Dangerously Close

By nerdyflirtykari

58.4K 3.8K 1.1K

"Are you scared?" What's the use of playing a game and not receiving the best prize? It started out as a savi... More

Author's Note


1K 82 17
By nerdyflirtykari

Las Vegas

The meeting didn't last long and Eros's temper wasn't received by the four. The dubbed captains of the Vegas faction calmly told their boss what happened. It was widely known in their circles that human trafficking and illegal prostitution were two forbidden acts in the Delacourde's territory. The official authorities were not lenient on this also. Since the escapade of Dominion a few years back, everyone has been vigilant and established strict measures. 

For Macallis to dive into this forbidden endeavor so boldly meant they planned ahead and used a ruse that many will look over.

Mail Order Brides.

Creating a physical agency for foreign brides covered the fact that the women were kidnapped victims and had been trafficked into the country to avoid legal records. The marriage visas are falsified and consent from the victim's families was forged. 

Macallis established a simple casino and wedding chapel which are in abundance in Las Vegas. His men were street rats that can be hired by any gang. To move up the ladder in a gang differs but these men chose gangs that are stable and in need of simple runners for their business. It would be easy to get information and also establish themselves through legal businesses. They had two pairs of eyes on the ground.

Eros couldn't voice his anger on his captains because this type of execution wasn't on their minds. Mail Order Brides were a thing of the dark history of many countries. If one didn't research such things, one wouldn't know of the injustice. What made things easier for Macallis and Hanjool is the legality of it. Back in 2005, the International Marriage Broker Act was enacted.

A perfect cover.

"We've been too quiet over the years," Eros said aloud. 

Jian frowned at his friend's words and helped him remove his jacket then moved to serve him a quick drink.

"We aren't completely quiet. In my opinion, we haven't thought of such an unorthodox way nor expected such a move.  Even though the seal has a strong foothold in a number of countries, we are not omnipotent."

Eros sighed in agreement with Jian's words. The five families were considered overlords in their respective countries. The branch and alliance families are considered their vassals. Even with so much manpower, there will always be someone or something squeezing through their defenses.

"Send the information to the directors. The feds and immigration should handle this. Please remind them to be thorough."

"Yes, young master. Shall I order a meal for you?" Jian at that moment was Eros's assistant and not his best friend.

"Please. Also, keep an eye on Macallis's stocks. I want it all."

Jian gave a silent nod and left the room. He knew the information from the captains dealt a huge blow to his friend's pride. The west was his territory and someone stepped in and made an attack on his prestige. Those two will no longer be in the business world. 

Who would have thought a little girl's obsession will be the cause of their downfall?


Night has fallen and Eros hasn't left his hotel room the entire evening. He ate his dinner alone and took care of whatever work he had. He took that time to stabilize his mentality. If he was rash, bloodbaths would have been the new decor for the Macallis and Min families but he wasn't.

This was a delicate situation. 

The best way to deal with this was a public execution. 

People are strong behind the screens of their phones and are easily led when a piece of credible information reaches their news feed. Their opinions are the strings that tug at the hands of the higher-ups in the business world. A pure example of that is Min Hanjool. If word gets out about Macallis's stint in Las Vegas, will his foundation simply shake or crumble?
This is why Eros took the entire evening to finalize his next move. He put this in the hands of Nico Monetti. The guy was an investment genius. He had a strong hold on the families' stocks and investments. He's already cited as a threat because of his talent in technology; pair that with a mind for finances - another major threat.

"This is a large lump sum. Do you have a place where you want to invest? Depending on the impact of your move and how far their stocks fall, you can earn nearly two billion after selling. They have a lot of lucrative businesses. They really pissed you off huh? "

Nico was currently on the video call with Eros as they finalize their plan.

"Once the amount is finalized I will tell you what to do. By the time I'm done with them, they should be begging for a buck and on their knees in front of the bank."

A grimace took over Nico's features. To take one's wealth is equivalent to killing their parents. For Eros to go that far meant that they are beyond saving

"As you order, our dear second devil prince." Nico gave him a mocking bow and end the call. 

Eros didn't move from the writing desk and stared blankly at the sealed documents before him.

He was tired. 

For the first time since he left home and become the overlord of the West, he was tired. 

Physically and mentally. 

"Is it the same for my brothers?" he asked. His soft-spoken question was loud in the silent hotel room. The urge to call them and voice his worries was pressuring his mind. Eros was a man of duty. he took his responsibilities seriously and had a strong sense of filial piety. The family's name was meant to be held up high; the families that looked to them for protection and success were depending on the Delacourde children to lead them. He couldn't show any weakness. He had to be strong.


He was tired.

Rising to his feet, he made his way to the balcony and looked down at the streets that were filled with tourists and locals enjoying the bright nightlife. Eros frowned when he saw men his age drinking with abandonment, enjoying the vice of the city. 

"I created such entertainment for others but haven't enjoyed it."

