Fated Love

By mehhh024

76.4K 4.8K 816

In a story shaped by fate, Khan Murtasim Khan and Meerab Waqas Ahmed are brought together to get married, a u... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Last Chapter
New fanfic annoucement

Chapter 20

1.8K 119 26
By mehhh024

Meerab had gradually molded herself to the rhythms of her new life in Hyderabad. Despite the bonding moments spent with Murtasim, a yearning for her old friends and the familiar comforts of Lahore still tugged at her heartstrings. As an introvert, Meerab's friend circle was never expansive, yet she cherished the memories of carefree outings with her childhood friends – be it shopping sprees, movie nights, or relaxed gatherings at quaint restaurants. However, in the tapestry of Hyderabad's unfamiliarity, a sense of monotony had settled in, and the lack of a social life only intensified this sentiment.

While the friendship she shared with Mariam was a source of comfort for her, but Mariam's commitments to university often left Meerab to her own devices for long stretches of the day. Thus, when Mariam extended an invitation to join her and her friends for an outing, a surge of both excitement and hesitation coursed through Meerab's thoughts.

"Meerab, would you like to go out? There's an exhilarating festival happening around my college with different types of stalls. Would you be interested?" Mariam's eyes glinted with anticipation.

Meerab wanted to take up the inviting offer but her inner introvert, however, held her back. A surge of anxiety prompted her to inquire, "Um, will there be others joining us?"

"Yes, a few of my friends will be there. Why?" Mariam's curiosity piqued.

Meerab grappled with her emotions. "Mariam, You know, I tend to be a bit shy around new people. I don't want to create awkwardness between you and your friends. So I'll just pass."

Encouragement followed as Mariam rallied to sway her, "Come on, Meerab. This could be a great way for you to break from your routine. You're always engrossed in your Khanum duties. It's time to distract yourself with something fun."

While Meerab's heart whispered the desire to join in, her reservations maintained their grip. " umm... I don't know, Mariam." Her voice was tinged with uncertainty.

Their deliberation was soon interrupted by the arrival of Murtasim. Eager to join the conversation, he asked, "What distractions are we discussing here?"

Mariam swiftly filled him in, "Bhai, Meerab spends most of her time cooped up at home. It's a bit dull, to be honest. So, I invited her to accompany me and my friends for an outing."

Curiosity marked Murtasim's tone, "An outing, huh? But, Mariam, you're aware that Baba Sahab doesn't allow you to go out for these events, right?" Murtasim reminded her and Meerab couldn't help but roll her eyes at Uncle Shahnawaz's rigid rules.

Mariam's mischievous grin surfaced. "Yes, yes, I know. But there's this festival near my college. It coincides with my classes, so I thought I'd skip and have some fun. No need for Baba Sahab to know."

Murtasim chuckled, "Aren't you a cheeky little devil?"

With a playful nudge, Mariam turned her attention back to Meerab, "Convince her, Bhai."

Murtasim, well-aware of Meerab's introverted tendencies, jumped in with a gentle smile, "Meerab, why don't you join her? You've been feeling bored at home, right? This could be your chance to step out and socialize."

Averting her eyes, Meerab softly replied, "I don't want to make Mariam uncomfortable or ruin her fun by being awkward around her friends."

Mariam had a flash of idea. "Wait, how about you come, Bhai? You can be with Meerab, keep her company. Meanwhile, I'll hang out with my friends."

Murtasim's expression wavered, and Meerab quickly interjected, "It's alright, Murtasim's quite busy anyway, so—"

Murtasim cut her off with a decisive nod, "Alright, I'll go."

Meerab attempted to dissuade him, "Murtasim, you really don't need to—"

But Murtasim's resolve was unshakable, "But I want to."

With a heartfelt smile, he glanced at Meerab. In that moment, he understood the weight of her responsibilities and how she longed for the carefree days of the past. This outing was an opportunity for her to recapture some of that joy, and he wouldn't let it slip through their fingers.

A tender moment ensued as Meerab voiced her concern, "Are you sure? What about your work? And the Khanum duties?"

Murtasim's eyes held a soft intensity, "Everything else can wait. Your happiness is more important."

Meerab's hesitance melted away, replaced by a genuine smile that reflected both shyness and gratitude. Her heart swelled as she met Murtasim's unwavering gaze. It was a rare moment of vulnerability that she cherished deeply. For the first time in months, the prospect of going out and embracing a world beyond the walls of her familiar surroundings felt invigorating.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice carrying a world of emotions. Her eyes sparkled with a mixture of appreciation and anticipation, mirroring the dappled sunlight streaming through the window.

Murtasim's own smile broadened, a silent understanding passing between them. He knew the significance of this outing extended far beyond a mere social gathering. It symbolized a chance for Meerab to loosen the reins that bound her to responsibilities, allowing her to taste the freedom she had been longing for.


