Marvel's Reaper ( Male reader...

By writerofnew

150K 4.7K 2.2K

Male reader x Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff ANTI - HERO Y/N is a young man living in New York City. He st... More

Info 4 Story
Nice work kid (Iron man 2)
What can you really do (Thor)
Kids a superstar (Avengers)
Introductions (Avengers)
Shakespeare in the park (Avengers)
You brought the monsters (Avengers)
Shake back (Avengers)
Battle of New York PT. 1 (Avengers)
Battle Of New York PT. 2 (Avengers)
Reaper Solo Film
Why? (Iron Man 3)
Family (Iron Man 3)
We're connected (Iron Man 3)
That was violent (Iron Man 3)
Dragonstone bargain sale (Reaper : The Dark One)
Memories (Reaper : The Dark One)
The Dark one (Reaper : The Dark One)
18th Birthday !!!
18th Birthday !!! Pt.2 {M}
On your Leeefffttttt!!!! (Winter Soldier)
You've grown up (Winter Solider)
When do we start? (Winter Soldier)
Unhand me (G.O.T.G Vol.1)
That is also true! (G.O.T.G Vol.1)
Aurgun predator (G.O.T.G Vol.1)
You said it yourself (G.O.T.G Vol.1)
Guess who's back ? (Avengers: A.O.U) {M}
How could you be worthy? (Avengers: A.O.U)
We'll do that together too (Avengers: A.O.U)
Took some hits (Avengers: A.O.U)
Let's find her (Avengers A.O.U)
Age of Ultron (Avengers: A.O.U)
Battle of Sokovia (Avengers: A.O.U)
Y/N's most impressive feats so far
Rebuilding Bridges
(Operation C.U.W.) {M}
"Did it really?" (Reaper 2: Tombstone)
As it turns out ( Reaper 2: Tombstone)
I is that! (Reaper 2: Tombstone)
A King & A Prince/ Trinity Rising {M}
Can't take the heat{M}
Y/N's Powers at age 21
My pack{M}
I blame you!! (Civil War)
Sides of the same coin (Civil War)
Red Book (Civil War)
Drawing sides (Civil War)
Airport brawl PT. 1 (Civil War)
Airport Brawl PT.2 (Civil War)
Pitstop in Wakanda
Happy Holidays
You have a sister?(Black Widow)
Merry Christmas (Pole)
Fighting Pose (Black Widow)
(Kid's Name pole finale)
You two have a dad? (Black Widow)
Take em to school (Black Widow)
Decisions (Black Widow)
New Story?
New Story??
How is your daughter, huh? (Spiderman : HC)
Live your life (Spiderman : HC)
Another cloak (Spiderman : HC)
Make you a promise (Spiderman : HC)
Mr. Reaper (Spiderman : HC) {M}
Kids Name Pole (Update)
Wanted you to be better (Spiderman : HC)
SpideyPete (Spiderman : HC)
Acceptance (Doctor Strange)
Tribes (Black Panther)
Bloodline revealed (Black Panther)
2nd Poll
Battlefront (Black Panther)
All from our Past (Black Panther)
Seeds planted/Pre- IW PT.1
Seeds Planted/ Pre-IW PT.2 {M}
Thanos (Infinity War)
Divide & Conquer (Infinity War)

Third Correction, Im not a hunan (Winter Soldier)

2K 68 44
By writerofnew

Abandoned military base

"This is it." Steve says as they get out the truck.

"The file came from these coordinates." Nat says putting the phone in her pocket.

"So did I." Steve says as they keep walking around.

"This camp is where I was trained." Steve says as he looks around, clearly reminiscing.

"Changed much?" Y/N asks as he sees Steve taking it in.

"A little." Steve says as he can envision him before the serum running around.

"This is a dead end. Zero heat signature, zero waves, not even radio. Whoever wrote the file must have used a router to throw people off." Natasha says putting the scanner up.

Steve looks at a building and Y/N follows his line of sight. He looks inside using his x-ray vision and he can see the secret elevator.

"What is it?" Nat asks them.

"Army regulations forbid storing ammunition within five hundred yards of the barracks. This building is in the wrong place." Steve says as they walk towards it.

"I saw a shield logo on the wall inside." Y/N says as Steve breaks in with his shield. Y/N turns looking around making sure on one is following them.

They walk inside and walk towards the elevator. Still looking around the main office.

"You think this is where SHIELD started?" Nat asks looking at files.

"Maybe where it started." Steve replies as they walk and see an old picture of two men and a woman.

"There's Stark's father." Nat says making Y/N look at him.

"This is Tony's old man." Y/N says picking up the picture.

