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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ [completed] ❝we... we can't do this. it's against the rules.❞ ❝fuck the rules! you know we both want... Mer



449 15 47

Minho was having a very hard time with making the eggs. He had just gotten out of bed and had stumbled into the kitchen to make breakfast for the others. He'd woken up a little late, which is why he went straight to the kitchen and didn't freshen up first.

The tiredness and exhaustion dawned upon Minho, which led him to simply stare at the eggs as they started to overcook. This was his third attempt, and he was now a little more awake after splashing some water onto his face.

He was right about to add the salt and pepper when he suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist, a weight heavy on his right shoulder. Minho chuckled softly as the grip around his waist tightened.

"Morning..." Jisung's voice slurred, but in a whisper. It was only for Minho's ears.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Minho smiled to himself, subtly leaning more into Jisung's embrace.

"Smells good," Jisung said, peering over Minho's shoulder. "Want some."

"Have you brushed?"

He felt Jisung shake his head in response.

"Then go and do it," Minho responded, turning his head slightly to give Jisung a sniff kiss of sorts into his hair. "I'll have a plate ready for you."

"Did you brush?" Jisung asked curiously.

"No..." Minho chuckled.

"Then I'll wait for you," Jisung replied, burying his face into Minho's neck, subtly inhaling the older's scent. "We'll brush together."

"Okay," Minho said, transferring the cooked eggs onto a plate, reaching for the egg tray to make more. "If that's what you want."

Jisung hummed, and the two remained in that position. Minho skillfully made the eggs while Jisung waited patiently, eyes still droopy as his head rested on Minho's shoulder.

"You guys are gross," a voice called out, interrupting their moment. "It's like you two always forget that there are other people living here."

Jisung slowly backed away and looked behind at Jeongin seated at the dining table, who was staring at the two in disgust. Minho simply laughed as Jisung muttered a quiet "whatever" and sat down in front of Jeongin.

Once Jisung was seated, Jeongin leaned in closer, gesturing the other to do so as well. "So, are you two dating yet?"

Jisung goes wide-eyed and quickly turns around to make sure Minho hadn't heard anything. Thankfully, Minho was busy with the food to pay them attention. Jisung sighed a breath of relief before turning back to Jeongin.


"What? I'm asking you a genuine question."

"What question?" Seungmin questioned as he walked in with his unusually incredible sense of hearing.

"I asked Hannie hyung if he's dating Minho hyung," Jeongin repeated, but in a hushed tone this time.

"Oh," Seungmin's face lit up as he quickly sat down beside Jeongin, peering closer to the two. "Yes, that's a good question. Are you dating Minho hyung?"

"No, no!" Jisung spluttered embarrassingly. "I mean, not yet... I- I just don't know if we're ready to go further yet."

"Hmm," Seungmin hummed, leaning in further. "But did you ask him? Or is that your assumption?"

"I- He... he said he needed time."

"And when was this?"

"Last month...?"

"And that's not enough time?"

"He hasn't said anything about it, though!" Jisung argued.

"But what if he was waiting for you to say something?" Jeongin added. "You know he isn't good at expressing himself. What if he wants you to bring it up first?"

"Exactly. How long will you two simply just act all lovey-dovey without moving to the next step?" Seungmin said.

Jisung sighed, feeling the weight of the conversation settling in. "I guess you guys might have a point, but I don't want to rush things. What if he's not ready?"

Seungmin raised an eyebrow. "Have you ever considered that he might be waiting for you because he's not sure if you're ready?"

Jeongin chimed in, "Sometimes, taking that step requires one of you to make the first move. It's not about rushing; it's about understanding each other's feelings."

Seungmin nodded in agreement. "Communication is key, Jisung. You won't know unless you talk about it openly."

Jisung looked thoughtful for a moment before a determined expression crossed his face. "You're right. I think I'll... I'll talk to him today, clear things up."

"I'm done, Hannie," Minho called out. "Let's go, brush."

"Thanks, guys," Jisung muttered quickly before joining Minho.

"They even brush together?" Jeongin laughed. "How are they not a married couple?"

"I know, right?" Seungmin said, grabbing a plate of food for himself. "I hope those two sort their shit out soon. Who knows how long we'll all be together."

"Hyung!" Jeongin exclaimed. "Don't put down the mood like that."

"It's the truth, Innie."

Meanwhile, in Jisung's bathroom, the two of them stood in front of the mirror, brushing their teeth. Their gaze met multiple times in the reflection of the mirror, but they quickly averted their gazes.

They were soon done with it and had rushed to finish their breakfast as well, Chan being kind enough to leave two fresh plates of food for them.

After breakfast, the two decided to simply lay around in Minho's room. Jisung decided to borrow Chan's guitar as a way to pass the time.

"You know how to play?" Minho asked, laying next to Jisung with one hand propped up in order to look at the younger.

"Yeah," Jisung smiled shyly.

