Marvel's Reaper ( Male reader...

By writerofnew

151K 4.7K 2.2K

Male reader x Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff ANTI - HERO Y/N is a young man living in New York City. He st... More

Info 4 Story
Nice work kid (Iron man 2)
What can you really do (Thor)
Introductions (Avengers)
Shakespeare in the park (Avengers)
You brought the monsters (Avengers)
Shake back (Avengers)
Battle of New York PT. 1 (Avengers)
Battle Of New York PT. 2 (Avengers)
Reaper Solo Film
Why? (Iron Man 3)
Family (Iron Man 3)
We're connected (Iron Man 3)
That was violent (Iron Man 3)
Dragonstone bargain sale (Reaper : The Dark One)
Memories (Reaper : The Dark One)
The Dark one (Reaper : The Dark One)
18th Birthday !!!
18th Birthday !!! Pt.2 {M}
On your Leeefffttttt!!!! (Winter Soldier)
You've grown up (Winter Solider)
Third Correction, Im not a hunan (Winter Soldier)
When do we start? (Winter Soldier)
Unhand me (G.O.T.G Vol.1)
That is also true! (G.O.T.G Vol.1)
Aurgun predator (G.O.T.G Vol.1)
You said it yourself (G.O.T.G Vol.1)
Guess who's back ? (Avengers: A.O.U) {M}
How could you be worthy? (Avengers: A.O.U)
We'll do that together too (Avengers: A.O.U)
Took some hits (Avengers: A.O.U)
Let's find her (Avengers A.O.U)
Age of Ultron (Avengers: A.O.U)
Battle of Sokovia (Avengers: A.O.U)
Y/N's most impressive feats so far
Rebuilding Bridges
(Operation C.U.W.) {M}
"Did it really?" (Reaper 2: Tombstone)
As it turns out ( Reaper 2: Tombstone)
I is that! (Reaper 2: Tombstone)
A King & A Prince/ Trinity Rising {M}
Can't take the heat{M}
Y/N's Powers at age 21
My pack{M}
I blame you!! (Civil War)
Sides of the same coin (Civil War)
Red Book (Civil War)
Drawing sides (Civil War)
Airport brawl PT. 1 (Civil War)
Airport Brawl PT.2 (Civil War)
Pitstop in Wakanda
Happy Holidays
You have a sister?(Black Widow)
Merry Christmas (Pole)
Fighting Pose (Black Widow)
(Kid's Name pole finale)
You two have a dad? (Black Widow)
Take em to school (Black Widow)
Decisions (Black Widow)
New Story?
New Story??
How is your daughter, huh? (Spiderman : HC)
Live your life (Spiderman : HC)
Another cloak (Spiderman : HC)
Make you a promise (Spiderman : HC)
Mr. Reaper (Spiderman : HC) {M}
Kids Name Pole (Update)
Wanted you to be better (Spiderman : HC)
SpideyPete (Spiderman : HC)
Acceptance (Doctor Strange)
Tribes (Black Panther)
Bloodline revealed (Black Panther)
2nd Poll
Battlefront (Black Panther)
All from our Past (Black Panther)
Seeds planted/Pre- IW PT.1
Seeds Planted/ Pre-IW PT.2 {M}
Thanos (Infinity War)
Divide & Conquer (Infinity War)

Kids a superstar (Avengers)

4.1K 128 103
By writerofnew



Moments after Loki escapes the base with the tesseract, Barton and Selvig.

"The tesseract is with a hostile force. I have a number of men down. Hill ?" Fury speaks through the coms.

Agent Hill is now standing after getting out of the wrecked truck. She takes a deep breath trying to gather herself before speaking.

"We have a lot of men still under sir, I don't know how many survivors." she replies.

"Sound a General call. I want every living soul not working rescue looking for that briefcase." Fury says.

"Roger that." She replies.

"Coulson, I need you to get back to base. This is a Level Seven. As of right now.... we are at war." the head of Shield says.

Agent Coulson still trying collect himself to carry on with direction. Raises his communication device to his mouth.

"What do we do?"


Natasha Romanoff, The Black Widow is tied to a chair close to a edge. She's being interrogated by a man with two men behind him. He slaps her which doesn't hurt her at all but he thinks he's in control.

"This is not how I wanted this evening to go." Georgi
Luchkov says smirking cockily at the tied up assassin.

"I know how you wanted this evening to go. Believe me, this is much better." She replies back being disgusted on the inside at even the thought of it. She would much rather kill him that do that.

"Who are you working for? Lermentov, yes?" Luchkov says as one of the men behind him walks up to her grabbing the chair threatening to push her over the edge.

"Does he think, we have to go through him, to move our cargo?" He asks suspiciously.

