By the_seven_signs

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I was a beast deceased with the ability to destroy whatever he needs... Trauma changes you to who you don't w... More

introduction ❣
First impression💎
Is he alright?🌸
why is taehyung treated that way?🥀
The untold truth...💫
Can i trust you? 💟
Just hold onto me tight
The trouble continues 🖤
You can't have me
Your still hiding!
we can make it right🍁
will thing's fall apart♠️
Everything's changed
I'll try my best
U can't be my cure
Thing's HURT🦋
this shouldn't have been this way!
Danger creeps In☠
I wish i could protect you!
emotions 💟
Is this right?
You belong to me!
Everything I can do for her
Hope is all that we have
May you rest in peace🥀
Why I am, the Way I am!?
The pain is unbearable!
I'll always remember you
Let's stay strong
Life goes onn...
Time flies by-
The proposal
You hurt me
Loving you is Hard!
Past beholds
Hating on you is a curse
Post Graduated🎉
Is it a 'Yes or a No?'
The grand wedding of the town
Married life troubles
Author's notice
Unexpected Honeymoon trip
Finding my Serendipity
Rising conflicts or connections?
Shadows of Envy
♡Tangled in ecstasy♡
Heated confessions
Fractured desires: the dual struggle
Obscured Intentions
Entangled emotions
Unknown deliveries and feelings
Unexpected connections.
Vengeance Unleashed
Party bash or new dangers unveiled?
Blurry days and dawning realisations!
Whispers in the shadows
Hoseok's unrequited Echoes
Twilight love confession

Serenade of smiles or melancholy

127 7 2
By the_seven_signs


Taehyung POV-

Sitting in my car outside Y/N's apartment that I was informed about by none other than Mr. Junghun, hidden from her view, I anxiously wait for her to appear. Minutes feel like hours as I keep my gaze fixed on the entrance, heart racing. Finally, a glimmer of hope as she steps out, but my heart sinks as she's not alone.

My grip on the steering wheel tightens, knuckles going white, as I see her laughing uproariously with another man. My blood boils at the sight, jealousy and anger twisting in my chest. They climb into a sleek white Mercedes, driving away together. I start my car and follow, emotions churning.
They arrive at a training center. Y/N waves goodbye to the man, her smile infectious, as she heads inside. He reminds her to eat properly, and her smile in response feels like a dagger to my heart. The man drives off, leaving Y/N behind.

I watch Y/N disappear inside the building, my curiosity piqued by this new chapter of her life. What's she up to in there? A thousand questions race through my mind, but I wrestle them down, reminding myself that I need to let this go. I drive away, heading to my own office, determined to focus on work. But I know I'll be back in the evening, watching, waiting, unable to keep myself from checking when she leaves and where she goes.

Third person's pov-

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city streets, Y/N emerged from the training center. A symphony of farewells and laughter accompanied her exit, as her colleagues bid her goodbye. Her gaze swept the surroundings, confirming that the coast was clear before she confidently crossed the bustling road.

Amid the evening's hustle and bustle, a figure remained discreetly hidden, watching her every move with an intensity that betrayed his emotions. He had positioned himself carefully, ensuring he was concealed from her view. Y/N's laughter echoed in the air, caught up in the chatter of her "more family than friends" group chat on her phone.

Unbeknownst to her, the figure followed her with unwavering dedication. She approached the metro station, her steps quick but purposeful. With practiced ease, she procured a pass and stationed herself on the platform, the rhythmic clatter of approaching trains barely registering as she indulged in the silliness of yeonjun and namjoon bickering over some girl they thought liked either one them in the club they went to yesterday..

The train's arrival was heralded by a soft rumble, and Y/N finally stowed her phone in her bag. As the doors slid open, she slipped onto the almost deserted carriage, choosing a seat by the window. The city lights painted fleeting patterns on her face as she leaned against the glass, lost in her thoughts.

Meanwhile, the figure maintained a careful distance, his eyes never leaving her. He contemplated occupying the seat opposite her, drawn by the allure of proximity. Yet, fate had other plans.

Just as he made his decision, her phone rang, shattering the stillness that had enveloped her. The melodious chime of the ringtone was like music to her ears. Her lips curved into a radiant smile as she read the caller ID. "Hobi," it read.

