Fated Love

By mehhh024

85.4K 5.2K 822

In a story shaped by fate, Khan Murtasim Khan and Meerab Waqas Ahmed are brought together to get married, a u... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Last Chapter
New fanfic annoucement

Chapter 19

1.8K 146 52
By mehhh024

Meerab had been keenly observing Murtasim's behavior for over a week now. He had become needlessly sulky, often lost in his own world. Her attempts to inquire about his well-being were met with short responses and noncommittal hmms. She considered that work might be weighing heavily on him, yet he had refrained from discussing any thing like that. The fleeting thought of Uncle Shahnawaz scolding him again crossed her mind, but Murtasim had never exhibited such behavior before, leaving Meerab perplexed. Even Mariam had taken notice of his uncharacteristic shift.

One evening, as the sun dipped low, Murtasim returned home after a long day. Previously, he would greet them with a wide grin and engage in casual chitchat, but lately, a mere whispered "salam" escaped his lips before he retreated to their room. "What's going on with him?" Mariam asked Meerab, her own confusion mirroring Meerab's concern.

"Oh my God, don't ask. He's been acting so strangely. Rarely speaking, lost in his own thoughts most of the time. And when I ask him something, he just pouts and seems irritated," Meerab replied, her voice tinged with annoyance.

"That's definitely odd," Mariam chimed in.

"Do you think Uncle Shahnawaz said something to him?" Meerab contemplated aloud.

Mariam shook her head. "I doubt it. He doesn't react like this when Baba Sahab says something to him. Usually, he'd hide it, but this feels like he wants us to notice that something's wrong. Or perhaps he's just trying to get attention from you?"

Meerab let out a chuckle. "What more attention would he need from me? We share a room and talk almost all the time," she retorted.

Mariam's smile held a touch of mischief. "You know, it could be a different kind of attention he's looking for. Bhai does requires special princess treatment at times"

Mariam's statement broke the two of them in a laugh distracting Meerab from the reason behind her husband's abrupt behavior. Yet, deep within, she made a mental note to have a direct conversation with Murtasim later.


As Meerab entered their room, her eyes fell upon Murtasim sprawled on the sofa, his attention glued to his phone, radiating an air of tiredness and moodiness. It might not have seemed like the perfect timing, but the weight of his sullen demeanor had become unbearable for her. "Is there something bothering you, Murtasim?" she blurted out, her concern palpable.

"Hmm, no, not really." Murtasim replied casually, though his gaze never left his phone.

"Did Uncle Shahnawaz say something to you?" Meerab probed further, her determination to unravel his secret unwavering.

"No," came Murtasim's concise response.

"Has work been particularly stressful?" Meerab continued, hoping to navigate through the layers of his unease.

"No," Murtasim's tone remained moody and curt.

Her patience dwindled, annoyance slipping into her words. "Then what's with this mood? Why are you behaving like a hormonal teenager?"

Murtasim blinked, taken aback by her directness. "What do you mean? I'm fine," he retorted, his voice defensively neutral.

"Why this constant sulking and detachment?" Meerab pressed on, her determination beginning to match her irritation. "If something's bothering you, Murtasim, you know you can share it with me, right?"

"Yes, I know, Meerab, but I'm fine" Murtasim replied, attempting to brush aside her concern with a dismissive tone.

Meerab contemplated the idea of pressing him further, but a sense of practicality prevailed. She understood that pushing him might not provide the answers she sought. Perhaps he was struggling with something that would eventually dissipate, she reasoned, as she consciously attempted to avoid overthinking about his sudden change in behavior.


Murtasim was far from being fine. At first, a pang of annoyance mixed with a tinge of heartbreak coursed through him. The casual, platonic label Meerab had assigned to their relationship stung him deeply. Friend? Was he merely categorized as a friend on her behalf when she was the center of universe for him? Murtasim acknowledged that expecting Meerab to miraculously fall head over heels in love with him might be unrealistic, but settling for a platonic friendship was not what he had envisioned. He embarked on a mental journey through the times they had spent together, attempting to pinpoint when he might have emitted these supposedly platonic vibes.

Had it been when he suggested they take things slow? Or perhaps when he mentioned the idea of a pillow between them to ensure her comfort? Did that distance unintentionally convey disinterest on his part? His mind became a swirling storm of questions. Why didn't she find him attractive? Was it the way he talked? His occasional snoring? His personality? Or could it be a matter of physical appearance? Meerab's fondness for Korean dramas weighed on him; perhaps she was drawn to those clean-shaven faces and he, a devotee of his beard and mustache, couldn't quite measure up.