On billboards, there were adverts for shows, products, and businesses all showing the prosperity of the city. 

"I haven't noticed all of this outside my scope of specialty."

Eros laughed bitterly. He realized he only recognized a new spark of life in his daily routine when Jaejin entered his world. His Jaejin knew to enjoy his college years even when his life was falling apart. He still talked freely with his best friend, enjoy silly entertainment, goes out for meals - all with a smile on his face and joy in his heart.

"When was the last time I went out for a movie? Did I ever go to a movie? A bar?" Eros scrubbed his face roughly with his hands and returned to his room. He retrieved his phone and video called Jaejin. 
This was new for Eros. He never felt so vulnerable. Was it the infiltration of his territory? Was it his hurt pride? 



"Hmmm." It was only then Eros realized the call was picked up.

On the screen, Jaejin's bright eyes shone through, his hair was held back and the large framed glasses on his face made him look both cute and studious.


"I accept your compliment but I wish to know what have you so glum. Talk to me." Jaejin sat up in his desk chair and pushed his glasses upward with his index finger. Eros's lips twitched in amusement. His body relaxed and he told his partner everything. It was awkward at first with some hesitation in his speech but he kept on going. 
Jaejin didn't interrupt but his comical stance faded as he listened to every word Eros had to say. 

When he was through voicing his worries and fears. Eros couldn't hold Jaejin's gaze. His face was burning with embarrassment after what he did. He was admonishing himself for showing his weak side. He had to be strong to support his partner, what would Jaejin think of him now?

"Thank you."

"What?" He was confused as to why Jaejin was thanking him. His eyes finally met his partner's and was surprised to see those starry eyes blur with tears. "Love. What happened? Why are you sad?"

Jaejin laughed. "I'm not sad, I'm happy."

"You're happy," Eros said in a disbelieving tone.

"Yes. Happy. I'm happy that you are caring for yourself. I haven't been in your life for long but I can see you put everyone above yourself, even your loved ones. I'm even happier that you chose to talk it out with me. Thank you."

Eros was flustered. Micro expressions flashed across his features before they settled on mild embarrassment due to Jaejin's words.
"Am I not weak to show that side of me?" he asked softly.

Jaejin frowned. "How is that being weak? Even the strongest material or animal in the world has a weakness. That's what makes them complete. A balance. You can be strong yet weak. Nothing is wrong with that. I like this side of you. You're still my Rose." Propping his cheek on the palm of his hand, he gave Eros a cheeky grin. 

Eros's face burned by the blush on his face. Those sweet words and teasing smiles were too much for him. "Jin. You're too much at the moment," he complained weakly.

"Heh! A proud moment for me. I have weakened the second devil. All shall sing my praises. Heh! Heh!" Jaejin comically raised his hands and struck a proud arrogant pose. 

A wild unabandon sound filled the speakers of his phone and his room - Jaejin paused for a moment then looked at his phone. A smile bloomed on his face. His Rose was laughing without holding back. His amber eyes now shone like gold as he did. His entire being looked free as he laughed.
It was beautiful. 
A laugh he would love to hear for an entire lifetime. 

"I want more of this," he whispered to himself. His eyes moved to the sketches he was working on before Eros called. That moment of his love's burst of laughter was imprinted in his mind. He had to capture it. He had to immortalize it. This will be a great addition. He returned his attention to Eros who was now stable once more with traces of laughter still on his face. This was the man who had his heart. At that moment, pride filled his body. 

Eros Delacourde was his.

"Why are you so cute?" 

"To make you fall for me," Jaejin quipped.

"It's working."

"How is Las Vegas, otherwise. Oh and I met Noir today. I dealt a final blow to Sherida. It was a very productive day," he returned with a wave of his hand to hide his flustered state.

"Oh. Tell me about it." Eros was amused by this nonchalant attitude of his. 

Jaejin shrugged and told him about the entire episode at the restaurant.

"I will place a restraining order on her. She's the type to see things her way and no other way."

"I guess that's best. I also think she needs a good slap to wake up from her delusions. It's awkward knowing someone has become so obsessed with me after seeing me once. So creepy," Jaejin commented. He shuddered at the thought of being married to Sherida. 

"What if I become obsessed with you? Will you run away?" Eros asked with a small smile.

Jaejin didn't answer for a while. His face became red when he figured out his answer. He didn't want to be a love-struck fool for Eros but he genuinely was.
"Isn't it great that the one you love is obsessed with you?" he retorted.
The video call ended abruptly, leaving Eros confused.

He stared at the phone screen and replayed Jaejin's words in his head. His smile grew larger, his heart lurched from the sudden implication in his partner's words. Eros couldn't help but clutch his chest.

"So that's what it is."