"I thought General Solohob is in charge of the export business." she replies faking a confused look.

"Solohob..." Luchkov laughs with his men , "A bagman, a front. Your outdated information betrays you." He says walking slowly towards Romanoff.

"The famous Black Widow... and she turns out to be simply another pretty face." Luchkov says disrespecting her.

This comment makes a noise come from what they think is below them. They look around confused as Luchkov tells his men to go check it out.

"You really think i'm pretty ?" she asks not giving a damn what he actually thinks.

"Tell Lermentov we don't need him to move the tanks. Tell him he is out. Well...." he then grabs a pair of pliers.

"Actually you may have to write it down."Luchkov says taking a step to Natasha.

He then makes a fatal mistake that no one who wants to stay alive should ever make.

He touches Natasha

Luchkov puts his hand on her right breast and Y/N drops down immediately in his all black attire.

The Reaper is here.

He grabs Luchkov's arm putting him in a standing kimura lock before snapping it quickly. Luchkov drops to the floor rolling around screaming.

"Look at that, screaming like the bitch you are." Y/N says kicking the old man.

His men arrive with their guns out shooting at Y/N emptying the clip. He cover his body around Natasha just to be careful she doesn't get hit.

He hears their guns click and he smirks which Natasha can see a little bit due to the angle she's at.

"Give em hell." Natasha says to him with a smirk that excites the 17 year old Reaper.

He runs to them in the blink of an eye grabbing the AK-47 from one of them. He uses it like a baseball bat and swings at the him breaking his arm. Sending him crashing into his friend at the same time.

He throws the AK at the other one's head hitting him clean knocking him out.

Y/N walks menacingly to Luchkov as it brings a new definition of fear to the old man. The old man pees on himself absolutely frightened at what's about to happen to him.

Y/N takes out his sword as he puts his foot on the old man's chest, holding him still. He puts the end of the sword right by his throat. If he even swallows to hard he'll get cut and bleed to death.

"No one touches her and lives." Y/N says turning the sword in his hand ready to stab down at him.

"Y/N, I need him alive." Natasha says to him absolutely killing his whole vibe. He takes his hood off turning to the tied up assassin.

"Really ?? You say that after I say no one touches you and lives." Y/N says irritated.

"I didn't know you were gonna say that, now come on finish this." Nat says ready to get this over.

Y/N sniffs the air and what he smells is absolutely foul and disgusting. He pinpoints where the smell is coming from and looks down at the old man.

"Motherfucker did you shit yourself ?" Y/N asks disgustingly. Nat makes a disgusted face as she now smells it too.

"Can I kill him now ?" Y/N asks irritated by this point.

"Y/N.." Nat says to him.

"Ugghhh.....Fine." Y/N let's out rolling his eyes. He grabs the Russian dragging him to the edge. He wraps his ankles with a chain before standing up holding him with one hand.

"My little knight in shining armor comes to my rescue." Nat says looking at Y/N smiling.

This makes Y/N blush so he puts his head down so she won't see even though she knows he's blushing. He gathers himself before trying to say something smooth.

"I'll always come to my Queen's rescue." he says back to her smoothly. She's impressed with his comeback and smiles.

"Oouu Nat look at this i've been practicing." Y/N says excitedly.

He's about to make his epic threat but a phone ringing from the Russian's pocket interrupts him.

"UGHHHH" he lets out as he knows who it is. He grabs the phone before answering if.

"Your just in time, Look i've gotten better." Y/N says childishly. Times like this brings out his kid ways even though he's most likely about to do something that questions good morality.

"Whenever she comes back and gets answers from you just know i'll visit you right after. You know what not even right after, you'll never see it coming or know when. You will live in fear at the thought of me." Y/N says to Luchkov before dropping him.

He cries out in pain when the chain stops his fall gripping his ankles, leaving him to dangle around.

"It was great right ?" Y/N asks the older agent impressed by his own work. He sits down on the edge swinging his legs back and forth.

"Damn it kid, you were supposed to let me make my epic threat to the bad guy." Coulson says on the other side of the call.

"Sorry, but he touched Nat." Y/N says untying Nat's hands before giving her the phone.

"What's going on Coulson? Did you send Y/N here ?" Nat asks as she now has the phone to her ear.

She looks at Y/N with a smirk as he's now throwing random rocks at the old man hanging by his feet.

"We need you to come in... Barton's been compromised." the other agent says to her.

She pauses in her tracks as does Y/N as he hears it as well. He stands up quickly waiting to see what's going to happen next.

Y/N and Clint have gotten closer over the months due to him being a close friend of Natasha. Although he hasn't seen Nat for the past month which felt like a year. Him and Clint were still handing businesses on their own.

