the_seven_signs tarafından

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I was a beast deceased with the ability to destroy whatever he needs... Trauma changes you to who you don't w... Daha Fazla

introduction ❣
First impression💎
Is he alright?🌸
why is taehyung treated that way?🥀
The untold truth...💫
Can i trust you? 💟
Just hold onto me tight
The trouble continues 🖤
You can't have me
Your still hiding!
we can make it right🍁
will thing's fall apart♠️
Everything's changed
I'll try my best
U can't be my cure
Thing's HURT🦋
this shouldn't have been this way!
Danger creeps In☠
I wish i could protect you!
emotions 💟
Is this right?
You belong to me!
Everything I can do for her
Hope is all that we have
May you rest in peace🥀
Why I am, the Way I am!?
The pain is unbearable!
I'll always remember you
Let's stay strong
Life goes onn...
Time flies by-
The proposal
You hurt me
Loving you is Hard!
Past beholds
Hating on you is a curse
Post Graduated🎉
Is it a 'Yes or a No?'
The grand wedding of the town
Married life troubles
Author's notice
Unexpected Honeymoon trip
Finding my Serendipity
Rising conflicts or connections?
Shadows of Envy
♡Tangled in ecstasy♡
Heated confessions
Fractured desires: the dual struggle
Serenade of smiles or melancholy
Entangled emotions
Unknown deliveries and feelings
Unexpected connections.
Vengeance Unleashed
Party bash or new dangers unveiled?
Blurry days and dawning realisations!
Whispers in the shadows
Hoseok's unrequited Echoes

Obscured Intentions

124 7 9
the_seven_signs tarafından


Y/n pov-

I rushed back to my apartment after a grueling day of training. The clock showed 11pm, and exhaustion had settled into my bones. My stomach grumbled, a reminder that I hadn't had a proper meal all day. As I approached my apartment door, I stopped short, taken aback by the sight before me.

Yeonjun and Hyunjin, both dozing off by the side of my door. Yeonjun's head was resting on Hyunjin's shoulder, and a small smile tugged at the corner of my lips. Suppressing my giggles, I couldn't resist taking out my phone and capturing the adorable scene. But just as the camera flashed, their eyes snapped open, and they caught me in the act.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Yeonjun exclaimed, snatching the phone from my hands, with Hyunjin echoing his sentiment.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Caught you guys in a cute moment, that's all!"

They stood up, giving me exaggerated pouts, "We've been waiting outside for you for two hours!"

I couldn't help but shake my head at their antics. "Alright, alright. Come on in."

They followed me inside, their complaints fading as they spotted the treasure trove of ice creams in my refrigerator. Their eyes lit up like kids in a candy store, and they excitedly picked flavors, settling on the couch.

"I'll be back in a bit, just need to freshen up," I told them.

They nodded in approval, already too engrossed in their ice creams. I returned after 15 minutes, feeling rejuvenated. To my surprise, they had moved to the dining table, surrounded by fried chicken, fries, burgers, and coke. My stomach grumbled again, and they signaled for me to join them.

"Come on, Y/N, dig in!" Hyunjin urged with a mouthful of fries.

I couldn't resist any longer. Starving after the busy day, I joined them at the table, sinking my teeth into the juicy chicken and savoring the delicious flavors. Between bites, we exchanged stories and laughed like old friends.

In that moment, surrounded by good food and better company, I felt a sense of camaraderie that only friends could bring. Despite the exhaustion, I realized that these unexpected moments of connection made all the hard work and long hours worth it.

Later at midnight-

Sitting comfortably on my couch, engrossed in my laptop work, I was interrupted by the doorbell's chime. Debating whether to answer it or not, I finally decided to put my laptop aside and see who it was. Opening the door without checking through the peephole, I was taken aback as a bunch of vibrant flowers almost collided with my face. Laughter bubbled out of me as the guy holding the bouquet lowered it, revealing none other than Jimin, a mischievous smile on his lips. I gladly accepted the bouquet, my heart warming at the unexpected gesture.

"Hey, surprise!" he greeted, his eyes twinkling as he stepped inside after I invited him.

He removed his shoes and settled on the couch, making himself comfortable. I returned with glasses of wine, placing them on the center table before joining him. I wiggled my eyebrows, curiosity brimming, and he answered with a stretch and a fake yawn, "Well, I missed my Y/N, so I thought I'd drop off some flowers and maybe myself too."

His words were playful, and as he leaned in to kiss me gently, my heart raced. His touch was electric, his hands exploring as we shared an intense moment. Breaking away slightly, I whispered, "You know I love you, right?"

