Fated Love

By mehhh024

76.5K 4.8K 816

In a story shaped by fate, Khan Murtasim Khan and Meerab Waqas Ahmed are brought together to get married, a u... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Last Chapter
New fanfic annoucement

Chapter 13

1.5K 122 16
By mehhh024

Meerab woke up to the unsettling echoes of shouts and commotion from outside. Panic surged through her as she scanned the room, only to find Murtasim absent. Dread washed over her – had he left her? Pushing aside her worry, she rose from the bed, driven by the need to understand the source of the disturbance.

She cautiously peered down the hallway, her heart racing, and her eyes widened as she caught sight of armed individuals in the lounge. A rush of fear gripped her as their attention turned to her, and they barked orders, "There she is! Capture her!"

In that instant, Meerab's mind went blank. Panic surged as she tried to flee, attempting to lock herself in her room. However, the assailants were quicker, overpowering her. Her heart pounded wildly in her chest as she cried out desperately, "Murtasim! Murtasimmmm!" Her plea for help echoed in vain, unanswered by anyone.

Helplessly, she witnessed the guards being assaulted by the kidnappers, her heart shattering at the brutality unfolding before her eyes. Despite her tears and cries, the kidnappers forced her into a waiting car, spiriting her away to an unfamiliar destination.

Their journey took them through fields until they reached what appeared to be a warehouse. It looked like an abandoned rugged place that had been left untouched and forgotten for a long time. Meerab struggled to absorb her surroundings amidst the chaos. The kidnappers dragged her from the car and attempted to drag her inside, but she fought to break free. In the struggle, her dupatta slipped away, leaving her feeling vulnerable and trembling.

As they forcefully threw her inside the warehouse, her gaze was met with an unfamiliar man. "Oh, so you're Murtasim Khan's wife, aren't you?" he spoke, his voice dripping with a sinister tone. "What was your name again? Meerab, right?" he added, his lips curving into a evil smile.

Despite the fear gripping her heart, Meerab clung to her resolve. She refused to let fear weaken her. "Who are you? Why have you brought me here?" she demanded, her voice betraying the anxiety within her.

The stranger's reply held an unmistakable vileness. " It's a pity I wasn't invited to your wedding, or else you'd already know me. But we can become better acquainted now. I'm Malik Zubair, your husband's so-called dearest friend," he sneered, his words dripping with sarcasm.

Desperation surged within Meerab as she sought clarity. "Where is Murtasim? What do you want from me?" she pleaded, her voice tinged with urgency.

Malik Zubair's response was laced with smugness, as if he was relishing the control he held. " Murtasim's a bit, well, distracted. Since he left you all alone, I thought it best to bring you here and offer you some company" he quipped, his cocky tone grating on her nerves.

"Let me go!" she shouted, her resistance evident. As her eyes darted around, she realized she was surrounded by armed individuals. Any attempt to escape would be a risky gamble.

Malik Zubair's tone took a more ominous turn, revealing his true intentions. "Can't you see it, my dear? You're my most valuable asset now. With you by my side, I can manipulate Murtasim Khan and bend him to my will. So it's in your best interest to cooperate to just cooperate with me right now," he taunted, his proximity suffocating.

It became painfully clear that Malik Zubair aimed to exploit her as a pawn to advance his own sinister agenda, using her connection to Murtasim against her will. She saw him as a weak man, resorting to using women for revenge without a hint of shame. With her heart heavy and eyes brimming with tears, Meerab silently prayed for Murtasim's arrival. She held onto hope, yearning for his rescue in this dire and harrowing situation.


Murtasim's heart pounded relentlessly in his chest as he dashed into their shared room, calling out desperately for Meerab. His voice echoed through the silence, unanswered. Dread settled over him like a suffocating shroud. His worst fear had come to live—Malik Zubair, with his vile and pathetic being, had successfully kidnapped Meerab. The weight of guilt settled heavily upon him for leaving her alone, vulnerable to such a sinister plot. He should have anticipated Zubair's twisted game, should have protected her.

His chest tightened, every breath felt like a struggle. He paced the room, his mind a whirlwind of emotions. The guilt gnawed at him, clawing at his conscience. How could he have let this happen? How could he have failed her, the woman he was bound to protect?

Their recent argument replayed in his mind like a broken record, each word a sharp reminder of their strained relationship. He regretted every harsh word, every moment of frustration that had driven a wedge between them. Now, all he wanted was to find her, to hold her close and apologize for his thoughtlessness. He tried to consider the places where Malik Zubair might have taken her, his mind racing through the options. Anger simmered beneath his worry, directed not just at Zubair, but at himself. He should have seen through the manipulative tactics, should have protected her from the very beginning.

Murtasim's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the shrill ring of his phone—a call from Malik Zubair. The tension in the air was palpable as Zubair's voice echoed through the receiver. "Murtasimm... Guess who I have here with me?" he taunted.

Murtasim's voice was laced with anger as he retorted, his tone firm and unwavering. "I swear, if you even try to touch her or harm her in any way, I will kill you without a second thought."

Zubair's response was chillingly calm. "Oh, don't worry. I just need a small favor from you," he drawled.

Murtasim's patience was running thin. "What?" he demanded.

A sinister smirk seemed to underlie Zubair's words. "Just hand over your land to me. Give me full control, and in return, I'll release your precious wife."

Murtasim's voice held an unyielding resolve. "Over my dead body," he shot back.

Zubair's tone remained detached, almost amused. "Well then, the choice is yours. I'm giving you an hour exactly. Surrender the land, or bid farewell to your wife," he said before abruptly ending the call.