Staring at his reflection in the mirror, a wild thought crossed his mind – should he shave? The very idea felt absurd; he hadn't parted with his facial hair for a solid four years. Yet, he found himself contemplating it in his search for answers. Would he look good without his facial hair? Did he even remotely match the type of person she might find attractive?

Murtasim found himself dramatically overthinking, his hands covering his face in mock despair. "Meerab, what sorcery have you cast upon me?" he silently lamented, his internal turmoil growing.

Gradually, the storm inside him began to settle. He tried to make peace with Meerab's statement, recognizing that perhaps being friends wasn't the worst fate. After all, didn't Shah Rukh Khan famously declare "pyaar dosti hai"? Maybe this was her tentative step towards love, a subtle shift in perspective. If they were friends, it meant she felt at ease around him, trusted him with her secrets, and found solace in his company.

Particularly after Meerab called attention to his odd behavior, he realized his overblown sulkiness was entirely illogical. Being called a friend was a positive sign, a sign he should interpret with more optimism. Maybe, just maybe, the path to her heart was being paved, one platonic step at a time. But for now, he realized that he had to get rid of all the moodiness that had Meerab questioning his sudden change of behavior.


One night, Murtasim returned home later than usual, the moon casting a gentle glow on the quiet surroundings. As he entered their room, he noticed Meerab, her eyes fixed intently on the television screen, absorbed in one of her dramas. A soft smile tugged at his lips; her enthusiasm for these k-dramas had been a subject of amusement for him, but tonight it seemed like a wonderful coincidence.

"Hey," he greeted her softly, trying not to startle her.

Meerab turned her head with a surprised yet delighted expression. "Oh, you're back! Did you have dinner?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry that I got this late, I should have messaged you." Murtasim replied.

"It's alright, I've been quite busy too," Meerab said, pointing at the screen with a sheepish smile.

Murtasim returned the smile and headed to the bathroom to change into his nightwear. Upon his return, he observed Meerab engrossed in the scene, rolling her eyes and snorting irritatedly at times. Intrigued, he slipped into his side of the bed and settled beside her. Glancing at the screen, he saw the characters immersed in a intense scene. Curious, he asked, "What's this drama about?"

Meerab's eyes danced with excitement as she animatedly described the drama's storyline. "So basically, it's a love triangle story where the two main leads are in love with each other, but there's this other guy who's also in love with the girl. However, he hasn't confessed because he knows she'll always choose the main lead only," she explained to Murtasim, who watched her with an amused fondness. Her enthusiasm was contagious, and he found himself charmed by her every expression.

"Oh, that's a tough situation," Murtasim responded, reigning in the grin that threatened to break free. He watched as her features shifted, her passion undeniably evident.

"But that's not even the worst part," Meerab continued, a tinge of disappointment and frustration in her voice. "I'm on Seo Jun's side. He loves her so much. I mean, sure, the leads are meant to be together, but just look at him. And this girl, Ju Kyung, oh God, she's so oblivious!" Meerab's words flowed like a river of genuine emotion. "She's treating Seo Jun like a friend even though it's clear he's deeply impacted by his feelings for her."

Ouch. That struck Murtasim right in the heart.

"Isn't she just being dumb? He's practically wearing his heart on his sleeve, and she's acting clueless and blind," Meerab questioned, her gaze shifting to Murtasim, seeking his perspective.

Murtasim was caught in a whirlwind of irony. He observed Meerab, her animated commentary unknowingly mirroring her own stance in their relationship. His thoughts spiraled into a maze of comparison between the drama's characters and their own dynamic.

Clearing his throat, Murtasim responded with a tinge of sarcasm, "Oh, absolutely. It's like she can't see what's right in front of her." his eyes holding a playful glint as he added "it's quite frustrating when someone misses the obvious that's staring right at their face."

As his words hung in the air, a sense of amusement settled between them. Murtasim couldn't help but draw parallels between the drama's plot and their own relationship.

Meerab nodded, satisfied with his answer, as she continued "Anyway," she continued, her voice carrying a touch of melancholy, "I've watched this drama before too. It's sad how the main leads find their happiness together, while Seo Jun remains trapped in his one-sided love." With a decisive press of a button, she turned off the TV, ending their viewing session.

Murtasim found himself drawn to the topic of love, a curiosity welling up within him. He impulsively asked, "So, what's your take on love then?"

Meerab's gaze fixed on him, a mixture of confusion and surprise coloring her expression. This kind of direct conversation was new territory for them, and his question caught her off guard. "Um, honestly, I don't really know," she admitted, her voice soft and thoughtful. "I've never actually experienced love before."

Murtasim's curiosity persisted. "But still," he probed gently.

