Fated Love

By mehhh024

76.5K 4.8K 816

In a story shaped by fate, Khan Murtasim Khan and Meerab Waqas Ahmed are brought together to get married, a u... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Last Chapter
New fanfic annoucement

Chapter 32

1.6K 100 14
By mehhh024

Murtasim and Meerab found themselves wrapped in the warm cocoon of love. Their hearts had finally revealed its secret, and with each passing day, their love only grew stronger. The gentle brush of their fingertips sent shivers down their spines, while nighttime cuddles offered solace in the darkness. Shy glances exchanged across crowded rooms and stolen kisses in secret corners intensified their emotions, binding them together in an unbreakable bond. In their world, the noise of the outside world faded into a distant hum, leaving them cocooned in their own enchanting love story. Every moment felt like pure magic, and life, for them, seemed perfect.

Until when Shahnawaz Khan broke the news of an upcoming party invitation that left Murtasim feeling disturbed. His father informed them that his business partner and friend, Amir Hashwani, had extended the invitation for a gathering in Karachi to celebrate his political success. Amir Hashwani, known for his immense wealth and sprawling business empire, had now ventured into the realm of politics. The Khans had been long-time associates of the Hashwani family and had gradually become close friends as well. It was this friendship that prompted Amir Hashwani to invite Shahnawaz Khan and his family to share in his success.

Yet, this news failed to excite Murtasim. He had reservations about the Hashwani family, finding them bothersome due to their corrupt ideologies and flaunting lifestyle. They were proud of their status and looked down upon those who were different from them. Although his father shared some similarities with them, Murtasim had managed to avoid inheriting these traits, unlike Amir's son, Zain. It was safe to say that Mir Hashwani's son possessed nearly every undesirable trait that irritated Murtasim.

From an early age, Zain had been narcissistic, constantly boasting about his reputation and status, even when they were just children. As he grew older, he became even more insufferable. Zain's reputation as a party animal and a notorious flirt was well-known to Murtasim. Zain took no shame in using his father's influence to cover up for all his mess ups, no matter how significant, legal or illegal, they were.

So, the prospect of attending a party hosted by the Hashwani family did not sit well with Murtasim. But, since his father had insisted that they all attend, Murtasim felt like he had little to no choice in the matter.


The day of the party had arrived, and Murtasim, with some reluctance, began to prepare for the evening. He meticulously chose an all-black ensemble that exuded sophistication and understated elegance. His black shirt, tailored pants, sleek black coat, and perfectly tied black tie all came together seamlessly. His hair, slicked back neatly, added to his refined appearance.

As he fastened the buttons of his coat, he couldn't help but feel the weight of the evening ahead, filled with the extravagance and shallowness that typically surrounded events hosted by the Hashwani family.

His anticipation grew as he made his way to their room to check on Meerab, and what he saw left him momentarily breathless. To say that she looked alluring would be an understatement. She wore a stunning black silk saree that draped gracefully around her figure, adorned with intricate gold sitara embroidery that added a touch of regal elegance. Her dark hair was pulled back into a loose bun, and a pair of exquisite gold earrings adorned her ears. The swan necklace, a symbol of their enduring love, rested gracefully against her collarbone, adding a touch of sentimental charm to her ensemble.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do I look weird?" Meerab asked, her eyes catching him in the act.

"You look heavenly," he said, his voice sounding breathless.

"Murtasim, don't flirt with me, I'm serious! Are you sure I look okay? Isn't this weird? I've never really worn a saree before," Meerab confessed, her nervousness quite obvious.

Murtasim took her hands in his and gazed into her eyes with unwavering sincerity. "You look absolutely stunning, Meerab. There's nothing weird about it. You're the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on, Meri Jaan," Murtasim said with love and admiration.

Meerab blushed at his remark. As they stood in silence, Murtasim stared at Meerab, wanting to capture the sight of her in his mind. She looked absolutely gorgeous, and he found it hard to take his eyes off her. Yet, what captured his attention the most was her striking reddish-maroon lipstick. The vivid hue made her lips an enchanting focal point, contrasting brilliantly against her dark dress. It was a bold and striking choice that accentuated her natural beauty, and Murtasim found himself momentarily spellbound.