"Where is Barton now ?" Nat asks.

"I don't know." he answers.

"But he's alive?" she asks.

"We think so. I'll brief you on everything when you get back. How'd the kid do?" Coulson asks.

Nat looks at Y/N who's standing back to throwing rocks at the old man. She smiles before answering his question.

"Kids a superstar." she says making Y/N blush again.

"Good to hear, but before you two come in, we need you to talk to the big guy." Coulson says.

"Coulson, you know Stark trusts me about as far as he can throw me." she replies now walking out the building with Y/N.

"Oh, I've got Stark. You and Y/N get the big guy." He reassures her making her stop in her tracks.

"You'll have agents surrounding the building along with other backup in case anything happens." Coulson says.

"We don't need any backup, I got this." Y/N says cockily. He notices Nat is still frozen so he tries to calm her.

"Don't worry Nat, i'll keep you safe. And if I have to, i'll reap him too" Y/N says to her putting a hand on her shoulder not worried about facing the green giant.

She looks at the boy and sees his demeanor doesn't change. Is he really talking about reaping the Hulk ? She understands that he is incredibly powerful but it's the Hulk.

Can he beat the Hulk ? She doesn't even want him to seek out that kind of fight. Not after what happened in New Mexico.

"О, парень. ( Oh boy)" she lets out in Russian.



"My fathers not waking up!" a young girl cries out to Bruce Banner. He's in the village avoiding a number of things like the government and stress. Somewhere along the way he started helping people whenever he could.

"He has a fever and he's moaning, but his eyes won't open." she says to him in a panicked matter.

Dr. Bruce Banner walks up to her slowly trying not to further her panicked state.

"Slow down for a minute" He tells her.

"My father...." she says nervously. She then looks at another sick man in the room with them.

The doctor points at them trying to understand the little girl more.

"Like them?" he asks.

The girl keeps begging him as she holds out money for
him to take.

"Please." she says looking up at the doctor with faith in her eyes.

He lets the young girl take him through the village through serval obstacles around it. She enters a small house before climbing out of a small opening in the back quickly.

"Should've got paid up front, Banner." He says to himself in a low voice.

When the girl climbs out, she runs towards  Y/N, who is smirking at her. He's in black jeans, a black hoodie and some black jordans.

He still has his sword on him incase he needs it but he wanted to get out of the cloak for a while. He gives her a high five she returns with a smile.

"You give a lot of actors back in the states a run for their money." Y/N says to her. He gives her some candy bars before he takes her to a shield agent.

"Fury is making sure her family is good right ?" Y/N asks the agent. The agent says yes before walking off with the little girl taking her to her family.


"You know, for a man whose supposed to be avoiding stress, you picked a hell of a place to settle." Natasha says while entering the room slowly.

Bruce drops his bag, while keeping his eyes on the stranger in front of him.

"Avoiding stress really isn't the secret." he says trying to think of what's going on.

"Then what is it? Yoga?" The master assassin ask him.

Bruce rubs his hands looking around for any hint of the current situation he's in.

"You brought me to the edge of the city. Smart." He walks to a window looking outside but doesn't see anyone.

"I uh.. assume the whole place is surrounded." he says which he's very sure of.
What sane person would want to face against the hulk without any backup he thought.

"Just you and me.... and him." Nat says as Y/N speeds in appearing by a wall on the side of them. Bruce looks at him confused because he wasn't there a few seconds ago.

"Y/N" Y/N says sticking his hand out for the doctor to shake which he does a little unsure.

"And who exactly are you two?" Banner asks.

"My name's Natasha Romanoff. He's Y/N L/N." Nat answers him. Y/N makes a confused look.

"How do you know my last name ?" Y/N asks her. She glared at him before turning back to the doctor.

"Are you two here to kill me, Ms. Romanoff? 'Cause that's not going to work out for everyone." Bruce says playing with his hands.

"We would've broke Kolkata already if we were here to kill you." Y/N says taking out his phone trying to hide it from Nat.

He texts Jaejae telling him how he's in a room with the hulk. Jaejae texts him back fast saying that's awesome as hell. When Y/N looks up Nat is staring right at him.

She sticks her hand out and he already knows what she wants.

"Bu-"Aht" Nat says cutting him off with her hand still out. He sighs before walking over to her dragging his feet along the way, giving her his phone.

"No, no. Of course not Doctor. We're here on behalf of SHIELD," Natasha explains to the doctor.

"SHIELD.. How'd they find me ?" Banner asks interested now.

"We never lost you, Doctor. We've kept our distance, even helped keep some other interested parties off your scent." she says that's last part hoping it would help him join us.

