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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ [completed] ❝we... we can't do this. it's against the rules.❞ ❝fuck the rules! you know we both want... More



378 11 17

Felix thinks he's never felt this happy ever. Years and years of living alone had made him get used to the fact that there would be no one to care for him or love him. All of those things changed just in the span of a few months.

He now has eight people who truly adore him and care for him and love him like their own. He has a sister, whom he had reunited with shortly after the departure.

He has six friends who would do anything for him if he asked. He has parental figures through Hyunjin's parents, who treat him just like any other parent would treat their son.

And he has a lover, without whom he'd be lost in this world. A lover who showed him what love actually meant. A lover who brought him into the light and protected him from the darkness. A lover who he has now moved in with.

Felix couldn't be happier.

"Sunshine," Hyunjin's honey-like voice called. "Why are you out of bed?"

Felix turned towards the other and smiled. The sunlight from the window behind him made Felix glow. The sight was almost ethereal, and Hyunjin felt his heart skip a beat.

"Sorry to wake you up," Felix laughed, walking towards the bed.

"Lie back down," Hyunjin whined, making grabby hands at Felix. "I want my morning cuddles."

Felix laughed again. "You've become too clingy lately, Hyunnie."

"I can't help it," Hyunjin grinned. "I have the most beautiful boyfriend in the whole world. I have to treasure it."

"You're so annoying," Felix smiled, but he climbed back into their bed and laid down next to Hyunjin, who immediately wrapped his arms around Felix, pulling him closer to his chest.

"But you love my annoying ass, don't you?" Hyunjin asked, beaming at Felix.

Felix nodded. "That I do."

"Good," Hyunjin leaned forward to place a kiss on Felix's cheek. "Because I love you, too."

The two of them stayed like that for a while until Felix insisted that they need to get out of bed and have breakfast.

"Do you wanna eat at the new cafe that's opened?" Hyunjin asked as he emerged from the bathroom. "I'm too lazy to make breakfast."

Felix could never turn down that offer. "Sure!"

As they strolled down the street towards the new café, Felix couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the simple joys of life. The warmth of Hyunjin's hand in his, the gentle breeze ruffling their hair, and the anticipation of trying out a new place together filled him with contentment.

They arrived at the café, greeted by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the inviting ambiance. Finding a cozy spot by the window, they settled in and perused the menu.

As they sipped their coffee, Hyunjin glanced at Felix with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "You know, baby, I've been thinking..."

Felix raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What have you been thinking, Hyunnie?"

"I think we should plan a trip," Hyunjin said excitedly. "Somewhere we've never been before. All eight of us."

Felix's eyes lit up at the idea. "That sounds amazing! Is there any particular place in mind?"

Hyunjin pretended to ponder for a moment, tapping his chin theatrically. "How about... a secluded cabin in the mountains? Somewhere surrounded by nature, where we can escape from the hustle and bustle of the city."

Felix smiled, picturing the serene beauty of a mountain getaway. "That sounds perfect. When should we go?"

"How about next month?" Hyunjin suggested. "We can take some time off work and make it a little adventure. The others should be open to it as well."

Felix nodded eagerly. "I'm in. It'll be our own little retreat."

"Great!" Hyunjin beamed. "I can't wait to spend some quality time with you and the guys, away from all distractions."

They clinked their coffee cups together in celebration, sealing their plans with a shared smile. In that moment, the anticipation of their upcoming trip filled them with excitement and a renewed sense of closeness.

As they savored their last bites of breakfast, Felix leaned in closer to Hyunjin, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Hey, Hyunnie, remember when we talked about learning a new hobby together?"

Hyunjin's eyes lit up with excitement. "Of course, Sunshine! What did you have in mind?"

Felix grinned mischievously. "Well, I was thinking... what if we tried pottery?"

Hyunjin's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but then a grin spread across his face. "Pottery? That sounds fun! I've always wanted to give it a try."

"Great!" Felix exclaimed. "I found this pottery studio nearby that offers classes. We could sign up for a session and spend an afternoon getting our hands dirty."

Hyunjin chuckled. "I can already imagine us covered in clay."

Felix laughed along with him. "Exactly! It'll be messy, but it'll be our messy adventure."

Hyunjin reached across the table to take Felix's hand. "I love that idea, darling. Let's do it."

With their plans for a pottery class set, they finished their breakfast with a renewed sense of excitement for the new experience awaiting them. As they left the café hand in hand, Felix couldn't help but feel grateful for the simple joys of sharing life's adventures with the person he loved most.

The walk home gave Felix a lot of time to think about stuff. He looked at Hyunjin beside him, who had a lingering smile on his face. A smile that made Felix want to grab his face and kiss the life out of him then and there.

The thought alone made Felix feel hot and bothered, but he soon realized that he's been hot and bothered constantly. Felix then remembers all the times they've made out on their bed and how Hyunjin always stopped before they could it a step further. Felix didn't know why. Should he just ask him?


"Yes?" Hyunjin said, looking at Felix as they entered their apartment.

"I was wondering..." Felix was hesitant.