"Who's the girl?" Nat asks as Steve just stares at her picture without speaking.

They walk down and find shelves where Y/N said the elevator was.

"Secret entrance?" Nat asks shrugging her shoulders.

"If your already working in a secret office.." Steve starts as he pushes the shelves apart.

"Why do you need to hide the elevator?" Steve finishes.

"Nice to know every generation has been on bull shit." Y/N says as Nat pulls out a device.

"Super spy shenanigans." Y/N says excitedly as he loves when Nat does shit like this.

She puts the code in and the elevator opens. They step in and head down to the lowest level. When the doors open the room in front of them is pitch black.

"Great, now we're on the other side." Y/N says nefore he uses his vision to look within it.

"We're good." Y/N says as he walks in front of them. The lights slowly come on as they walk a main computer.

"DAMN!! This shit is old." Y/N shouts as Steve looks at him.

"Sorry." Y/N replies since this is the time Steve comes from.

"This can't be the data-point, this technology is ancient." Natasha says as they look around at the dusty piece of shit their in.

Natasha notices a small flash drive port. She places the flash drive they got from Fury in it. It then activates one of the ancient computers in the room.

"Initiate system?" The computer says.

"Y-E-S, spells yes." Nat says as she types it in and the computers start powering up.

"Shall we play a game?" Nat says smirking giving Y/N the creeps.

"It's from a movie -"I know, I saw it." Steve says cutting Nat off.

"Rodgers, Steven. Born, 1918. Romanoff, Natalia Alianovna. Born, 1984. L/N, Y/N. Born, 1995." The voice says.

They see an old camera moving above them as it analyzes them.

"It's some kind of a recording." Nat says.

"I am not a recording, Fräulein." The computer says.

"Fräulein?" Y/N asks questioning the old terminology.

"I may not be the man I was when the Captain took me prisoner in 1945, but I am." The computer says as the computer screen shows an old photo of Dr. Arnim Zola.

"They put yo dumb ass in a box." Y/N says laughing.

"Do you know this thing?" Nat asks.

"Arnim Zola was a German scientist who worked for the Red Skull. He's been dead for years." Steve says walking around.

"First correction, I am Swiss. Second correction, I am not dumb you idiot human." Zola says to Y/N.

"Third correction. I'm not a human, jackass." Y/N replies.

"Fourth, look around you. I have never been more alive.... In 1972 I received a terminal diagnosis. Science could not save my body, my mind, however, that was worth saving on two hundred thousand feet of data banks..... You are standing in my brain." Zola says.

"How did you get here?" Steve asks.

"Invited." Zola replies.

"I can tell you didn't get no pussy." Y/N says shaking his head.

"It was Operation Paperclip after World War II. SHIELD recruited German scientists with strategic value." Nat says.

"They thought I could help their cause... I also helped my own." Zola says.

"HYDRA died with the Red Skull." Steve says.

"Cut off one head, two more shall take its place." Zola says showing the hydra symbol.

"Prove it." Steve says challenging him.

"Accessing archive.." Zola says.

"HYDRA was founded on the belief that humanity could not be trusted with its own freedom.
What we did not realize, was that if you try to take that freedom, they resist. The war taught us much.
Humanity needed to surrender its freedom willingly." Zola says as the trio watch the footage.

"After the war, SHIELD was founded and I was recruited.... The new HYDRA grew. A beautiful parasite inside SHIELD. For seventy years HYDRA has been secretly feeding crisis, reaping war. And when history did not cooperate, history was changed." Zola informs them.

"That's impossible, SHIELD would have stopped you." Nat says in disbelief.

"Accidents will happen." Zola says as he shows a newspaper.

"Tony's parents." Y/N says.

"Y/N..." Nat says sadly pointing to an article under it. Y/N reads it and his chest gets heavy. His heart starts beating faster as the screen shows another accident. Tears begin to fall from his face as Nat walks to him hugging him.

"Who did it?" Y/N asks walking closer to Zola. His eyes flash green as the lights flicker. Electric sparks start coming from the computer as the lights fade.

"I SAID... WHO... DID IT?" Y/N asks sounding like chaotic being.

"The Winter Soldier..." Zola replies.

Y/N's face stills and shows no emotion. He keeps crying but his facial expression is blank. Nat walks to him to console him but he walks away. Nat looks hurt and goes to talk to him but Steve pulls her back.

"Let him process it." Steve says to her. She looks at Y/N for awhile before nodding.

"HYDRA created a world so chaotic that humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedom to gain its security. Once the purification process is complete, HYDRA's new world order will arise." Zola says.