"Why are you staring again Murtasim?" Meerab said, the intensity of his stare making it hard for her to speak properly.

"Why? Can't I just admire my wife?" Murtasim replied, moving closer to Meerab.

"Nope," Meerab teased, her eyes sparkling with a mischievous twinkle.

"Saaf saaf kaho na, iss tarhan meri ankhon mein dekha nahi jaata,(tell me honestly that you can't resist the way I look at you)" Murtasim said, his voice deep, as he turned her around, their gazes meeting each other filled with unspoken emotions. As his eyes moved lower to her red luscious lips, Meerab's heart began to race uncontrollably, and the room seemed to get smaller, making her lose her breath.

"Murtasim," she whispered breathlessly, "we're going to get late."

"Then be it so," Murtasim's words hung in the air as he pressed his lips gently onto Meerab's. Their kiss was a fusion of longing and love, a silent affirmation of their affection for each other. Meerab closed her eyes, savoring the warmth of his lips, and her racing heart began to slow to the rhythm of their shared intimacy.

As they kissed, time seemed to stand still, and the world outside their embrace faded away. Murtasim's hands gently wrapped around Meerab's face as he cradled it, deepening the kiss. The room was filled with the soft, melodious sound of their synchronized heartbeats.

Finally, they pulled away, their foreheads pressed together as they stood in a comforting silence, their breaths synchronized. Murtasim's smile remained, a testament to the deep affection he held for Meerab.

Meerab's blush deepened, her cheeks adorned with the gentlest shade of pink and she playfully scolded, "You might have ruined my makeup, Murtasim!"

Murtasim grinned, his eyes twinkling with affection. "It's your fault for looking so pretty all the time that I can't resist it," he said, his voice filled with genuine adoration.

As Murtasim gently caressed Meerab's cheek with his thumb, his eyes never straying from hers. His voice, soft and affectionate, broke the silence. "Do we really have to go? How about we just ditch it and watch a movie at home instead?" Murtasim said, a hint of reluctance in his tone.

"Murtasim, I've been noticing you since yesterday when Uncle Shahnawaz told us about the invitation. Why are you behaving so strangely?" Meerab inquired, a touch of confusion coloring her words.

"I just don't like them," Murtasim admitted, his discomfort evident in his expression.

"Why?" Meerab questioned; her curiosity piqued by his unusual behavior.

"It's a long story," Murtasim replied with a sigh.

"But Uncle Shahnawaz strictly insisted that we all have to be present there, so we don't really have a choice. Come on now, let's go," Meerab took his hand and dragged him by her side as Murtasim sighed, not looking forward to the evening at all.


Meerab couldn't help but wish she had heeded Murtasim's suggestion to stay in their room and enjoy a quiet movie night instead of attending this lavishing party. The gathering was bustling with guests, and the mere thought of socializing weighed heavily on her. This was her first party as Murtasim Khan's wife, and Maa Begum had taken it upon herself to introduce Meerab to literally everyone in attendance. With each new introduction, Meerab felt her social energy draining bit by bit.

In the midst of the overwhelming social interaction, Meerab's thoughts couldn't help but drift toward Murtasim. She longed for his reassuring presence beside her, wishing he could shield her from the sea of unfamiliar faces and the pressure of endless introductions. However, as she discreetly scanned the room for him, she noticed that he, too, was ensnared in conversations with the numerous guests.

To make matters more challenging, Mariam wasn't present to provide her with support. She had opted to stay home and focus on her upcoming exams, a luxury Meerab wished she had as well. But for the time being, she masked her true feelings behind a practiced, albeit fake, smile, and her voice carried the grace expected of a Khan family member. She continued to navigate the never-ending stream of unfamiliar faces and names, all the while yearning for the solitude and comfort of her husband.


Murtasim had never been a fan of his father's associates and friends' social gatherings. The company of men who resembled his own father was suffocating enough. He yearned for the tranquility of his wife's presence in the comfort of their room, but instead, he found himself entangled in conversations with middle-aged men, discussing politics and business. His mind wandered to Meerab, and he couldn't help but wonder how she was faring in the midst of this crowd. Yet, he felt helpless to do much about it.