"You've been having a lot of thoughts today," Hyunjin chuckled. "What is it, my love?"

"Do you..." Felix began, not knowing how to ask Hyunjin what he wants.

"Do I...?"

"Do you not want to sleep with me?" Felix asked. It was almost too fast that Hyunjin was barely able to register what he'd said.

"What?" Hyunjin sat the two of them down on their couch. "Where did you get that idea from?"

"I... It's just," Felix said. "Every time I try to initiate it, you kinda shy away from it. So it made me think that maybe you don't want to do it with me."

"Oh, sweetheart," Hyunjin gently held Felix's hands. "It's not that I don't want to. It's more like... I didn't know if you were ready to. But now I know, and I'm willing."

"You... you are?" Felix's cheeks go red at the proposition.

Hyunjin smirked and leaned in closer. "Yes. Are you?"

"Y-Yeah," Felix replied.

Hyunjin hummed as he pulled Felix closer and whispered close to his ear. "Do you want to right now, sweetheart?"

Felix nodded, his cheeks flushing even redder.

"Words, baby," Hyunjin began nibbling onto Felix's earlobe. "I need you to tell me what you want."

"Hyun..." Felix whispered. "Please... I want you to make love to me."

Hyunjin slowly pulled back and smiled. "As you wish, Sunshine." Hyunjin stood up and lifted Felix up in one move, carrying him to their bedroom.

"Hyunjin! Put me down!" Felix giggled. "I'm heavy."

"What nonsense, you're not heavy at all," Hyunjin held onto him a little longer just to prove his point.

"Okay, okay!" Felix said, giving up.

Hyunjin soon placed Felix gently on the bed and let himself admire the view first. Felix looked at him with curious and loving eyes, and it made Hyunjin feel warm inside.

"God, you're so stunning."

Felix was used to Hyunjin's compliments, but him saying this right now made him feel like he was floating. He couldn't contain the wide smile on his face.



"You can still say no," Hyunjin looked at him with a stern expression.

Felix pulled Hyunjin down towards him, faces inches apart. "Hyunjin. I want you." He whispered against his lips. That's all Hyunjin needed as he inched closer and captured Felix's lips in his.

The kiss lasts for a long, long time. He wraps his arms around Hyunjin’s neck as they're kissing. Hyunjin’s hands slide down his sides, lifting his shirt as they slide up.

Hyunjin's cold hands against his burning skin make him flinch. In no time, his back is against the bed, and Hyunjin is on top of him, kissing him.

It takes Felix until now to realize that this… this makes him feel safe.

“Don’t stop,” Felix whispers against his lips, breaking off the kiss to grab Hyunjin's ’s face and pull him down so he can kiss his nose, his cheek, the tiny mole under his left eye that has always hypnotized Felix into giving in to his every whim. “You’re beautiful.”

Hyunjin grins, rubbing the tip of his nose against Felix’s. They’re unbearably close that his eyes almost cross. “And you’re gorgeous.”

Making a noise of disagreement, Felix averts his eyes. He can’t take it sometimes—the way Hyunjin stares at him intensely. It’s profuse, and Felix’s response to it is to almost always try to ignore the weight of it. Hyunjin does it whenever he thinks Felix isn’t paying attention. But it’s not easy to turn a blind eye to something like that.

“Look at me, baby,” Hyunjin says.

“I’m fine. Thank you,” Felix mumbles, pointedly averting his eyes.

But Hyunjin is nothing but stubborn. He noses Felix’s cheeks, catching the hands that are about to cover his face and pinning them on the bed. “That’s not how you use that expression. C’mon, my love, look at me.”

Face heating up at the pet name, Felix looks at him with a shaky gaze.

“I waited so long to do this with you,” Hyunjin says, staring straight through his soul, “You’re beautiful. I'm the luckiest man.”

Felix pulls him in for another long, long kiss. And everything that follows happens in a blur because it feels like he's dreaming. It's an ecstacy. When Hyunjin is finally inside him, Felix can't help but whine at the fact that they'd waited this long to do this.

Hyunjin feels Felix’s walls clench around him, slick and searing. Head pressing against the plush pillows beneath it, Felix whimpers and fills the air with his sounds as he gets used to the size. Hyunjin holds him close, burying his face in the crook of Felix’s neck as he stays as still as possible.

Even if every fiber in his body wants to move in and out of the tightness. Felix told him that it was a first for him, and Hyunjin’s not about to rush and hurt him in the process. He wants him to enjoy this just as much as he does.

He presses soothing, open-mouthed kisses on the tender skin of Felix’s neck and shoulder as his chest heaves and the abdomen contracts to accommodate the pressure.

Felix’s fingernails dig into his back, but Hyunjin feels no pain at all. He can only feel the wet heat in which he’s submerged, the warm, damp body against his, and the melodious voice that has always captivated him.

“I’m—I’m okay,” Felix says in a string of rushed words, panting in between pauses. “You can move.”

Hyunjin trusts what he says and moves his hips in an experimental thrust. They both let out a guttural sound that they had never heard each other make before. Hyunjin groans as the drag makes it difficult for him to focus, makes his carnal desire take over for a split second, and he finds himself wanting to pound into him.

