By the_seven_signs

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I was a beast deceased with the ability to destroy whatever he needs... Trauma changes you to who you don't w... More

introduction ❣
First impression💎
Is he alright?🌸
why is taehyung treated that way?🥀
The untold truth...💫
Can i trust you? 💟
Just hold onto me tight
The trouble continues 🖤
You can't have me
Your still hiding!
we can make it right🍁
will thing's fall apart♠️
Everything's changed
I'll try my best
U can't be my cure
Thing's HURT🦋
this shouldn't have been this way!
Danger creeps In☠
I wish i could protect you!
emotions 💟
Is this right?
You belong to me!
Everything I can do for her
Hope is all that we have
May you rest in peace🥀
Why I am, the Way I am!?
The pain is unbearable!
I'll always remember you
Let's stay strong
Life goes onn...
Time flies by-
The proposal
You hurt me
Loving you is Hard!
Past beholds
Hating on you is a curse
Post Graduated🎉
Is it a 'Yes or a No?'
The grand wedding of the town
Married life troubles
Author's notice
Unexpected Honeymoon trip
Finding my Serendipity
Rising conflicts or connections?
Shadows of Envy
♡Tangled in ecstasy♡
Heated confessions
Obscured Intentions
Serenade of smiles or melancholy
Entangled emotions
Unknown deliveries and feelings
Unexpected connections.
Vengeance Unleashed
Party bash or new dangers unveiled?
Blurry days and dawning realisations!
Whispers in the shadows
Hoseok's unrequited Echoes

Fractured desires: the dual struggle

119 6 4
By the_seven_signs


3 month's later-

I stood in the middle of the spacious living room, surrounded by cardboard boxes filled with memories and essentials. It was my first day in this new apartment, a place I had chosen to live independently after my divorce from Taehyung. The pain inside me was still raw, not because I loved him, but because he had been my best friend, someone I trusted blindly, and he betrayed me by being involved in the underworld.

But I was determined to move on and pursue my dream of becoming a gynecologist, the path I had always wanted to follow before my marriage. So, despite the heartache, I threw myself into training, and I found solace in loving what I was doing.

Now, here I was, in Seoul's biggest tower, far away from my dad's grand mansion. I had tried to tell him that I didn't need such a lavish house, but he couldn't bear to see me in any old apartment. After the trauma with Taehyung, he wanted me close, and at least he could provide a better place for me to live in. I could afford the rent, so I didn't argue much and settled in here.

Flashback 1 month back-

I sat down with my dad in the elegant living room of his grand mansion, trying to explain my decision to live independently. He was reluctant at first, not wanting to see me live alone, especially after all the pain I had been through with Taehyung. But I knew I had to stand my ground and make him understand why being independent was crucial for me.

"Dad," I began, taking a deep breath, "I appreciate everything you've done for me, and I love you for it. But I need to be strong and independent morally. It's not about running away from you or our family. It's about finding my own strength and identity outside the walls of this mansion."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I continued, "I can't depend on someone else for my happiness or security like I've in my past. I want to prove to myself that I can stand on my own feet, face challenges, and make my dreams come true. Pursuing my career as a gynecologist is important to me, and living independently will give me the space to focus and grow."

My dad listened intently, his expression softening as he saw the determination in my eyes. He knew he couldn't hold me back from my dreams, even if it meant letting me go.

After a moment of silence, he finally spoke, "I understand, and I respect your decision. If you believe that living independently will make you stronger and happier, then I'll support you. But there's no way I can see my daughter living in any old dusty apartment."

I nodded, grateful for his understanding, "I know, Dad. I promise you, I'll take care of myself, and I can afford the rent for the place you're offering me. I won't let you down."

He smiled warmly, reaching out to hold my hand, "I know you won't, dear. I trust you, and I'm proud of the woman you're becoming. You have my blessing to live in the apartment all by your own. Just remember, no matter where you are, you'll always be close to my heart."

Tears of gratitude filled my eyes as I hugged him tightly, "Thank you, Dad. Your support means everything to me."

Back to today-

And so, with my father's reluctant but loving approval, I moved into the grand apartment in Seoul's biggest tower. It was a symbol of both my independence and the unwavering love my family had for me.

