Blue Archive - Story of Joshu...

By TRUExtremeSamX

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A man with a troubled past ends up as a teacher in Kivotos. Oh well, it's not the toughest thing he's had to... More

Chapter 1 - Welcome to Kivotos, Joshua Sensei
Chapter 2 - To the Schale Building
Chapter 3 - The Shittim Chest
Chapter 4 - Down Time I
Chapter 5 - Down Time II
Chapter 6 - An Urgent Request: Abydos
Chapter 7 - Catgirl Rescue Mission
Chapter 8 - Foreclosure Task Force Meeting
Chapter 9 - Problem Solver's Attack
Chapter 10 - Foul Conspiracy
Chapter 11 - Down Time III
Chapter 12 - Down Time IV
Chapter 13 - Storm Brewing
Chapter 14 - Desert Excursion
Chapter 15 - A Battle of Wills
Chapter 16 - Assault on Kaiser
Chapter 17 - Abydos Arc: Epilogue
Chapter 18 - Down Time V
Chapter 19 - Down Time VI
Chapter 20 - A Request: Momoyodou
Chapter 21 - In Need of Assistance
Chapter 22 - A Ninja's Dream
Chapter 23 - Momoyodou Event: Epilogue
Chapter 24 - Down Time VII
Chapter 25 - Down Time VIII
Chapter 26 - Down Time IX
Chapter 27 - A Request: Red Winter
Chapter 28 - A Russian Coup d'Etat
Chapter 29 - Gathering Allies
Chapter 30 - Ivan Kupala Event: Epilogue
Chapter 31 - Down Time X
Chapter 33 - WHITE WHALE
Chapter 34 - Sensei Rescue Mission
Chapter 35 - HOLY GRAIL
Chapter 36 - A Student's Heart I: Hoshino
Chapter 37 - Down Time XI
Chapter 38 - Down Time XII
Chapter 39 - An Urgent Request: Game Development Department
Chapter 40 - Mysterious Girl, AR-1S
Chapter 41 - Oh crap, that's a railgun.
Chapter 42 - Robot Interrogation
Chapter 43 - Return to the Ruins
Chapter 44 - Heist Plans
Chapter 45 - The Mirror Heist (Part 1)
Chapter 46 - The Mirror Heist (Part 2)
Chapter 47 - Unlocking the G.BIBLE
Chapter 48 - Finishing Touches
Chapter 49 - GameDev Arc: Epilogue
Chapter 50 - Down Time XIII
Chapter 51 - A Student's Heart II: Yuuka
Chapter 52 - Day at Abydos
Chapter 53 - Down Time XIV
Chapter 54 - Down Time XV
Chapter 55 - Arona's Day Out
Chapter 56 - A Request: C&C
Chapter 57 - Chaos on Deck
Chapter 58 - Bunny Event: Epilogue
Chapter 59 - Not so VIRTUAL SINGER
Chapter 60 - Down Time XVI
Chapter 61 - Down Time XVII
Chapter 62 - Down Time XVIII
Chapter 63 - A Request: Spec Ops
Chapter 64 - A Student's Heart III: Chinatsu
Chapter 65 - Onsen Event: Epilogue
Chapter 66 - Down Time XIX
Chapter 67 - A Student's Heart IV: Shiroko
Chapter 68 - Down Time XX
Chapter 69 - A Student's Heart V: Haruka
Chapter 70 - An Urgent Request: Tea Party
Chapter 71 - A Request: The Sisterhood
Chapter 72 - Glue, Tonic and... Cake?!
Chapter 73 - Magician & Sister Event: Epilogue
Chapter 75 - Studying Boot Camp
Chapter 76 - Boot Camp Begins
Chapter 77 - Secret Meeting with Two Pinkettes
Chapter 78 - Swimsuit Symposium
Chapter 79 - A False Glimmer of Hope
Chapter 80 - Confession and Assault
Chapter 81 - Eden Treaty Arc Part I: Epilogue
Chapter 82 - Down Time XXI
Chapter 83 - A Student's Heart VI: Midori & Momoi
Chapter 84 - A Student's Heart VII: Mutsuki
Chapter 85 - A Request: Schale Patrol
Chapter 86 - Wakamo's Feast: Epilogue
Chapter 87 - A Student's Heart VIII: Wakamo
Chapter 88 - Down Time XXII
Chapter 89 - Down Time XXIII
Chapter 90 - A Request: Prefect Team
Chapter 91 - Prefect Summer: Epilogue
Chapter 92 - Down Time XXIV
Chapter 93 - A Request: Ninja Club
Chapter 94 - Various Obstacles
Chapter 95 - Ninja Event: Epilogue
Chapter 96 - Down Time XXV
Chapter 97 - Down Time XXVI
Chapter 98 - A Request: Summer Wishlist
Chapter 99 - Student's Heart 9: Tsurugi & Azusa / Trinity Summer 1: Epilogue
Chapter 100 - Down Time XXVII
Chapter 101 - Down Time XXVIII
Chapter 102 - Down Time XXIX

Chapter 74 - Formation of The Make-Up Work Club

1.5K 35 57
By TRUExtremeSamX


Two weeks.

Before I knew it, two weeks had passed.
Most of my time was spent either doing some work for Schale- forwarded to me by either Arona or Rin-, or studying, which was my primary focus.

Granted, it wasn't all work. I spoke to my girlfriends over the phone on occasion. They never came to visit and I never needed to leave the district, but that was okay.

Hoshino's eyes got that look whenever the topic of my current job in Trinity came up. The look that wasn't one of Hoshino, the sleepy third year student of Abydos.

It was of Takanashi Hoshino, a student that was one of- if not the strongest student in Kivotos at one time.

Yuuka and Chinatsu shared their concerns as well. Haruka was focused on my safely, occasionally getting that evil look on her face- likely thinking about hurting those who would hurt me. And Shiroko...

I think she's planning something else, something that isn't related to banks. She keeps getting that look in her eyes.

Anyway, despite the suspicions of me and my harem, it was time to meet my new students.

Well, I say 'new', but I already know Hifumi.

Hifumi texted me, saying that she would meet with me in what would be our club's classroom for the the next week. And so, I walked through the rather pretty and clean halls of Trinity Academy.

Soon, I found the correct classroom. It was in an annex, far away from classrooms that were in use most days.

As I entered the classroom, I found Hifumi sitting at one of the desks. She jolted and sprung to her feet upon seeing me, a panicked expression in her face.

The classroom was what you would expect from a fancy place such a Trinity.