He hummed in response, and I leaned in for another kiss, lost in the tender connection. The world faded away, leaving only the warmth of his presence and the softness of his lips against mine.

Jimin's POV-

Then, suddenly, my surroundings shifted. The sun illuminated the room, and I felt a warmth on my face. Confused, I touched my face, realizing it was hot and red. Reality slowly dawned on me. It was all a dream-a vivid, intoxicating dream. Y/n and I, the passionate kiss, the whispered words-it was all in my mind. I shook my head, trying to clear the remnants of the dream, and sighed.

With a chuckle at my own imagination, I started my day, knowing that while my dream might not be real, the feelings it stirred in me were very much genuine.

Meanwhile y/n's morning-

Since morning, a heavy sense of dread hung over me like a suffocating blanket. Waves of nausea had repeatedly forced me to clutch the edge of my bed, while my stomach churned mercilessly. Vomiting had become a relentless routine, leaving me drained and shaky. My body radiated heat like a furnace, and each time I tried to sit up, dizziness swirled around me like a sinister dance.

Despite my best efforts, I managed to pull myself together when the doorbell's chime echoed through the apartment. Summoning the remnants of my strength, I shuffled towards the entrance, my footsteps unsteady. It felt like an eternity as I reached for the doorknob, my trembling fingers fumbling to turn it.

As the door swung open, I was met with Hoseok's concerned gaze. His eyes widened at the sight of me, his usually cheerful demeanor replaced by worry. His voice was a whisper, tinged with shock, "OMG, Y/N, you look dead!"

I mustered a weak, crooked smile in response, my voice barely audible, "Yeah, I know. Thank you for reminding me."

His worry deepened, "Are you okay?"

With each word, I felt my energy wane further, so I retreated inside my apartment, Hoseok following behind. Collapsing onto my bed, I sighed, "I don't think I'm good. What does feeling good even feel like?"

Hoseok chuckled and assessed the situation, murmuring a dramatic "dayumm." He checked my fever and exclaimed, "Hell's fire would be less hot than you at this moment! Girl, what did you do?"

I explained how I'd devoured chicken and burgers after an intense workout day, and Hoseok listened attentively. He assured me that he was here to help, despite it being midday. Rushing back to his apartment, he returned with medicines. I obediently swallowed them all and watched as he dashed to my kitchen.

Before long, Hoseok returned to my bedside, a tray balanced carefully in his hands. The rich aroma of crab soup and freshly baked breadsticks wafted through the air, wrapping me in a warm embrace. The soft light of the room cast a soothing glow, casting a sense of serenity over the scene.

With a tender smile, he placed the tray down on the bedside table, his fingers brushing against mine for an instant, sending a wave of comfort through my body. Gently, he coaxed me to sit up, his touch as delicate as a whisper. Each movement felt like a symphony of care, resonating within me.

Hoseok held the spoonful of fragrant soup to my lips, his eyes fixed on mine with a reassuring gaze. His warmth radiated from him, seeping into my every fiber and soothing away the discomfort. The first spoonful of soup was like a gentle hug, a taste of relief that spread through me. He continued to feed me, his voice a calming murmur as he encouraged me to eat more.

Breadsticks followed, a simple pleasure that he shared with me. With each bite, I felt a sense of nurturing care, a reminder that in the midst of my weakness, there was someone willing to nourish my body and soul. He made sure I drank water too, his attentive eyes never leaving my face, as if absorbing every detail of how I was feeling.

Laying me back down, Hoseok's fingers traced soft circles on my forehead, then drifted to my hair, his touch a soothing balm that chased away the restlessness. His soft humming resonated in my ears, a lullaby woven with affection and concern. The melody wrapped around me, a cocoon of tenderness that pushed aside the discomfort and replaced it with a sense of security.

As I closed my eyes, the sensations of his touch, and the warmth of his presence lingered in my senses. In the embrace of his care, I surrendered to the peaceful embrace of sleep, knowing that he was there, watching over me, guiding me into a world free of pain and worry.

Taehyung POV-

Hours had passed since I locked myself in my room, shutting out the world and everything in it. The emptiness inside me seemed to seep through every corner of the room, leaving it as lifeless and desolate as I felt. The servants in the house were worried; I could sense their hushed whispers and concerned glances through the locked door.

My stomach growled with hunger, a relentless reminder that I hadn't eaten anything for hours. The thought of food was unappetizing, a mere afterthought in the midst of the turmoil raging within me. But the servants' voices grew more persistent, their concern giving way to a sense of urgency.

"Mr. Kim, you need to eat something," one of them pleaded from the other side of the door, her voice laced with genuine worry.

