his gaze shifting towards Mariam, who sat silently beside Meerab.

"She's already 21, Murtasim, and we thought it was the right time to find a suitable match for her," his mother responded calmly, attempting to soothe Murtasim's rising agitation. His father, however, remained conspicuously silent.

Murtasim's frustration simmered beneath the surface, but he couldn't help but question the rationale behind their decision. He gazed at Mariam, his younger sister, her expression a mixture of uncertainty and resignation.

"But did anyone even bother to ask Mariam if she's ready for this?" Murtasim pressed further, his concern for his sister evident in his voice.

His mother exchanged a worried glance with his father, who finally decided to break his silence. "Murtasim, we have discussed this with Mariam, and she's willing to go along with it. We believe it's the right time for her to start a new chapter in her life," he explained, trying to convey a sense of conviction.

Murtasim's brows knitted together as he struggled to process his father's assertion. Mariam had agreed to this? Why would she willingly choose to marry someone she barely knew? These perplexing thoughts consumed him as he continued to voice his concerns.

"But why Zain? Him and Mariam aren't compatible. He's just—he is not a suitable match for Mariam," Murtasim said, his voice tinged with exasperation.

His father, sounding somewhat disinterested in the conversation, asked, "Why? What's wrong with Zain?"

Murtasim's frustration was palpable as he replied, "Zain is just... he has a bad reputation. Those cases filed against him that he got out of so easily because of his father's name, the talks of him being a wild party animal, and his supposed habit of drinking—does that mean nothing to you, Baba Sahab?"

His father attempted to dismiss Murtasim's worries, stating, "Murtasim, those are merely rumors, nothing more. I've watched Zain grow up, and he's a good young man. Mariam would be happy with him."

Murtasim was far from convinced. "But you don't know him like I do. He has been like that since childhood, he isn't what he portrays to be, and I can't let you guys ruin Mariam's life like that!" he exclaimed, his voice rising.

Meerab observed the intense exchange between Murtasim and her in-laws as she sat quietly with Mariam. The conflicting accounts of Zain's character left her feeling uncertain. Zain had seemed perfectly normal to her, but Murtasim's words raised doubts. Mariam, too, appeared distressed and uncertain.

"Can you please ask Bhai to stop? I don't want him and Baba Sahab to argue like this because of me," Mariam pleaded, her voice trembling with fear and uncertainty. The memories of the past argument between her brother and father came crashing down over her as she sat there trying to calm her trembling body.

"Murtasim, enough of your empty talk. This is exactly why I didn't want you to be involved in all of this before anything was confirmed. I don't know what world you've been living in, but I want you to get over your dislikes and insecurities regarding Zain. I know him as well as I know you. Drop this conversation. We're Mariam's parents, and we know what's good and bad for her," his father said, raising his hand to silence Murtasim.

"Do I not have any rights over my own sister, Baba Sahab? I know you guys are her parents, but I'm her brother too, and I don't want her to get hurt in any way," Murtasim said, his voice breaking.

"Murtasim, it's not like that," Maa Begum intervened, trying to mediate the escalating tension. "Your father only wants what's best for Mariam. Just like he chose Meerab for you, there must be a reason he sees in Zain for Mariam."

"Of course he did; the name tag of Hashwani with Zain makes him the perfect match, doesn't it?" Murtasim said, his anger flaring.

Meerab recognized the dangerous path the argument was heading down and decided to step in. She approached Murtasim and gently tugged at his arm, urging him to step away from the confrontation.

"Murtasim, I think it's best if we leave for now. Please, let's calm down and discuss this later," Meerab suggested, her voice soothing.

Uncle Shahnawaz's temper had reached its highest limits. "Murtasim, you've lost your mind! Meerab's right; get out of here before I lose my patience completely. And don't come back arguing against this marriage unless you have solid proof!" he spat, his anger uncontainable.


Meerab sensed the storm of emotions raging within Murtasim as she led him out of the living room and towards their room. She could feel the ragged rhythm of his breaths as he tried to regain his composure.

As they reached their room and closed the door behind them, Murtasim finally spoke, his voice still tinged with frustration. "Meerab, I can't believe they're just pushing this marriage onto Mariam without considering her feelings or even seeing how big of an asshole that Zain is."

Meerab nodded in agreement, her concern regarding Mariam's feelings mirroring Murtasim's. "I know, Murtasim. We have to find a way to talk to Mariam and understand how she truly feels about all of this. It's her life, and she should have a say in it."

Murtasim nodded as he sat on the bed trying to calm his racing mind. Meerab reached out and gently held Murtasim's hand, offering him support. "We'll figure it out together, Murtasim. But for now, let's all calm down and give Mariam some space. We'll talk to her when the time is right." Murtasim squeezed her hand appreciatively, grateful for her unwavering support. Together, they sat in the quiet of their room, each lost in their thoughts, determined to find a way to ensure Mariam's happiness and well-being in the midst of this family turmoil.