"We won, Captain. Your death amounts to the same as your Life; a zero sum." Zola says as Steve smashes the screen with his shield.

"As I was saying..." Zola continues popping up on another screen.

"What's on this drive?" Steve asks.

"Project Insight requires insight. So I wrote an algorithm." Zola explain.

"What kind of algorithm? What does it do?" Nat asks.

"The answer to your question is fascinating. Unfortunately, you shall be too dead to hear it." Zola says as suddenly the doors starts to close. Steve tries stops it by throwing his shield in between it but he's too late.

"Steve, we got a bogey. Short range ballistic... 30 seconds tops." Nat says checking her device.

"Who fired it?" Steve asks.

"S.H.IE.L.D." Nat replies as she grabs the hard drive.

"I am afraid I have been stalling, Captain. Admit it, it's better this way. We're both of US...out of time." Zola says as Steve notices a small opening on the ground.

"Y/N COME ON!!" Steve shouts looking at Y/N who's standing still.

"Y/N!!!!" Nat yells as Steve throws the metal door aside.

Nat tries to run to Y/N but Steve grabs her and throws himself and Nat into the hole and protects them with his shield. As the place explodes resulting in the building crumbling all over them.

Steve peaks under his shield and sees a large piece of debris coming straight for them. He prepares and braves himself for impact.

It never comes.

Steve looks up and sees Y/N covering them. Still with no emotion on his face at all. Y/N takes his shield and holds it over them until the debris stops falling.

He earth bends the debris away from before grabbing them and sprinting out of the base. Heading back into the city, looking for someone.


After they escape, Rumlow and the STRIKE team arrive on the scene. They look for any signs of their bodies but don't find any. Rumlow sees a footprint and sees that they escaped.

"Call in the assets." Rumlow says through his coms.


Sam has just returned from his jog and is in his place about to drink some orange juice. He takes a few sips before he hears a knock on his door. He goes to answer it revealing the hunter trio.

"Hey, man." Sam says looking at Steve then Y/N and Nat.

"I'm sorry about this. We need a place to lay low." Steve replies.

"Everyone we know is trying to kill us." Nat explains as her and Steve are being held up by Y/N.

"Not everyone... Come freshen up." Sam says as he lets them in and they nod gratefully.

Y/N let's Steve and Nat go as he walks to the table and sits. He stays in his mind thinking about what to do.

"The Winter Soldier..."

"Who is he?"

"It wasn't an accident.. Could he have killed TJ and Eric too?.."

"Chunks missing..."

"Im going to tear him to shreds..."

"Gonna have to kill the other one first." Y/N thinks to himself.

He's broken out of his thoughts when he feels Natasha walk to him. She sits in his lap and wraps an arm around him.

"Feelings first, business later or Business first, feelings later?" She asks him looking in his eyes.

"Their deaths first..." Y/N says with a tear falling down his face. Nat wipes it away before hugging him tightly.

"Let's go freshen up." Nat says getting and taking him into the bathroom.


The loving couple sits on the bed as Steve walks in looking at their expressions.

"You two okay?" Steve asks and Y/N nods.

"Yeah." Nat replies still looking empty as Y/N just stares into the distance.

"What's going on?" Steve asks.

"When I first joined SHIELD, I thought I was going straight. But I guess I just traded in the KGB for HYDRA. I thought I knew whose lies I was telling, but...I guess I can't tell the difference anymore." Nat says.

"There's a chance you might be in the wrong business." Steve says making Y/N snort and Natasha smile faintly.

"We owe you." Steve says to Y/N who nods to him still staring into the wall.

"It's okay."Y/N says with a little bit more emotion.

"I have a question." Steve says to Y/N.

Y/N gets the idea that it's a serious question and turns to his friend.

"Y/N....  why do you.... become so emotionless sometimes?" Steve asks wanting to learn more about his friend.

"When I get really angry.. I can feel myself switching into a beast like state... I stop feeling human...So it takes me a while to get those feelings back again." Y/N explains to them.

They both nod as Steve understands now and Nat understands it clearer. She knew he changed after traumatic events but not to that extent.

"Now I have a question." Nat says making them look at her.

"If it was the other way around.. And it was down to me to save your lives, and you two be honest with me.... Would you trust me to do it?" Nat asks looking vulnerable for one of the few times.

"I would now. And I'm always honest." Steve says sincerely.

"I trust you with my life, принцесса." Y/N says looking her in the eyes.

"I made breakfast... If you guys... eat that sort of thing." Sam says opening the door.


"So, the question is: who in SHIELD could launch a domestic missile strike?" Nat asks.