As I unpacked my belongings, I felt a mix of emotions—freedom and fear intertwined. It was liberating to be on my own, struggling and striving to be a strong, independent woman. No longer living off the life served by my parents, I embraced the challenge of being self-reliant.

With each box I unpacked, I realized I was building a new life for myself, a life I deserved, away from the darkness of Taehyung's world he had kept hidden from me. While memories of our past lingered, I was resolute in my decision to carve my path and not let the pain define me.

In this new apartment, I would heal, grow, and chase my dreams without any constraints. With each passing day, I knew I would become stronger, just like the woman I aspired to be. The journey ahead might be uncertain, but I was ready to face it head-on, holding onto the hope of a brighter future.

After a few hours-

I took a deep breath, clutching the cakes and cookies I had bought as welcome gifts for my new neighbor. With a nervous excitement, I pressed the doorbell and waited. The door swung open, revealing a sight that momentarily stole my words. A man stood before me, his upper body half exposed, a striking vision of masculine allure. His well-toned abdomen seemed sculpted by the hands of an artist, each muscle defined with exquisite precision. The soft glow of his skin hinted at a life well-lived, and his dark brown eyes gleamed with sincerity.

In that moment, I couldn't help but notice the intricate artwork that adorned his left arm, a tapestry of tattoos that told a story only he knew. They covered his arm, creeping down to his wrist, a testament to his unique character and experiences. His height, an impressive 5'10", gave him a commanding presence, and his fair complexion held an air of elegance that contrasted beautifully with his casual self.

He stood there, tilting his head, his eyebrow raised in a quizzical manner. I cleared my throat and managed to stammer, "Hi, I'm your new neighbor Lee y/n. I just moved in today, and I wanted to... um, welcome you to the floor."

He blinked, seemingly taken aback, before a warm smile tugged at his lips. "Well, that's a warm welcome. Thanks," he replied, accepting the gifts. "I'm Hoseok, by the way. Nice to meet you."

I returned his smile, feeling a bit more at ease. "I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you too."

Just as I was about to make a polite exit, he asked, "You staying alone?"

I nodded, and he continued, "Mind if I give you a helping hand? Moving can be a mess, I understand. Only if you don't mind, of course."

I chuckled at his offer, feeling a little mischievous. "Sure, you can help. But how about you come in... with a shirt on?"

Hoseok laughed, a warm sound that eased the tension. "Fair enough. Let me grab a shirt."

A few moments later, he stood at my doorway, wearing a loose half-sleeve shirt. He stepped inside, glancing around my apartment that was still in disarray.

"Wow, you weren't kidding about the mess," he remarked, his tone teasing.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Hey, I've done a lot in the bedroom. You're just seeing the living room and kitchen."

Hoseok chuckled, shaking his head. "Alright, fair point. Let's start with the kitchen then. You at least deserve a place to make some food."

We worked together, unpacking boxes, organizing cabinets, and setting up the kitchen. Hoseok's presence made the task feel lighter, and his cooking skills were a bonus. As we put things in place, he looked around and raised an eyebrow asking me once again. "When did you shift? It looks like you haven't touched a single cardboard box and even after doing so much into the kitchen it feels like we're still left with a lot!"

I huffed, defending myself, "Hey, I did a lot in the bedroom. And for a single girl, that's already a major accomplishment."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, now you have some man force to help you out. Let's end here so you can at least have some decent meals."

And so, together, with laughter and camaraderie, we tackled the chaos of my new apartment. In Hoseok's company, the daunting task felt more like an adventure, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected assistance and the beginning of a new friendship.

The sun had begun its descent, casting a warm, golden hue across my newly arranged apartment. With a satisfying exhale, I found myself sprawled out on the soft carpet, basking in the accomplishment of having finally unpacked all my belongings. Hoseok, too, seemed to be catching his breath on the couch, his weariness evident.

As he rose to his feet, stretching out his limbs, a hint of exhaustion in his movements, I watched him closely. Hoseok ambled over to my refrigerator, opening the door in search of water. But his expression quickly shifted from anticipation to bewilderment as he found it empty, devoid of any sustenance. He shot me a quizzical look, and I could feel the heat of embarrassment creeping up my neck.

