Fated Love

Af mehhh024

75.6K 4.7K 809

In a story shaped by fate, Khan Murtasim Khan and Meerab Waqas Ahmed are brought together to get married, a u... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Last Chapter
New fanfic annoucement

Chapter 16

1.7K 117 13
Af mehhh024

With the first gentle rays of the morning sun caressing the room, Murtasim's eyes blinked open. The weight on his chest brought back the memory of Meerab's restless night, plagued by a haunting nightmare that had left her trembling. A surge of protective anger coursed through him at the thought of Malik Zubair, the source of her distress. He cast his gaze downward, and there she lay, Meerab, so delicate and innocent, nestled against his chest.

In that tender moment, he found himself attracted to her innocence and charm. The urge to shield her from any harm, to stand as her protector, swelled within him. Love had wrapped its tendrils around him so effortlessly, so completely, leaving him in awe.

Meerab, with her enchanting beauty and sharp intellect, had cast a spell he couldn't break free from. He cherished the way her brows furrowed in adorable confusion when Maa Begum instructed her on her responsibilities as a Khaani. The sparkle in her eyes, akin to stars in a night sky, when she and Mariam animatedly discussed their favorite TV shows, was a sight to behold. Even her groans of protest upon being roused by the morning alarm held a peculiar charm. But it was her smile that was truly the sun breaking through the clouds, illuminating every corner of the room and the rosy hue that embraced her cheeks whenever their gazes met was a silent testament to her innocence.

Murtasim, lost in her trance, was drawn back to reality as Meerab stirred with a soft, familiar groan. She nuzzled against him, her head nestled against his chest, and his heart quickened at her proximity. He smiled as her doe-like eyes fluttered open, they landed upon their current sleeping position, and a blend of surprise and shyness danced across her features.

With a small gasp, Meerab gently pulled herself away from Murtasim's embrace, the warmth of his presence leaving her reluctantly. Her fingers fiddled with the edges of her disheveled hair as a rosy blush crept onto her cheeks. Those captivating eyes darted away from his, seeking refuge in the patterns of the bedsheet beneath her. She mumbled a soft greeting "Good morning" her voice barely above a whisper, her bashfulness lending her an enchanting vulnerability.

Murtasim couldn't help but smile at the sight she presented. Her innocence, her modesty, only deepened the adoration he felt. He cleared his throat, his own cheeks faintly tinged with color, and offered a reassuring smile. "Good morning, Meerab."

Her gaze lifted back to meet his, a shy smile pulling at the corners of her lips. As the comforting silence embraced them, Murtasim's heart raced with the weight of unspoken emotions. He longed to confess his feelings, to tell her how she had become his world, but the boundaries of their relationship held him back. He cleared his throat, attempting to steady his voice, and softly inquired, "How are you feeling now?"

Meerab's head nodded gently, a wordless affirmation that she was indeed feeling better. Murtasim continued, his voice betraying a hint of hesitation, "I have to attend the panchayat today. I'll try to come back as soon as possible. Would you be okay alone?"

Meerab's thoughts raced, her heart torn between wanting him to stay and understanding the significance of the panchayat. With a whispered assurance, she responded, "Yes, don't worry."

Murtasim's concern persisted, his voice tinged with a sense of responsibility, "Are you sure? I can miss it if you want me to."

The idea of him skipping his duties for her sent her heart aflutter, but she knew the importance of addressing the issues with Malik Zubair. She hesitated before speaking up "If umm..... if it's possible, can I please come with you as well? I'll stay in the car, I promise"

Murtasim knew that Meerab was scared of being alone hence he agreed "Alright. Get ready and we'll leave in a bit" he said as he smiled.

Murtasim began to rise from the bed, but Meerab's voice halted him, a soft "Murtasim" escaping her lips.

He turned to her, his eyes questioning.

She began shyly, gathering her courage. "Thank you."

Confusion danced across his features. "For what?" he inquired.

"For being there for me last night, and for everything you've done for me. It means a lot," she confessed, her voice sincere.

Murtasim's heart swelled with tenderness, and he struggled to maintain his composure. "Meerab, you're my wife," he said, his voice a gentle caress. "It's my duty to look after you and protect you." He added, a determined fire in his eyes, "And I promise you that I'll make sure Malik Zubair suffers for what he did to you."

The word "my wife" echoed in Meerab's mind, igniting a symphony of emotions. Although she knew that she was legally his wife but hearing it from his mouth made her cheeks redden as she struggled to find the right words, finally offering a delicate nod in response.

Breaking the moment, Murtasim excused himself to freshen up in the bathroom. As Meerab lay in bed, her fingers traced the edges of the sheets, her thoughts a whirlwind due to Murtasim's heartfelt words. His promise of protection care had left an indelible mark on her mind and heart.