"Pierce." Steve says as their sitting at the table eating.

"Who happens to be sitting on top of the most secure building in the world." Y/N says.

"But he's not working alone, Zola's algorithm was on the Lemurian Star." Steve says.

"So was Jasper Sitwell." Nat says.

"So, the real question is: how do the two most wanted people in Washington kidnap a SHIELD officer in broad daylight?" Steve asks. Y/N sees Sam heading their way with a file.

"The answer is: you don't." Sam says as he drops a file in front of Steve.

"What's this?" Steve asks.

"Call it a resume." Sam replies sitting back as Natasha picks up a photo of Sam with his para-rescue team.

"Is this Bakhmala? The Khalid Khandil mission, that was you." Nat says as Sam nods.

"You didn't say he was a para-rescue." Nat says to Steve who's looking at the photo of Sam with his colleague.

"Is this Riley?" Steve asks.

"Yeah." Sam replies a little sadly.

"I heard they couldn't bring in the choppers because of the RPGs. What did you use, a stealth chute?" Natasha asks.

"No, These.." Sam says as he hands Steve the file.

"I thought you said you were a pilot." Steve says looking at him.

"I never said pilot." Sam replies with a smile.

"I can't ask you to do this, Sam. You got out for a good reason." Steve says shaking his head.

"Dude, Captain America, Black Widow and The Reaper needs my help.. There's no better reason to get back in." Sam says.

"Where can we get our hands on one of these things?" Steve asks.

Sam Wilson: The last one is at Fort Meade, behind three guarded gates and a twelve-inch steel wall.

Steve looks at Natasha who shrugs her shoulders. They look at Y/N and he nods before taking off to get it.

"Shouldn't be a problem." Steve says as he throws down the file on the table and we see that it's a classified military project called Falcon.


Y/N is sitting down in his position as they're about to hijack Sitwell and squeeze him until he dies.

Wait no that's not it.

They're getting information out of him. If he dies that won't be a bad thing either though.

"Really? Cause she's killing my back. Look, this isn't the place to talk about it...This is a nice pin." The senator says.

"Thank you." Sitwell replies.

" Come here." The senator says as they embrace each other.

"Hail, HYDRA." They both say.

"Their both Hydra." Y/N says into his coms.

"We'll get em." Steve says.

As Stern steps away he touches his back.

"See, it's right there.." The senator says.

"I just saw that, yeah." Sitwell says.

"Should I get it checked?" Stern asks him.

"I think you should." Sitwell says before Stern walks away.

Sitwell gets a call from Pierce and he looks at his guards.

"I need a minute. Bring the car around." He tells them as his men leave.

"Yes, sir?" Sitwell answers.

"Agent Sitwell, how was lunch? I hear the crab cakes here are delicious." Sam says over the phone.

"Who is this?" Sitwell asks.

"The good looking guy in the sunglasses, your ten o'clock." Sam says smiling as Sitwell looks around but doesn't see him.

Sitwell looks at Y/N who smirks at him and Sitwell gets nervous. Even though Y/N has shades and a hoodie on.

"Your other ten o'clock." Sitwell turns the other way and sees Sam sitting a few feet away from him.

"There you go." Sam says.

"What do you want?" Sitwell asks.

"You're gonna go around the corner, to your right. There's a grey car, two spaces down. You and 1 are gonna take a ride." Sam informs him.

"And why would I do that?" Sitwell asks fronting like he's hard.

"Because that tie looks really expensive, and I'd hate to mess it up." Sam says as Sitwell looks down at his tie and sees a small red light from the gun being pointed at him.


Steve throws Sitwell across a rooftop as Natasha follows behind him.

"Tell me about Zola's algorithm." Steve says walking towards him again.

"Never heard of it." Sitwell says backing up until he's on the ledge.

"What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?" Steve asks after grabbing him.

"I was throwing up, I get seasick." Sitwell says making Steve force him to the edge of the rooftop. Sitwell just smiles thinking he's in the win.

"Is this little display meant to insinuate that you're gonna throw me off the roof? Because it's really not your style, Rogers." Sitwell says smirking with false confidence.

"You're right. It's not. It's hers." Steve says as he steps aside and Natasha kicks Sitwell off the roof. He plummets down, screaming

"Oh, wait. What about that girl from accounting, Laura...?" Nat asks trying to remember her name.

"Lillian. Lip piercing, right?" Steve asks.

"Yeah, she's cute." Nat says.

"Yeah, but it's not her." Steve says.

Sam flies up with Sitwell with the item that Y/N stole from the secured location. He drops Sitwell before landing himself.

Steve and Natasha walk towards Sitwell and he holds his hand up in fear.

