Just Too Different Season Two

By Desglizzy

119K 5K 391

(In order to understand Season 2 you must read the first book. Just Too Different. It's located on my page. )... More

Ryan's Pov
August's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
August's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
August's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
August's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
August's Pov
Ryan's Pov
August's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
August's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
August's Pov
August's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
August Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
August's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
August's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
August's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
August's Pov
Ryan's Pov
August's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
August's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan Pov
August's Pov
August's Pov
August's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
August's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
August's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
August's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
August's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov
Ryan's Pov

Ryan's Pov

1.1K 60 4
By Desglizzy

Ryan Pov
We are in Ohio and Ava is with me. I missed having her for company on my tour so I told mom I'll take her for awhile. I spoke to Sam earlier. She told me the business is going perfect. She also said she's happy I woke up and she's really sorry that she couldn't make it to the hospital because of my business and her baby was sick. I didn't give her a hard time. I know she mean what she says. She also told me to prepare to buy a bridesmaid gown. She's getting married!! I'm so happy for her.

Anyway, Ava and I just landed in Ohio. Yes I said landed. I flew here. I know I was in a plane crash but I can't let that control my life. I have to face flying again anyway so why not now.

Before getting off the jet I put Ava her coat on. She's a little sick and it is a little chilly out today. She was smiling at me.

Me- Hey mama.*Smiles*


Me-*Chuckles* Is this jacket new babe? Did nanny buy it or daddy?

Ava- Da da.



Me- I have to tell August. *Smiles*

Ava-*Claps* Da da!

Me- We know baby. August is your daddy.*Smiles*

I put my shades on and walked off the plane with Ava in my arms. We got in a car and it took us to a hotel. Ava was fine to cry about her jacket being on.

Me- Just wait a few more seconds baby. We're almost at the hotel.

I rubbed her back. She laid down on my chest and closed her eyes.


Me- We're going to have to make that baby feel better.

I rocked her back and forth. Soon enough she was sleep. When we got to the hotel my bodyguards helped me out the car. I really didn't want the paps to wake Ava up so I asked them kindly and respectfully to not scream. They can take as many pictures as they want, just don't scream. And they didn't scream. I smiled at them as I walked in.

Me- Thank y'all for not screaming. *Smiles*

I walked in the building and to the elevator. I got on and it went up to the last floor. I went to my room and I opened the door. I carefully took Ava's jacket off and hung it on a chair as I laid her across the bed. I gave her cheek a kiss before calling my manager. I called her and let her know I made it. After that I didn't have none else to do so I laid down with Ava. An hour into my nap I heard a knock at the door. I got up and went to answer it.

Me- Yes-August? Why are you here.

Aug- Can I come in?

Me- Nah you can stay out there.

I gave him a blank look and let him in.

Me- Now why you here?

Aug- Ya act like ya ain't happey ta see me.

He walked over to Ava and picked her up.

Me- Don't wake her up please. And I'm not.

He gave her a kiss and laid her back down.

Aug-*Smirks* Yea rite. Anywey, ya ma's told me ya needed ta talk ta me in person.

Why mom?! Why!

Me- Oh..... Um.

August sat down in a chair.

Aug- Ya can sit.

Me- I rather stand.

Aug- Dats fine ta. So what's up?


I looked out the window behind August.

Me- Um........ Are you in love with K.?

Aug- ... Nah..... We jus chillin... Nun serious..... Why?.

I rubbed my arm and looked at the floor. Why would my mom put me through this?!

Me- Godsh you're so intimidating.

August chuckled.

Aug- Nah..

I just stood there. I looked up and August was getting up. He walked over to me and stood in front of me. Really close.

Aug- What's on ya mind.


I looked at the floor. August didn't say anything. I just felt his eyes on me.

Me- You don't understand how hard this is.... Telling you this.

Aug-..............Well guess what..

Me- You're dating K-GCO.

Aug- Ya been on my mind ta.

I looked up at him.


Aug- Realley.

August put his hands on my waist. I smiled.

Me- I'm sorry....... For leaving you... I really am. I would never do that again-GCO.

Aug- It's not jus ya Ryan. We both said we weren't happey........ But den I wusn't happey with out ya etha.


I smiled and leaned in and gave August a kiss. He was moving his lips so slow. Extra slow. I talked in between the kiss.

Me- Stop teasing me.

He laughed which made the kiss end.

Me- Together again?..

Aug- I guess I can deal with ya again. *Smirk*

Me- *Chuckles* Whatever. Guess what Ava said today.

Aug- What?

Me- Her first words. *Smiles*

Aug- Realley, what she sey?

Me- "Da da". *Smiles*

Aug- Ya lying.

Me- Dead serious.

Aug- AVA!

August walked to the bedroom where Ava was laying at.

Me- Big head don't wake her up.

I ran after him.

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