A contemplative look crossed Meerab's features. "Love feels like a concept that's distant from reality," she began, her tone tinged with a touch of sadness. "It's almost like a fictional creation meant to provide an escape from the complexities of life. Even the people who claim to love you might choose to walk away when faced with certain situations." Her voice carried a note of vulnerability, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. Her mind drifted to the painful memory of her parents' claims of love, only to see it crumble with a single incident.

"Meerab," Murtasim's voice was gentle, a soothing presence amidst the weight of her thoughts. "What happened?" he asked, trying to comprehend the sudden shift in their conversation.

She attempted to brush off the topic, "It's nothing," she replied, her words a feeble attempt to shield her emotions.

But Murtasim remained persistent. His concern was unwavering. "You know you can share anything with me, right?" Murtasim's words carried a genuine warmth, a silent reassurance that he was there to listen, support, and understand whatever burden she carried.

Their gaze held for a moment, a silent exchange of understanding passing between them. Meerab felt a mixture of relief and vulnerability, as if a weight had been lifted by the simple act of being heard and acknowledged. Murtasim's presence felt reassuring, and she found herself inching closer to him, seeking a kind of comfort that transcended words.

Murtasim's heart swelled with tenderness as he watched Meerab's guarded expression soften. He shifted slightly on the bed, creating a space for her to nestle against his side. Gently, he reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder, a subtle gesture of support. He felt the tension in her body slowly ease as she leaned into his touch, allowing herself to be vulnerable in his presence.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Murtasim asked softly, his voice carrying a mixture of compassion and patience. He didn't want to press her, knowing that she would open up when she was ready. But he wanted her to understand that he was there for her, that she didn't have to bear everything alone.

Meerab hesitated for a moment, her gaze fixed on the dimly lit room as if searching for the right words. Finally, she sighed softly and began to speak, "You know how we got married haphazardly. We didn't know each other before and it all felt too overwhelming," she said, her eyes seeking reassurance from Murtasim, who nodded in understanding.

"I was utterly taken aback by it all. The idea of marrying someone I didn't even know, it frightened me," she continued, her words flowing gently. "And you know me, I stood my ground. I refused to enter into this marriage with a stranger. But my parents... they just seemed unable to see things from my perspective."

Meerab shifted closer to Murtasim, seeking comfort in his presence as she continued to share her feelings. Her voice held a mixture of sadness and frustration, her words carrying the weight of her experiences. "I tried explaining to them, tried making them understand that it was a difficult task for me to simply accept something so crucial when all my life, I'd been given the autonomy to make choices. But now, when it's the most significant decision of my life, I felt like I was being forced into it against my will."

Murtasim's understanding presence provided solace, and he gently rubbed her shoulder, easing her distress as she shared more. "But they just couldn't seem to understand it," Meerab continued, her voice quivering with restrained emotion. "We argued, and my baba... he said I was ungrateful. He told me that I didn't appreciate the sacrifices they'd made for me, that letting me study law had been a mistake." she started sobbing on his side.

Seeing Meerab in this state tugged at Murtasim's heart. Meerab's behavior with her parents started to make sense. The pain she carried was palpable, and it stirred a protective instinct within him. She deserved understanding and compassion, not this turmoil.

Her words trembled as she recounted her feelings, the hurt and confusion etched into her voice. "Those words... they cut so deep. I felt like the foundation of trust and love we'd built over the years was just shattered in an instant," Meerab shared, her voice quivering with the raw emotion of the memory. "I couldn't believe that my own parents would prioritize other things more than their daughter's happiness. Even if it was unintentional, yet, they still made me feel like an ungrateful child who deserved nothing."

She wiped away the tears that had escaped her eyes, her fingers trembling slightly. "It wasn't just about the marriage, Murtasim. It was about feeling unheard, unseen, and unloved by the very people I had always turned to for support. It felt like they had abandoned me in just a mere moment" Her gaze met his, her eyes searching his face for understanding.

Murtasim's heart ached as he listened to her, feeling the weight of her pain as if it were his own. He gently cupped her cheek, wiping her tears away, his touch a silent reassurance of his presence and empathy. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Meerab," he said softly, his voice filled with genuine sympathy.

Meerab's confession hung in the air, her words carrying the weight of her past struggles and vulnerabilities. "This is why I doubted you after Haya said those things. It wasn't that I wanted to, but the fact that my parents had broken my trust in an instant, I found it hard to trust you as well. My insecurities came crawling in, and I just burst like that," she admitted, her voice carrying a mix of relief and sadness.

Murtasim's expression softened as he listened attentively, his heart going out to her. As he softly caressed her cheek, his touch comforting, "I understand, Meerab. Thank you for sharing this with me. You're not alone in this," he said softly, his eyes reflecting his empathy.