"Zola's algorithm is a program.... for choosing Insight's targets!" Sitwell answers on the floor.

"What targets?" Steve asks.

"You!... A TV anchor in Cairo, the Undersecretary of Defense, a high school valedictorian in lowa city.... Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, Peter Parker, anyone who's a threat to HYDRA!... Now, or in the future." Sitwell yells waxing his arm.6

Y/N hears Peter's name and grabs Sitwell by the throat. Lifting him from the ground to the air like a rag doll. His eyes turn green as he looks him in the eyes. His canine teeth elongate as the sky starts to get dark. Lightning strikes the ground around them as Y/N gets angrier.

"Oh my goodd." Sitwell let's out as he starts crying in fear of Y/N.

"Touch Peter and I will wipe out everyone in your bloodline... No matter the age." Y/N says before throwing him back to Steve.

"The Future? How could it know?" Steve asks and Sitwell laughs.

"How could it not? The 21st century is a digital book. Zola taught HYDRA how to read it." Sitwell explains as he stands up.

"Your bank records, medical histories, voting patterns, e-mails, phone calls, your damn SAT scores. Zola's algorithm evaluates people's past to predict their future." Sitwell continues.

"And what then?" Steve asks.

"Oh, my God. Pierce is gonna kill me." Sitwell says angering Y/N.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK IM GONNA DO??!!" Y/N shouts grabbing him by the throat again. Sam flinches a little from Y/N's outburst.

"Then the Insight Helicarriers scratch people off the list..... A few million at a time." Sitwell says as Y/N drops him.


"HYDRA doesn't like leaks." Sitwell says in the backseat.

"Shut the fuck up." Y/N says and he shuts up instantly.

"Insight's launching in sixteen hours, we're cutting it a little bit close here." Nat says.

"I know. We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the Helicarriers directly." Steve says in front seat.

"What?! Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea-Sitwell gets cut off as he gets snatched out of the car and thrown into oncoming traffic.

Y/N looks as sees it's the winter soldier. He starts shooting as Y/N catches every bullet with his hand.

"HIT THE BRAKES!!" Y/N yells and Sam does it, sending the soldier in front of them.

"RAAGHHHH!!!" Y/N let's growls from the backseat as his eyes are green and his fangs are showing.

"Y/N!!" Nat yells but he's already gone.

Y/N is hyper focused on the winter soldier that he doesn't pay attention to his surroundings. All of sudden he gets hit by a huge gust of wind. Sending him off the road onto the street below.

He looks up and sees the man with the wind powers a few feet away from him. He has a weapon this time and Y/N doesn't even know what it is.

He doesn't care..

He charges at him full speed as the man meets him in the middle. They punch each other with their fists connecting. Sending shockwaves all around them. Breaking windows and making buildings rumble.

Y/N knees him in the stomach before grabbing him by the throat. Flinging him into a building but the man stops at the last second. He takes out the weapon attached to his back and blue water like energy goes around it.

(I drew this and added edits to it.)

"What the fuck is that?" Y/N asks as the man jumps in the air slamming it down. Ice shards shoot to Y/N who dearth bends a wall up to block it.

He speeds around the wall and shoots fire at him with the both of his hands.

The man lifts up ice to block his attack. Surprising Y/N as he didn't know he could do that.

Y/N shoots more fire blast at him melting away at all the ice walls he creates.

"Y/N!!" He hears Nat yell so he rushes to her without thinking.

He goes to run but the man uses his weapon to fly through the air. Catching up to him in seconds. He throws the knife attached to the weapon and Y/N dodges it at the last second.

He catches it with his left hand and wraps it around his forearm before pulling the man to him. He punches him in his head, denting his armor knocking him out.


Y/N hears Nat grunt and his eyes widen before he takes off to her.

He sees her hiding behind a car holding her shoulder as he smells her blood. The scent of her blood and her being in pain fucks with his mind as he twitches.

He transforms into his wolf form and jumps right over Nat, hitting the winter soldier. The soldier shoots his rifle at him but the bullets bounce off him as he growls.

Y/N jumps on him and his claws dig into his shoulders making him scream in pain. He goes down to bite him but he gets smacked with a block of ice sending him into a truck.

He gets up and shakes it off, seeing the man from earlier. He charges at him again as Steve starts fighting the winter soldier.

Y/N charges at him and jumps. Transforming back into his human form mid air. He breathes his green fire at the man who quickly uses his weapon to put it out.

"Your fire is unique, I've never seen any Zionite fire like that before." He says twirling his weapon around.

"Nobody's ever seen anything like me." Y/N says as he summons fire daggers.