"Long time no see, Hifumi." I say, smiling a bit.

"Y-Yes. It's good to see you again, Sensei." The blonde says, a bit strained.

I cross my arms and look at her expectantly. "So..."

Hifumi fidgets in place, knowing what I'm asking. "So... Th-The thing is... It's not my fault."

"Mmhm." I hum, not impressed at all.

"There was a surprise Peroro show, and I had to skip my regular routine exam to attend it. S-So that's why I'm failing now." She admits.

"Hifumi..." I groan.

"D-Don't look at me like that! I was sure I checked the exam date, but I must have made a mistake. Yeah..." She reasons. "...I'm sorry."

I sigh, exasperated. "Never change, Hifumi."

"A-Anyway, Nagisa asked me to support you, Sensei." Hifumi says, changing the subject.

"To support me?" I ask, stopping my eyes from narrowing in suspicion.

"Well, simply put- she made me the club's president." She explains.

"Weird she'd give a title for a provisional club." I point out.

"I suppose so..." Hifumi says. "B-But until then, I'll be working with you, Sensei."

...Hifumi doesn't usually stutter this much. I thought it was just nervousness from admitting her faults, but then again...

She and Nagisa are friends. Did she tell Hifumi something? There clearly is something the girl in front of me isn't saying.

I'll keep that in mind for now.

"Looking forward to it, Hifumi." I say, smiling.

"I'm glad you're here. I don't know what I'd do otherwise..." Hifumi admits. "Oh, have you met the other Make Up Work Club members?"

"No, haven't seen the other three at all." I say.

"Let's go meet them, then. We'll have our hands full with teaching and coming up with a plan to prevent them from failing." She suggests.

"You know where they're at?" I ask.

"One of them should be at the Justice Task Force's building. We might have to ask around for the others." She explains.

"Alright, then. Lead the way." I say, not knowing where the main building for the JTF is.


After following the blonde for a while, we eventually make it to the JTF's HQ.

"Oh, no. I never like having to come here." She groans.

I stop myself for asking why she'd be sent here often enough to not like it...

"Where is everyone?" I ask, not seeing anyone inside.

"Hello...? Is anyone here?" Hifumi calls out.

From around the corner, a small and rather cute girl appears. I idly notice her as the pink haired girl I saw when I was out with Suzumi recently.

Sure enough, she has pastel pink hair done in low pigtails, her bangs framing her face and identically colored eyes. She wears a black beret in her head and has dark grey wings coming out from underneath. On her torso is an oversized, black hoodie, worn loosely causing one of her shoulders to be revealed. She also has a reddish-black choker along with a vertical part which goes from her chin to under her top. She also has on a dark pink skirt and has a black bag swung over one shoulder, next to two dark grey wings coming from her back. She has on tall, baggy, white leg warmers and black dress shoes. She carries a sniper rifle hidden in a black covering. Her halo is comprised of two pink rings- the larger and outermost having four 'wings' protruding from it.

The pinkette stares at Hifumi, nervously eyeing the taller girl.

"H-Hello." Hifumi greets awkwardly.

"What?" The pinkette asks in a cute voice.

"W-Well, I'm... uh..." Hifumi stutters.

The shorter girl remains silent, not really looking at Hifumi.

Sighing, I speak up. "Are you shy?" I ask the short girl.

"Wh-Who are you calling shy?!" The pinkette squeaks in a loud voice. "I'm just wary of strangers!"

"Fair point." I agree.

"What brings you to the Justice Task Force?" She asks, face red.

"U-Um, we're here to find someone." The blonde explains.

"What?! You think it's the Justice Task Force's job to find missing people?" The pinkette shouts. "This isn't the place for that. We don't do volunteer work." She says, closing in on Hifumi, who raises her hands in surrender.

"Th-That's not what I meant!" The blonde says, quickly. "We heard the person we're looking for is being detained here."

"You never mentioned she was being detained, Hifumi." I point out.

The Peroro fan awkwardly chuckles.

"They're locked up?" The short girl asks.

"For what?" I ask, a bit worried. I looked into the four girl's profiles, thanks to Arona's help, so there's only one I can figure is here.

"F-For... disorderly conduct. So, um..." Hifumi admits.

"Are you here for me?" A new, pretty voice asks.

"Huh?" The short girl asks, turning around, before she stills, eyes wide and face red. Strangely enough, her eyes kinda look like cat's eyes now... Hifumi makes a similar expression.

Turning around, I see yet another pink haired girl, only this one has long hair that fades to peach, and has quite a shapely body. She has a white bow in the side of her hair- a long braid coming down from it. She has lime green eyes and her halo is made of two pink and peach rings with four petal shapes at the intercardinal directions.

As for why the other girls are reacting that way? This girl is wearing nothing but a white and dark blue school swimsuit.

Well, that and a white bracelet.

I can only stare in confusion as the shorter pinkette shrieks, her face a crimson red.

"Wh-What the heck?!" The short girl shrieks. "How did you get out of your cell?! I could have sworn I locked it right!"

"You didn't mean to leave it open, then?" She taller pinkette asks, tilting her head a bit. "I walked right through when I heard what sounded like someone looking for me."

"Funny. We never said your name specifically." I point out.

The taller pinkette's eyes sparkle with interest. "Well, I was expecting to be met by someone who was suppose to be advising a club I am to be a part of temporarily. Supposedly, it was to begin today."

"And you'd be right, Urawa Hanako." I say, smiling.

"Then it's nice to meet you, Joshua Birkin Sensei." Hanako says, smiling in return. We both wordlessly say the same thing to one another.

'He's/She's sharp.'

"St-Stop making pleasantries and go get dressed!" The short girl shouts, pointing a finger at Hanako. "Who walks around in their swimsuit, you weirdo?!"

"Hmm? Is there a problem, Miss Shimoe?" The taller pinkette asks the shorter one.

"Y-You can't wear a swimsuit on school grounds! That's common sense!" The short girl says. Honestly, I should start referring to her by her name- Shimoe Koharu.

"Hmm?" Hanako hums again. "But the school swimming pool is on school grounds as well... Do you prefer to swim without a swimsuit, Miss Shimoe?" She asks, innocently.

"Huh? What kind of...?" Koharu asks, baffled.

"I never expected you to be the kind to skinny dip." Hanako teases. "Then again, I have heard that the Justice Task Force likes to lead by example."

"Don't be ridiculous! Who said anything about a matter of preference?!" Koharu shrieks.

"Then are you insinuating that nudism is the only acceptable lifestyle? How avant-garde. Radical, certainly, but perhaps worth exploring..." Hanako teases with an innocent smile.

