Blue Archive - Story of Joshu...

By TRUExtremeSamX

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A man with a troubled past ends up as a teacher in Kivotos. Oh well, it's not the toughest thing he's had to... More

Chapter 1 - Welcome to Kivotos, Joshua Sensei
Chapter 2 - To the Schale Building
Chapter 3 - The Shittim Chest
Chapter 4 - Down Time I
Chapter 5 - Down Time II
Chapter 6 - An Urgent Request: Abydos
Chapter 7 - Catgirl Rescue Mission
Chapter 8 - Foreclosure Task Force Meeting
Chapter 9 - Problem Solver's Attack
Chapter 10 - Foul Conspiracy
Chapter 11 - Down Time III
Chapter 12 - Down Time IV
Chapter 13 - Storm Brewing
Chapter 14 - Desert Excursion
Chapter 15 - A Battle of Wills
Chapter 16 - Assault on Kaiser
Chapter 17 - Abydos Arc: Epilogue
Chapter 18 - Down Time V
Chapter 19 - Down Time VI
Chapter 20 - A Request: Momoyodou
Chapter 21 - In Need of Assistance
Chapter 22 - A Ninja's Dream
Chapter 23 - Momoyodou Event: Epilogue
Chapter 24 - Down Time VII
Chapter 25 - Down Time VIII
Chapter 26 - Down Time IX
Chapter 27 - A Request: Red Winter
Chapter 28 - A Russian Coup d'Etat
Chapter 29 - Gathering Allies
Chapter 30 - Ivan Kupala Event: Epilogue
Chapter 31 - Down Time X
Chapter 33 - WHITE WHALE
Chapter 34 - Sensei Rescue Mission
Chapter 35 - HOLY GRAIL
Chapter 36 - A Student's Heart I: Hoshino
Chapter 37 - Down Time XI
Chapter 38 - Down Time XII
Chapter 39 - An Urgent Request: Game Development Department
Chapter 40 - Mysterious Girl, AR-1S
Chapter 41 - Oh crap, that's a railgun.
Chapter 42 - Robot Interrogation
Chapter 43 - Return to the Ruins
Chapter 44 - Heist Plans
Chapter 45 - The Mirror Heist (Part 1)
Chapter 46 - The Mirror Heist (Part 2)
Chapter 47 - Unlocking the G.BIBLE
Chapter 48 - Finishing Touches
Chapter 49 - GameDev Arc: Epilogue
Chapter 50 - Down Time XIII
Chapter 51 - A Student's Heart II: Yuuka
Chapter 52 - Day at Abydos
Chapter 53 - Down Time XIV
Chapter 54 - Down Time XV
Chapter 55 - Arona's Day Out
Chapter 56 - A Request: C&C
Chapter 57 - Chaos on Deck
Chapter 58 - Bunny Event: Epilogue
Chapter 59 - Not so VIRTUAL SINGER
Chapter 60 - Down Time XVI
Chapter 61 - Down Time XVII
Chapter 62 - Down Time XVIII
Chapter 63 - A Request: Spec Ops
Chapter 64 - A Student's Heart III: Chinatsu
Chapter 65 - Onsen Event: Epilogue
Chapter 66 - Down Time XIX
Chapter 67 - A Student's Heart IV: Shiroko
Chapter 68 - Down Time XX
Chapter 69 - A Student's Heart V: Haruka
Chapter 70 - An Urgent Request: Tea Party
Chapter 71 - A Request: The Sisterhood
Chapter 72 - Glue, Tonic and... Cake?!
Chapter 73 - Magician & Sister Event: Epilogue
Chapter 74 - Formation of The Make-Up Work Club
Chapter 75 - Studying Boot Camp
Chapter 76 - Boot Camp Begins
Chapter 78 - Swimsuit Symposium
Chapter 79 - A False Glimmer of Hope
Chapter 80 - Confession and Assault
Chapter 81 - Eden Treaty Arc Part I: Epilogue
Chapter 82 - Down Time XXI
Chapter 83 - A Student's Heart VI: Midori & Momoi
Chapter 84 - A Student's Heart VII: Mutsuki
Chapter 85 - A Request: Schale Patrol
Chapter 86 - Wakamo's Feast: Epilogue
Chapter 87 - A Student's Heart VIII: Wakamo
Chapter 88 - Down Time XXII
Chapter 89 - Down Time XXIII
Chapter 90 - A Request: Prefect Team
Chapter 91 - Prefect Summer: Epilogue
Chapter 92 - Down Time XXIV
Chapter 93 - A Request: Ninja Club
Chapter 94 - Various Obstacles
Chapter 95 - Ninja Event: Epilogue
Chapter 96 - Down Time XXV
Chapter 97 - Down Time XXVI
Chapter 98 - A Request: Summer Wishlist
Chapter 99 - Student's Heart 9: Tsurugi & Azusa / Trinity Summer 1: Epilogue
Chapter 100 - Down Time XXVII
Chapter 101 - Down Time XXVIII
Chapter 102 - Down Time XXIX

Chapter 77 - Secret Meeting with Two Pinkettes

1.4K 39 34
By TRUExtremeSamX


"Wow! The pool is so full!" Mika chirps, staring at the crystal-clear blue water. "It's been a long time since I've seen this old thing filled. Were you planning on going swimming? Maybe organizing a pool party?"

I chuckle. "We didn't really think that far ahead when we cleaned it. Maybe we'll all go for a swim after boot camp is over."

"Oh..." She deflates.

"You're invited, too. Naturally." I add.

"Oh!" She re-inflates, smiling.

"Geez." I chuckle, shaking my head at the pinkette's antics. "Anyways, what didja call me here for, Mika?"

The angel just giggles sweetly. "I was just wondering how you were doing!" She chirps.

"You coulda just called me or something if you wanted to do that." I deadpan.

"No way! It wouldn't be as special if we didn't meet in person!" She argues.

"Haha, fair enough." I say.

"Still... Nagi is really going all-in, isn't she?" Mika asks, looking at the annex building. "Even signing off on you all using these facilities for your make up work classes." Then, she smiles again. "So..."

"So...?" I ask.

"So, how goes it?" She chirps. "I hope you aren't simply pretending to keep busy so you can have pool parties with the students. You wouldn't do something like that, would you?"

I laugh. "If I could see you in a swimsuit, I might." I tease.