"Oh... i've seen you before. You weren't this brutal.... I'm proud." He says before summoning an ice axe and an ice shield.

They charge at each other as Y/N quickly creates a fire sword. He swings down and the man blocks it with his shield. Y/N intensifies the fire as the shield starts melting.

The man knees Y/N in the stomach before cutting him on his leg with the axe. Y/N's fire sword fades away as the man presses him. He jumps into the air spinning, slamming the axe down on Y/N. Cutting his shoulder as he barely dodges.

He summons ice around his fist and punches Y/N repeatedly in his chest. Y/N uses his speed to move back but the man stays right on him. Kicking him in the face before hitting him with an uppercut.

Y/N counters his overhand by grabbing his arm and putting him in a kimura lock. He uses his strength to try and rip his arm off making the man scream in pain.

He then summons ice around Y/N's neck making him let go. He grabs Y/N and flips him over his shoulder. Slamming him down hard into the ground. He jumps into the air about 20 ft. Before coming straight down summoning a glacier around his feet.

Seconds away from impact Sam shoots at him, distracting him before quickly flying away. When he looks down at Y/N, he's nowhere to be found. He lands on the ground searching for him but can't find him.

"STOP HIDING!!!" The man yells angrily.

Y/N raises the earth trapping the man's lower half before summoning the earth below around his fist.

He charges at him throwing a fury of punches at him. Connecting on all of them, hitting crucial body parts. The man breaks a hand free but Y/N sends the earth around his left fists to the man's hand.

He sets the right fists on fire punching him in the jaw with a combo of fire and earth.


The man lays on the ground unconscious as Y/N walks to him. His face part of the armor is busted. He looks  at his weapon and he sees the reading on it.

He takes off trashing Nat's scent and quickly finds her. He scoops her up in his arms before running to Cap.

"Bucky?" He hears Steve say as Sam lands down next to Steve.

"Bucky?"Y/N asks confused.

He turns and sees the soldier with his mask off. He feels himself getting angry again and his eyes glow. He starts walking but Nat puts her hand on his face snapping out of the beast trance.

"Stop.." Nat says to him softly making him confused.

The trio hear sirens as they are surrounded by HYDRA agents being led by Rumlow.

"Drop the shield, Cap! On your knees!
Get on your knees! Now! Get down! Get down!" Rumlow says as multiple agents surround them.

Y/N sees Steve put his hands up so he gives up as well, following him. He keeps Nat in his arms as he just stands

"Don't move." Rumlow says pushing Steve to his knees.

Rumlow sees helicopters from the news stations and tell his soldier to drop his gun that's aimed at Steve.

"Put the gun down. Not here. Not here!" Rumlow says as they take the four into custody.

"Finally realized you can't win Reaper." Rumlow says with a smirk.

"All that power yet you follow behind a steroid abuser with a frisbee." Rumlow says walking away.


"It was him.... He looked right at me like he didn't even know me." Steve says as he's still recalling what happened.

"How's that even possible? It was like seventy years ago." Sam says.

"Zola. Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43, Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. They must have found him and..." Steve says before getting cut off.

"None of that's your fault, Steve." Nat says sitting in Y/N's lap. He's holding her wound putting pressure on it.

"Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky." Steve says looking down.

"We need to get a doctor here. We don't know what was on that bullet." Sam says seeing Nat's blood all over Y/N.

Suddenly one of the guards pulls out an electric rod and neutralizes the other guard and knocks him out, the guard is revealed to be Hill as she takes off her helmet.

"Ah. That thing was squeezing my brain." Maria says making the three avengers smile.

"Happy to see me?" Maria asks smirking.

"I know why I am, this one howev-"CODE." Steve says cutting Y/N off making him and Sam laugh. Nat and Maria are just confused by the boy antics.

"Who's this guy?" Maria asks looking at Sam.

"Long story, let's go." Nat says to her.


Rumlow's crew stop their vehicles and get out, going to the back.

"Three holes. Start digging." she says as they go over to the van holding Steve, Sam, Y/N and Natasha. They open the door to find it empty with one of the guards left unconscious and massive burnt whole on the car floor.

There's also a note.

"I'm going to kill you Rumlow~ Y/N."

Rumlow swallows nervously as he balls the note up dropping it.


Maria takes the trio to a secret facility. A man runs to them seeing the state Natasha is in.

"GSW. She's lost at least a pint." Maria says pointing to Nat.

"Maybe two." Sam adds.

"Let me take her." The doctor says.

"She'll want to see him first." Maria says taking them to Fury who's alive and lying in bed causing the trio look at him in shock.