But I couldn't find the strength to respond, to assure them that I was okay. My heart felt heavy, my mind consumed by the memories of her leaving. Each thought of Y/N was like a stab in the chest, a fresh wave of pain that I couldn't escape.

"Please, Mr. Kim, just a little something," another voice chimed in, the desperation in their tone tugging at something inside me.

But the emptiness within me was all-encompassing, swallowing any desire to nourish my body. I lay on the floor, feeling the weight of the blankets pressing down on me as if mirroring the heaviness in my heart. I didn't deserve to feel any better, didn't deserve to move on from the pain I had caused.

The voices of the servants faded into a distant hum, their words blending with the echoes of Y/N's voice that reverberated in my mind. It was as if I had shut myself off from the world, trapped in a cycle of torment that seemed never-ending.

I lay on the cold bedroom floor, my world in disarray just like my emotions. The room seemed to close in around me, suffocating me with the memories of her absence. I clutched a picture frame of us tightly, the image of her radiant smile mocking me as tears streamed down my face. The days since she left felt like an endless abyss of pain and loneliness.

Suddenly, a voice surged from within me. V emerged with an intensity that matched my despair. He spoke with a voice filled with anguish, a reflection of the pain in my chest. "I can't bear this anymore. I need her, Taehyung. Her presence, her warmth, everything about her. I need her back."

The sound of his own voice screaming at the top of his lungs echoed in my head as I gripped my hair, feeling the torment deep within me. The bathroom beckoned, the place where I had last seen her before she walked out of my life forever. As if in a trance, I stumbled towards it, my heart heavy, my mind a whirlwind of emotions.

In the bathroom, I stared at my reflection in the mirror, my eyes hollow, my face etched with pain. With trembling hands, I turned the tap water on, splashing my face with it. The sensation was jarring, like a cold shock that momentarily snapped me out of my misery. I looked at myself again in the mirror, this time with a twisted smile on my lips, my eyes devoid of any emotions.

"I think I know who can help me now," I muttered to myself, the shift in my voice marking V's emergence. A smug grin spread across my lips as I continued, "The person who brought us together, who orchestrated this marriage. He knows Y/N, knows her inside out. He'll help me find her,make her mine again."

The sinister satisfaction in V's tone was chilling, a harbinger of the drastic steps he was willing to take. The plan forming in my mind was ruthless, but in that moment, the pain was too much, and I was desperate to fill the void Y/N's absence had left. With V's resolve hardening within me, I knew the path ahead would be one of darkness and uncertainty.

The next day-


The towering office building stood before me, a stark contrast to the turmoil that churned within me. With an appointment secured, I stood outside a grand office on the 25th floor. My heart raced as I knocked, my knuckles rapping against the polished wood. A voice from within granted permission with a simple "come in."

Stepping inside, I made my way towards the imposing work table at the center of the room. Taking a seat in the plush chair, I settled in, anticipation buzzing beneath my skin. The large office chair behind the desk spun around, revealing a man with a welcoming smile.

He addressed me with a knowing smirk, "Yes, my dear. How may I help you this time?"

I laced my fingers together, leaning back comfortably in the chair before I began, "I need to know everything about Y/N. All her whereabouts. I want to be intimately aware of her life. After all, she deserves her own sweet, psychotic 'unknown stalker,' don't you think? Which won't be so unknown to her as he's gonna be her own ex bestie, ex husband and what not but still she'll not know a single info about him"

A wicked smile tugged at my lips as I continued, "Someone who will be her constant shadow, her secret observer. Someone who knows her so well, it's as if they're living with her."

My gaze locked onto Mr. Junghun, my eyes gleaming with purpose. I pressed on, "I want to know every detail, every moment, as if I'm right there beside her. And I believe that's something only you can help me with."

A moment of tense silence passed between us, the weight of my request hanging in the air. His nod held a promise, a partnership forged in secrecy and darkness.

With a satisfied grin, I knew I had set my plan into motion, the pieces falling into place like a macabre puzzle. The power to hold her life within my grasp was intoxicating, and I was willing to do whatever it took to ensure she never escaped my reach again.

Author's pov-

OMG OMG!! the plot takes an unexpected twist, revealing Y/N's dearest uncle Junghun as a character shrouded in shadow. The person she held close to her heart seems to harbor darker intentions, casting doubt on the trust she had once bestowed upon him.

As for Taehyung, or should I say V, his character delves into the depths of obsession and darkness. Why are The tainted threads of 'stalking' woven into the narrative??

Ah! oh, ehehe i remember that's the title of the book and now we're on we on the sickening part of this book!! Less go for the roller coaster ride of emotions!! Shall we dear readers?

Stay tuned 💕
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