As the next day dawned, Meerab couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement. She stood before the mirror, the reflection gazing back at her radiating an aura of anticipation. Her choice of attire, a simple yet elegant dark green outfit. She stole fleeting glances at herself in the mirror, adjusting a strand of hair with a gentle touch.

The soft sunlight filtering into the room seemed to dance upon her face, lending an extra glow to her features. With a determined expression, she gave herself a quiet pep talk. Today was more than the festival; it was an opportunity to step out of her monotonous routine, embracing the vibrancy of life, and perhaps rediscover a piece of herself she had forgotten.

As Meerab was caught up in her own excitement, Murtasim had been observing her sitting across on the resting chair. He had taken note of the ceaseless smile that had graced Meerab's face ever since he had agreed to accompany her. Her excitement was undeniable, and it stirred something profound within him. He comprehended the challenges she had faced, uprooting herself from her past life and settling into the complexities of their feudal setup. She had embraced her new life without complaint, taking on her responsibilities with determination and grace. The rare moments of venting were never more than fleeting frustrations.

However, today, her demeanor spoke volumes. As she donned the deep green shalwar kameez, her fingers moving with a practiced grace. She delicately curled her hair and applied a light touch of makeup, each action resonating with her excitement for the day's festivities. Murtasim couldn't help but feel a swell of affection at the sight of her happiness.

Her choice of color, the play of sunlight on her features, the subtle confidence in her demeanor – they all converged to paint a portrait of a woman who held his heart. In that moment, the busy world around them seemed to pause, allowing him to witness this intimate and vibrant facet of Meerab that he held dear.

Amidst her own swirl of emotions, Meerab's gaze fell on Murtasim, who had been already looking at her. She smiled lightly, her eyes carrying a mix of eagerness and gratitude. "Shall we go?" she said, trying to calm her excitement. Murtasim lightly nodded as they both embarked a journey to the promising festival.


Mariam bid farewell and joined her friends as they dispersed. Amidst the colorful crowd of people, Meerab's gaze swept over the bustling scene, feeling almost overwhelmed by the kaleidoscope of sights and sounds surrounding her. The festival grounds were adorned with an array of stalls, each vibrant in its own right. Food stalls beckoned with aromatic delights, jewelry sparkled under the lights, mehndi artists were hard at work adorning hands, and intricate handicrafts caught the eye at every turn. It was a tapestry of cultural experiences, and Meerab found herself momentarily lost amidst the vibrant maze.

However, amidst the array of choices, her heart had already settled on her first spot. A glint of recognition illuminated her eyes as they landed on the gol gappa stall, its lively vendor deftly crafting the beloved street food. A smile tugged at her lips, and she exchanged a quick glance with Murtasim, communicating her intention without uttering a word.

With a nod, she ventured towards the stall, the excitement dancing in her eyes. She was greeted by the sight of the familiar array of ingredients – crisp shells, tangy tamarind water, spicy fillings, and a medley of chutneys. Lost in her thoughts, she signaled the vendor, expressing her desire for a plate of this beloved delicacy. As the gol gappas were placed before her, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. It was a taste of nostalgia, a connection to the bustling streets of Lahore that she had left behind. The first bite was a burst of flavors – the crispness of the shell giving way to the explosion of tangy and spicy fillings. It was a moment of culinary ecstasy, and she closed her eyes momentarily, savoring the sensation.

Unbeknownst to her, Murtasim's eyes were fixed on her as she indulged in her delight. The warmth of affection flickered in his gaze, the sight of her enjoying something as simple as gol gappas filling him with a unique sense of contentment. He observed her with a mixture of fondness and admiration. There was a certain charm in the way her eyes lit up, her brows furrowing in concentration as she savored each bite.

Her enjoyment was infectious, and as she finished her plate and ordered another one, she looked up to meet his gaze. "Murtasim, you have to try these gol gappas" she declared, her voice carrying a mixture of excitement and encouragement.

Murtasim's initial response was a chuckle, amused by her enthusiasm. "Meerab, I'm not really a fan of these thing," he responded.

Undeterred, Meerab's smile persisted. "Oh come on, Murtasim. It's all part of the experience. Trust me, you won't regret it."

Murtasim's eyebrows raised in playful skepticism, but the sparkle in Meerab's eyes was too infectious to resist. With a good-natured sigh, he conceded, "Alright, just for you."

As the gol gappa appeared on the plate before him, Murtasim eyed it with a mixture of intrigue and skepticism. Before he could protest further, Meerab's fingers deftly picked up a gol gappa and dipped it into the tamarind water. She held it up to him, her gaze a mixture of encouragement and playfulness.