He let's her information register before asking why would they do that for him. He doesn't really have any ties to them.

"Nick Fury seems to trust you. But now we need you to come in." she says.

"What if I say no ?" he asks trying to see what shield's intentions are at the moment.

"I'll persuade you." she says smirking which makes Y/N roll his eyes.

He's pissed because he knows what she means by that. He knows this is her job but it still angers him. Probably because of the massive crush the 17 year old has on her.

Bruce looks down at the floor for a second,
"And what if the.. uh, Other Guy says no?" he asks looking up.

"Well i'm certainly not gonna persuade him, but I will beat some sense into him. Or reap him, either or." Y/N says smirking wanting to start something now that he's irritated.

Bruce is shocked at his statement as he still doesn't know why someone would want to fight the Hulk. He looks into the kid's eyes and can tell that he's pissed. Nat picks up on it as well but she doesn't know why.

"Doctor you've been more than a year without an incident. I don't think vou want to break that streak." Nat says looking back towards Bruce.

"Please have another incident right now, i need to hit something." Y/N thinks in his mind.

"Well..... I don't get what I want every time." He says playing with a candle.

"Doctor, we are facing a potential global catastrophe." She says taking out her phone.

"She's about to give him his number now ???"  Y/N thinks to himself. He rubs a hand through his hair frustratingly.

Bruce chuckles,
"Well, those I actively try to steer clear of." he says.

"This" Romanoff lets out as she reveals her screen to Banner.

"Is the Tesseract." She slides him the phone so he can take a look for himself.

Bruce puts on his glasses observing it as she breaks it down.

"It has the potential energy to wipe out the planet." she says catching his attention.

"What does Fury want me to do swallow it ?" Bruce asks. Y/N snorts before going right back to being angry.

Natasha leans forward on the table showing off those gorgeous green eyes she has. Bruce may be to smart for that but Y/N gets lost in her eyes for a moment.

"He wants you to find it, someone took it from a Shield base." Nat says.

"Clearly it's gamma signature is to weak for the Shield idiots to trace." Y/N says rolling his eyes joining the conversation.

"There is no one that knows gamma radiation like you do. If there was, that's where we'd be." the redhead says. Bruce gets a look in his eyes that feels off to Y/N.

"So Fury isn't after the monster ?" Bruce asks.

"Not that he's told us." Nat says while sitting back in the chair.

"And he tells you two everything ?" Bruce asks still on the fence about it all.

"Damn sure don't tell me everything, wouldn't be surprised if they're building weapons for me and point break as we speak." Y/N says to the doctor.

Nat can sense that Bruce is still on the defensive and she senses that Y/N is a little jealous from her saying she'll persuade him. She tries to let it settle and bring the tension back down.

"Talk to Fury, he needs you on this." Nat says.

"He needs me in a cage." Bruce says looking serious at her.

"No one's going to put you in a.."STOP LYING TO ME !!!" Bruce yells at her slamming his hands on the table.

Y/N speeds in front of Nat completely destroying the table without even trying ready to protect her. He forgets she had a gun under the table but he doesn't even care.

The anger is getting to him.

Y/N's eyes turn to a bright green for a second which quickly grabs Bruce's attention. He pulls a sword out aiming it around the doctor's throat.

"Come on now Bruce, Let the hulk out to play." Y/N says smirking. After Bruce doesn't move he pulls the sword down.

"If not then calm the fuck down." Y/N says then his eyes go back to his normal color.

"I'm sorry. That was mean.. I just wanted to see what you two would do.. Why don't we do this the easy way where you don't use that and the other guy doesn't make a mess. Okay? Natasha?" Bruce says with his hands up.

Nat looks at (Y/N) and can see him staring a hole through Bruce not letting his guard down at all. Nat shakingly let's her gun down and he finger to here ear.

"Stand down." She says to the agents as she puts a hand on Y/N's shoulder.

A large number of Shield agents slowly back away still with their guns still ready to shoot.

"We're good here." Nat says, more so to Y/N than the agents.

"Just us three" Bruce says smiling.

"Tell your guy don't think for a second that those agents are here for me." Y/N says grabbing Nat's hand without even thinking.

"Come with us" Nat says as Y/N is taking her out of the small house.


"Y/N.- "What ?" Y/N says turning around cutting her off.

She hugs him for a few seconds trying to calm him down which works effectively.

He's still angry but something about her is making him want to calm down. He doesn't hug back he just squints his eyes. Feeling conflicted and frustrated he yells in his head.

Bruce walks out to them stopping on their side so they can see him.

"So.. are we good ?" Bruce asks them. He truly doesn't want to be a problem to anyone.

Y/N nods his head at the doctor while Nat says yes with a small smile.

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