"Would you get back in your cell already?! My seniors will be here any minute!" The small pinkette shouts.

"Oh, my. Are they all coming to get a peep at me as well?" The taller pinkette teases.

"Shut up! Shut up! Just get in there!" Koharu shouts, pointing at the doorway.

"Okay, okay. Give it a rest before you give the poor girl an aneurysm from teasing." I groan while taking off my jacket.

"Oh? Is Sensei going to join me and engage in Miss Shimoe's suggestion?" Hanako asks, slyly.

"Hardly." I say, dryly, walking over to her and-

"Eh?" Hanako lets out a sound, her smile- that's been on her face this whole time- disappearing, replaced by surprise.

-placing my jacket over her shoulders with a flourish.

"You can't go around showing so much skin, dummy." I deadpan. "It was why you got detained in the first place, wasn't it?"

It seems I've stunned her as the taller pinkette says nothing for a moment, before smiling once more. "You certainly are an interesting person, Sensei."

Hifumi just awkwardly giggles at this all.

Koharu seems to be lost in her own little world, muttering something about 'doujins'.

"Well, I'm sure the other JTF members will let Hanako go when we explain our club to them." I point out. "Who's next?" I ask, knowing Hifumi will either call out Koharu or ask us to go find Azusa.

"The next member is... Let me see..." The blonde says, taking a piece of paper out from her Peroro bag. "...Shirasu Azusa."

As she says that, the door to the building opens and in struts in Hasumi. "We've returned." She announces.

After her, in walks in Mashiro- who I haven't been properly introduced to yet. "Mission accomplished! We've successfully apprehended Shirasu Azusa."

Hifumi's shout of 'What?!' is accompanied by my palm slapping against my face.

"Oh, your back, Hasumi, Mashiro." Koharu greets.

"Thank you for keeping watch, Koharu... Wait..." Mashiro says, noticing the rest of us.

"Sensei?" Hasumi asks, surprised.

"Hiya, Hasumi." I greet, waving at her. "And..." I drawl, looking at Mashiro.

"O-Oh!" The shorter sniper jolts, realizing what I'm asking. "I'm Shizuyama Mashiro, Sensei."

"Nice to meetcha." I greet back.

Behind them, is a girl in handcuffs. Likely Azusa.

She has long white hair and some flowers in one side of her hair. Her face is hidden via a gas mask, causing us to hear her breathing clearly. She wears a rather pretty black dress and a short, white jacket with long sleeves- a yellow bow and black collar in the middle. She has white wings coming from her lower back, adorned with flowers as well. On her feet are white dress shoes and fluttery, black socks. Her halo is a gold half-circle that kinda looks like a cross between a full moon and an olive branch.

A white and gold assault rifle is being carried by Mashiro, likely its Azusa's. It has the words 'Vanitas Vanitatum, Et Omnia Vanitas' emblazoned on the side. All is in vain, huh?

One thing does catch my attention, sadly confirming one of my theories.

She has a gold thing on her bow with a larger version of it on both of her shoulders. As for what it is?

It's the fucking logo of Arius Satellite School.

Guess that spy thing wasn't just a theory.

As for why no one's noticed? Arius isn't exactly well-known anymore. I really had to dig up info on them, never find finding their damn logo. But that logo, without a doubt, is on Azusa's clothes. The same logo they used before Trinity firebombed them. You'd think they'd change it.
But even then, the spy thing is still just a theory. She could just like the logo, or support Arius' ideals or something like that.

Hifumi only can stare at Azusa in confusion. Whether it's from her being arrested, suddenly showing up, the gas mask, or all three- I don't know.

Another thing I notice about the girl is her posture. I've never been a soldier, but I can recognize one, and she has the posture of a soldier. I definitely need to keep a close eye on her.

"A shame." The masked girl says. "I could've gotten at least three more of them if I hadn't run out of ammo."

"How many were you up against?" I ask the silverette, curious.

"She fought almost all of our forces, save for Koharu behind you, and Tsurugi, for three hours." Hasumi explains. "It didn't help that she was occupying a tear gas storage area..."

"I take it the gas was used?" I ask.

"Frequently." Mashiro explains. "Once she ran out we had to deal with the traps and IEDs she hid. I still don't know how she made them so quickly..."

"Impressive. Keeping the JTF at bay by yourself for that long is no easy feat." I praise the masked girl, who stills at my words for some reason. And I mean violently stills. Everyone notices it, even Hasumi, who shoots the girl a curious look.

"Anyway..." I say, changing the subject. "She's the third member of our little group."

"Yes, I heard you will be the one in charge of the Make-Up Work Club for the time being." The taller sniper says. "I imagine that you'll be very busy, Sensei. I apologize that we can't offer any help."

"It's fine. The fact you want to help is more than enough." I say, waving her worries off. "But you could go ahead and turn these two over to me." I say, pointing at Azusa and Hanako.

"Never! On what grounds?!" Koharu snaps. "They're shameless criminals!"

"Settle down, Koharu." Hasumi says, lightly chiding the shorter pinkette. "The Tea Party contacted Schale specifically to request Sensei's help. Those two fall under Sensei's jurisdiction as the one in charge of the Make Up Work Club. Those are the rules."

"B-But... Fine. If you say so." Koharu relents, before smugly huffing. "Well it serves them right! What better punishment than being lumped into a Make Up Work Club? How humiliating!"

"You might wanna watch making fun of people like that. Glass houses and all." I warn.

But Koharu just laughs. "Why? It's a team of degenerates and outcasts! I would die of shame if I was forced to join a club like that!"

Hasumi just sighs.

"Guess you're dead then." I smirk.

"Huh?" The small pinkette asks.

"Our club has four members. Hifumi, Hanako, Azusa and one last girl named Shimoe Koharu." I smirk.

"ME?!" The small pinkette shrieks.

"What is it with the girls around here and screaming so loud...?" I groan, my ears hurting from the loud sound.


Hasumi understood that Koharu can't return to the JTF until she's passed, so she let her- and the other two- go with us.

A few minutes later, the five of us stand in the secluded classroom. Hanako still in her swimsuit (and my jacket) and Azusa still wearing her gas mask. Koharu looks as though she's going to cry and Hifumi is just nervous.

"So you girls are the other members..." Hanako muses.

Hifumi just awkwardly laughs. "Well, here we are, everyone. This is the Make Up Work Club. Th-The real challenge starts now."

"What do we do now, President Ajitani?" Hanako asks, politely.

