Insomnia | Fred Weasley |

By sunflower_squid

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Alexandria Selwyn - the insomniac daughter of Sirius Black. - Book Harry Potter X Fem OC Best Friend Book Fre... More

Insomnia | Fred Weasley |
Cast List
0. Let the journey begin...
1. Please let this year be normal!
3. A letter from who after how long?!
4. Late night talks with Fred Weasley
5. Let's pretend the problem doesn't exist for a little longer
6. Spices and shampoo = Severus Snape's arch nemesis
7. So you're saying we should do it again?
8. Death omens and hippogriff attacks... Normal Monday at Hogwarts
9. The one where I set my sleeve on fire by accident
10. Boggarts and trauma go hand in hand
11. Cedric Diggory, the "enemy"
12. Happy birthday, Alex! Let's trade Quidditch secrets!
13. I see a kiss between us in the future
14. Permission form to Hogsmeade? Have fun in Hogsmeade!
15. Lovely chat with the Fat Lady
16. George Weasley and his, oh so perfect timing!
17. Gryffindor VS Hufflepuff
18. You're welcome
19. Nothing like awkward first dates to reaffirm friendships
20. The problem coming back to slap you in the face
21. Late night talks with George Weasley
22. Professor Trelawney's eccentric behavior, what else is new?
23. Alexandria Selwyn, (see also, Sirius Black's daughter)
24. Yay, we're all friends agai- I spoke too soon
25. You only let him go first because you fancy him
26. Gryffindor VS Ravenclaw
27. Again with the timing, George!
28. If it's you always joining me, then I'll gladly take all the detention
29. Alexandria Selwyn, Beater extraordinaire
30. Gryffindor VS Slytherin
31. In the alcove behind the tapestry is where confusion ensues
32. Note to self: Never cross Alexandria Selwyn
33. We're talking about Fred, right?
34. Not the family reunion I was expecting...
35. Sirius, not now with the dramatics!
36. My girls
37. "We need more time." Thanks, Headmaster Obvious
38. Great, a pair of hippogriffs have a better love life than me
39. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
Epilogue. The end of another year
Sequel is up!

2. Nothing but bad news

3.2K 75 4
By sunflower_squid

Alex didn't sleep the rest of the night, which immediately she regretted when she heard Severus waking up the next morning and begin his day. She glanced around her room before seeing Hedwig asleep on her dresser.

She knew it was probably futile to try and ask him if she could spend the next few weeks at the Leaky Cauldron, but it didn't hurt to at least try. They would also have to talk about the argument they had the previous night.

Getting off her bed, Alex pulled on the same sweater and jeans she had put on the night before and made her way out of the room.  Severus was moving about in the kitchen when she walked in, preparing breakfast for the both of them.  He may not have been happy with her but he wasn't going to starve her.

After noticing her presence, he offered her a bowl of porridge, which she thanked him for before sitting at the table.  He claimed the spot across from her and they fell silent as they ate. Alex knew eventually that either she was going to have to say something or he was.

So she took the initiative.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled.

Severus looked up from his eating to see her looking down, unable to meet his eyes. "I had no right to say that to you," she continued.  "I guess I'm just still hurt that it's been five years and I haven't heard from mum at least once."

"You do know it is most likely for your safety," he told her. "Like I tried to say last night, we don't know if whoever was after your mum is still out there or if they are after you."

She nodded, stirring her porridge. "I suppose that is the hardest part to comprehend," she told him, "knowing someone was trying to hurt my mum and me being unable to protect her."

"But she wanted you protected," he reminded her.

Alex heaved a sigh before nodding. "I know," she replied.

They both fell silent as they turned back to eating their porridge separately before an owl landed at the window with their mail, as well as a copy of the Daily Prophet.  Seeing the owl reminded her of Hedwig asleep in her room and how she needed to ask if she could go to the Leaky Cauldron.

"Severus," she spoke as he grabbed the mail.  "Would it be possible for me to go spend the rest of the summer in the Leaky Cauldron?"  The look he gave her was a bewildered one, so she quickly continued.  "Harry's there and he was just wanting a friend to come and stay as well.  I thought it might be worth asking since you usually head up to the school a few weeks before the term starts and I need to get my supplies anyway."