"About damn time." Fury says making Y/N laugh before hugging the man.

"Lacerated spinal column, cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver, one hell of a headache." Fury says as he's laying in the bed and Nat is being treated.

"Don't forget your collapsed lung." The doctor informs him.

"Oh, let's not forget that. Otherwise, I'm good... I owe you kid. If you hadn't of came when you did I would've been toast." Fury says making Y/N nod at him before focusing on Nat again.

"They cut you open, your heart stopped." Nat says.

"Tetrodotoxin B. Slows the pulse to one beat a minute. Banner developed it for stress. Didn't work so great for him, but we found a use for it." Fury says.

"Why all the secrecy? Why not just tell us?" Steve asks.

"Any attempt on the director's life had to look successful." Maria says walking closer to Steve.

"Can't kill you if you're already dead.... Besides, I wasn't sure who to trust besides the kid." Fury says and Nat takes a hit from that.

"Nat has been with you every step of the way... Hell, she's the only reason I walked on your ship a few years ago." Y/N says looking at Fury.

"Y/N-"NOO!!... I know you got trust issues from whatever happened to your eye and I do too... But Nat has been there for you... Reward her with your trust and loyalty." Y/N says before walking out getting some air.

Fury looks defeated for one of the few times and sighs heavily. Maria rubs Nat on her uninjured shoulder before walking after Y/N along with Steve.


Y/N is sitting on the floor, back against the wall thinking to himself.


"Your fire is unique, I've never seen any Zionite fire like that before." He says twirling his weapon around.

"Nobody's ever seen anything like me." Y/N says as he summons fire daggers.

"Oh... i've seen you before. You weren't this brutal.... I'm proud." He says before summoning an ice axe and an ice shield.

(Flashback over)

"What does he mean he's seen me before??"

"I wasn't this brutal??"

"What??" Y/N thinks to himself confused.

"That weapon.... He could fly with it.. How did he summon ice like that?"

"Y/N what's up?" Steve asks Y/N seeing him deep in thought.

"The man I fought.... I-I  think he's a zionite." Y/N says to them taking them back a little.

"What makes you think that?" Maria asks sitting down next to him

"Isn't the other Zionite your brother though?" Steve asks.

"Supposedly, that's what Canora said but I haven't heard from him since." Y/N says looking down.

"He even had some weird looking weapon. It was like a giant fan with a chain attached to it." Y/N says.

"Its called a gunbai, basically a giant fan like you said." Maria says to him.

"Japanese war fan." Steve says to him making him think.

"It had symbols on it, I need to know what they mean's because I refuse to believe he's a hydra product being that powerful." Y/N says as he remembers the exact symbols.

"I know Japanese, what we're the symbols?" Maria asks him.

"They uhhh.." Y/N says thinking of how to show her.

He lights his finger up and draws it on the ground. He traces over and over until it shows clearly. Once he's done Mari and Steve both look at it.

"Zaire." Maria says making Y/N and Steve's eyes widen.

"Let me guess.. that's your brother's name?" Maria asks.

"Yup." Y/N says shaking his head, laughing. They look at him confused before he stands up pacing.

"This doesn't even fucking surprise me." Y/N putting his hands over his head.

"What are you gonna do?" Steve asks as him and Maria are side by side.

Y/N turns and looks at them with a serious face.

"What are you gonna do about Bucky?" Y/N asks walking up to Steve.

"He killed Tony's parents... and he killed mine's." Y/N says making Steve wince. Y/N's starts getting emotional as he's feeling again.

"I know he did and even if he wasn't in his right mind. He still did it... he still did it." Steve says.

"I don't want him to die... he's my best friend... But you are my friend too kid." Steve continues.

"I know he caused you and Tony unbearable amounts of pain... And nothing can make up for that.. So I know why you want to kill him.. Trust me I do." Steve says looking him in the eyes.

"But you want to try and save him." Y/N says as a tear streams down his face.

"Y/N." Maria says gently.

"I know he wasn't in his right mind... UGGHHHH, i've been around you two too long." Y/N says as he knows this isn't on Bucky.

"I won't kill him..." Y/N says to Steve making him and Maria release a deep breath.

Y/N walks back to where the others are before stopping and turning his head.

"But if he hurts gets out of line... I will make sure that there is no coming back.... There won't be enough vibranium for a new body.." Y/N says walking off.


"Steve." Maria says.

"Yea?" Steve replies looking at her.

"You have to tell him." She says to him.

"Yea, I know.. Tony deserves to know." Steve replies as he sighs.

"I just.."Wish things were different." Maria says finishing his sentence.

"Yea." Steve replies.