"O-Oh, you can just call me Hifumi." The blonde squeaks. "I'm failing, just like you all..."

Hanako hums mischievously. "Still, a group of young girls, alone with someone far more experienced-" She eyes me. "-in a secluded classroom after school... My, how scandalous." She says, holding a hand to her cheek.

Azusa loudly exhales through her mask. "I'm not sure what you're suggesting, but I couldn't care less. I have enough resources for us to take shelter here for a month if need be."

"We have more than enough food and the like, Azusa." I say. "Ammo as well, if you're worried about that." I add. She seems like a more military-focused girl than anyone else I've met in Kivotos.

"Someone please kill me." Koharu bemoans.

"Okay!" I say, clapping my hands. "Before we get down to business, Hanako, go get dressed. In proper clothes."

"Very well, Sensei." The taller pinkette says, leaving the classroom.

"And Azusa, please take off the gas mask. You don't need it in here." I say.

"...Very well." The silverette says, exhaling loudly once more as she takes the mask off.

Huh... She has really pretty eyes. Pink which fade down to blue.


A few minutes later, Hanako returns, now wearing a white sailor uniform, the top being a bit short, revealing a bit of her stomach. She also has on black dress shoes and white socks which end below her knee. She now carries a white assault rifle with her.

"Here you are, Sensei." Hanako says, handing my jacket back to me, Shittim Chest still inside. "Thank you for being a gentleman and lending your coat to me."

"Anytime, Hanako." I say, putting it back on.

"I can't stand this anymore!" Koharu suddenly shouts. "I'm in agony! Torment! Misery! A-And it's all your fault, Sensei!" She shouts, pointing at me.

"What the heck did I do?" I ask, indignant.

"You're going to hurt Sensei's feelings if you keep saying things like that, Koharu." The taller pinkette chides the shorter. "Keep in mind that Sensei is only here to help us. Besides, it isn't his fault that you failed that exam."

The JTF member jolts, unable to refute Hanako, her lower wings flapping a bit. "I-I'm a member of the Justice Task Force! It's not my fault I have to miss so many classes!"

"Strange." Azusa coolly observes. "The same applies to the other Justice Task Force members, yet you're the only one who failed, Koharu."

The poor girl averts her gaze from Azusa, unable to refute her too.

"Goodness, Azusa." Hanako says in faux surprise. "Are you trying to tell Koharu she isn't intelligent?"

"You can interpret it that way, but the reality is that sometimes life is just like this." The silverette says succinctly.

"You mean that life is agony, torment, and misery like she said? That's deep." The taller pinkette says.

"She ain't wrong. Sometimes it IS like that." I add, earning a curious look from both Azusa and Hanako.

"Wh-Why am I the one being singled out?!" Koharu snaps. "You all failed too! If I'm dumb, then so are all of you!"

Hifumi just awkwardly laughs. "You guys..." She says, trying- and failing- to calm them down.

"Idiots- the whole lot of you! That's why you're all in the Make Up Work Club to begin with!" Koharu continues. "You!" She points at Hifumi. "And you!" Then Hanako. "And YOU!" Then Azusa. "And you too!" Then at me- wait.

"Oi. Who gave you the right to call a teacher dumb?" I warn, before groaning. "Okay, that's enough. From all of you." I say, eyeing Hanako and Azusa. "You all are failing. it's stressful, I get it, but calm down."

"Calm down?! We're all going to be expelled!" The short pinkette argues. "And if I'm expelled, I'll be kicked out of the Justice Task Force. Anything but that..."

"I can at least sympathize on that front." Azusa chimes in. "Expulsion is not an option. I won't go down without a fight, no matter how futile it may seem." Huh, she and I have something in common.

Hanako awkwardly- and fakely- giggles. "I dunno. Getting expelled doesn't seem like the end of the world. Rather..." My eyes narrow at her apathy toward being expelled.

"EXCUSE ME?!" Hifumi finally shouts, causing the other girls to still. "S-Sorry for yelling. But we're all here to make sure it doesn't come to that. But if we don't start putting our heads together, we'll all be expelled in a week."

But Hanako changes the subject, for some reason, "Don't you think that the phrase 'put our heads together' is a bit of a cliche? It doesn't have that 'oomph' factor to really motivate me. What if we thought outside of the box? Something like..." She smirks, deviously. "'Let's put our bodies together'!"

"...If you put as much effort into studying as you do teasing, I'm sure you'd be an honor student, Hanako." I point out, causing the busty pinkette to flinch, almost unnoticeably.

"Get your head out of the gutter, you perv, or I'll blow it off myself!" Koharu shouts, her cat-like eyes reappearing (how does she do that?), while Azusa looks lost. "Can you even hear yourself? That doesn't even make sense!"

"My, you don't have a very active imagination, do you, Koharu? We could always try it out together~" Hanako teases the small girl, taking a step closer.

"Wh...WHAT?!" The JTF girl squeals, face red. "Back it up! P-Personal space! I don't wanna know!"

"Here I come~!" Hanako coos, before she scoops up Koharu in a big hug, the smaller girl squirming to get away.

"No, let me go! Save me, Sensei! I'm sorry! I'm sorry...!" Koharu wails. "I'm sorry I snapped at you! Just let me go already!"

"Fascinating." Azusa observes. "I've never seen such an effective restraining method in close-quarters combat. This will prove most useful. But I would've twister her joints first. You made too many unnecessary moves with your hands."

Sighing, I speak up. "Okay, enough!" I shout. "Hanako, let the poor girl go."

"Very well." Hanako says, doing so, not too upset. Koharu however, keeps a wary eye on the taller pinkette, scooching away from her.

"Now, first order of business. Does everyone know the other's names?" I ask.

"I was sent a document briefing me on everyone here." Azusa says.

"Did everyone get something similar?" I ask.

"Yes, I was sent a paper with our club's members and purpose a week ago." Hanako explains, finally looking serious.

"As did I." Hifumi adds.

"I-I got one too." Koharu adds. "I-I didn't read too much of it, though... Only read the names..." She admits, sheepishly.

"Good. Then we can skip the introductions and the explanation of the club, but I'll summarize." I begin. "I'll be helping you four study for the next week in order to pass an exam. If one of you fail, you'll have to take a second. If one of you fails the second, you'll have to take a third. If the third is failed... I'm sure you can guess what'll happen..." I say, not worrying them with the truth of the situation. "Still, I know you four can do it." I say with absolute certianty.

Azusa looks ready. Hanako looks calm. Koharu looks worried, but ready.