"Wha?!" Mika stills, face red.

"Sorry. I think Hanako might be rubbing off on me." I joke.

"Geez, don't tease me like that, Sensei!" Mika complains, pouting cutely.

"Still, why are you here?" I ask, more forcefully.

"You don't have to be so wary, Sensei. You're going to hurt my feelings." She grumbles. "Are you at least eating properly? I could always have your class catered if you like? Would tea and cake be alright?"

"I don't think I could survive on just tea and cake, Mika." I deadpan. "But don't worry, I've been cookin' for myself for years. I know how to eat well."

"M-My apologies. I understand." She awkwardly says, realizing she's being a bit pushy. "I should probably skip the small talk, huh? In that case, I'll get straight to the point. And for the record, Nagi doesn't know I'm here right now." She adds, quickly. "I'm by myself, as you can see..." Mika eyes me over for a moment. "She offered you a deal, didn't she?"

"A deal?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "You mean about the traitor?"

"Yes. I thought that might be it. She's a card, that one." Mika says, a bit sadly. "She didn't even give you all the details, I'm willing to be. She just dumped the responsibility in your lap and told you to get to work."

I smile. "You two really have been long-time friends if you can figure out that much, that easily."

Mika smiles bitterly. "Yes. And let me guess, she didn't offer a proper reason or intent behind it either, did she? Did Nagi tell you why the Make Up Work Club was founded this way?"

"I figured it out, actually. It was to circumvent Trinity's many rules using Schale's extrajudicial authority. Specifically the ones about forming clubs and failing students." I explain. "Honestly, I learned more from the contract for this job than I did from Nagisa herself."

"Geez, you're sharp, huh, Sensei?" She smiles. "Still, to think she told you nothing and burdened you with so much."

"Though you're missing one thing." I point out, causing Mika to blink. "I never agreed to her little offer."

"You did? Why?" Mika asks, wide-eyed. "Is it because you didn't want to suspect your own students, or...?"

"Because finding the traitor isn't my fucking job." I growl, causing the angel to stiffen. "My job is to teach students. Nothing more, nothing less. If she wanted to find the traitor so badly, she should've done it her ownself."

"I get it. You're from Schale, meaning you're ultimately and interloper in all of this- unbelonging to Trinity." She smiles.

"Kinda. You gals are students, so I wouldn't mind helping you with the problem of yours- seeing as how it could affect other students and schools-, but I turned her down for one main reason." I explain.

"And what's that?"

"If she had told me, and not tried to use Schale- and therefore me-, I would've gladly helped." Mika's eyes threaten to bulge out of her head at my admission. "But since she tried to use me- as I realized from that contract-, I'm gonna fuck with her and be as spiteful as possible. Don't get me wrong, I'll still find the traitor, but I ain't gonna do it how Nagisa wants me to."

Mika titters, holding a hand to her mouth. "Goodness. You really are a breath of fresh air, Sensei! I don't think I've ever met someone quite like you."

"Neither has Nagisa, from the looks of things." I grin, devilishly.

"Indeed." Mika agrees.

"But, if you want me to be clear. I won't help schools with their problems, it's not my job... But, I will help students with their problems as that IS my job." I explain. "And if helping them means helping their schools, so be it."

Mika looks at me, surprised again. "Aw... I wasn't expecting you to say something like that." She smiles, awkward, though I can hear her heart racing. "Well, if that's the case... does that mean you're on my side, too? I know I may not seem like one sometimes, but I'm technically a student too... you know."

"Of course." I smile and nod. "If you ever need me to be on your side, just ask me, and I'll be there for ya."

Mika looks at me, flabbergasted, with a clear blush on her pretty face. "W-Wow... You sure know how to flatter a lady, Sensei. Are all adults this smooth?"

"Nah, just me." I smirk, cocky.

Mika giggles. "Well, I guess there's no hiding how happy that made me. But doesn't this also prove my point? If you're on everyone's side, that means you can never truly pick sides as well, does it not?"

"Like I said, I'm on all of the students' sides. Schale's meant to be an intermediary, after all." I explain, before smiling wistfully. "Besides, I prefer peace over conflict..."

"I see." She says, thoughtful. "Then why don't I cut you a deal of my own?"

"Oh?" I ask.

"I'll tell you which member of the Make Up Work Club is a traitor." She says.

I raise an eyebrow, intrigued.

"It's the same traitor that Nagi has been searching for- the very person she'll stop at nothing to expel." She says.

"And how do you know that?" I ask, crossing my arms. "You could've done your own investigation, but you're more of a carefree person than Nagisa, so I doubt it. But how could you have known? Unless... you already knew." Mika cringes. "Which means you either have been spying on her since before she started spying Trinity, or you helped her do it."

"...Okay. You're wayyy to smart, Sensei." Mika says, smiling. "The truth is that the situation is far more complicated than it seems. Did you know that inviting you to be the Make Up Work Club's homeroom teacher was my idea?"

"You were a bit pushy about it being me back when I met with you and Nagisa." I say.

"Was I?" She asks, a bit embarrassed. "Nagi was opposed to the idea. She said she didn't want to waste the favor you owed on something like this. I wanted it to be someone who was from neither Trinity nor Gehenna." She growls the word 'Gehenna' out just a bit, to the point that most wouldn't have noticed. "Oh. And as for the traitor, they are indeed one of your club's students."

"It's Azusa." I say.

"Wha? HUH?!" Mika shrieks, losing all composure. "Y-You already knew?!"

"It was obvious. She's a transfer student for one." I say, raising a finger. "She seems like she was raised to be militaristic and lacks a bit of common sense, which also means she doesn't know as much about common knowledge in Kivotos. Thus, her low grades." I raise another finger. "Oh, and what was the other thing...?" I say, sarcastic. "Oh maybe it was because she has the logo for the Arius Satellite School on the shoulders of her jacket and below her neck."

"She... does?" Mika asks.

"Yes. It's right there, emblazoned on either shoulder, not hidden at all." I deadpan.

"I... Huh..." Mika says, in shock.

"You seriously didn't notice?" I ask.

"No!" Mika shouts, angry at herself. "Oh geez, I'm a dummy, aren't I?"

"The biggest." I joke, smiling.

"Sensei!" She whines. Her eyes widen and she regains her composure. "A-Anyway, you're correct. She's actually a student from the Arius Satellite School, which broke away from the Trinity Union long ago."