I sheepishly scratched the back of my neck, offering a small apologetic smile. Before I could even voice an explanation, Hoseok turned and left my apartment abruptly, leaving me staring at the door with a sense of unease settling in my chest.

Had I upset him? It seemed only reasonable after all the help he had provided. I slumped back onto the carpet, a heavy sigh escaping my lips. Just as my worries began to mount, my doorbell rang again, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Opening the door, I was greeted by Hoseok, who jingled his car keys in front of me. His voice was laced with a playful tone as he suggested, "You know what? Let's go shopping. You could use some survival supplies in this massive place. The least you can have is proper food and water. Let's go now!"

Without waiting for a response, he turned and headed toward the elevator. I hurriedly grabbed my jacket, phone, and purse, following him down. We stepped into the elevator, and I could feel the tension that had momentarily clouded our interaction starting to lift.

We made our way to the parking lot, where Hoseok's SUV stood waiting. As we drove to the supermarket, casual conversation flowed between us. We shared details about our professions, our families, and our lives in general. The atmosphere was easy and comfortable, and I found myself opening up to him more than I had anticipated.

Once we arrived at the supermarket, we navigated the aisles, picking up every essential item for my household. The cart was filled with groceries, and by the time we were done, both of us looked even more exhausted than before.

As we settled back into the car, Hoseok turned to me with a knowing smile. "I can tell you're too drained to cook tonight. How about we eat out instead?"

The idea sounded like a dream to my tired ears, and I nodded in agreement. We pulled up at a nearby Pizza Hut and placed an order for a large family-sized pizza, along with a side of Sprite and choco lava cake. Soon, our order arrived, and we took it as a parcel to my apartment.

Back at my place, we dropped the groceries and sank down onto the living room floor, our fingers eagerly digging into the warm, cheesy slices of pizza. Hunger had turned our mealtime into a silent devouring of food, but eventually, our plates were empty, and we sat there, pizza-satisfied but wordlessly staring at each other.

Suddenly, a shared burst of laughter erupted between us, a spontaneous release of the day's tension. Our laughter filled the room, and in that moment, as we exchanged genuine smiles, I felt a deeper connection forming between us, one that extended beyond just being neighbors.

At night-

As Hoseok bid me farewell, I couldn't help but feel immensely grateful for his help and company. "Thank you so much, Hoseok. You've been a lifesaver today," I said with a warm smile, sincerity lacing my words.

He chuckled, giving me a casual wave. "Anytime, Y/N. Just remember, I'm just a door away if you need anything."

With that, he left my apartment, leaving me to enjoy the comfort of a long, refreshing shower. The warm water washed away the exhaustion of the day, and as I stepped out, feeling rejuvenated, I noticed my phone lighting up with missed calls. Panic surged through me as I saw Jimin's name on the screen. Without hesitation, I dialed his number.

"Hey, Jimin. Sorry, I missed your calls. What's up?" I asked, my voice tinged with concern.

Jimin's voice sounded slightly annoyed on the other end. "Finally! Can you like come down already? I've been waiting for an hour. Aren't you supposed to have better manners for your first house guest?"

I chuckled at his playful scolding. "My bad, Jimin. I'll be down in 10 minutes. Hang on."

After we hung up, a sense of déjà vu washed over me. Tears welling up in my eyes I remembered how Taehyung used to give me time limits before we went anywhere. Those moments had been a source of stress for me back then but now they just make me smile. Shaking off the memories taking a deep breath inn to control my emotions, I walked to my closet, slipping into a comfortable pair of nightwear. With a hint of lip gloss, a spritz of scent, and a layer of night cream, I stepped outside my apartment.

Walking down to the front gate, I spotted Jimin's Porsche waiting. He opened the door for me, and before I knew it, he pulled me into a warm, unexpected hug. My heart fluttered, and I reciprocated the embrace, feeling his strong arms around me. We held each other for a few moments before finally pulling back.

