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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ [completed] ❝we... we can't do this. it's against the rules.❞ ❝fuck the rules! you know we both want... More



1.7K 45 47

Felix stood in front of the towering building, its glass facade reflecting the morning sunlight. It was a pleasant Tuesday morning, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that something unexpected awaited him inside.

Instead of clocking into work an hour earlier as planned, Felix found himself at the Institute of Supernatural Gifts of Korea. The office had summoned him for a meeting regarding an urgent matter. Unable to turn down such a request from a powerful institution, he had arrived promptly, glancing at his watch to confirm his punctuality.

With hesitant steps, Felix entered the building and approached the administration desk. He inquired about the meeting, and the kind administrator directed him to the topmost floor, instructing him to wait outside the boardroom.

As he entered the hallway, Felix noticed seven other individuals already seated there. Had he arrived late, or were these people unusually early? He took a seat next to a tall man with stunning flowing blonde hair that framed his face.

Felix couldn't help but admire the man's appearance, silently wishing for hair as lustrous as his. The stranger suddenly glanced up from his phone, catching Felix off guard. Their eyes met, and a surge of flustered confusion washed over him. Feeling obliged to acknowledge the stranger's attention, Felix mustered a simple smile.

"You're not too bad yourself, you know," the stranger remarked, leaving Felix puzzled.

"Your freckles. Are they natural?" the stranger inquired, his tone friendly and curious.

"Uh, yes," Felix stammered, caught off guard by the unexpected question.

The stranger introduced himself with a warm smile and extended his hand. "I'm Hyunjin. Nice to meet you."

Felix accepted the handshake, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and intrigue. "Hi, I'm Felix."

Hyunjin chuckled, breaking the momentary awkwardness. "Don't worry, love. I have the ability to read minds."

Felix's cheek felt exposed, as if his thoughts had been laid bare before this enigmatic stranger.

Amused by Felix's reaction, Hyunjin reassured him, "It's alright. I appreciate compliments, and you look pretty, too."

Utterly flustered, Felix managed a shy thank you in response. The encounter had certainly left an indelible mark on his first impression.

Before long, a lady emerged from the boardroom and addressed the group, signaling them to enter. They quietly filed into the room, where several distinguished individuals, dressed in professional attire, sat around an oval-shaped table.

"Please take a seat, everyone," the man at the head of the table commanded.

Felix found himself seated next to Hyunjin, who exchanged a smile and a playful wink. As the room settled, the lights dimmed, and the lady from earlier entered with a laptop, projecting a PowerPoint presentation titled "Seoul's New Vigilantes."

Confusion rippled through the room.

"As you are all aware, rumors have circulated about a group of supposed villains threatening our city and country," the head of the board of directors addressed the gathering.

The boy seated to Felix's left voiced his agreement, appearing slightly older and more experienced.

"Well, we have gathered you all here to confirm that these rumors are indeed true, and..."

"And...?" one of the other attendees interjected, curiosity piqued.

"And we need your help to take them down," the man concluded.

Hyunjin raised his voice, questioning the unexpected request. "But we aren't specialized in that kind of thing!"

"We have analyzed the database of all citizens in Seoul and determined that your unique abilities are most compatible for this mission," the man explained. "While you may lack experience on the battlefield, we will provide you with comprehensive training."

Felix's curiosity grew, and he couldn't help but wonder about the implications of accepting such a task. However, the man's next words quickly brought a new perspective to the situation.

"We understand that this is a significant undertaking, and we won't ask you to do it without compensation. Each of you will be rewarded with a sum of twenty billion won upon successful completion of the mission."

Gasps filled the room, and Felix's mind raced with the possibilities. It was an astronomical amount of money, enough to alleviate his burdensome student debt and secure a stable future. Yet, he couldn't ignore the potential dangers and sacrifices involved.

Hyunjin leaned closer, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. "So, what happens if we refuse?"

The man let out a chuckle. "We're aware of your reservations, but rest assured, we won't force anyone into this. However, we believe in the urgency and importance of this mission. If you decline, you'll be asked to sign a nondisclosure agreement and keep the nature of this meeting confidential. The decision is yours."

Silence enveloped the room as each individual contemplated their options. Felix's gaze wandered to the contract laid before him, its pages filled with both promises and restrictions.

'You are forbidden to interact with anyone outside the trainers and group members.'

'You must remain indoors at all times unless instructed otherwise by headquarters.'

'Your personal life must not be shared with anyone; confidentiality is vital.'

'Romantic involvement between group members is strictly prohibited.'

The conditions were undeniably stringent, raising concerns about personal freedom and the potential toll on their mental well-being. However, the allure of the promised rewards lingered in Felix's mind.

After a moment of hesitation, Felix made his decision. He reached for the pen and signed the contract, committing himself to this extraordinary endeavor. The weight of his choice settled upon him, both exhilarating and intimidating.

As the others followed suit, signing their names on the dotted line, Felix couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie building within the group. They were embarking on a journey together, bound by shared purpose and the promise of a substantial reward.

With the meeting concluded, the board director dismissed them, instructing them to pack their belongings and await a van that would pick them up the following morning. Felix bid farewell to Hyunjin and exited the building, his mind filled with a whirlwind of thoughts.

On the bus ride home, Felix leaned against the window, his thoughts consumed by the gravity of his decision. Was it worth the potential risks and sacrifices? The path ahead was uncertain, and the dangers were real. Yet, the opportunity to reshape his life and secure a better future beckoned to him.

Lost in contemplation, Felix inserted his earbuds, drowning the outside world in a sea of music. The melodies served as both a comfort and a distraction, offering solace amidst the growing uncertainty.

With each step toward his home, Felix's determination solidified. He knew he would face countless challenges, but the prospect of overcoming them and emerging victorious held an undeniable allure. His resolve was bolstered by the hope that he could make a meaningful difference and protect the city he called home.

As he reached his doorstep, Felix took a deep breath, ready to embark on this extraordinary journey. The following morning would mark the beginning of a new chapter, one filled with unknown dangers, unyielding bonds, and the relentless pursuit of justice.

With renewed determination, Felix stepped into his home, his mind focused on the path ahead. It was time to prepare for the mission that awaited him-a mission that would test not only his abilities but also his resilience and courage.

┈───────ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ

The first chapter is finally out! I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions, or even your own insights, so please comment on them! The second chapter will be out soon.

And now that you all know Hyunjin's gift, any guesses on what Felix's might be?

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