The atmosphere in the panchayat was charged with tension as Murtasim stood his ground, unwavering in his demand for justice. The proceedings were straightforward, the discussion revolving around the sadistic games played by Malik Zubair and the audacious act of kidnapping his wife. He presented the Malik's men that were present at the warehouse as witnesses, for the heinous acts of Malik Zubair, who narrated the whole series of event at the panchayat. Murtasim's voice cut through the air with a determined edge as he demanded the harshest punishment for the offender.

Malik Mukhtar, attempting to shield his son from the consequences, began crafting excuses and explanations that would obscure the truth. However, Murtasim's resolve remained unshaken, his stance resolute in defense of his honor and his love for Meerab. She was his 'izzat,' his dignity, and he was resolute in his determination to protect her at all costs.

In the midst of the deliberations, Murtasim's thoughts briefly drifted to memories of his father's authoritative voice, echoing teachings about the rigid traditions of the panchayat. But Murtasim had grown beyond blind adherence to orthodox norms. He understood that it was his duty to ensure justice in a way that aligned with his own values and the rights he believed in. With his heart and mind in alignment, he was certain that Malik Zubair's reign of cruelty needed to be halted.

Drawing on his convictions, Murtasim outlined a comprehensive plan. He pushed for the arrest of Malik Zubair, a legal measure that would ensure accountability for his actions. His voice resonated with steely determination as he spoke, "I demand that Malik Zubair be apprehended for his actions. His crimes cannot go unpunished."

He didn't stop there; he aimed to prevent future interference by Malik Zubair in feudal matters, recognizing that such power needed to be curtailed. "Furthermore," he continued, his gaze steady, "I insist that Malik Mukhtar ensures his son's non-interference in all feudal matters henceforth."

To address the damages caused by Malik Zubair's malicious intent, Murtasim demanded compensation for the property destruction on his land. "The damages inflicted on my land need to be corrected," he asserted firmly, "Malik Zubair must compensate for the destruction caused."

His masterstroke, however, lay in his final demand. Murtasim's voice held a blend of determination and conviction as he concluded, "And lastly, I demand that Malik Zubair, after he's discharged from the hospital, to issue a public apology to me, in front of this esteemed panchayat, for his disgraceful cowardly behavior." This bold move aimed to strip away the arrogance that had embraced the junior Malik. The apology would serve as a reckoning, a tangible manifestation of the consequences of his actions.

The panchayat chamber seemed to hold its breath, suspended in a moment of considerations. Murtasim's demands hung in the air, challenging the conventional norms that had guided its proceedings for generations. The elders exchanged glances, their faces a mixture of surprise and contemplation, as they navigated the uncharted waters of change. After a lot of thought and discussions, an elderly member of the panchayat stood up and passed the verdict "What Malik Zubair did was truly against the rules of the panchayat and his cowardly act of using a woman to exploit Murtasim Khan was utterly disrespectful and shameful for the Malik Family, there forth, We shall adhere to your demands, Murtasim Khan."

The shock and anger etched on Malik Mukhtar's face did not escape Murtasim's observant gaze. Instead of unsettling him, these emotions fueled a surge of pride within him. A subtle, self-assured smirk played upon Murtasim's lips as the panchayat's decision slowly solidified. Murtasim's determination remained steadfast. He knew that the orthodox rules of the panchayat that his father once taught him were not adequate enough. Instead he had chosen a path that would not inflict harm on others, recognizing that justice could be delivered without cruelty. As he walked towards his car, his heart was contended and he was excited to tell Meerab about the outcome of the whole discussion.


Meerab sat patiently in the car, her senses attuned to the distant yet confident tone of Murtasim's authoritative voice. As the discussions within the panchayat chamber unfolded, she found herself increasingly impressed by the demands he had artfully put forth. Each demand was a testament to Murtasim's intelligence and adept problem-solving techniques. With every logical proposal, her admiration for him grew, a mixture of pride and gratitude for the man who had fiercely defended her and his land.

As her gaze lingered on the panchayat gathering, she noticed Murtasim walking towards the car, his expression bearing a clear sense of satisfaction. A small smile played upon her lips as he approached, and she welcomed him with a soft "hey" as he settled into the car.

Curiosity gleamed in her eyes as she asked, "So how did it go? I caught a few bits of it, but not everything."

Murtasim's grin was infectious as he replied, his words carrying a sense of triumph, "Well, Malik Zubair has been busted, to put it simply. I'm looking forward to witnessing him publicly apologize, hopefully erasing his so-called arrogance and cockiness."

With the car in motion, the surroundings passed by in a blur, a testament to the momentum of the day's events. Turning her attention to Murtasim, Meerab couldn't help but voice her admiration, "Murtasim, you were truly impressive out there. Your demands were well-thought-out and made perfect sense."