Curiosity gnawed at the figure, his intrigue growing with each word she exchanged. He watched as she spoke animatedly, her tone a symphony of excitement and warmth. Plans for a shared Korean meal floated in the air, painting a picture of companionship and comfort.

The train approached her destination, causing her to stir from her reverie. She rose gracefully, walking toward the door with a hint of reluctance in her movements. She answered the call with lingering enthusiasm, her voice brightening the carriage. "Yeah, okay, pls keep the rest of the chatter for later onn I'm on the way anyways will catch with u yea! bye Hobi." With those words, she stepped off the train, the figure left pondering the new name that had entered his world.

As she emerged from the station, she hailed a taxi, the door closing behind her with a soft thud. The figure watched her leave, a jumble of thoughts crowding his mind. He, too, signaled for a taxi, stepping into the darkness and embarking on his journey back to the Kimstone mansion.

His mind whirred with questions, the emotions he thought he had tucked away resurfacing with a vengeance. Y/N's ability to move forward in just five months left him bewildered, and he knew that he needed time to comprehend the changes that had taken place in her life.

Y/n pov-

As I reached the entrance of my apartment building, the familiar sense of home enveloped me. I stepped into the elevator, tapping the button for the 17th floor. As the elevator doors opened, I walked towards my door, a mixture of weariness and anticipation fluttering within me. With a soft exhale, I entered my apartment, immediately connecting to my home Wi-Fi. Messages from Hoseok flooded my phone, his hunger palpable through the texts. A smile tugged at my lips as I quickly responded, promising to join him in 10 minutes.

I shed my clothes and stepped into the shower, relishing the sensation of warm water cascading over me. The scent of strawberries clung to my skin as I emerged, applying moisturizer and a light fragrance. Dressed in comfy pajamas, my hair in a messy bun, I checked my reflection before locking the door behind me. The excitement of Korean BBQ with Hoseok spurred me on as I made my way to his apartment.

I rang the doorbell, and Hoseok opened the door, clad in his characteristic half-naked state. I shook my head with a small smile and walked in, muttering under my breath about his attire. Hoseok's playful response met my ears as he made space for me. "Why is he never in clothes?" I wondered aloud, and he replied with a chuckle, explaining that dancing made him prefer less attire due to sweat. I shook my head, accepting his explanation.

In his apartment, an inviting scene greeted me: a table equipped with a BBQ pot, meats, sauces, lettuce, rice, and soju. My eyes sparkled in delight as I clapped my hands together, settling into a chair. Hoseok got to work, grilling the meat and serving it with a flourish. I took a big bite, savoring the flavors with my eyes closed. He chuckled at my reaction and I hummed in response, thoroughly impressed by his culinary skills.

As we indulged in the delicious meal, we shared snippets of our lives. I got to know that Hoseok was choreographing for a big K-pop group, while I revealed that my training would conclude in 7 months, marking my path to becoming a gynecologist doctor. Amid laughter and conversation, we found solace in each other's company.

After our satisfying dinner, Hoseok and I found ourselves on his balcony, ice creams in hand. I chose my all-time favorite, vanilla, which triggered a bittersweet memory. It transported me back to the time when Jungkook was no longer with us, and Taehyung used to visit me frequently, becoming my ray of light in the darkness. A deep sigh escaped my lips, and I focused on the bustling streets below.

Hoseok's observant gaze fixed on me, concern etched into his features. "Y/N, are you okay?" he inquired, his voice soft and attentive. I nodded slightly, the weight of my thoughts too heavy to put into words at that moment.

He hesitated before venturing into a topic he hadn't asked about before. "I never asked you about your love life. How is it, Y/N? Do you have someone in your life?" His inquiry hung in the air, a vulnerable question that I wasn't quite prepared to answer.

I looked down at my ice cream, deliberating my response. Finally, I met his gaze and took a bite of my dessert. A moment later, I looked back at him, a mixture of emotions playing on my face. "It's a long story, Hobi, long enough to potentially overshadow the wonderful night you've created just now," I confessed, my voice tinged with a blend of sadness and warmth. "So let's keep that for some other day, shall we?"

Hoseok nodded understandingly, a supportive presence that I was quickly growing fond of. Our conversation shifted to lighter topics, giving us a chance to enjoy each other's company without delving into the complexities that lay beneath the surface.