"That's the long and short of the situation." Hifumi interjects. "This is just a temporary arrangement, but let's try to make the most of it."

"And, uh... I don't think I ever actually said it, but it's nice to meet you all." I say, politely, causing Azusa to eye me strangely. It's almost like she's confused by me being nice.

"Are there, uh... any questions?" The blonde asks.

"None. We're here to do special afterschool training in addition to our regular classes. It's simple to understand." The silverette says. This girl really has a militaristic mindset. Is this how they run things at Arius? I mean... if my theory's right and she IS from there.

"Basically. The goal, like Sensei said, is for each of us to pass the special academic evaluation exam that's coming up. W-We don't necessarily ace it or anything, we just have to not fail is all." The blonde explains.

"And I'll do everything in my power to make sure you all pass." I say, seriously.

"We'll also get three attempts at the exam." Hifumi adds. "But if we pass the first one, we won't have to take it again. That means our make up work would end early! Sensei's role will be to manage and supervise us while checking our schedules. We can also turn to Sensei for supplemental lessons to our regular classes."

"Basically, I'm here as a time manager and tutor." I explain.

"Understood. Our objective is to complete this mission together." Azusa nods. "We must gather here everyday in order to train to do so. Essentially, this is a gathering of people trying to avoid dishonorable discharge. I see no reason to sabotage this arrangement."

"Not how I would've worded it, but yes." I confirm

Hifumi smiles, happy the silverette understands. "Oh, come to think of it... you transferred here not very long ago, isn't that right, Azusa?" Red flag, RED FLAG. "You must still be getting used to the academy." Hifumi assumes, "If you work hard with Sensei you'll finish your make up work in no time."

"Oh? Is Miss Shirasu a transfer student?" Hanako asks, surprised. "It's rare for someone to transfer into Trinity..."

"Well, at least that's what your file said." Hifumi says, before she looks worried. "Oh, no. Did you not want me to share that?"

"No, there's no point in hiding the truth. Don't worry about it." Azusa says. "Adapting is merely a matter of putting in the appropriate work."

"Like I said, I'll be here to help, so if ya have any questions, feel free to ask, Azusa." I say, honestly. Once again Azusa gives me a strange look, like she's looking at an alien creature, before nodding in thanks.

Hanako hums in thought. "You wouldn't mind me calling you Azusa, would you?" Huh, this is the first time I've seen someone stick to the last name thing the Japanese do, despite the Japanese-sounding names in this city.

"No? Why would I mind?" The transferee asks, confused.

"Wonderful!" The teasing girl cheers. "My clubmates Azusa, Hifumi, and Koharu. I like the sound of that. We're soldiers fighting in the trenches that is make up work." Then, she gains that teasing look. "You may act like an ice queen, Azusa, but I can tell you have a sweet side." She says, happily giggling.

"Ice queen...?" Azusa mutters, before we hear something.

It was Koharu, growling like a dog, looking hatefully at Hanako.

"This can't be right." Hanako says, innocently. "Koharu's eyes look like they're filled with hate for some reason."

"You all... What did I do to deserve this? I refuse to accept it!" The tiny pinkette declares.

"You failed tests and got a low grade." I point out.

"Hush, Sensei!" Koharu shouts at me, causing me to raise my hands in faux surrender.

"Refuse to accept what?" Hanako asks the shorter pinkette.

"I-I'm an elite member of the Justice Task Force!" Koharu declares, the wings on her back flapping a bit. "D-Don't you dare look down on me just because I'm the only first-year! I'll be out of this stupid Make Up Work Club before you know it, so don't get too friendly!"

Hanako hums in thought. "You have a point. I don't see the need for us to treat each other any differently based on class year. I'm okay with that."

"That works for me too. I'm not used to that kind of culture anyway." The transfer student chimes in. "Besides, we're each here for our own benefit, so I don't see the need to pretend to be friends."

"Well..." Hifumi says, awkwardly.

"People are social creatures, Azusa." I begin to lecture, seriously. "People don't do too well when they're lonely. So don't go and say you four won't be friends or anything, especially seeing as how you'll be working together for at least a week."

"Great!" Koharu says, continuing along. "Truth is, I've actually been keeping a secret from you all. The reason I've been failing recently is because I was taking the second-year exams so I could skip a grade!"

"Skip a grade?" Hanako asks. "Why would you want to do that?"

"Why?! Because I'm going to become the Justice Task Force's ace!" The tiny winged girl declares.

"Um, but that's how you failed, isn't it? I could understand trying it once, but why continue doing it after failing?" The teasing girl asks.

"Sh-Shut up! That's not what's important!" Koharu argues. "The point is that I've been hiding my true power. This time, I'll take the first-year exam! I'm sure to earn an excellence award, aren't I?"

"You still have a week of work, Koharu." I point out. "I'll be holding you to your words."

Hanako awkwardly- and pityingly- giggles at the shorter pinkette.

"Good! After that, it's farewell to the Make Up Work Club!" The short girl continues.

"No one said anything about being done with make up work if you win an excellence award..." Hifumi points out.

"You were holding back?" Azusa asks. "I see. Just so you know, I'll be taking the first-year exam as well."

"Wh-Who cares? I'm done with the Make Up Work Club after the next exam!" The lively- and tiny- girl declares. "See you later, it was nice knowing you- that's all I'm trying to say! I have it all figured out, so pretend like I was never here! Bye!" She says with a proud laugh. "And good luck!" As she says that, she leaves the classroom.

"OI!" I call out.

"Sh-She really left..." Hifumi says, surprised.

"Well..." I say, scratching my head. "You four don't actually have to do any work today. I WAS planning on having you all do something so we could get done quicker, but since Koharu ran off..." I groan.

"Aren't Koharu's little mood swings the cutest?" Hanako coos. "On the other hand, it's adorable how Azusa never changes."

"Hm?" Azusa asks, confused.

"Um..." The blonde says.

"I think I'm going to like it here." Hanako says with a giggle.

I let out a deep sigh. "Okay then, I'll see you all again tomorrow. We'll actually do some work instead of just talking."

"I look forward to seeing you again, Sensei." Hanako says, happily.

"I will do my best." Azusa says, her face still not betraying any emotion.

"I will too!" Hifumi declares.

And so, our group went their separate ways, destined to reconvene the next day after school.


The remaining girls left, but as I left...

sniffle sob

I heard someone crying.

Quietly, ever so quietly, I walked over to the sound.

There, hidden under the staircase was Koharu, knees held up to her chest, hands in front of her face... crying.

