A Love Of Eternity

By amigoclen22

192 17 5

A simple American beauty, Lia, flies over to Korea on a scholarship. Upon getting there, she finds out her bo... More



3 1 0
By amigoclen22

Hyun's POV
"you have a nice house"
She says as I stop on my tracks and turn to look at her. Truly she looked innocent and cute sitting on the chair I had put her in moments ago while we ate dinner but was that truly all she had to say, surely it wasn't.
"oh and thank you for saving me and also letting me stay in your house"
She said, there's what I wanted to hear, I nod in acknowledgement and turn to leave when she continues
"and for the food "
I nod again attempting to leave for the third time when she continues,
"and for letting me wear your clothes"
I sigh, nodding again, walking away as she continues
"and for.."
I cut her off
"yes, I think I get it now"
I say as she mumbles

"Atleast I'm being grateful, you're never grateful, not even on the first day I saw you"

I remain quiet and walk away. I walk into the living room as I hear her soft footsteps trail behind me. I take a seat on the couch and pick up the remote-pad swiping on it and switching to Netflix.

She stands a few steps away from the couch and I look at her confused face contemplating whether to sit or not. It's almost funny to think this is the feisty girl I go to lessons with.
"hey, are you lost?, you wanna take a seat or you wanna go to bed"
She takes a seat next to me.
"do you watch horror movies? "
I ask.
She says whilst scratching her head with an unsure smile on her face.
"I'll take that as a yes"
I say as I type in 'smile' on the remote-tab and click on the movie and it starts to play.

A maid walks in and stands a few steps away from the couch, her eyes glued to the floor.
She says in a low voice, I hum in acknowledgement, my eyes never leaving the tv screen she continues,
"sir, the room has been cleaned"
She finishes and I nod and wave her off as I continue to watch the movie.

Lia's POV
What the fuck, what type of cold hearted being is this. Okay, maybe it was kind of my fault but he should have understood, okay I said 'maybe' but it doesn't mean CRACK.

I'm sitting on the couch scared halfway to death, watching a scary ass movie in a state which I may or may not have caused myself.

I glance  at Hyun who doesn't even seem fazed and his lack of expression, infuriating me.
I contemplate whether to go closer to him or continue to shake in fear on my own.

I can't die like this....

Shaking at every little move the characters made in the movie. I knew I couldn't take it anymore,
"I'll go get us popcorn"
I say, getting up in a haste. He looks at me, a ghost of a smile on his face disappearing within seconds.
"okay, maids are in the kitchen, if you need any help"
He says. I nod, speed-walking out of the living room like my life depended on it.

I stand in the kitchen, a hand on the marble counter, letting out shaking breaths,
"Here you go"
A voice says, handing me a glass of water.
"oh, thank you"
I say taking the glass and gulping the entire cup down and handing the glass back.
My breathing slows down as I realise that I have no idea who handed me water, I slowly turn to identify while remembering Hyun's words...

'maids are in the kitchen if you need any help'

Wait, white powder with a smile on its face, someone save me. I scream, running out of the kitchen and straight for Hyun as I jump on top of him, not thinking straight.
He hisses as his body tenses up and I apologize, shaking as I gripped his shirt tightly.

A few maids gather with worried looks on their faces but I ignore them.
"th...th...there's someone in the ki....ki...kitchen, some..... thing, with a white powder thing on its f...f..face and it was smiling at me"
I say, holding back the tears of fear that threatened to drop on my cheeks.
"okay, calm down"
He says in a deep relaxing voice that calms my nerves a bit and sighs in frustration
He says, running his palms on his face in annoyance.
"stay here"
He says in a  commanding tone.
He tries to losen my grip on his shirt. I let go and he stands up walking towards the kitchen.
A screams from the TV causes me to jolt up, I run towards Hyun who was a few steps away. I wrap my arms around him from behind and feel as his body tenses up on my touch but relaxes as a soft unintended whimper escapes my lips. He sighs and continues walking and I follow, glued to his body; scared of what was yet to come, I close my eyes shut.

Hyun's POV
Her arms around me tightened with each step I took. I can only imagine how scared she is, her soft cry making me feel weak, I wonder what made her this scared.
I walk into the kitchen as Mrs Chang washes her face in the sink. I slap my hand on my forehead and close my eyes.
"is she okay? "
She whispers
"yes she is, she's just scared of you....you're white mask, she saw you and got scared"
I whisper back.
"she saw me with my wrinkle mask on, that was why she got scared"
She says
"yeah, I just said that"
I whisper-shout
Mrs Chang let's out a little laugh. I sigh and turn Lia so she was facing me. She tightens her grip around me.
"you can let go now, it was just Mrs Chang "
I say. She immediately loosens her grip around me and releases me from her hold.
She says, opening her eyes. I relax as her blue eyes met mine.
"I think it's late now, I'll take that offer on going to bed"

She says, feeling akward. Mrs Chang let's out yet another little laugh,
"okay, a maid will escorts you, I'll send some milk for you, and I'm sorry for making you scared dear"
Mrs Chang says in a soft tone.
Lia looks at her and smiles, nodding.
Lia walks past me and exists the kitchen.

"isn't she just a cute little girl, perfect for you isn't she? "
Mrs Chang says teasing me
"NO, absolutely not"
I reply repulsively, motioning a maid in the kitchen to escort Lia and the maid does so.
Mrs Chang laughs
"uhh...sorry......Hyun could I talk to you? "
I hear her soft and innocent voice from behind me and I turn to look at her. She stood by the kitchen door, so small so delicate yet so feisty, she looked scared, terrified, horrified even, all of that for a movie. I walk towards her and she lets out a little yawn.
I say and walk past her. She follows me out and I stop, turning to face her. She kept her gaze down at her feet.
"well, are you gonna talk"
I say in annoyance.
"well.....i can't sleep alone in there "
I open my bedroom door for her, the lights turned off, she just stands beside me, her eyes closed, mumbling something I couldn't quite hear.
"are you okay? "
I ask, looking down at her
My voice seemingly snapping her out of it as she looks up at me and nods.
"go in"
I say as she shakes her head abruptly.
"the lights are turned off, he may come back"
She says as she immediately looks me in the eyes, coming to the realization of what she had said. I look at her with a raised eyebrow.
"who? "
I ask, she remains quiet and her silence begins to erupt a mixed feeling of anger and curiosity in me. I grab her by the shoulder, leaning down to reach her height.
"who......who'll come.....tell me"
I say, not able to hide my anger.
"why should I tell you, you shouldn't care, you're not supposed to, it's not like I even know you"
She says, her voice hoarse. I let go of her shoulders, a weird feeling punching my insides. I exhale, trying to let out some anger as I step back.
"go to bed"
I say and after that I walk away.

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