"After they got firebombed out of the city, you mean." I say.

"You know that too?" She asks, awkward.

"Helped someone out a few weeks ago, had to run by the old library. There are quite a few books detailing what happened. Ones that don't hide Arius' existence or the truth of what happened." I explain.

"Ah, well..." Mika says, caught off-guard once again. I really need to stop dropping these bombs on the poor girl. "Still, calling her a 'student' from Arius might not be fully accurate. As you guessed correctly, education was never truly a part of Azusa's experience."

"Yeah." I say. "But... Why are you telling me all of this, Mika?"

"I'm sure you asked the same of Nagi at one point. Though, I can't fathom how she responded." Mika says. "I won't bore you with excuses, so let me blunt. You must protect her."

"Who, Azusa?" I ask. "I was already planning to do that, dummy. Did you not hear about me wanting to help students?"

"Well... Anyway, getting straight to the point doesn't make much sense without all of the details, huh? Nagi's bad habits might be rubbing off on me." Mika says.

"Well, start from the beginning of it all. Help me get a grasp on the situation." I suggest.

Mika nods. "I'm not as good at this kind of thing as Nagi and Seia are... but I'll give it my best shot!" She chirps, smiling a big smile.

I laugh. "Go for it."

"First is what defines Trinity General Academy." The pinkette begins. "As I'm sure Nagi told you- or as you read in those books-, our academy's history is built on several factions coming together. As the name would suggest, there are three such factions that comprise its center."

"Pater, Filius and Sanctus." I finish.

"Correct." She smiles. "But there were many other smaller factions, such as the Remedial Knights and the Sisterhood. Back then, those factions were just as hostile toward one another as Trinity and Gehenna are today. Conflict was a daily occurrence- growing worse by the day. Until, finally, they all came together and created a peace treaty. And so the First Council was held, where it was agreed to end the bloodshed and unite as one academy. Trinity General School as we know it was born from that First Council. There are still traces of those factions even today, but most people would never know it. Over time, history tends to become rather faded."

"Ain't that the truth?" I smile, bitterly.

"However, there was one academy who chose not to participate in the council." Mika continues. "The Arius faction. I say 'faction', but it's been an organized academy much like our own for a long time. The two sides had much in common, but were driven apart due to differences in how to interpret the ancient scriptures. Their academy also held chapel classes, kept a strict conservative uniform, and held a strong contempt for Gehenna. But Arius vehemently opposed the union... and that feud ultimately led to conflict. Trinity suppressed Arius following the unification. It simply couldn't withstand the combined might of the new academy."

"The Day of Ash and Fire." I say.

Mika nods. "Such stories are commonplace in history. Those who hold great power tend to want to test it, and Arius made for a suitable target. Arius Academy fell to ruin. It was banished from the Trinity District, but rumors say its doors remain open, hiding somewhere in the underbelly of Kivotos. They've kept the current location of their district to avoid Trinity's watchful eye. Even the General Student Council doesn't know where Arius operates from currently. It wouldn't surprise me if those that know the full story thought of it as nothing but an urban legend." I chuckle at that. "How could such an academy truly exist? Then again, I think most of our students are completely unaware of the tale. That's the Arius Academy of today. A shadow, forgotten to history."

"And they've sent Azusa here." I muse.

"Correct." Mika nods. "As a matter of fact, the Eden Treaty that Nagi is proposing now is an homage to the First Council. This is a chance for two great academies to reconcile and come together in peace."

"Almost sounds too good to be true." I comment.

"That's because it is." Mika says, serious. "The real objective is to found the Eden Treaty Organization."

"Yeah, Nagisa told me that little tidbit." I say.

"She did?" Mika blinks. "Anyway, the Eden Treaty is anything but a peace signing- it's the start of a formal military alliance. It's true purpose is to create a single armed organization using the combined forces of Trinity and Gehenna." She pauses for a moment. "These are uncertain times we're living in- the General Student Council president is missing. Now, from the shadows, rises a new overwhelming power. And what does Nagi intend to do with it, I wonder... Perhaps attack what remains if the General Student Council and assume control of Kivotos? Or does she plan to uproot Millennium and stop it's sudden emergence as Kivotos' rising new academy?"

"Those are some rather serious accusations there, Mika." I warn.

"Well, I can't say for certain what her goal is, but there is one thing I know." The Angel says. "Power that immense can be used to silence any and all dissenters. Just as Trinity did to Arius long ago. Or... just like Seia..." She then jolts from her monologuing, looking afraid all of a sudden. "Uh, sorry. Pretend you didn't hear that.

"I head heard she was attacked." I say. "Put in a coma, or something along those lines. Unless... there's something more."

"She's... ill. Just like everyone knows." Mika says, lying.

"Uh-huh. Then where is she?" I ask, not falling for it.

"Hmm." She hums. "Do you really want to know?"

"If I didn't, I wouldn't have asked." I deadpan.

"Telling you would mean crossing a line I could never walk back from." Mika warns. "So if you betrayed me, I truly would be completely abandoned."

"Betray you?" I ask, eyes narrow.

"Yes, but I'm sure it will be fine. You said you're on my side, didn't you?" She asks. "If someone who said that went on to betray me, then... maybe I wouldn't mind it so much." She says with a whimsical giggle.

"I will never betray anyone I care about, Mika." I growl, causing her to jump. "I've had enough problems with betrayal to last several lifetimes."

Mika blinks, various emotions on display. "I-I... I see..."

"If you need my help, only ask, and I'll come runnin' to you. I promise." I say, softly.

"...Really?" Mika says, after a long moment, looking at me with wide eyes.


Mika then giggles, holding a palm to her cheek in an attempt to hide her blush.

I sigh, before asking, "Seia's dead. Isn't she?"

Mika sighs as well, her smile and blush fading instantly. "Yes... Her halo was destroyed." She looks away, despondent. "I know. It's too horrible to be true, but it is. And it's been covered up since last year. Seia was attacked by an unknown assailant. Her illness, medical coma, severe lethargy- all just lies, a facade. She's dead. And no one knows the truth but the Tea Party." She pauses. "Well... It's possible the Sisterhood may be aware. Their intelligence-gathering has always been remarkable. Regardless, it's a secret that must be kept hidden."

"And no one knows who it is?" I ask. "No suspects at all, anything?"