He held up his finger, signaling her to wait as one particular letter caught his eye.  He ripped it open but Alex was unable to see who it was from, just that it was addressed to him.  After reading over the letter, he pursed his lips before looking back up at Alex, who had a hopeful look on her face.

"You say he's staying at the Leaky Cauldron?" He asked.

She nodded.  "Would it be okay if I went as well?" She asked.  "I don't want to go up to the school early and I know how much you hate when I insist you take me back to King's Cross Station."

Severus sighed before pocketing the letter.  "Very well," he told her.  "You may spend the rest of the summer there but you will need to find your own way there."

A smile graced her lips as she thanked him before putting her bowl in the sink, too excited to eat another bite. Running back into her room, Alex startled the two owls awake, who ruffled their feathers at her sudden appearance.  She quickly scribbled a note to Harry that she was coming and would be there by lunchtime and to not wander off without her.

After giving Hedwig the letter and sending her off, Alex threw her trunk onto her bed and began to run around her room, packing all of her clothing, her school supplies, as well as quidditch equipment. She stopped moving when one of the boxes on the top shelf of her closet fell down, landing right at her feet.

Slowly, she leaned down and picked the box up. It was an old hat box and over the top read 'Memories,' written in her mother's neat hand writing. Alliana had left this on the nightstand right next to Alex's bed the night she left and the young girl never bothered to look in it, save it for a handful of times.

She knew there were photos, but she couldn't bring herself to relive the memories of a much happier times that her parents and friends experienced. It seemed like so much time had passed since before Alliana had left her and they were still in Romania. So much change had gone on in Alex's life and it felt like she never fully coped with most of it.

Lifting the lid, she held her breath as the first picture she spotted was of her mum in her Hogwarts years, sporting her Slytherin robes. She stood with a group of four Gryffindor boys, as well as one Gryffindor girl, who all laughed as they looked at the camera. Immediately, Alex recognized each face and a small smile formed on her lips as she stared at her mum's young face. Though her mum was beautiful and her daughter looked similar, Alex definitely took after her father more.

She looked over the picture and smiled as she examined each face. The first was Peter Pettigrew. He had a big smile on his face as he said something to Remus, his blue eyes lighting up as he continued speaking with a slight laugh. She couldn't help but wonder what type of role he would've played in her life as she grew up. Her mum told her of how he was funny but knew how to make things awkward with a simple sentence. Perhaps he would've been the weird uncle she could go to for a laugh. He balanced out their friend group and Alex couldn't help but feel bad, knowing he had died at the hand of her father.

Next face she examined was Remus Lupin. He was laughing at whatever Peter was saying to him. Across his face were several scratches, as well as a few bruises, but that didn't seem to bother him as he enjoyed the company of his friends. His hair was already beginning to grey in this photo, so Alex assumed this was probably taken in their seventh year. He looked so happy as he looked over all of his friends.

Then she looked at James Potter. He was looking at Lily before whispering something in her ear that caused her to laugh with a blush forming on her face as she lightly nudged him. Alliana had described James as a cheeky boy but what he felt for Lily was true and unyielding, no matter how annoying it was at first.  Alex could see that as she watched James look at Lily through the photo.

He really did love her.

A pang of guilt twisted in her stomach, which she quickly pushed aside. Her eyes fell to Lily, who was laughing with Alliana before James whispered in her ear. Alex smiled as she saw how close her's and Harry's mum were, despite being in different houses. It didn't seem to matter to either of them.  Alliana had told Alex that James and Lily were even her godparents before they died and Severus was made her godfather.

Next person, or rather persons she looked at were her parents. Her breath hitched in her throat as she saw the way they looked at each other. Tears welled in her eyes as she watched her dad kiss her mum on the cheek. He loved her and it was clear as day to see that.

Alliana had told Alex multiple times in Romania how excited Sirius was when they found out she was pregnant. Alex was such a beam of hope to Alliana and Sirius in such a dark time and they cherished every moment they had with her. Alex sobbed as she stared at the photo of all the people who should've been in her life but never got the chance to because of the decision one man had made in the photo.

And what hurt the most was that the man was her own father. 

If he hadn't had done what he did, Harry's parents would be alive, they probably would've been closer than they were now and her mum wouldn't be in the run and who knows where.  She just wanted her family whole again but that was never going to happen.