New Mexico

A day passed and night slowly crept in, a specific hospital ward was eerily quiet. One may think that all patients in this ward were sleeping blissfully due to the optimum medical care the hospital had to offer but it wasn't so. This was the VIP ward many wish they can afford but even in this industry wealth rules. Administrator Cho used one of the few authorities the family remained with to secure this room for his brother. In the span of five minutes, the once competent secretary has lost all his control over the proceedings of the company.

When he should be with his wife to comfort her about their future, he was in the corner of Min Hanjool's hospital room looking over the legal documents that were created by an unknown person. 
Everything they did was meticulous. 

They copied his style of writing, retrieved the official company letterhead, the appropriate stocks and businesses were included, and even the distribution of funds was handled - this can't be retracted nor brought to court as false records. 

Min Hanjool no longer owns HW Financial company in America, it is now officially his son's. 

In addition to the handover, this person placed Neil as the rightful heir in a will.

A fucking will!

Everyone knows how sacred those things are and how time-consuming it was to create and send them through the relevant departments. 

This person did it without their knowledge.

Administrator Cho shook in fear.

His fear didn't come from the person's abilities. It was from his unknown knowledge of the person.

Who was so powerful as to ruin Hanjool's life?

He looked towards the bed that his brother and friend occupied. The steady beat of his heart was transferred to the annoying incessant sound. Hanjool suffered a hemorrhagic stroke due to high blood pressure. 
This was all due to the events leading up to that news briefing.

 Warring thoughts were in his head. This person knew everything about them. Did they know about their other businesses? They caused the fall of their entire life accomplishments and placed Min Hanjool in the hospital. It won't be far-fetched to say that they were already exposed. 

Administrator Cho reached for his phone to warn Macallis but stopped. That man already cut ties with them the moment they lost a foothold in Korea. 
He returned his complicated gaze to the man who looked so weak and helpless. 

Heaving a heavy sigh, he got to his feet. "I have to go now, brother Hanjool. Knowing how that woman's mind works the money that's now in Neil's possession will be her signal to spend it all. I'll be back after I speak with her."

Even though he spoke those heartfelt words, his eyes said another.

Administrator Cho left the hospital room with no intention of coming back.

At the far end of the hall, a young man dressed in black watched from afar as the secretary left. He took a casual step in the direction of Hanjool's room.
When he entered he wasn't surprised to see the weak state the man was in. His boss knew how much pressure to place on his enemies and if one is to measure how pissed his boss was - Min Hanjool was an example of truly pissed.

"Why couldn't you be a good husband and father? You had the opportunity to flourish but your greed led you to a path most fear." 

As he spoke, he made his way to the IV and reached for the junction to administrate the needed medication. He injected a clear liquid with practice movements and waited for a few seconds. 

It wasn't long for the weakened Min Hanjool to be jolted back to consciousness. 

He can easily be killed by the young man standing over him but that wasn't his job...... for now.

The old man's eyes widen in shock to see the stranger beside him. He was about to press the call button for help but the man slowly shook his head. 
  'Its useless to call for help.' That was the message Min Hanjool received.
Upon closer look, he took note of the man's young appearance. He looked to be the same age as his sons but he seemed mature and had the air of danger around him. 

Who was this kid?

"My young master which to convey to you that he will stop after you give him your signature on a piece of paper you have been ignoring for a while?"

Young Master? Signature? Hanjool was somewhat confused. Did this young master cause his downfall? But why did he?

"Your face says you're trying to figure out who is my young master. If you did then you wouldn't have been so bold in Korea nor here. Come now, time's a-wastin', yeah?" The man reached into his jacket and pulled out a brown envelope with a law firm insignia printed. Hanjool recognized that envelope. It was in his safe in his home office. How? 

How did he get it?

"I think you should learn to calm your emotions. We don't want another stroke right?" The man pulled out the three-page document, maneuvered the hospital bed to an upwards position, and placed a pen in Hanjool's hand.

"You know the details of this document. Sign it. Your new wife is at home enjoying your riches and your son is now a CEO. Aren't you proud? You have the perfect family. Who cares about a son who won't follow your rules or a wife who despises you? A simple signature will get rid of them. That's what you wanted." The magnetic voice placed Hanjool in a daze. He clutched the pen tighter knowing he can mold Neil into someone better. Jaejin was filth in his eyes. How dare the child he fathered become such a disappointed and a blight? He lost his chance to get rid of them permanently. He will take what he got now.
Min Hanjool signed on all the appointed areas and then threw the pen on the ground, satisfied with his actions.

The young man took the documents and smiled mockingly at Hanjool and left the room. His steps were rhythmic and unbothered. Retrieving his phone, he took a photo of all three signatures and sent it to Jian.

It was Druex who completed the last phase of his mission. 

Min Hanjool was made to sign the divorce papers and compensate his dear ex-wife abundantly for all the years of her marriage.

On top of the good news, Han Eun-Kyung will receive another person who will also have the same.


What a wonderful new day. It was ripe for surprises, especially in a certain penthouse.


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