"There's an ongoing investigation, but it remains a mystery." Mika explains. "Seia held no shortage of confidential information, so I'm sure that only makes it harder to narrow down suspects. So... there you have it."

"I see..." I run a hand through my hair. "What a mess."

"Personally, I have my own list of suspects, but it wouldn't be wise to share it without knowing for sure." Mika admits. "Let's get back to talking about Shirasu Azusa for now."

"Very well." I nod. "Tell me everything."

"I was the one who arranged to have her transferred to Trinity." She admits.

"You...?" I ask.

"Uh-huh. I kept it a secret from Nagi. I registered Azusa as a student returning from break after falsifying her documents." She explains. "You're probably wondering why."

"No duh." I deadpan, with a small smile.

"While our students take the privileged environment around them for granted, their students scrape by under impoverished conditions, not knowing what it truly means to receive an education." She explains.

"They have it that bad?" I ask.

Mika nods. "They stubbornly cling to a grudge from years past and reject the help of anyone, including the General Student Council. We would reconcile with Arius, if it were up to me. But the hatred for each other is too great, and the misunderstandings too many. It's not a relationship I could ever hope to reconcile on my own. Nagi and Seia objected to my opinions for political reasons, but I never held it against them. That's the essence of what the Tea Party does. I'm not the best when it comes to politics, actually..." She says with an awkward smile. "I wish we could all simply get along."

"Don't we all?" I ask, smiling. "But people are a bit too prone to violence for that to happen."

"I guess so..." Mika says, sadly. "If only we could reconcile our misunderstandings over tea like in the past... What I really want is for Azusa to become a symbol of peace."

"Ah, I get it now. You want her to be proof Arius and Trinity can coexist." I realize.

"Exactly." The angel smiles. "I'll admit, I don't know her very well, but she was supposedly an outstanding student at Arius, and I want to foster her potential. Maybe I should have been more honest and tried to convince Nagi through the proper channels... but I had my doubts it was possible. I don't think she ever would have agreed to it. Even if there was a chance, it'd be near impossible."

"It might've been hard to do, sure, but nothing worth doing is ever easy, Mika." I point out.

"Still..." She begins, serious. "Reconciling with Arius will be impossible if the Eden Treaty is signed. I wanted to make amends before that happened at any cost. I want to show through Azusa that an Arius student can be happy and accepted at Trinity. But now Nagi has introduced the rumor of there being a traitor attending Trinity. I don't know how she came to that conclusion."

"Best I could figure is that she thinks one of the Make Up Work Club girls attacked Seia." Mika jolts at my words, almost unnoticeably. "Maybe she thought planning and attacking Seia took time away from their studies and that's why their failing. Which doesn't make a lot of sense, seeing as how other students have lower grades than those four, but..." I sigh. "That's the best I can guess."

"That idea does hold merit..." Mika hums. "Nagi's become so paranoid that someone was interfering with her plans that she decided to form the Make Up Work Club. Speaking of which, have you figured out why each student was forced to join?"

"Hifumi's a mole, Azusa is a transfer student, Hanako had been offered to join both the Sisterhood and Tea Party, and Koharu..." I pause. "Trying to keep the JTF in line, perhaps?"

Mika stares at me, wide eyed, her eyes changing into black ovals with large white pupils- the ovals dotted with stars. "Huh... You just keep surprising me, huh, Sensei?" She smiles. "You're pretty close to being completely right, there. Hanako may be eccentric, but she was an outstanding student with excellent grades. And, as you said, she was even a candidate to join the Tea Party at one point. The Sisterhood tried to recruit her as well, but that didn't work out. She attended a chapel class in nothing but a school swimsuit and was dragged out by the Sisters. You should have seen the shock on people's faces!" She laughs.

I chuckle as well. "Yeah, that sounds like her."

"Hanako had so much potential in her first year, but then she began scoring the lowest grades in her class at the start of her second year." Mika continues. "Why? Was she doing it on purpose? She had already made inroads around Trinity and was aware of several academy secrets before her scores began tanking. It drew Nagi's suspicion. As for Koharu... She's a nice girl that really has nothing to do with politics. Her enrollment into the Make Up Work Club has to do with Hasumi."

I raise an eyebrow. "Hasumi?"

"Nagi doesn't like there being such a powerful club with someone so influential outside of her direct control." She explains.

"Koharu's her insurance policy." I realize.

"Exactly. You weren't too far off the mark before, Sensei." Mika says. "It wouldn't have mattered who it was from the Justice Task Force. Koharu just so happened to have the lowest grades, so she was selected. She's a hostage, in other words, and I bet Hasumi is aware of it. One wrong move could lead to her expulsion."

"And how is Hasumi considered a dangerous element towards the Treaty?" I ask. "She does her job well and doesn't have anything against Gehenna, at least from what I've seen."

"Well... There's one particular incident that may pique your interest, then." Mika smiles. "Hasumi went to meet Makoto, head of Gehenna's Pandemonium Society. She attacked Makoto and came back fuming."

"Hasumi...? Seriously...?" I ask.

"Yes. Hasumi is the vice president of the Justice Task Force- Trinity's main armed force- and its clear she holds Gehenna on contempt." Mika says. "She would obviously oppose the Eden Treaty because it would require an alliance with her greatest enemies."

"And you haven't asked her why she did it?" I ask.

"No? Why should we need to? She attacked the Student Council President of Gehenna in an official meeting." Mika asks, like I'm dumb.

"Good fucking lord. Mika." I say, serious. "You can't go around throwing accusations like that without seeing both sides of an argument." I chide, groaning.

"W-Well..." She stammers.

I sigh. "And Hifumi?"

"She's just a sweet, cute, loveable girl, right? Even Nagi adores her." Mika begins. "But that's also what landed her right in Nagi's crosshairs. Hifumi was caught sneaking out of the district and visiting suspicious places, such as the prohibited underground black market." Seriously, Hifumi? "There's even intel that connects her to a masked criminal group. Can you believe that? She seemed like such an innocent girl."

Goddammit, Hifumi.

"She probably went there to get more hard-to-find Peroro merch." I explain.

"Peroro merch?" Mika asks, confused.

"She's a huge- and I mean HUGE- fan of Momo Friends." I explain. "I wouldn't be surprised if she went to the black market to get some rare goods of the series."