A faint blush touched Murtasim's cheeks at her praise, and he responded with a modest "thank you" and a grateful smile. Her words were a balm to his heart, a reminder that his efforts were recognized and valued.

Looking ahead at the passing scenery, Murtasim shared his plans, his voice carrying a sense of anticipation, "In about two days, we'll head back to Hyderabad, after wrapping everything up here."

Meerab nodded in acknowledgment, her gaze drifting to the world outside. The prospect of returning home brought with it a mixture of emotions—a closure to this chapter, and a chance to move forward hand in hand, their bond stronger than ever.


Two days had passed smoothly. The culmination of Malik Zubair's public apology at the panchayat had left Murtasim brimming with pride and satisfaction. The sight of Zubair's simmering frustration, veiled behind forced civility, had brought a sense of gratification that was difficult to conceal. The resolution, including compensation for the property damages, had unfolded smoothly, concluding this chapter of his struggle.

Within these two days, Murtasim and Meerab had the chance to explore deeper aspects of each other's lives. The revelations about each other's preferences and quirks painted a colorful portrait of their personalities, individually.

Murtasim discovered that Meerab had a liking for Chinese cuisine, and a fondness for the delightful combination of peanut butter and chocolate for her dessert preferences. Her introverted nature was revealed through her small circle of childhood friends, and her preference for cozy nights in with a good book rather than noisy outings. Her fascination with crime documentaries contrasted amusingly with her unexpected love for Korean dramas. This revelation had Murtasim intrigued as he questioned her about the understanding of the language barrier Shaking her head, Meerab gave him a side eye and a "Murtasim there is a thing called subtitles," to make him realize the stupidity of his question. She encouraged him to join her in the enjoyment of these shows as he slightly nodded, looking forward to enjoy everything that she liked.

On the other side, Meerab learned that Murtasim thrived in social situations, embracing the role of an extrovert. He relished venturing out to meet new people and trying out diverse cuisines. While he couldn't pinpoint a single favorite dish due to his love for a wide array of foods, he held a special place in his heart for the classic biryani. Kheer was his preferred sweet indulgence. Murtasim's disliking to tv shows or movies in favor of outdoor exploration was unveiled, even though his panchayat commitments had cut down this passion. The unexpected revelation of his affinity for art—be it paintings, photography, or sculpting—added another layer of depth to his character.

As the two days unfolded, the bonds between Murtasim and Meerab grew stronger. Their interactions became increasingly relaxed and familiar, their conversations flowing naturally as they shared stories and dreams. The once-strangers were morphing into confidants, discovering commonalities and embracing differences. The evolving comfort between them was evident in their shared laughter, stolen glances, and the easy way in which their words and silences intertwined. In these brief yet meaningful days, the foundation of their relationship deepened. Their willingness to open up and truly see each other kindled a spark that promised to illuminate their journey ahead.


Upon their return to Hyderabad, a concerned Maa Begum and an annoyed Shahnawaz Khan greeted them. Maa Begum rushed towards Meerab, enveloping her in a worried embrace. "Meerab, my dear, are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? I was so worried when Shahnawaz informed me about the situation."

Meerab offered a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, Maa Begum. Murtasim took great care of me."

Shahnawaz Khan's annoyance was palpable as he turned his ire towards Murtasim. "Murtasim! Where was your phone? Why didn't you let me know what was happening? It was Bakhtu who informed me about all this!"

Murtasim stood with a still expression, an air of resignation that Meerab noticed was peculiar to his interactions with his father. His voice was steady as he replied, "I apologize, Baba Sahab. With the chaos surrounding the panchayat, I didn't pay much attention to my phone."

Curiosity brimming, Shahnawaz couldn't help but inquire, "So, what demands did you present to the panchayat?"

Murtasim's response was concise. "Malik Zubair's arrest, compensation for our property damage, and a public apology from him in front of the entire panchayat."

Shahnawaz's disappointment and frustration were evident in his reaction. "Is that all?" His tone held a tinge of anger.

Murtasim remained composed as he nodded, seemingly unfazed by Shahnawaz's reaction. In the presence of Maa Begum and Meerab, the exchange between father and son played out.

"Murtasim! Have you forgotten everything I taught you? Don't you remember the rules of the panchayat?" Shahnawaz's frustration echoed in his words, leaving Murtasim to respond with a simple nod.

Meerab observed the exchange with confusion. She believed Murtasim's demands were justified, considering the circumstances. Shahnawaz's behavior left her puzzled; his scolding seemed illogical. However, his next words made Meerab's stomach churn.

"The rule was simple:
Maal ke badlay maal (Wealth in return of wealth)
Daulat ke badlay daulat (Fortune in return of a fortune)
Aur (and)
Izzat ke badlay izzat (Honor in return of honor) "

Apologizes for any typos and errors. And for the late update.
I hope you all like this

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