"Why...? Why me...?" She asks in a wobbly voice. "I-I'm supposed to be an elite of the Justice Task Force... I wanted to be an elite... Uu... Uuu..."

I watch in somber silence as the tiny pinkette bemoans her circumstances.

Closing my eyes for a moment, I make a decision.

Quietly, I walk over to Koharu. Once next to her, I stop being quiet and sit down.

"Huh...? HUH?!" She shrieks, seeing me sitting down next to her.

"Shh." I say, holding my hand out, shushing her.

Koharu stares at me with a variety of emotions in her teary eyes.

Anger. Frustration. Sorrow. Self-loathing. I've seen them all before.

"S-Sensei?! Wha-What are-?"

I cut the girl's confused words off by wrapping my arm around her and pulling her into a hug.
"Don't hold yourself back. Let it all out, Koharu." I say, softly.

With that, all hesitation is gone as she begins to cry once more, wrapping her arms around me for dear life.

After a few minutes, she pulls away, wiping her face with her long sleeves.

"You okay?" I ask, softly.

"Y-Yes, I..." She mumbles. "No..."

"What's wrong, then?"

"Everything!" She shouts, before shrinking, realizing her volume. "I-I'm supposed to be an elite member of the Justice Task Force, n-not someone who has failing grades!"

"Koharu..." I say, as I pat the girl on the head.

"Eep!" She squeaks at the contact.

"You don't have to prove your worth to others, nor do you have to prove you're better than anyone else. The only person you should want to be better than is the current you." I advise.

"Current... me?" She asks, confused.

"Look, whether you like it or not, you're a part of the Make Up Work Club because your grades are bad, but that's just the you of today." I explain. "Tomorrow's you should strive to be better than the you of today. That's the only person you should try to be better than."

"B-But... How can I be worthy of being a part of the JTF if I'm not an elite! How can I be a valued part of..." She trails off, sadly.

"You don't have to, because you're already a valued member." I say, causing her to still. "I haven't spoken to Hasumi in a while- save for today-, but I know she cares for every member of your club, Koharu. You don't have to be worthy of being a part of the JTF." I say, lifting her head to look me in the eye. "You already are."

Koharu softly gasps and her pink eyes widen.

"You think they'd let just anyone in the Justice Task Force? The fact you joined means you're worthy." I say, before smiling. "Now stop beatin' yourself up, you dummy. You're stronger than that."

"Y-You're right. I'm strong." She says, moving away from me and slowly standing back up. "I just have to be better than I am right now, come tomorrow."

"Exactly." I say, smiling as I stand up. "Are you okay now?"

"Yes. I-I... Thank you, Sensei." She says, softly, almost inaudible.

"You're welcome, Koharu." I say, patting her head again.

"Gah!" She shouts, pulling away from me with her red face and cat eyes. "And s-stop patting my head! It's against the rules!"

"Hehehe, sorry." I half-heartedly apologize. "Still, I wish you luck for tomorrow."


And with that, the red-faced Koharu runs off, going to who-knows-where. As I watch her run off, I can't hide my smile at all.

She'll be alright.


The next day, the four girls sat in desks and started to get to work studying papers Arona helped me make, as well as books lent to our club by Trinity. I swear I would not have been able to make those papers on my own.

I've never taught anyone like this, so I've made damn sure to be the best teacher I can be. I watch them from behind to keep an eye on them.

"I don't understand this question, Hanako." Azusa says.

Hanako peers over to the silverette's desk. "This problem is all about prime factorization. You can use divisibility rules here. All you have to do is..."

Hanako seems smarter than she appears. Hifumi seems to notice this too. It's a good thing I read the busty pinkette's file.

She was an honor student last year. Even offered positions in the Sisterhood and Tea Party. Then, this year, she started failing, likely intentionally.

"Hmm. I see." Azusa says, nodding.

Koharu stares at her paper, angrily.

"Are you stuck on something, Koharu?" Hanako asks.

"N-No! Of course not!" The short girl denies.

"That page ain't gonna be on the test, Koharu." I point out.

"I-It won't be?!" The tiny girl shouts, shocked. "I-I knew that! I-I was just getting ahead, that's all!"

"It won't be on the ones after, either." I deadpan. "Don't worry about that stuff." I'm a bit worried for her...

Soon, I realized that Azusa was going to Hanako for help mostly.

"I don't understand the meaning of this sentence, Hanako." The transfer says.

"It's the first verse of an ancient epic." Hanako says, all too happy to help. "It translates to, 'O goddess of poetry, sing a song of rage'."

"Ah, that one. I understand." Azusa realizes.

Later... "Hanako, this one..." Azusa asks, again.

"That's a translation of an ancient language." Hanako observes. "Hold on a second. We'll need a dictionary to understand it better."
Reaching over to a shelf, I hand Hanako a dictionary wordlessly.

"Thank you, Sensei." The pinkette says.

"Oh, in that case, I think I've got it." The silverette says. "Gaudium et spes... Joy and hope, I think."

"That's right." I smile.

"That's the slogan of the second council." Hanako explains. "More importantly, can you read that language, Azusa?"

"Yeah. I learned a long time ago." Azusa explains.

"Me too." I add. God, it feels like a lifetime ago.

"Wow." Hanako beams at the two of us.


A bit later, Hifumi and I are the only ones left.

"This is going quite well." I muse.

"Isn't it?" Hifumi asks, happily. "Hanako seems to have a real knack for tutoring! And Azusa has a real will to learn! If Koharu told us the truth about hiding her true potential..."

"I doubt it, she seems to be the type to get overconfident, then mess up." I point out. "And Hanako doesn't even seem like she needs to be here."

"Maybe she failed by missing an exam like I did." She suggests. "I mean, she seems so good at studying. I don't know how else she could've failed."

"Yeah. Hopefully, it'll all go well." I say.

"I hope so too. To be honest, I was really worried." The blonde admits. "In fact, the Tea Party gave me an order to start a boot camp for the second exam if any one of us fails the first one."

My eyes narrow. "Funny how Nagisa failed to mention that, or put it anywhere on my contract."

"W-Well... That's how far they're taking things. If anyone fails all three exams..." She trails off.

"So you're aware too?" I ask.

"Yes, Nagisa explained it to me." She admits. "I won't let the four of us be expelled."

"Funny how your friend is willing to expel you like that." I point out, causing the girl to deflate.


At the end of the week, the four girls reconvened back at our clubroom.

"Okay, you four have been studying all week, so I'll keep this simple." I announce. "You've got two hours to finish this exam. No cheating or anything, I'll be keepin' an eye on you. Give it your all-" I eye Hanako. "-, and I'm sure you'll all pass."