"Here you go, Murtasim. Try it and allow yourself to experience something exceptional," she teased, her voice laced with excitement.

Murtasim accepted the proffered gol gappa, his smile a blend of amusement and curiosity. With a cautious bite, his expression shifted from skepticism to surprise. His eyes widened as the spice hit him, and he couldn't help but blink a few times, reaching for his glass of water.

"Whoa, Meerab, that's spicy!" he exclaimed, his voice carrying a mix of amusement and mild disbelief.

Meerab's laughter rang out like tinkling bells in response to his reaction, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "Murtasim, listen to you making those sounds! It's not even that spicy. Can't handle a little spice?"

Murtasim grinned, his eyes gleaming with good-natured humor. "Alright, alright, you win. I suppose I'm more of a 'less spice' person in this relationship." Their playful banter resonated in the air, an echo of their shared experiences and the unique bond they shared.

As Meerab continued her explorations and Murtasim simply followed her lead, they stumbled upon a churiyaan stall that glittered with an array of colors and designs. The display shimmered in the sunlight, a mesmerizing sight of jewelry that seemed to hold a piece of the festival's spirit.

Meerab's eyes danced with anticipation as they surveyed the assortment of the churiyaan. Her gaze settled on a beautiful set – an exquisite blend of green and gold, the colors resembling her outfit. With a soft smile, she indicated her choice to the vendor, her excitement palpable.

As the vendor retrieved her churiyaan, her anticipation grew. The bangles glinted in the sunlight, each one a testament to craftsmanship and artistry. She extended her hand towards the vendor, ready to adorn herself with the chosen bangles, eager to add a touch of festivity to her attire.

However, before she could wear the churiyaan, Murtasim's sudden touch took her by surprise. His fingers gently enclosed around hers, a possessive yet gentle gesture that sent a thrill through her. She turned towards him, her eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and affection.

Murtasim's gaze was intense, his expression unreadable yet filled with a sense of ownership that stirred her heart. With a hint of a smile playing on his lips, he took the churiyaan from the vendor's hand, his eyes never leaving hers. It was a gesture that held a depth of emotion beyond words, a silent declaration of his presence and his desire to be a part of every moment she cherished.

His fingers worked deftly, the touch both tender and assured as he slid the bangles onto her wrist. The green and gold intermingled, creating a striking contrast against her skin. The bangles whispered a melody of festivity, a harmony of colors that mirrored the vibrant spirit of the festival itself.

Meerab's heart raced, the touch of his fingers against her wrist sending ripples of sensation through her. She held his gaze, her own eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions – gratitude, affection, and a growing sense of intimacy that words could never fully capture.

As he fastened the last bangle into place, their eyes held for a lingering moment. He intertwined their hands together as the unspoken connection between them spoke volumes, a shared understanding of the unbreakable thread that bound their hearts together.


The festival's energy was contagious, but as the hours ticked by, Meerab and Murtasim began to feel the weariness tugging at their limbs. Their steps slowed, their hands found each other instinctively, and without needing to exchange a word, they both knew it was time to find a peaceful spot to rest. As they navigated through the crowd, their fingers intertwined, they spotted a secluded bench nestled under a tree. The shade it provided was inviting, a sanctuary amidst the bustling energy of the festival.

As they settled onto the bench, a collective sigh of relief escaped their lips. The gentle rustle of leaves above created a soothing melody, the breeze a gentle caress against their skin. The world around them seemed to fade into the background, leaving behind a sense of tranquility that was like a balm to their tired souls.

"It's nice to just sit and take it all in, isn't it?" Murtasim's voice was a soft murmur, the fatigue evident even in his words.

Meerab nodded, a contented smile gracing her lips. "Absolutely. Sometimes, amidst all the excitement, finding a moment of stillness is the most precious gift."

Murtasim's eyes reflected a mixture of contemplation and gratitude, his gaze drifting over the bustling festival as he spoke. "You know, Meerab, it's been so long since I've felt this way. Ever since you came into my life, I've started to feel a kind of peace that I thought was lost to me. It's as if the weight of misery has been lifted."

"Misery?" Meerab's voice held curiosity and concern.

Murtasim let out a sigh, his shoulders relaxing as he opened up. "It's difficult to put into words. The last time I remember feeling anything close to this was perhaps back when I was studying at Stanford for university. But even then, it wasn't quite the same."

Meerab's brow furrowed with genuine interest. "Did you enjoy your time there?"

Murtasim's gaze became distant, lost in memories. "Not as much as I could have. You remember I told you that I've always been passionate about arts, about painting and expressing myself through art."

Meerab nodded lightly.

A shadow of regret crossed Murtasim's expression. "I had dreams of pursuing a degree in arts from France's national school of fine art. It was my passion, my dream. But my father vehemently opposed it. He said that it was utterly stupid, something that was a mockery to a 'real man.'"