I ain't no snitch, I won't spill the beans about us and Abydos. How do they even know about her and the, ugh... Masked Swimsuit Gang anyway?

"Still, it's very Nagi-like for Nagi to keep her friends close and enemies closer. Very predictable." Mika says in a 'what can you do' tone. "There you have it. The whole story of how Nagi's paranoia led to a full-blown conspiracy that a traitor is out to ruin Trinity."

"Good lord..." I groan, rubbing my head.

"She's absolutely certain that there must be a traitor in their midst." She continues. "I know that explanation was a little long-winded, but that is the whole truth."

"And she doesn't even suspect the real 'traitor'?" I point out, referring to Mika herself.

"Nope." She says, popping the p. "Think of it this way: How would you define what it means to be a 'traitor'? Nagi is under the assumption that someone is trying to deceive her, and thereby Trinity's Tea Party. She suspects there to be a spy. In that sense, Azusa, the one whose background is a complete fabrication, is the closest to fitting that description. Unlike the others, she truly is a transfer from one of Trinity's enemies: Arius. She's now at the eye of a complex political storm and has no idea that it's all my fault."

Mika sighs. "That's why I'm fighting to prevent her expulsion. Or at least, that's what I'm attempting to do by pleading my case to you. I want you to prevent her from being expelled. That's something a sensei can do, right? In other words, you could argue that I'm the real 'traitor'. The one who's opposing Nagi's Eden Treaty. But since I'm the host, I don't have any real power and have no means to prevent it... Then again, maybe that's not the truth either. You could argue just as easily that if anyone is betraying Trinity, it would be Nagi. She's attempting to transform Trinity and all the values, harmony and unity its enjoyed into something else. She wants to awaken a Leviathan."

I raise an eyebrow at that notion.

"That's my take on things." The angel shrugs. "Whether you believe or agree with anything I've said is completely up to you. Everything is in your hands now. Whether you'll protect Azusa or weed out the traitor..." She pauses, looking forlorn. "Whether you'll believe Nagi or myself..."

"That all you wanted to say, Mika?" I ask.

"Pretty much." She smiles. "I'm responsible for Azusa enrolling in our academy, but this is as much as I can do to help her. Don't tell me you're worried about me, Sensei?"

"How can I not be worried about everyone stuck in this political shitstorm?" I ask, upset she'd think the opposite. "Those four girls have been swept up in this bullshit, your friend is going mad with paranoia, and you and Nagisa are doing all this sneaking around in an attempt to make things better for Trinity. How could I NOT worry about all of you?"

Mika stares at me, breathless, before she begins to giggle, a blush on her pale cheeks. "How very sweet of you. I may fall for you after all, Sensei. You don't need to worry about me, at least. I'm much stronger than I appear."

"That's exactly why I worry about you more than the others." I say, serious, looking Mika straight in the eyes. "You can't shoulder everything yourself. I know very well how badly that can end."

The pinkette looks at me for a moment with a curious smile. "You really are an interesting person, Sensei... Well then, I should be going. I really enjoyed talking with you today."

"I enjoyed this too." I return the smile.

"People might start spreading serious rumors if we spend too much time alone together... not that I would mind." Mika says with a sly smile and giggle.

"Meh. I never cared about what people thought about me, anyway." I shrug.

She smiles. "Then... Until we meet again, Sensei!" She chirps.

"Later, Mika." I smile as she walks off.

As soon as I re-entered the building, I released a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Just what kinda fucked up situation is all of this?!


"Oh, there you are, Sensei!" Hifumi chirps as I enter the classroom.

"Yo." I lazily wave. "Sorry about bein' late and all. Something else came up."

"Don't worry about it. More importantly, take a look!" Hifumi says, holding some papers out to me. "They're our latest mock exam scores!"

"Hmm..." I hum, looking at the papers. Did Hifumi grade them? "Let's see, Hifumi got a sixty-four. Azusa got fifty-eight."

"Hmm. It was very close." Azusa says, a small smile on her face.

"Yeah, you're doing a lot better! Almost there, Azusa!" The blonde cheers.

"H-Hey, she's not the only one who improved. My score went up too!" Koharu interjects.

"Koharu got a... damn. A forty-nine?" I ask, eyes wide.

"I know! You scored a fifteen on your last exam, but now you're up to forty-nine! That's the biggest jump out of all of us!" Hifumi cheers.

"Of course I did! I told you I've been holding back all this time." The tiny pinkette says, proudly.

"Y-Yeah! Keep it up!" Hifumi says.

"I would say to watch that pride, but... you've earned it this time." I smile, causing the tiny girl to blush and look away from me.

"And lastly, Hanako got an eight." I say. "Real bummer there." I say, looking at the aforementioned girl with a raised brow.

"U-Um... Hanako?" Hifumi asks, awkward.

Hanako giggles. "What's wrong, Hifumi? Why so sheepish? I scored a two on our first real exam. Then I scored a four on our first mock exam. Now I've scored an eight. That means I'm steadily doubling my scores each time. At this rate, I just need to take three more tests and I should be passing too, right?"

"Well... I suppose so, technically." The blonde says, unsure.

"Ah, well... The point is that all of you are steadily improving by the day." I smile. "That's a cause for congratulations."

"That's right. We'll all be above passing sooner than I thought if we keep this up." The blonde smiles.

"I will not stop until I complete my mission and win those cute things. No matter the cost." Azusa says, determination rolling off of her in waves.

"Y-You remember the real goal is to avoid failing, right?! The rewards were just incentives." Hifumi reminds.

"That's now my secondary objective that I don't mind completing along the way." The silverette says, simply.

"Secondary?! I mean, I respect it as a fellow Momo Friends fan, but still..." The blonde weakly says, earning a chuckle from me.

Suddenly, someone knocks on the door.

"Oh?" Hifumi asks.

"Seems we have a visitor." Hanako smiles.

"Who would come all the way here to visit us?" The blonde asks.

"U-Um... Excuse me!" The voice behind the door says.

"Oh. That voice sounds like..." The busty girl says.

" intruder. Good thing I've taken measures." Azusa finishes.

"What are you talking about, Azu-"



Hifumi's question is cut off by an explosion outside.

"I set explosive traps to stop intruders." The transfer student says, succinctly.

"Azusa..." Hifumi whines.

"I'll admit, it's good to think ahead for intruders, Azusa." I say. "But how do you account for guests?"