The four girls wordlessly look at me, determination in their eyes.

I smile. "Then, begin. And good luck, everyone."

"I-I don't need luck!" Koharu declares. "I'll show you what it means to be elite, just you watch!"

I smile at Koharu's tenacity as Hifumi awkwardly giggles.

"Here goes nothing." Hanako smiles.

"Understood. All preparations are complete." Azusa reports.


After an hour, everyone finished, so I began to grade the papers, with Arona helping me from the Shittim Chest placed on my desk.

"Good work, everyone." Hifumi says, proudly. "You just have to score a sixty out of one-hundred or better. Everything is fine as long as you didn't fail, and this test was practically a warm-up."

"I'm done." I announce.

"We're ready whenever you are!" The blonde chirps.

"Hifumi..." I pause, creating tension. "Seventy-two."

"I did it!" The Peroro fan cheers.

I sigh, biting the bullet. "Azusa..." I pause once more. "Thirty-two."

"What?!" Hifumi shouts, surprised.

"Hmph. So close." Azusa curses.

"H-Hold on! That's barely even halfway to passing!" Hifumi argues. "Th-This was supposed to be an easy test!"

"Koharu... I remember you telling me you would definitely pass..." I say, causing the tiny pinkette to wilt. "Eleven."

"HEH?!" Koharu shouts.

"Wait just a minute!" Hifumi snaps her gaze over to Koharu. "Wh-What happened to holding back, and unlocking your true potential?! Are you sure you took the first-year exam this time, Koharu?! You didn't take the second-year one again- or maybe the third-year exam?!"

"I-I can explain!" The JTF 'ace' argues. "The test was really hard..."

"No, it wasn't! It was supposed to be easy!" Hifumi shouts in denial.

"Maybe you would've passed if you asked for help, instead of going it alone, Koharu." I lecture. "'No man is an island', after all. Remember, even Tsurugi needs back-up from time to time." Koharu looks at me in surprise from that last bit, then her face shows shame.

"What are we going to do, Hanako?" Hifumi asks. "Even if the two of us passed... We'll still have no choice but to take the second exam."

"About that, Hifumi..." I say, cringing. "Hanako got a two."

"Two...?" Hifumi asks. "Do you mean, like... twenty-two?"

"No, just two." I repeat.

"A TWO?!" The blonde shouts. " Did I hear that right?! Is that grade even possible? What happened, Hanako? You looked like you were in your element while studying!"

"I've been told I give off that vibe, but that doesn't mean I get good grades." Hanako 'admits', clearly lying. Her heart rate sped up just a bit, I could hear it when I focused.

"Vibe?! It's just a vibe?! It has nothing to do with your grades?!" Hifumi shouts, still in denial, before hanging her head low. "Oh... No..." She says, flopping back in her seat.

"My, that's quite a visceral reaction." Hanako says, teasingly.

"Yeah, and it also means the five of us are gonna be stuck together for the next week." I explain, causing the three girls who are fully conscious to widen their eyes. "And I don't mean after school, I mean we're gonna be living in a dorm, studying together for the next week."

"Ugh, seriously?!" Koharu shouts, clearly upset.

"Yup. Boot camp." I say.

"If that is what must be done for us to complete our objective, so be it." Azusa says, calmly.

"It just means we can get to know each other better!" Hanako coos.

"Well..." I say, standing up and walking over to the girls. "I'll text y'all with the details later. Feel free to look over what you all got wrong." I say, handing them their tests back.

"Where are you going, Sensei?" Azusa asks.

"I was told to meet with someone after you four got done." I say, lazily waving at them as I leave the room. "See ya later."

Time to go see what she wants.


A while later, as the sun begins to disappear behind the many buildings of Trinity, I make it to the Tea Party's balcony where I find Nagisa sitting at her big table, a chess board in front of her this time.

"Ah." She says, noticing me. "Welcome, Sensei. How good of you to join me."

"I had no reason to turn down your invitation." I say, with a half-hearted laugh.

"Please sit." She gestures to the chair opposite the chess board.

"I hope you don't mind I called to speak with you alone." Nagisa says.

"Not at all." I say, taking note of the guards staying outside for this meeting. "What's with the chess board?"

"I enjoy the game. Sometimes I would play with Seia. Sometimes I would... attempt... to get Mika to play." She explains, strained near the end.

"I can see the latter one being a challenge." I say, causing the winged girl to crack a smile.

"Yes." She says, before her smile turns bitter. "But with all of the work we've been doing, I haven't had time to attempt to play."

"Well, I'm here. How about it?" I offer.

"I would like that." She smiles. "Which color do you prefer?"

"Ladies first." I say, spinning the board so that Nagisa has control of the white pieces.

"What a gentleman." She jokes, before looking down at the board in thought, eventually moving one of the pawns. "How are you and the Make Up Work Club faring?"

"There've been some issues." I say, moving a pawn as well. "Hopefully we can iron those out over this next week."

"...Yes, I read your report. It sounds like the first exam didn't go so well." Nagisa says, feigning concern, as she moves another pawn. "There ARE still two exams left, after all."

"I'm just hoping we don't need the third." I say, optimistic.

"Yes." She says succinctly.

"So... Why the expulsion clause if any of them fail the third exam?" I ask, moving one of my bishops from behind the line of pawns.

"I see. Hifumi must have told you." She surmises, moving a knight.

"No, I read the contract." I deadpan, looking her in the eye. "I ain't stupid enough to sign something without reading it."

Nagisa blinks. "...I suppose I under-estimated you yet again, Sensei." She sighs, as I move a pawn while snatching one of hers and sitting it to the side of the board. "It's nothing out of the ordinary. There is only one course that can be taken after repeated academic failure." She says, moving the knight while snatching one of my pawns.

"Bullshit." I all but growl out. "If three pass and one fail the third, then only that one should be expelled- but that's not the case here. You're taking a all-for-one and one-for-all approach." I say, moving my bishop. "Furthermore, I've read this school's rules and nowhere does it state anything like that in a case like this."

Nagisa idly moves another pawn in front of one of mine, blocking each other's paths. "Then you know Trinity has regulations regarding failure, suspension and expulsion. The steps in doing so are long and arduous. Unlike Gehenna, Trinity follows procedure."

I move my bishop again, snatching her knight. "But you're using Schale- or rather me- to make the club and enforce the rules." I say as she snatches my bishop with a pawn. "I knew what I was getting into, Nagisa. What I want to know is 'why?'." I say, moving another bishop.