"Yea.. well i'd say that based on how things are now. Your doing a pretty good job." Maria says confusing him.

"Steve... you are one of the few people who are responsible for Y/N... The one needed to stop Zakaryx." Maria says.

"He's only I don't know, possibly rivaling Thor at the age of 18?... If he falls down the wrong path or slips up... who knows what that means for everything." Maria says.

"I don't think i'm the one responsible for that though." Steve says looking down. Thinking of Nat, Jaejae, Tony and Pepper.

Maria lifts Steve's head up with a finger under his chin.

"You just heard it from the kid himself." Maria says with a smile before walking off.


"This man declined the Nobel Peace Prize.... He said, "Peace wasn't an achievement, it was a responsibility." See, it's stuff like this that gives me trust issues." Fury says as Y/N walks in.

"We have to stop the launch." Nat says.

"I don't think the Council's accepting my calls anymore." Fury says as he opens a case containing three chips.

"What's that?" Sam asks.

"Once the Helicarriers reach three thousand feet, they'll triangulate with Insight satellites becoming fully weaponized." Maria informs them.

"We need to breach those carriers and replace their targeting blades with our own." Fury says.

"One or two won't cut it. We need to link all three carriers for this to work, because if even one of those ships remains operational a whole lot of people are gonna die." Maria says.

"We have to assume everyone aboard those carriers is HYDRA. We need to get pass them, insert the server blades, and maybe, just maybe, we can salvage what's left.." Fury says making Steve shake his head.

"We're not salvaging anything. We're not just taking down the carriers, Nick, we're taking down SHIELD." Steve says looking at Fury.

"SHIELD, had nothing to do with it." Fury replies getting defensive.

"Ehh, a few years ago I did say that your higher ups were sketchy." Y/N reminds them.

"You gave me this mission, this is how it ends. SHIELD's been compromised, you said so yourself. HYDRA grew right under your nose and nobody noticed." Steve says.

"Why do you think we're meeting in this cave? I noticed." Fury says.

"And how many paid the price before you did?" Steve asks.

"Look, I didn't know about Barnes." Fury says sincerely.

"Even if you have, would you have told me? Or would you have compartmentalized that too?" Steve asks him.

"SHIELD, HYDRA, it all goes." Steve says.

"Hydra will never fully go, someone will be inspired by their bullshit somewhere." Y/N says.

"He's right." Maria says looking at Fury. Fury then looks at Natasha then Sam.

"Don't look at me. I do what he does, just slower." Sam replies.

Fury looks at Y/N and he shrugs not really caring if both organizations go.

"Now you and Maria can be strictly team avengers." Y/N says smirking at Steve who whispers "Code" to him.

"Well... Looks like you're giving the orders now, Captain." Fury says leaning back in his chair.


"He's gonna be there, you know?" Sam says to Steve who's been spending time thinking.

"I know." Steve replies.

"Look, whoever he used to be, the guy he is now, I don't think he's the kind you save. He's the kind you stop." Sam tells him.

"I don't know if I can do that." Steve says honestly.

"Well, he might not give you a choice. He doesn't know you." Sam says.

"He will... Gear up, it's time." Steve says as he turns and starts to walk off.

"You gonna wear that?" Sam asks.

"No. If you're gonna fight a war, you gotta wear a uniform." Steve says as he keeps walking.


Y/N is standing by himself with his gear on thinking again. Nat walks up to him and wraps her arms around him affectionately.

"What's this for?" Y/N asks turning his head to her.

"For accepting one of my biggest insecurities.. I thought you would look at me differently." Nat replies making him face her.

"Your past made you the woman you are now.. I'll always love you." Y/N says kissing her passionately.

"I love you too." Nat says between kisses.

They keep kissing as they start to feel on each other. Really needing to stop before this leads to something else. Nat breaks away as they both smile at each other.

"What are you gonna do about Zaire?" Nat asks him

"I'm gonna hunt him down.. If he puts up another fight i'll beat him until he's right in the head again.. I'll have to drag him away from the action." Y/N says.

"How come?" Nat asks confused.

"I don't think I can be around Bucky right now without getting that killer urge." Y/N says making her nod.

"And I don't think Canora told me about Zaire just for me to kill him.... I'm going to use the dragonstone to try to take away whatever Hydra did to him. " Y/N continues.

"Good, cause I don't think that's why he told you either." Nat replies smiling before they hug each other.


Smithsonian Museum

A guard looks over to the Captain America exhibit when he notices the Captain America WW2 uniform
has been stolen.

"Oh, man. I am so fired!" The guard says in shock.


On the last chapter

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