"Hm?" Azusa asks, before pausing.

"You didn't think of that, did you?"

"How many did you set?" The voice outside asks. "I hope there aren't mo-"



"There's nowhere to run. Naturally, I set traps along an intruder's likely escape route." Azusa adds.

"Azusa!" Hifumi scolds.

I sigh. "Better go check on her."

I then walk outside the room to find smoke from explosions and Mari alone in the middle, coughing a bit.

"A-Are you okay?! You're not hurt, are you?" Hifumi asks the sister, worriedly.

"May peace and-" cough "-comfort find you today." Mari says, in between coughs.

"I'm much more worried about your comfort right now!" The blonde says, worried. "Wait, I know that uniform..."

"You okay, Mari?" I ask, holding my hand out for the downed sister.

"Ah, Sensei." Mari says, her blue eyes lighting up. "Y-Yes, I'm fine. Only a bit startled." She says, taking my hand and standing up.

"I thought that sounded like you, Mari." Hanako says.

"H-Hanako..." Mari says, awkward.


"Here. It's water." Koharu says, handing the sister a glass after we returned to the classroom.

"Thank you." Mari smiles, politely taking a sip from the glass. "Phew. That really caught me off guard. What was that just now?"

"Azusa's anti-intruder traps." I smile.

Hifumi then pushes an embarrassed Azusa toward Mari, who says, "Um... I'm sorry. I thought it was an enemy ambush."

"M-Me? An enemy?" Mari asks, blinking.

I chuckle. "So what brings ya here, Mari?"

"Ah. Right. About that..." The orangette says, awkward. "I was told this was where I could find the Make Up Work Club, but I didn't expect to find Hanako here."

"It just so happens my grades are terrible." Hanako says in a 'oh well' tone, smiling.

"Oh. So they are..." Mari says, a bit sadly.

"You know her?" The tiny pinkette asks.

Hanako awkwardly laughs. "You could say we're acquainted. But..." She turns to the sister. "If you're not here for me, then what are you here for?"

"I've been looking for Shirasu Azusa." Mari explains, eliciting a raised brow from me.

"Me?" Azusa blinks.

"Yes." Mari nods. "There's a student you rescued recently that's wanted to reach out to express their gratitude."

"Rescued?" Hifumi asks.

"Gratitude?" Azusa asks.

"Yes. Azusa helped a student that was constantly being bullied by her classmates." Mari explains. "Apparently, she was called to the back of a secluded building and harassed on the day in question."

"Someone was harassing the poor girl?!" The blonde cries, aghast.

"What?!" Koharu asks, upset.

"Stuff like this happens everywhere, huh?" I say, clenching my fist as I remember being a kid and dealing with this shit.

"These things happen, sadly. You may not hear about it often, but that's because perpetrators intimidate and coerce their victims into silence." Hanako says, sadly.

"Thank goodness the student came to us asking for advice." Mari says. "She told us you rescued her one day when you just happened to be passing by."

"She did?" Koharu asks, surprised.

"I suppose that did happen." Azusa says, still surprised by this turn of events. "I don't enjoy watching gangs prey on the weak."

"As I understand it, one of the attackers you suppressed retaliated by reporting you to the Justice Task Force, which escalated to you and the task force engaging in a firefight." Mari explains.

Koharu jolts in surprise, wide-eyed.

"At which point you occupied a tear gas warehouse and held the Justice Task Force off for three whole hours." Mari continues.

"That's how all of that started?!" Koharu shrieks.

"Huh. That definitely clears up some things." I muse.

"I never retreat from a fight." Azusa says, serious. "I could have defeated three more of your comrades had I not run out of ammunition."

"You have to be kidding me..." Hifumi groans.

"That student came to us wanting to thank you, but after you couldn't be found at the academy... I ended up having to come here." The sister explains.

"So that's it." Azusa says. "Her gratitude is undeserved. I ended up being captured in the end."

"Yeah, after holding off Trinity's entire militia for three hours. You shouldn't be ashamed of pulling that off." I point out.

"But you shouldn't allow yourself to be bullied. Even if everything is meaningless, that is no reason to give up." Azusa says, seriously.

"Wise words. I'll pass your message along to her." Mari smiles. "People say that you're nothing but a violent ice queen, but that couldn't be further from the truth after all."

Azusa looks at Mari, confused.

"That's so sweet, but I wouldn't say those rumors are completely unfounded." Hanako smiles. "Azusa is rather rough around the edges."

Azusa narrows her eyes at the busty girl.

"Hanako..." Mari says, unable to find the words.

"Mari. I'm glad to see you're doing well." The busty girl says happily.

"I am, however-"

"I'll show you the way out." Hanako interrupts. "Come on, this way."

"Oh. Okay." Mari smiles, realizing her intent. "I'll be going now. I'm sorry for interrupting, Sensei."

"Don't worry 'bout it, Mari." I smile, waving her off.

Just like that, the odd duo of Hanako and Mari leave the room swiftly.

Not long after, the girls got back to studying for a while.


That evening...

"Listen up everyone! Tonight is laundry night!" Hanako declares, clad in her gym uniform holding a laundry basket. "Put your uniforms, underwear, socks, and anything else you need to have washed into the basket."

"Sure. Thank you for offering." Azusa says, also in her gym uniform, as she tosses her clothes into the basket.

"You want our underwear too?!" Hifumi cries, clad in the same outfit.

"I can wash it myself, thank you very much!" Koharu shrieks, face red and clad in her gym uniform as well.

"But doing all of our laundry at once saves water and detergent." Azusa argues. "Hanako is being efficient. Fall in line. Now."

"Fine... Here you go." Hifumi relents, putting her clothes in the basket.

Koharu sighs, tossing hers in as well.

"Why thank you~" Hanako purrs. "What about you, Sensei? Anything you need washed?"

"Nah, my room's a mini-apartment, remember? I got a washer to myself." I explain. "Thanks for offerin', though."

"Aw, okay. I'm off to the laundry room, then." The busty pinkette says. "Everything here should be dry by tomorrow morning." And with that, she scurries off.

"Well, I'll be going now. Sleep well, girls." I say.

"You too, Sensei." Azusa smiles.

"Night." Koharu says.

Hifumi, however, walks up to me and whispers, "Sensei. Can I talk to you later? It's about Hanako."