He couldn't help but think sarcastically about the so-called "perks" of being married into the Khan family as he sympathized with Meerab. The weight of their social obligations seemed to press upon them both, each yearning for the simple solace of each other's company.


As the evening wore on, Meerab felt increasingly drained by the constant stream of introductions and conversations. She navigated through the maze of unfamiliar faces, her steps growing heavier with each encounter. As Meerab tried to search for her husband, she scanned the whole venue but was unable to spot him anywhere. So, she took it upon herself to find peace for a moment. She began to slowly roam around the elegant venue, scanning for a secluded corner where she could steal a quick breath of fresh air.

Her search finally led her to a cozy alcove tucked away from the main gathering. With a sigh of relief, Meerab settled into a comfortable chair and closed her eyes, hoping to momentarily escape the overwhelming social whirlwind. The soothing sound of her own breath filled her ears, and she began to relax.

However, just as she was beginning to unwind, a deep husky voice broke through her brief moment of solitude. "Are you finding the party overwhelming as well?"

Meerab's eyes followed the voice that came from behind. She turned to see a man standing there, dressed in a finely tailored grey checkered suit. His hair was perfectly styled and gelled back, giving him a polished look. A light stubble adorned his chiseled jawline, adding a rugged charm to his otherwise suave appearance. His strong, well-defined facial features were complemented by a hint of boyish charm, making him appear both mature and youthful. His dark eyes holding a mysterious glint to them. There was a light smirk playing on his face as he introduced himself, "Hi, I'm Zain," extending his hand toward her.

"I'm Meerab," she replied hesitantly, shaking his hand, not wanting to come off as rude.

"Oh, what a pretty name," Zain remarked, his gaze not leaving Meerab's.

"Thank you," she said, lightly taking her hand away from his.

"Parties like these can be a major brain roast, right? Those meet-and-greets with oldies can be hectic as hell," Zain joked.

Meerab laughed lightly, sharing the same sentiment. "Surely, they can be quite suffocating."

"I agree!" Zain exclaimed as he closely observed her. "I've never seen you here before," Zain asked, his curiosity apparent.

"Well I—" before Meerab could answer, her name was called out, "Meerab."

Murtasim had been searching for Meerab for quite some time now. He knew that she might be feeling overwhelmed surrounded by so many people. He tried to spot her in the midst of the crowd but failed to find her. Roaming around, he finally saw her near a secluded corner, away from the crowd. He smiled lightly as he made his way toward her, but his smile faded when he spotted another person with her – someone he was not so fond of. Zain was there, joking around with his wife, making her laugh.

As Murtasim got closer to them, he overheard Zain asking her, "I've never seen you here before."

Before Meerab could answer, Murtasim called out for her, disrupting the conversation between the two. Their gaze shifted toward Murtasim, and he noticed Zain's friendly demeanor shifting to surprise.

"Oh, Murtasim, there you are. I've been trying to find you for so long," Meerab said as Murtasim wrapped his arms around her waist, a gesture that surprised her.

"Zain, how are you?" Murtasim asked, his voice firm.

"Murtasim, what a surprise," Zain replied, his gaze locking onto Murtasim's arm around Meerab.

"I see that you guys have already met. This is Meerab, my wife," Murtasim said, his hold slightly tightening on Meerab as he stressed upon the word 'wife'.

Murtasim couldn't help but notice a unsatisfied glint in Zain's eyes, a glimmer of intrigue or perhaps something more calculating. "Murtasim," Zain began, his smirk still present but now laced with a hint of something else, "you never told me you had such a beautiful wife."

Murtasim's response was composed, his voice carrying a hint of anger and irritation as he gently rebuffed Zain's attempt to delve further into the conversation. "Well, Zain, I don't think we're close enough to be discussing such matters."

Zain's persistent smirk remained, and he chuckled lightly, seemingly savoring the discomfort he was causing. "Fair enough."

The tension in the air was clearly palpable as Zain and Murtasim stood there, their gazes locked in an unspoken standoff, all while Meerab stood between them, her expression a mixture of confusion and unease as she observed the two men in front of her.