In that poignant moment, a question that had been lingering at the back of Meerab's mind found its way to her lips. With her gaze locked onto his, her eyes glistening with fresh tears, she hesitated for a moment before asking, "You won't leave me, will you? You won't abandon me like my parents did, right?" The raw vulnerability and innocence in her question tugged at Murtasim's heartstrings achingly, as he felt a pang of sorrow for the pain she had endured.

Without hesitation, he pulled her into a warm embrace, his arms enveloping her as he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. His voice, filled with sincerity, reassuring her, "Where could I possibly go? I will always find my way back to you, by your side, no matter what."

As they held each other, the weight of their shared emotions bridged the gap between them, fortifying their bond in a way that mere words couldn't express.

Without breaking the hug, meerab spoke, her voice slightly broken due to all the crying. "Thank you for being here, for listening," she said, gratitude lacing her words. "It means more than you know."

"Always, Meerab. I'll always be here for you," Murtasim replied softly.

Wrapped in the warm cocoon of Murtasim's arms, Meerab felt a mixture of emotions flood over her—relief, gratitude, and an overwhelming sense of connection. His words resonated deep within her, offering a solace she had been yearning for. In that moment, Meerab realized that healing wasn't an instantaneous process, but having someone like Murtasim by her side made the journey feel less daunting. With her head nestled against his chest, she closed her eyes and allowed herself to simply be in the moment.

Murtasim's heart beat in sync with hers, the steady rhythm a comforting reminder of his presence. He held her close, as if shielding her from the world's uncertainties. His fingers gently traced soothing patterns on her back, offering a silent promise that he was there to support and love her through every storm.


After a while, Meerab slowly withdrew from their embrace, her eyes slightly glossy, and the tip of her nose reddened. The small smile on her lips, however, reassured Murtasim that the hug had somehow managed to lighten her mood. As she inhaled deeply, her voice held determination, "Now, you have to tell me what has been bothering you."

Murtasim's initial response was a feeble, "It's nothing," an attempt to brush off the issue. But Meerab didn't sway. "No, enough of this. You have to tell me!" she insisted firmly.

He let out a sigh, his cheeks tinged with a hint of rosy color. "It's stupid," he confessed, feeling a mix of vulnerability and embarrassment.

"Tell me," Meerab demanded, her gaze unwavering.

Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes briefly, Murtasim finally let his words spill out, "It's just that you called me your friend, and it felt weird. It was as if you saw me in a platonic way and nothing more than that."

The silence that followed was deafening for him, and he slowly opened his eyes to find Meerab staring at him. Suddenly, her laughter broke the tension, and Murtasim couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and embarrassment. "Oh my god, Murtasim," she managed to say through her laughter, "I said that because I wanted to tell you that I felt comfortable with you, that you're my safe haven, like how friends are. I didn't literally mean that, it was a reference."

The realization hit Murtasim like a wave. He felt his face grow warm, and he uttered, "Oh. OH," feeling like he had been caught in a misunderstanding.

"You're so dumb," Meerab teased, her laughter still bubbling, "Is that why you've been so mopey all week?"

Murtasim nodded sheepishly, feeling a mixture of chagrin and relief. "I didn't know that being my friend could offend you so much, Murtasim Khan," she playfully continued.

"No, it's not that. I just, I thought you didn't like me much and that's why you had friend-zoned me," he admitted, his voice quiet and unsure.

Meerab's response came with a certain finality that made Murtasim's heart skip a beat. "Murtasim, you're my husband. I obviously like you."

Her words had an electrifying effect on him. She liked him—Meerab liked him! And she had called him "her husband." Words that made his heart race uncontrollably. A wide smile spread across his face as he couldn't help but exclaim, "Really?"

"Yesss," Meerab affirmed, smiling, and their gazes locked, an unspoken understanding passing between them.

"It's late, we should sleep now," Meerab suggested, steering the conversation back to the present. They sought comfort in the thick blanket, laying on their respective sides, a sense of coziness filling the air.

"It's too cold," she remarked, slowly sliding closer to Murtasim, subtly hinting at something. Hesitantly, he pulled her closer, and she nestled into his warmth.

"Is this non-platonic enough for you?" she whispered teasingly, her tone full of playfulness.

"MEERAB!" Murtasim exclaimed, the sound escaping him in both shock and amusement. Their laughter filled the room as they shared a moment of light-heartedness, finding comfort in each other's presence.

With the night wrapped around them and their hearts entwined, they laid down together, the warmth of their connection deepening with every passing moment, while fate secretly woven their relationship into an unbreakable bond.


A long update because once i had start writing, i just couldn't stop myself. I hope you all like it
Apologizes for errors or typos.

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