"That's hot," Minho stated, looking at Jisung's now crimson cheeks with a smirk.

"Ah, hyung!" Jisung hid his face in his hands in embarrassment.

"It's true," Minho smirked, pushing Jisung's hands away from his face to see him properly. "Plus, you look adorable when you're all flustered like that."

"What's gotten into you?!" Jisung asked in shock at Minho's sudden open flirting.

"What?" Minho leaned in closer and whispered. "You don't like it?"

"I- I never said that! It's... it's just," Jisung was now trying his best to keep eye contact. "It's just new to me."

"Should I stop then—"

"No!" Jisung blurted. Minho wanted to laugh out loud at this but controlled himself for the sake of Jisung's sanity. "I mean, no, you don't... have to."

"Alright," Minho responded, sitting up more properly. The two simply sat in silence for a few moments until Minho spoke up again. "Will you teach me?"

"The guitar?" Jisung questioned, confused.

"Yeah," Minho looked at the younger and smiled. "I never got the chance to learn."

"I mean, yeah, of course, why not?" Jisung slowly handed the guitar over to Minho and moved behind the older. His arms slid right under Minho's, gently guiding the other's fingers to the strings. "So we'll do a basic chord, yeah? A major."

Minho nodded, watching patiently as Jisung guided his fingers to the correct spots on the guitar for each string for this chord.

"Go on, give it a try."

"Okay," Minho takes the pick from Jisung and strums the guitar. A pleasant, rhythmic sound is heard in return.

"Great! You've learned that one."

Minho smiled, and he spent the next hour learning all the basic chords, trying to remember each one to the best extent. He could tell how happy Jisung was while he was teaching him. Minho could see how much Jisung loved playing the guitar.

"That's enough, Hannie," Minho chuckled, gently removing the guitar from his lap and placing it on the bed behind them. "I don't think my fingers can take it anymore. Look at how red they've become."

Minho wiggles his fingers in front of Jisung, whose face instantly drops at the sight of the reddish colour on them.

"Oh God, I'm sorry, I- I didn't realize—"

Minho immediately silenced Jisung by placing a finger on his lips.

"You ramble too much," Minho said, finger unmoved. "I'm okay. Don't apologize."

Jisung nodded, and Minho removed his finger. The tension in the air grew thicker as the two stared at each other, this time, both of them made conscious efforts to maintain eye contact.

Their breaths were now audible in the silence of the room, and for Jisung, it felt like time had stopped. It was now or never, he thought. He had to go for it.

"Hyung, I need to ask you—"

"Can I kiss you, Hannie—"

Jisung's eyes grew wide as soon as he heard those words leave Minho's mouth. That sure wasn't what he was expecting at all.


"Is it too soon?" Minho asked, lowering his head shyly.

"N-No! I mean, I- I was just taken aback, that's all!" Jisung blurted out, not allowing Minho to even think that he was against this whatsoever.

He watched as Minho nodded and gulped nervously, avoiding eye contact.

"Hyung," Jisung whispered softly. "Look at me, please."

Minho slowly looked up, meeting Jisung's eyes, which were filled with nothing but affection and adoration for the older.

"Is the offer still up?" Jisung asked, in his ever so teasing tone. Minho chuckled at that, nodding curtly.

"Only if you're okay with it, though," Minho smiled.

"That's a yes from me," Jisung replied, already starting to lean closer. Minho scooted closer, too, gently cupping Jisung's face in his hands as he slowly began to lean in.

A few of Jisung's senses shut off the moment Minho's lips touched his. Jisung wasn't sure if his eyes had fallen closed right as Minho kissed him or if he just went blind.

Jisung was definitely more than deaf to the world right now. He couldn't hear a thing except the sound of his heart pounding resoundingly in his ears.

Though he was still left with a few functioning senses. He could feel, he could smell, and he could taste.

Minho's lips were softer than Jisung had imagined--and he'd imagined it quite often. But they were forceful. Jisung could smell Minho's cologne between them.

And when Minho pushed his tongue into Jisung's mouth, slightly, he was overcome by the taste of mint and the slightest trace of sugar.

Minho's hands were cupping Jisung's face, and Jisung finally remembered to move, placing a hand on the back of Minho's neck, keeping him in place. Not that he was going anywhere, but Jisung wasn't about to risk it. Not now.

Eventually, though, it was Jisung who pulled away first, and he had never been so mad at his lungs. He dropped his head, panting, his heart making his entire body thud with each beat.

Minho was still holding his face, so he turned his face back up to him, pressing his forehead against Jisung's. "Are you okay?" he asked breathlessly.

Jisung let out a breathless laugh. "More than okay."

┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-


Yes, finally, we have the minsung (indirect) confession! The next update will be on comeback day, so stay tuned!!

This story has only a few chapters left, I actually can't believe this is getting over so soon! Hope you guys like it so far. Please vote and comment!!

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