She placed the photo back into the box before closing it, quickly wiping away the tears. She took the box and placed it in her trunk, telling herself that she wanted to look at them and be reminded of a time when her mother was here and safe, but only when she was mentally ready for that. Perhaps she'd even find some photos of her as a baby.

She walked into the bathroom to grab her belongings from in there.  As she continued packing, she thought of what was to come this year. She would be taking new classes, such as Care of Magical Creatures and Study of Ancient Runes. All she hoped was that the year would be normal, unlike her first two years. Although, ever since she and Harry started at Hogwarts, the school years never seemed to turn out normal.

After making sure she had the last of her things packed, she closed her trunk, put Al in his cage and carried her things down the stairs.  Severus came out of his study to see Alex running down and setting her stuff down before looking at him. She smiled before giving a small nod.

"See you when term starts," she told him before carrying her things out to the curb in front of the home.

She glanced around, making sure no muggles were around before taking her wand out of her bag and sticking it out.  Seconds later, a bus came honking around the corner and a woman hopped down.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for any stranded witch or wizard.  Just stick out your wand hand, step on and we can take you anywhere you want to go. My name is Nellie Wayne and I will be your conductor this afternoon," the woman wearing a purple uniform told her as she awkwardly stood there.

Alex couldn't help but awkwardly scratch her neck.  "I need to go to the Leaky Cauldron in London," she told the older woman.

"Eleven sickles," Nellie responded.

Immediately, she reached into her backpack and pulled out the little pouch she used to hold money.  She passed Nellie the money with a smile.  The older woman gave her a look before hopping off the bus and grabbing her trunk, lifting it onto the bus with a grunt. Alex grabbed Al's cage, along with her broomstick and climbed in as Nellie climbed in right behind her. There were a few other witches and wizards but most of them were minding their own business and didn't glance in Alex's direction.  She took a seat in one of the empty spots as Nellie motioned for the driver to go.

Back inside the house, Severus glanced at the door before grabbing his discarded Daily Prophet. His gaze fell upon the cover and immediately felt his stomach tightened as he examined the face of an old school bully.  He went to step out the front door to tell Alex but by the time he had, the Knight Bus was zooming down the road.

Alex was thrown back and Al screeched in his cage. She gripped a pole to stay still as Nellie opened her copy of the Daily Prophet. Alex was chucked forward towards where she stood as the bus shifted, causing her to look up and gasp as she saw a familiar face across the cover of the Prophet. Nellie looked up at her sudden outburst and looked at what she was looking at.  Alex was staring into the crazy eyes that belonged to her father.

"You've heard Sirius black has escaped, haven't you?" She asked with a thick Irish accent, causing Alex's blood to run cold as she looked at the picture.

Her heart stopped as she examined the photo, the crazy clear in her father's face.  She gulped before shaking her head.  "I don't read the newspaper, I'm only thirteen," she told the older woman like it was an obvious fact.

Nellie made a noise before going back to reading it. All Alex could do was stare at the front cover, despite every time she was thrown or shifted because the bus shifted, her eyes fell back onto his face.

After several other stops, the Knight Bus came to a stop in front of the Leaky Cauldron. With the help of Nellie, Alex's trunk was on the ground, along with Al's cage and her broomstick. She bid Nellie goodbye before making her way inside, not wanting to stay on the street any longer.

There were people bustling around, talking and laughter filled the air as the scent of smoke and different smelling food hit her nose. She glanced around before hearing a familiar voice amongst the many strange ones.


Before she could comprehend, a pair of arms wrapped around her waist tightly, causing her to stumble before regaining her balance. She registered the familiar untidy black hair of her best friend and instantly wrapped her arms back around him.

With her father on the loose, she worried not only for her safety but Harry's as well. It was because of Harry that her father lost everything. Naturally, he had to be after him and most likely, Alex as well. But she wouldn't let Harry get hurt or die at the hands of her father. He already suffered so much because of him.


You should go follow the Wattpad Instagram I have! I'll be posting any memes I make about my stories there or anything that reminds of the stories or any fanfic edits I make or anyone feels like making any and sending them to me lol

@/sunflower_squid is the username

Also, does anyone know where I can learn to make edits?? Like TikTok videos or things like that?? Because I desperately want to learn so I can post cute videos of my MC's and their love interest and things like that!

I might post another chapter this weekend but we'll see if I get around to editing the other chapter!

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Love you guys!


*I still want to cry at how beautiful this is :')

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