As we settled inside the car, Jimin handed me a bag filled with my favorite ice cream flavors. My eyes widened in delight, and I exclaimed with excitement before pulling him into another grateful hug. Choosing black currant, I offered him mango as we shared a light laugh.

We chatted about my moving process, and Jimin apologized for not being there on the very first day. I waved off his concern, assuring him that his presence now was more than enough. I couldn't help but share my gratitude for Hoseok, my kind neighbor, who had been incredibly supportive during this transition.

Jimin's eyes softened, and he sighed, his care for me evident. We spent the evening talking about our lives, my voice laced with appreciation for his unwavering friendship and support over the past three months.

Even though Jimin didn't know Taehyung personally, his presence had been a lifeline for me, providing the comfort and understanding I needed after my divorce. My other friends, like Soojin, Jisyoung, Felix, and Yeonjun, had also rallied around me, condemning Taehyung's actions and supporting my decision to leave.

Meanwhile taehyung's POV-

Every day felt like a strange struggle, like I was living in two completely different worlds that just didn't match up. In the daytime, I went about my routine as Taehyung, talking to people, going through work, and pretending to be kind. But deep inside, it was like a storm was raging, and I felt this heavy darkness that seemed impossible to overcome.

Simple things like work, meals, and meetings turned into robotic actions, hiding the mess of emotions inside me. I knew that I had messed up and that anyone in their right mind would have left a guy like me, caught up in the underworld. But there was this other part of me, V, that couldn't find any comfort in this logical thinking.

Nighttime was the worst. It felt like I was going crazy. I would cry out all the pain, the hurt, and how much I missed her. Sometimes, I would even hurt myself, thinking that physical pain might somehow make the emotional pain hurt less. My body ended up covered in bruises, like a reminder of the chaos inside my head.

It had been three long months since Y/N left, and every day that passed just made me feel emptier. I hadn't seen her face, heard her voice, or felt her warmth in all that time. While Taehyung might have accepted that this was the way things had to be, V was like a storm of feelings, a mix of memories and wants that consumed me.

Then, when I got the news that she had moved, it hit me hard. The idea of her living a new life without me was like a punch to the gut. The pain of not having her around was almost too much to bear.

In my state of crazy thoughts, V understood what was coming. A choice had to be made, and I couldn't stick to acting logically anymore. The darkness that had been lurking was getting stronger, and I found myself on the edge of a decision that could change everything, even if it meant going beyond what made sense.

Author's pov-

Behind the scenes

Taehyung- my character, seems incapable of going a single day without embracing his wild side! And please, jimin wipe that grin off your face as if you've won the jackpot with Y/N. ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ

Jimin, with a self-satisfied smile, seemed to respond, "Well, she's under my wing now! Feel free to do whatever, Taehyung... aahhh, Jisyoung, can you please be a bit gentle with my hair? It's starting to hurt." (⁠ب⁠_⁠ب⁠)

Jisyoung, engrossed in giving Jimin a Barbie-like pink hairstyle, implored, "Come on, Jiminie, just a moment longer and I'll have this as my finest work on you!" (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

Meanwhile Namjoon and hyunjin who's giving them the bombastic side eye, criminal offensive side eye cringing themselves to their core having a packet of chips in their grasp...ರ⁠_⁠ರ

And over in the author's realm she's all excited -a hearty welcome is extended to our latest addition, Jung Hoseok, to the unfolding narrative! It is my hope that his role brings a fresh wave of joy and serenity to the story. Oh, how I've been awaiting this moment to introduce my beloved Hobi...(⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)

Hoseok, radiant on the stage of words, chimed in- "Ah, all my gratitude to our esteemed author for weaving me into this tale. I aim to infuse the narrative with a compelling presence moving forward! I trust that you, dear readers, will embrace my character wholeheartedly!" (⁠^⁠_⁠^)

As all the members present clap their hands at his new presence in the house!! Cheering for him wholeheartedly.

👉🏻 dear Reader's A noteworthy detail to mention is that in my narrative, Hoseok's arm is adorned with an array of captivating tattoos. However, I want to clarify that this artistic embellishment is purely a creation of the imagination for the context of the book and not reflective of reality.

Just a visual representation of how hobi appears in this book-
© To the respective owners

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