I nod, wordlessly, letting the girls get to sleep.


A bit later, in my room, a knock pushes me out of my thoughts.

"Are you there, Sensei?" A voice asks...

Opening the door, I find... "Hanako?"

"Hi, Sensei. It's me." She says, clad in her school swimsuit again.

"I... I'm not even gonna ask why you changed into that." I deadpan. "Come on in." I say, opening the door for her.

She giggles. "Such a gentleman~ And don't be worried about the swimsuit, these are just my pajamas."

I close the door behind her. "You sleep in your swimsuit?"

She just giggles again. "You worry too much. Anyway, I have an important reason for coming here. I wanted to talk to you." She says, sitting down.

"What about?" I ask, doing the same.

"About Azusa." She admits.

But then, Hifumi knocks on the door. "Are you there, Sensei? It's me."

Hanako shoots me a sly grin. I roll my eyes and stand, before walking over to the door and open it.

"Sorry I took so long." The blonde apologizes. "I know I'm here later than last night... Oh." She blinks, seeing Hanako.

Clad in her swimsuit.

An awkward silence follows.

"Looks like you both had the same idea, huh?" I joke.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Hifumi cries, face red. "I didn't mean to interrupt! I had no idea the two of you were- I mean, how long has this been going on?!"

"Hifumi?" Hanako asks quickly, blushing a bit as well. "Did you just say you were in Sensei's room last night too?! How long has THIS been going on?!"

"I-I'm sorry!" The blonde cries again. "I never would have imposed had I known! I'll c-come back later, Sensei. Wait, no! I mean, I won't bring the mood down again, so the next time we should talk would be tomorrow and I...! I...!"

"Where do you think you're going?" Hanako asks, not letting Hifumi run away like she so desperately wants to. "I want to know what's been going on between you two- all the juicy details. Or better yet, a reenactment would do just fine."

"Oh my." I say in faux surprise. "I didn't know you were a voyeur, Hanako."

"Wha?" Hanako half-gasps, eyes wide and face red.

I chuckle at the two red-faced girls. "Okay, okay. We all had a good laugh, but calm down. Hifumi, come on in and sit. Hanako, go change and come back."

"Okay." "Very well." The two girls say, still a bit shaken.


"So you've been coming here to talk to Sensei about our lesson plans?" Hanako asks, having changed into her gym clothes.

"And you just needed some advice...?" Hifumi asks.

"You know what they say about assumptions: It makes an ass out of you and me." I joke, causing the girls to crack a smile.

"But... why do you keep calling your swimsuit your pajamas?" The blonde asks, confused.

"You're talking to a girl who wore her swimsuit to chapel once." Hanako says, smiling. "I don't understand why everyone is so uptight about these things."

"'Cause people are usually uneasy about showing so much skin when they aren't in private, or at a pool or beach." I point out.

"That may be the case." The pinkette shrugs.

"Anyway, you wanted to talk to me about Azusa, yeah?" I ask Hanako, causing Hifumi to still.

"Yes, that's right." Hanako nods. "It's okay, Hifumi. You can listen in too." She adds, noticing the blonde's unease. "The thing is, she's gone out the last two nights and hasn't returned until almost sunrise."

"Azusa...?" Hifumi mutters in surprise.

"I was under the impression she was simply having trouble sleeping outside of her usual bed at first, but I don't think that's it." Hanako continues. "In fact, I've never actually seen her sleep at all."

"Come to think of it... neither have I. She's usually the last one asleep, but the first one out of bed." Hifumi notes.

"I'm not sure what she's up to, but I'm starting to get concerned that we'll have to step in and force her to get some rest for her own good." Hanako says, worried. "I can't help but feel that she's... anxious about something."

"Did you ever ask what she was doing?" I ask.

"She said she had trouble sleeping in other beds and that she would patrol." Hanako explains. "It's not my place to pry into her private life, but I think we owe it to her to help. Every girl needs a good night's sleep."

"Yeah." I agree. "I know how bad it is to run on little-to-no sleep. It sucks."

The busty girl nods. "I'm afraid she's going to end up collapsing sooner or later. And the same goes for the two of you. Stop staying up so late, and take better care of yourselves." She chides in an... almost motherly way. "Our club work is important, but it shouldn't take priority over your health. The worst that could happen is the club fails. What's the point of our minds 'passing' if our bodies ultimately fail anyway?"

I smile. "Hanako. Thanks for the concern... But I'm okay. I ran on little to no sleep for about a year. A few days won't kill me."

She looks unconvinced, but as I stare into her green eyes, she eventually nods and relents.

Hifumi, though... "It's not that simple..."

"Hifumi?" Hanako asks.

"Failing isn't the worst thing that could happen! If we fail the last two exams..." Hifumi blurts. "...we'll be EXPELLED! We'll be forced to leave Trinity!"

"Expelled...? What are you talking about?" The pinkette asks, seriously worried. "They can't expel you that easily. It's a long, complicated process that needs more valid reasoning than simply your grades."

"Not if the club was created instantly using Schale's extrajudicial authority to skirt the rules." I point out. "Then, no other rules apply."

Hanako's pretty green eyes widen in shock. "S-Sensei...?"

I sigh. "Fuck it. This club was made to be a one-for-all scenario. If one person fails the third exam, all four of you'll be expelled."

"That's..." Hanako says, upset. "Goodness... Indeed, this arrangement and the collective punishment wouldn't be possible normally, but given Schale's authority is involved... it all makes sense."

"Does it? I don't think it makes sense at all." Hifumi says, before getting a bit angry. "And that goes for you too! Didn't your grades used to be at the top of the class?!" Hanako winces. "You were earning perfect scores in advanced third-year level classes despite only being a first-year!"

"I..." Hanako tries to speak, but can't find the words.

"I... found out while looking at least year's tests when I was putting together our mock exams. I'm sorry for invading your privacy." The blonde says, head low.

"I've got you four's files on hand, so I noticed it pretty quick." I add. "Hanako." I say, softly. "Why did you choose to start failing your classes this year? If it keeps up, then..."

Hanako sighs, sadly. "You two will have to forgive me." She says, softly. "I never would have imagined that if even one Make Up Work Club member failed, that we would all be... It's unthinkable... No. I shouldn't have been so naive. I owe you each an apology for all of the trouble I've caused. I'm sorry, Sensei, Hifumi."