As the late night's breeze caressed us and our ice creams slowly melted away, I felt a sense of ease settle over me. The memories of the past mingled with the present, and in Hoseok's company, I found a refuge from the burdens that had once weighed me down.

Meanwhile Back at the Kim Stone Mansion -

Taehyung POV-

V raged within me. The feral side of me couldn't bear the fact that Y/N had seemingly moved on so quickly, someone else already occupying the role of the one who picked her up, dropped her off, and cared for her. Thoughts raced through my mind, asking questions I couldn't easily answer. "Is she in a relationship already? Dating someone just five months after our divorce?"

I felt like I was losing control of my emotions as everything around me became a blur. With a frustrated yell, I hurled items from my vanity across the room. The room echoed with the sound of objects crashing, mirroring the turmoil within me. Collapsing onto the floor, I clutched my hair, my anguish palpable. Tears flowed freely down my face as I grappled with the pain that seemed insurmountable.

My gaze fell to my ring finger, the marriage ring still there as a silent reminder of what had been. I addressed it, my voice a mix of desperation and determination. "You're not going to get rid of me so easily, Y/N. I'll obliterate anyone who dares to stand between us. This isn't your gentle Tae, it's me, V. I'm not calm and considerate like him; I'm violent and valiant. I've always kept you close, and I'll continue doing so, no matter the cost."

As my words hung in the air, a deep ache settled within me. The battle between my two selves raged on, emotions swirling like a tempest. The room remained still, a witness to my inner turmoil, as I grappled with the intensity of emotions that had been stirred up in just one day.

Back at y/n's apartment,

Y/n pov-

the warmth of Hoseok's company lingered in the air, a much-needed source of solace after a tiring day. His presence seemed to ease the weight of my thoughts, his aura a balm for my weary soul. As I scrolled through my phone, memories of Taehyung and our past crossed my mind, leaving a bittersweet trace.

Just as I was lost in my reverie, a message notification popped up in my Instagram DMs. It was Jimin, asking about my day and apologizing for not being able to pick me up. I brushed off his apologies, assuring him that him dropping me off was more than enough. Just as I read his message, my doorbell rang, and his next text arrived simultaneously. "You bell rang, right? Go open the door. I hope you like the little gift!"

As I processed his messages, the doorbell continued to ring persistently. Setting my phone aside, I walked to the door, a sense of curiosity mingling with surprise. A delivery man stood there with a basket of chocolates, bearing a smile as he presented them to me. "Hope you like them, Y/N. From Jimin," he said before departing.

I stood at the doorway, holding the basket of chocolates, a mixture of emotions coursing through me. Chuckling softly, I peered inside to find an assortment of my favorite chocolates from around the world. My mind raced, pondering how he knew my period was arriving around this time. "Did he guess or was it a lucky coincidence?" I mused to myself before heading back inside, taking a chocolate and savoring its sweetness.

With my phone now on the bed, I received a video call from Jimin. I answered, surprised to find him grinning at the sight of me already indulging in the chocolate he sent. I thanked him, a genuine smile forming on my lips. Curiosity got the better of me, and I playfully questioned how he managed to know my period dates. His response was simple, "A wild guess, maybe," and we both laughed it off, continuing our conversation on lighter topics. Jimin's presence, much like Hoseok's, had an uncanny ability to bring comfort and happiness into my life.

Author's pov-

Behind the scenes-

At his opulent mansion, Taehyung's voice melded seamlessly with the sweet strains of a violin. The enchanting tune filled the air, carrying the lyrics, "Baby, you light up my world like nobody else!"

Elsewhere, in the midst of a playful nail polish session, Jisyoung couldn't resist a teasing quip. "Your 'baby' has ventured into the arms of two other gentlemen," she remarked with a grin. Yeonjun, not to be left out, joined in on the banter with a playful wink.

Caught up in the camaraderie, Yeonjun playfully wiggled his eyebrows. "Hope Y/N won't have to choose between the either 2 of them," he mused with a chuckle. "Wonder where you'll stand in that scenario?"

But Taehyung's frustration simmered, and he snapped back, "Enough, you two! Author, let them know. Ensure they understand that Y/N will ultimately be mine, right?"

With a sigh and a touch of amusement, the author responded, "Quit bothering me. I'm immersed in decoding the plotlines of my upcoming books. And as for Y/N's future, dear readers, who do you ship her with?"

Stay tuned 💕
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