Murtasim's voice took on a bitter tone as he continued, "He got my paintings, my canvases burnt – every piece of my creative world got thrown away. He even ordered me to never think about it again."

Meerab's heart ached as she listened, her hand reaching out to gently hold Murtasim's. She couldn't even bear to think what Murtasim might have gone through. He continued, his voice laced with pain. "I wanted to rebel, but the thought of my mother and sister, trapped in this world, stopped me. And so, I knew there was no escape from the life my father had decided for me. Finance was a compromise, a way to buy time and figure things out, even if it wasn't my true passion."

Murtasim's gaze met Meerab's, and his eyes glistened with a mix of emotions. As her hand caressed his, her voice soft and sincere, she comforted him. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. It's truly heartbreaking how your dreams were shattered in such a brutal way."

A moment of quiet understanding passed between them before Murtasim's voice returned, this time warmer, more hopeful. "But now, everything has changed. Since you've come into my life, everything seems to have fallen into place. You've brought a kind of solace I never thought I'd find again. For the first time in a long while, I can truly breathe."

Meerab's eyes held a mixture of empathy and admiration as she looked over at him. She tried to imagine herself in his position but even the thought of not being able to pursue law felt suffocating enough. Smiling softly at him, Meerab's eyes radiated empathy and understanding. Her fingers gently traced patterns on the back of his hand, a soothing gesture that conveyed more than words ever could. "Murtasim, I'm here with you now. And together, we'll find a way to bring back those lost pieces of your dreams, to carve out a path that resonates with your true passion."

Murtasim's gaze met hers, his eyes shimmering with a mix of vulnerability and hope. "You really think so?"

Meerab nodded, her voice gentle yet resolute. "Absolutely. Dreams don't have an expiry date. They might get hidden or pushed aside, but they never truly fade away. It's never too late to pursue what ignites your soul."

Murtasim's eyes shinned with hope and gratefulness as he nodded at Meerab. As they sat together, silence engulfed them. Their shared understanding and the promise of a future guided by their combined efforts enveloped them like a protective cocoon. The festival's energy continued to swirl around them, but in that tranquil moment, their connection and the dreams they held dear were the focus of their universe.


Around 5pm, they finally arrived back home, the comforting embrace of their familiar surroundings welcoming them after a day of excitement. Fortunately, Shahnawaz wasn't present, sparing them from an unnecessary lecture session. As Mariam headed towards her room, Meerab's voice called out, stopping her in her tracks. "Mariam."

Turning to face her, Mariam looked at Meerab with a questioning expression. Meerab's words held a genuine warmth as she expressed her gratitude, "Thank you for pushing me to go to the festival, Mariam. I feel so good and relaxed."

Mariam's smile was bright as she replied, "No problem, bhabi. You deserve this, and I think the real appreciation belongs to bhai. So, you should thank him."

With a nod and a grateful smile, Meerab watched as Mariam made her way to her room. Turning her attention to Murtasim, she found him waiting for her in the hallway.

As they entered their room, the intimacy of the moment settling like a comfortable aura between them. Meerab's gaze held a hint of contemplation. Murtasim noticed the thoughtful expression on her face and couldn't help but ask, "Is something on your mind, Meerab?"

Her eyes met his, and in that fleeting moment, she found her heart overflowing with emotions. With a soft, affectionate smile, she whispered a heartfelt, "Thank you for today," her voice carrying the weight of her appreciation for all that he had done for her.

Before Murtasim could fully comprehend her words, he felt the gentle brush of her lips against his cheek. His heart skipped a beat as a rush of warmth spread through him, and a blush colored his cheeks. The unexpected tenderness of the gesture left him momentarily stunned.

As if realizing the boldness of her actions, Meerab's cheeks also flushed, but a playful glint danced in her eyes. Before the moment could stretch further, she quickly excused herself, retreating to the bathroom.

Left alone in the room, Murtasim sat down on the edge of the bed, his heart racing and a soft smile playing on his lips. He brought his fingers to where Meerab's kiss had landed on his cheek, his thoughts swirling with a mix of surprise and delight.

Butterflies fluttered in his stomach, and he couldn't suppress the giddy feeling that had taken over him. He replayed the moment in his mind, her soft lips against his skin, the warmth of her gratitude. As he leaned back on the bed, his thoughts continued to revolve around the unexpected and sweet gesture.

The room seemed to hold the echo of her presence, and as he closed his eyes, the sensation of her lips against his cheek lingered like a gentle breeze. If a simple festival outing could earn him a cherished kiss on the cheek, he swore that he was ready to offer her the entirety of his universe and more.


Apologizes for any typos or errors.
Thankyou for all the love and support🤍

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