Murtasim's anger surged, and in his frustration, he flung his phone aside. The decision ahead was heart-wrenching. On one hand, he couldn't allow letting Malik Zubair seize his land and become an oppressive ruler, subjecting the villagers to tyranny. On the other hand, the thought of a frightened and captive Meerab tore at his soul. He couldn't bear the idea of losing her either.

The choice weighed heavily on his shoulders. It was a dilemma between material possessions and the woman he held close to his heart. While the land and wealth held significant importance, they paled in comparison to the thought of reuniting with his Meerab. The mere thought of her suffering stung his heart, and he couldn't stand idly by.

Amid the storm of emotions, Murtasim recognized the need to regain his composure and think rationally. He was resolved to save both—his beloved wife and his cherished land, at any cost. Taking a deep breath, Murtasim tried to gather his thoughts. He needed to act swiftly and decisively to rescue Meerab. As he clenched his fists, determination flickering in his eyes.


With every passing moment, Meerab's heart seemed to beat faster and louder in her chest. Fear and frustration intertwined within her, forming an overwhelming knot that threatened to consume her. She sat there, her gaze locked onto Zubair's calculating eyes, she couldn't shake the nagging thought of Murtasim. She longed for his presence, for the reassuring strength he always exuded. But at the same time, guilt crept into her heart. She recalled their recent heated argument, the harsh words they had exchanged. Had she pushed him away further with her attitude? Would he even come to rescue her?

The unfamiliar surroundings of the warehouse seemed to close in on her, the shadows dancing in sinister patterns. Every sound, every breath echoed in her ears, heightening her unease. She yearned for a glimpse of hope, a chance to escape this nightmare. Her thoughts flitted back to Murtasim, the way he looked at her when they were alone, the moments of silent understanding they had shared, his patient and comforting demeanor. She missed it all. She felt like an idiot to be arguing with Murtasim and just assuming things about him. She really hoped that he would see beyond their recent argument and come to her rescue.

Amid the fear and uncertainty, Meerab's resolve grew stronger. She knew that she couldn't allow Malik Zubair to use her as a pawn in his twisted game. She would fight back at all cost and wouldn't let him overpower her.


Murtasim hunted every possible location in his search for Meerab. He combed through the expansive fields, meticulously inspected the farmhouse, and even went so far as to visit Malik Mukhtar's residence. However, his relentless efforts only yielded disappointment. The sinking feeling of despair gripped him, intensifying with each hollow search.

Murtasim had taken the initiative to confront Malik Mukhtar about the dire situation, emphasizing the gravity of the matter. He warned him that he won't let this ordeal slide without consequences. But despite his efforts, Malik Mukhtar insisted he was unaware of his son's whereabouts.

Murtasim knew that Malik Mukhtar was a man of integrity, a far cry from his vile son. While he had his flaws, at least he didn't resort to evil and weak tactics. However, Malik Zubair showed no hesitation in using dishonest and playing out pathetic techniques to advance his goals. His actions demonstrated a complete lack of shame or moral restraint.

Frustration gnawed at Murtasim's insides, each passing minute intensifying his urgency to locate Meerab. He imagined her fear, her confusion, and the possibility that she might be holding him accountable for her dreadful situation but, despite all of that, his heart longed to embrace her, to shield her from harm's way. This incomprehensible yearning had taken hold of him, growing stronger with every tick of the clock. He couldn't pinpoint when his attachment to Meerab had deepened so profoundly, but one thing was clear: he needed her by his side, safe and sound. With closed eyes, he engaged in fervent prayers, begging Allah for Meerab's safety and seeking guidance in this dire situation. Amidst his pleas and hopes, an epiphany drawn on his like a beam of light illuminating the dark.


As exhaustion and sleep settled upon Meerab, she struggled against her restraints to no avail. Sinking into her surroundings, she watched with disdain as Malik Zubair approached, his repulsive gaze lingering over her. She felt utterly helpless, her only solace in prayers for Murtasim's timely arrival. As Zubair drew nearer, his touch brushing against her hair, a wave of revulsion washed over her.

"You're holding onto hope even in this dire situation," he remarked with a twisted smile, his fingers idly playing with a strand of her hair that he pushed behind her ear. Meerab's disgust deepened at his touch.

"You're nothing but a weak man, using me as a pawn to strike at Murtasim because you know you can't defeat him any other way," she retorted, her voice edged with assertiveness.

Zubair chuckled. "Murtasim seems to have found himself a feisty woman, hasn't he? The fire in your eyes when you look at me is quite fascinating I must say," he mused, his tone unsettling.

The passing time gnawed at her as he continued to speak. "It's been nearly an hour, and Murtasim still hasn't made his decision. Looks like he doesn't care much about you," he taunted, hoping to break her spirit. The thought that Murtasim might not rescue her pierced her heart.

Zubair's next words only added to her distress. "Good for me. I was secretly hoping he'd prioritize his land. Suddenly, you seem to be far more captivating than a piece of property," he jeered, cornering her further. In that moment, Meerab felt utterly powerless. She was trapped, not just physically but also emotionally, in the clutches of this horrifying situation. As she began to let go of her grip on the hope of being rescued by Murtasim, a sudden and thunderous crash of the door disrupted the tense atmosphere.


I initially thought about writing more but for some reason, this seems like a perfect ending of the chapter so i just left it there🫣
Apologizes for any typos or errors.

And I want to thank you all for the feedback and support🤍

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