He manages to hold himself back with all his might, waiting for Felix to tell him to keep going. But Felix has his jaw slack and mouth open. His body is tense, and when Hyunjin thrusts into him another time with a grunt, white comes spilling from Felix, smearing all over them both.

“I-I’m sorry,” Felix sobs in gibberish as he buries his face in Hyunjin’s shoulder, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hold—hold it in…”

“Shh,” Hyunjin pants in his ear, catching a lobe between his teeth as he tries to calm him down. He didn’t expect him to finish so early, but Felix feels good and that’s all that matters. “It’s okay. You’re okay.”

Hyunjin doesn’t dare move, settling for cockwarming from the heat instead. But after a while, when he decides that he should pull out and clean Felix up, his own erection to be dealt with later in the bathroom… Felix tightens around him some more, as if unwilling to let him go.

“You can keep going,” Felix mutters, hiding his face in Hyunjin’s chest, but his red ears and neck hide nothing from him.

“It doesn’t hurt?”

Insistently, Felix shakes his head before looking up at him with round, tearful eyes that make Hyunjin grow harder inside him.

“Keep going.”

Hyunjin lets out an incredulous laugh at how demanding and whiny Felix can be. It tugs at something in him, making him want to give him everything in the world. Finally, he can see this side of Felix. Before Felix can feel self-conscious, Hyunjin leans in for another kiss—this time, soft and chaste and slow. As if they have all the time in the world.

When he pulls off of the kiss, he moves, gentle and undemanding. He watches as Felix’s face contorts in expressions of senseless ecstasy, and it fascinates him how Felix is giving himself to him without reservation.

Just like how he always did.

The night was full. The hours until they both feel the earth move to the heavens and back felt like years, leaving them both exhausted and naked with the sheets drenched in their love. Hyunjin stands to fetch fresh clothes for both of them.

Felix turns to his side to grab Hyunjin’s hand, dazed eyes pleading with him not to go. Hyunjin gives him a sweet kiss on the cheek as he lets go and comes back minutes later with a basin full of water and a washcloth.

Earnestly, Hyunjin cleans his body until he’s comfortable. Until the rite of praise and adoration is complete.

In the morning after, Hyunjin takes in the sight before him.

Oblivious about Hyunjin waking up, his boyfriend cooks breakfast in only a t-shirt that looks as if it had been slept in for a long time—fraying just a little at the seams and looking extra comfortable with all the wear. It’s a shirt Hyunjin is all too familiar with given that it’s his own.

Eyes drifting up, he shamelessly lingers at the sight of his exposed nape.

It’s a beautiful nape, delicate and graceful, so he sneaks up behind Felix, snaking his arms around his waist from behind. Ignoring his lover’s yelp, Hyunjin buries his face in it, peppering kisses and bitting hickeys all over, in case someone else around Felix ever thinks about him the way Hyunjin does.

“Oof—good morning,” comes Felix's startled greeting, a little bubbly as he involuntarily giggles at the tickling sensation.

Felix’s face heats up as he feels a small, sharp pain in his lower back, and embarrassment sets in deeper when he feels Hyunjin's bare chest against his clothed back.

He does his best to will his voice to be even when he says, “I’m making egg rolls. We need to go get groceries after this.”

Pressed against his skin that smells just as naturally fragrant as Felix could be after waking up, Hyunjin only mumbles incoherently in response.

“Hmm?” Felix asked.

“I said…” He pulls away, resting his chin on Felix’s shoulder. “I love you.” Hyunjin grins when Felix’s eyes grow soft. “Forgot to tell you last night.”

Felix turns off the stove. And as much as he’s shy about the whole ordeal, he turns around and snakes his arms around Hyunjin's nape, pulling him closer. So close that he can marvel at the beautiful mole under his eye, just above his cheekbone.

“Are you sure you’re not just after my egg rolls?”

“And your egg rolls. I love them, too.”

Felix sighs, shaking his head with an amused smile. The sun is up fully, and the living room is clear and bright. There are no alarm clocks, no deadlines to worry about. Hyunjin’s palms smooth over his sides, soothing him in so much comfort, making him want to just stay in bed and cuddle all day.

It’s the perfect time to just… say it.

“I want to be with you forever.”

Hyunjin just kisses him right then and there because he’s his, and there’s no room for stalling, no chance for him to waste. He kisses Felix to make up for the lost time. To fill in the seconds he has ever hesitated on making Felix his.

He kisses him, sweetly yet unrestrained, baring his heart. Felix kisses him back. For a while, they sway to the music that plays in their heads as their lips lock and their hearts entwine.

┈───────ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ

And it's over! Slightly teared up while writing this because the thought of letting this story end pains me. Hope you guys enjoyed reading Hyunlix have the softest sex ever. Thank you so much for your support!

But... there will be an epilogue that will be published after this! (And a surprise too) So look forward to that. Also, after publishing the epilogue, please check my message board. I will be asking for your votes on what story to publish next!

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