"It's fine. You have your reasons." I wave her off.

"H-Hanako. It's fine, I already forgive you." Hifumi says.

Hanako smiles, a bit sadly. "It's as you suspected. I've been intentionally scoring low on my exams."

"But why?!" The blonde cries. "What would compel you to do something like that?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you." Hanako says, confusingly. "I have my reasons, but... I don't want you all to suffer because of my choices. So you don't have to worry. It ends tonight. I'll pass my exams and keep the rest of the Make Up Work Club safe."

I smile. "Thanks, Hanako."

"You don't have to thank me, Sensei." The pinkette smiles. "If anything, I should be the one making it up to you." Her smiles turns devious. "What if I did a little striptease? Would that suffice?"

"Oh-ho?" I ask, returning her grin with my own. "I wouldn't mind such a thing, but... It's best we wait until Hifumi leaves."

The pinkette's smile widens from my words.

"N-NO!" The blonde cries, holding her hands out toward Hanako as if to stop her. "You've already done plenty! You taking the exams seriously from now on is more than enough."
Hanako and I share a small laugh.

"Oh, I have a question." Hanako asks. "Are you two the only ones that know about all of this?"

"I think so. Sensei was the only person I had talked to about it until now." Hifumi says.

"If that's the case, then expulsion isn't what's making Azusa anxious. That mystery is still unsolved..." The busty girl muses. "Actually, I feel as though the Make Up Work Club's entire founding is even more confusing after what you've told me... I doubt Mika could arrange this. It must have been Nagisa's doing."

"Got it in one." I smile.

"But why now? Why would she busy herself with something like this just before the Eden Treaty's signing?" Hanako muses. "Or is that the exact reason she's doing it...?" She pauses, before smiling. "Now I understand. The Make Up Work Club's purpose is to herd any potential threats to the Eden Treaty."

"What?!" Hifumi cries.

"Got it in one again." I smile. "Damn, that intellect of yours is really showing."

Hanako shrugs. "It's a very Nagisa-like thing to do. She can be a real conniving witch when she wants to be."

"D-Did you just call her a witch?" Hifumi asks.

"Nagisa is trying to wash out every problematic element at once. We're yesterday's dirty laundry, basically." The pinkette realizes.

"She equated it to an apple cart and a trash bin, actually." I correct.

"Her plans include you too, don't they, Sensei?" Hanako asks, sadly. "You probably accepted this job with the good intention of saving failing students, but in reality, you were a pawn for the sake of using Schale's extrajudicial authority. And yet that hasn't stopped you from doing everything you can for us."

"You're half-right." I smile. "Nagisa gave me a contract for this. I knew what I was getting into, but just didn't give a damn. You girls were in a spot of trouble, so it's my pleasure to help."

"...You really are a wonderful person, Sensei." Hanako smiles brightly.

"And you're more like a detective, Hanako. I'm impressed." Hifumi says, wide-eyed.

"Yup." I agree. "Now, as an 'exam' of sorts, tell me why she picked you four specifically for this club."

"Huh?" Hifumi asks.

"Trinity has it's own delinquents and people with worse grades than you four. So why aren't they here?" I question.

"Hmm... Nagisa likely suspects me for being a problem due to my connections. Azusa for being a recent transfer..." Hanako muses. "Koharu is likely here due to what happened with Hasumi at Gehenna recently. And Hifumi, you're her friend, so you were likely sent here to keep an eye on us. But why?"

"W-Wow..." Hifumi breathes. "You're right, she asked me to find 'Trinity's traitor'."

"That's just like Nagisa- so melodramatic." Hanako says with a smile. "Though I'm sure anyone who disagrees with her plans is a traitor in her mind."

I let out a chuckle. "Oh, and you're right about why all four of you are here. Azusa's here due to her background, Koharu's basically a hostage, Hifumi's a 'spy', and you had connections before suddenly failing."

Hanako nods. "We'll have to talk more about Azusa later. I'll see if I can't use those connections of mine to find out more about what's been going on."

"That'd be great. Please keep us in the loop if you learn anything." Hifumi says, smiling a bit.

"Sure thing." Hanako smiles, deviously. "So? Does this mean I'm officially a part of your secret midnight trysts? The three of us, all alone late at night, sharing a heart-pounding menage-a-trois!"

"That's not what's happening!" Hifumi cries, red-faced.

"Not with that attitude." I joke, eliciting a laugh from Hanako, and a pout from Hifumi. "Still it IS gettin' pretty late." I say, eyeing the clock. "Let's adjourn this meeting."

"You're right. We should be getting to bed." Hifumi nods.

"Good night." Hanako says, standing up.


In the hallways, Koharu groans, half-asleep. "Bathroom..." But she pauses, looking down the hall. "Is that light coming from Sensei's room? What is he still doing up at this hour?"

"I'll talk to you tomorrow, Sen- huh?" Hifumi says, seeing Koharu as she leaves Sensei's room.

Koharu stills, red-faced. "Wh-What were you doing in Sensei's room?" She asks.

"Bye, Sensei. I'm looking forward to tomorrow night's menage-a-trois!" Hanako says, leaving the room as well. "Oh?" She says, seeing Koharu.

The tiny girl gains her cat eyes again and her face somehow becomes redder.

"A THREESOME?! LEWD! FILTHY! EXECUTION!" Koharu cries, rushing the two girls.

"The fuck is going on out here?!" The man shouts, poking his head out of the room, before pausing to see the three girls tustling on the ground.

The three girls pause, looking up at the man with various expressions.

"If you three are so keen on 'experimenting' with your bodies, do it in private." He says deadpan, before going inside and closing the door.

Hifumi blushes.

Koharu blushes fiercely.

Hanko smiles, happy that her Sensei gets her sense of humor.


Closing my door, I chuckle. "Those three are definitely a fun time. Wonder what tomorrow'll bring."

And so ended yet another day of boot camp.



Fitting that I'd release this chapter right after Mika was released in Global. I managed to snag her in 20 pulls, but still went for 200, hoping for a dupe or a new character.

I got Mimori and Aris, a copy of Summer Hoshino and FIVE FUCKING COPIES OF WAKAMO who I already had at UE50, so those extra eligmas are worthless to me- at least until they add on UE60 and 70.

Also, with this chapter, we've hit 400k words! My goodness, this story keep growing and growing!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to the next!

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