The winged girl sighs. "The Make Up Work Club's true purpose..." She says, moving another pawn. " to expel students."

I look up and see her smiling sweetly, despite what she just said.

"Again, why?" I ask, moving a rook.

"Because among them is someone who would seek to betray Trinity." She explains, mulling over the board.

"That confirms one theory, at least." I say as she moves a bishop.

"This traitor seeks to prevent the Eden Treaty from being signed." She begins, as I move a knight. "Allow me to explain the Treaty's purpose so that you might understand the gravity of the situation."

"I know the gist of it." I say, watching her move another bishop. "It a non-aggression pact between you all and Gehenna. I don't know much more than that, seeing as how the rest hasn't been made public." I say, snatching a bishop with one of mine.

"Simply put, its main purpose is to establish a neutral treaty organization comprised of key figures from both Trinity and Gehenna." She explains, looking over the board. "This organization, named the Eden Treaty Organization, will automatically intervene and resolve any conflict that breaks out between Trinity and Gehenna. This will prevent all-out war between the two academies- for if one flounders- then both will sink together." She says, moving a rook.

I slowly take a rook and snatch her knight. "...So the ETO is kinda like what Arius and the Saint Justina Council were to Trinity when it was founded."

Nagisa's head snaps up quicker than either of us expected it to. "...I'm surprised you know of that." She says, slowly.

"I do my research." I shrug.

"...Sensei." She says. "The lasting hostility between Gehenna and Trinity has been a great burden to both parties. The Eden Treaty is the only way to put an end to the needless hostility and keep the balance of power in Kivotos."

"Hence why the GSC president wrote it. To ensure peace." I surmise.

Nagisa nods, moving a rook. "Yes. It had fallen by the wayside once she went missing, but I've been able to restore its momentum. And now, just as we're preparing to finally sign the treaty, we receive intelligence that there are people planning to sabotage it. That said, we don't know who she is. That's why our next best option was to gather every suspect in once place. But rest assured- she is among them. We would have to dispose of the entire apple cart to rid ourselves of the rotten one. Fortunately, Sensei, that's why we chose you to tend to the apple cart- to advise the Make Up Work Club."

I quickly move a rook, snatching her other knight.

"...My apologies." She says. "I realize I've put you in the middle of quite the predicament. You have every right to resent me."

"You wouldn't have told your plan to me if you were planning to use me." I surmise. "You also wouldn't have told it to Hifumi, either."

"Did she...?"

"No." I interrupt. "She ain't the best liar, so I could read her easily."

She smiles sadly as she snatches one of my pawns. "You are correct. It's good that you're quick on the uptake. I would like for you to suss out the traitor hidden among the Make Up Work Club. They are already deceiving you and Trinity as we speak. She is a terrorist, and terrorists do not wish for peace. They think they can risk the safety of Kivotos for their own personal gain. Finding the traitor is for the sake of Kivotos' peace and safety. Surely that's something you can sympathize with as a representative of Schale."

I quickly move my queen and remove a rook from the board. "Nah, I'm gonna do this MY way." I say, succinctly.

"Will you now?" She asks, innocently. "Though do remember the apple cart. If you can't spot the rotten one, we could always tip it over and dispose of all of them. There are many ways to alter exam results." She snatches a pawn. "For example, the contents, location, or difficulty of an exam could suddenly be changed at the last minute. Of course, it would be a shame if such a thing happened, but then again..." She coughs in her hand. "Pardon me, Sensei. I'll continue to leave the Make Up Work Club under your care. I'd love to say that you won't be exposed to any unpleasantness because of this..."

"Mmhmm." I hum, sarcastically.

"Right. I make no promises. To be clear, we didn't interfere with the first exam in any way." She says, innocently. "But knowing you- someone who couldn't bear to leave a student behind-, I can hardly predict how things will ultimately turn out. I can only hope that the end of the story will be a happy one."

Wouldn't be the first time I've fought for a happy ending.

"If you insist on doing things your way, then I hope that it will be something that ultimately benefits Trinity." She says.


I look at the board for a moment after sitting one of my pieces down loudly. "You know, it's kinda funny you said that you weren't gonna use me when this club was only created by using Schale, and therefore me." I look Nagisa dead in the eye. "You aren't the first person who believed you can get away with using me for your own personal gain, Nagisa. You're just the most recent one foolish enough to try it."

Nagisa's eyes narrow.

"If anything, this game is symbolic of the game you're trying to play here." I say, looking over all of the pieces. "Right now, you're seeing yourself as a queen or king, and the Make Up Work Club all as pawns on your side that will never make it to the other end of the board for fear of them turning on you. And you'll do everything in your power to stop it- to make sure they won't suddenly change color."

"Oh?" She asks. "And what piece do you see yourself as? A bishop? A knight? A rook? Another king?"

"A pawn." I say, catching her off guard as she blinks in surprise. "Specifically, a grey pawn. Neither white nor black, but on a side of their own, all alone. One wishing to help both sides, but when one side attempts to use them to their advantage, they do the last thing either side expects."

"And what might that be?" Nagisa asks, innocently.

Quick as can be, I stand up and grab a hold of the board, flinging it to the side, causing it and the pieces to scatter across the long ass table. Nagisa recoils back in shock at my actions.

"They flip the whole board." I grin a dangerous grin, flexing a teensy, tiny bit of my killing intent- just enough for her to feel threatened. "The queen might be focused on their pawns- hoping to stop them before they change color- but they're going down a dangerous road. They're seeing both their pieces, and their opponents, as pawns. They even see the grey pawn as something they can use and abuse to their advantage. But the grey pawn is the single most dangerous piece on the board, simply due to their unpredictability. NEVER attempt to use the grey pawn as a pawn, as it will ruin things for everyone. But the grey pawn still wants to help, even if it means ruining the game for all of the other pieces who want to cause harm to the others."

Nagisa sneers at me, all but snarling, her polite and pristine facade having been completely shattered.

"You can send be the bill if I broke any of the pieces." I say, uncaringly, as I move to leave the balcony. "Have a good evening, Kirifuji Nagisa."

Sighing to myself, I walk back to my temporary office. The office/apartment is actually a part of the annex where we'll be having our boot camp.

I suppose I oughta give the harem a heads up that I'll be busy for another week. Ugh, three's been bad enough. I hope I won't have to go for four.

I wanna hug my girls.



And thus, it begins.

This chapter is a bit longer than I expected, but I covered a fair bit of story here.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to the next!

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