Murtasim, sensing the need to leave, turned his attention toward Meerab. His gaze softened as he looked at her and said, "Anyway, Meerab, we think should leave now. It's quite late."

Meerab nodded, her mind still buzzing with curiosity and unease. She offered a polite farewell to Zain, though her voice held a tinge of uncertainty. "Oh, okay. Bye, Zain. It was nice meeting you."

Zain, with his smugness, responded with a parting smile that left the door open for future encounters. "Likewise, Meerab. I hope we meet again. Bye, Murtasim. It was so nice to see you after ages."

Murtasim nodded in acknowledgment as he held Meerab's hand, their intertwined fingers providing a reassuring anchor as they exited the party.


Meerab couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion gnawing at her. She had never seen Murtasim behave like this before – the over possessiveness, the anger in his eyes, and the palpable tension between him and Zain. The encounter had left her deeply perplexed, and as they settled in the car, she decided to address the issue that was weighing on her mind.

She cleared her throat and called out to Murtasim, her voice laced with curiosity and concern. "Murtasim, what was that?" she questioned.

Murtasim, seemingly caught off guard by her inquiry, replied with a hint of annoyance, "What?"

"Why were you and Zain behaving so strangely?" Meerab pressed, her brows furrowing with genuine confusion.

Murtasim let out a frustrated sigh, his frustration with the situation evident. "I just... God I hate him so much. And seeing you with him pissed me off," he admitted, his voice tinged with bitterness.

"But why?" Meerab asked, her voice gentle but filled with curiosity. "He seemed... normal?"

"Normal?" Murtasim scoffed, his irritation bubbling to the surface. "He's just a cocky bastard who likes to annoy me in every way possible," he replied curtly.

Meerab was taken aback by the intensity of Murtasim's emotions. She couldn't fathom why this encounter had stirred such strong feelings in him. "Murtasim, why are you getting so worked up? I'm confused; please, tell me what's wrong?" She reached out to touch his arm, seeking a deeper understanding of his inner turmoil.

Murtasim took a deep breath, his frustration slowly giving way to a need to confide in Meerab. He began to share a side of his past that he had rarely discussed.

"You see, Meerab, Zain and I go way back," he began, his voice tinged with nostalgia and bitterness. "He was a bully since childhood, always trying to one-up me. We used to go for hunting trips with our fathers sometimes when we were kids, and he would go out of his way to show off in front of them."

Meerab listened attentively; her eyes fixed on Murtasim as he continued. "It was as if he had this constant need to prove himself superior than me. His cockiness and arrogance is just so infuriating, and he never missed a chance to truant me."

Murtasim's gaze turned distant as he recalled those childhood memories. "I tried to be civil, to rise above it, but it felt like a constant battle. I just, I couldn't stand the thought of him trying to get close to you, trying to assert his dominance, just like he used to do with our fathers. And then his reputation of being a shameless flirt and his weird obsession with partying and supposedly drinking."

He turned to Meerab, his expression softening as he sought understanding. "And I'm sorry if I came off as possessive or angry. It's just that Zain has a way of getting under my skin, and I can't bear to see him anywhere near you."

Meerab, her curiosity now mixed with empathy, gently squeezed Murtasim's hand, offering him reassurance and understanding. "Murtasim, you don't need to apologize, it's okay. I just... I've never seen you like that before, so I was shocked."

Murtasim sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly as he admitted, "I'm sorry, I know I'm being unreasonable, but I just hate him so much."

Meerab placed a comforting hand on his arm, her voice soothing. "It's okay, Murtasim. Let's forget about it, hmm?" she said with an encouraging smile.

"Alright," Murtasim whispered, a half-smile forming as he looked at Meerab. Her calming presence had a way of easing his concerns. He knew that logically, the past was behind them, and they were adults now. But there was an underlying tingling sensation in his subconsciousness that indicated that this meeting with Zain wasn't going to be just passing encounter.

I want you all to tell me who you envision Zain as👀

Apologizes for any typos or errors!! I hope you all like this

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