It had been a week since Mariam and Zain's marriage had been arranged. The wedding was set to take place in exactly one month from that day, and all of this made Murtasim feel increasingly restless. He couldn't shake the feeling that Mariam was too young to be tied down in a marriage, especially with someone like Zain, who appeared to lack responsibility, had no clear sense of identity, and was simply a spoiled brat who might grow bored easily of literally everything. In Murtasim's eyes, Zain was not capable of providing for Mariam's happiness and well-being. However, Mariam had already agreed to the marriage, leaving Murtasim feeling powerless.

Realizing that he needed to confront the situation, Murtasim made his way to his sister's room. As he approached her door, his mind was clouded with many questions and concerns. He hesitantly knocked before entering, finding Mariam sitting on her bed, lost in her own thoughts. Her room was filled with jewelry, festive clothes, and various shiny, shimmering items, but her gaze met Murtasim's with an unmistakable uncertainty.

"Mariam, if you're free, I'd like to talk to you," Murtasim spoke gently as he sat down beside her. An uncomfortable silence enveloped them as he struggled to initiate the conversation.

"Look, Mariam, I know that this... um, wedding, it's not what you truly want. I don't want you to regret this decision in the future, which is why I think you should reconsider. I've tried talking to Baba Sahab again, but he stopped me, insisting that if you're okay with it, nothing else should matter. So, I really want to know, are you genuinely okay with marrying Zain?" Murtasim asked, his eyes searching hers.

Mariam let out a heavy sigh, looking defeated and worn out. "Bhai, what other choice do I have?" she asked, her voice tinged with resignation.

"What do you mean? You could have said no, Mariam," Murtasim replied, his confusion evident.

"No?" Mariam laughed bitterly. "Bhai, do you not know how Baba Sahab is? When has he ever cared about what we want? About our wishes? About our happiness?" she said, her frustration evident.

"But, Mariam—," Murtasim began to argue, but she cut him off.

"But what, Bhai?" Mariam spoke, her voice laced with exhaustion and defeat. " You've also tried to stand up to him before. You've rebelled, resisted his orders, but what happened in the end, huh? You eventually gave in to all his wishes and orders, whether it was willingly or unwillingly. Because that's what this is, right? We're all puppets in his play, and he controls us as he pleases. And if we ever try to break free, he'll cut our strings and make us powerless. He's the one in authority, and we can't do anything about it. Maa couldn't do anything, you couldn't, so how could I be any different?" Mariam spilled a bitter truth that left Murtasim loss of words.

Murtasim realized that Mariam was right. This was indeed Baba Sahab's game, and they were all mere pawns in it. They didn't have the freedom to exist independently, pursue their own dreams, wishes, or desires. As long as they lived within the confines of their father's rules, everything was deemed acceptable. Deviating from those rules spelled destruction, and that was a fate Mariam didn't want to risk.

Murtasim couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness wash over him as Mariam's words sank in. He too, had tried to rebel against their father's control in the past, but ultimately, he had also succumbed to the weight of their family's traditions and expectations. And now that's exactly what his sister was being burdened by and it absolutely broke his heart.

As Mariam's eyes welled up with a mixture of frustration and resignation, Murtasim reached out to gently touch her shoulder. "I understand, Mariam," he said softly, his voice filled with empathy. "It's just... I don't want you to be trapped in a life that you never wanted, that you'll regret. Trust me, I've been there and I would ever want you to go down that path. You deserve better than this, you deserve to be happy."

Mariam turned to look at her brother, his eyes lightly glistering with tears. Wiping away her own tears away, she whispered, "I appreciate your concern, Bhai, but we cannot do anything now. Everything has been arranged and I can't back out now. It's not just about me now; it's about all of us. Our family's reputation, our place in society, Baba sahab's izzat... it's all at stake."

Murtasim couldn't resist enveloping his sister in a warm, reassuring hug, his arms wrapping around her with a protective embrace, silently vowing to be her pillar of strength as they faced the uncertain future together. "I promise I'll fix everything Mariam, I promise that," Murtasim declared, a newfound determination surging within him.

He couldn't bear the thought of Mariam suffering due to their father's decisions any longer. His promise hung in the air, carrying with it a sense of resolve that would drive him to explore every avenue to ensure his sister's happiness. He wouldn't let his father win this time, no matter what happens.


Just so you guys know Zain's character isn't really a main character. Its just a catalyst for the climax scene that i've thought about so yeah.

Ps : i didn't really have anyone specific in mind for writing Zain so you can imagine him to be who so ever you want😂

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