The Grand King and Queen [Oik...

By mangoezhoez

303K 13.7K 5.5K

Oikawa's sister... the great Oikawa Tooru, and his little sister. To get out of his shadows you went out to f... More

1. You Should've gone to Shiratorizawa
2. Meat buns
3. Novice
4. Gungun Yogurt >> Yakult
5. The Flower Pot
6. Dorming
7. The Intersection
8. First Practice
9. Oikawa Cuisine
10. Onigiri with da bros~
11. Oversleeping
12. Hacking the vending machine.
13. Hell week but it's training
14. Interhigh
15. Interhigh - Quarterfinals
16. Interhigh - 2
17. Interhigh - Semifinals
18. Interhigh - finals
19. Next Time
20. Off days
21. Super glue
22. The White Knee Pad
23. Caltan
24. Interhigh Nationals
25. Interview
26. Day Two
27. Nationals - Quarterfinals
28. Nationals - semis
29. Beef
30. Party at Aunt Miya's
31. Pond Duel
32. Sick Days
33. Training Camp
34. Training camp - 2
35. Training Camp - 3
36. Oikawa
37. Hyogo
38. Sleepover
39. Love Letters
40. Mani no Pedi
41. Luck
42. Prodigy
43. Let's Get It
44. Thank You
45. Engawa
46. Deal?
47. Lights
48. New Year
49. All-Japan
50. Shark(ie)
51. 113
52. Polaroid
53. Sugar Cubes
54. Onita
55. Iwaki
56. Wanaka
57. Pretty Girl
58. Young Miss
59. Deal.
60. Date Auction
61. Strong
62. Cherry Blossom Tears
63. Peculiar Meetings
64. Seijoh
65. Mija
66. Shoji Screens
67. Practice
68. Doki Doki
69. Intrusive Thoughts
70. Choco Milk
71. Wise Words
72. Fingers
73. Weekend in Tokyo
74. Feisty
75. Favorite
76. Weirdo(s)
77. Like and Subscribe
78. I <3 You
79. Questions
80. Interview
81. Training Camp
82. Dragon
83. King
84. Spooky
85. "Coaching"
86. Athletic Festival
87. Flower Field
88. Friendly Rival
89. W's
90. Party Hardy
91. Class Inspection
92. Sister
93. The Competition (?)
94. Training Camp
95. Kanari
97. Minegishi Minami
98. Call
99. The End

96. Bars

716 37 9
By mangoezhoez


Goshiki turned around, almost instantly recognizing the voice as he instinctually smiled.

You skipped up to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and pulling him in.

"How's my favorite little first year doing?" You smiled widely, leaning back to softly pinch his cheeks in delight.

"I've bween gwood." He said, shaking himself out of your hold to speak clearly and to rub at his cheeks. "I have to go to the training camp today though, it's the last day."

You hummed, remembering that their first year camp was in fact a day longer than the All-Japan camp.

"Can I come along?" You asked.

Goshiki shrugged, nodding you along as he began walking to the gym. "I don't see why not. But I doubt Washijou-sensei will let you be in there."

You shrugged, knowing Washijou would most likely kick you out as soon as he saw you, but choosing to go anyway.

You walked with Goshiki to the gym, still in your school uniform as you simply took off your shoes to walk inside.

"Good afternoon, Washijou-sensei!" You greeted him, a bright smile sporting your face as he glanced over and scoffed.

"Back so soon?" He asked, watching you walk over with Goshiki as the guys who were already there stared at you in confusion or admiration.

"I couldn't leave everyone behind for so long." You smiled, not budging with Washijou's uninterested stare.

"Are they still calling you Ushijima's counterpart?" He asked, turning around as he began walking forward, Goshiki and you following him around.

"I can't say I paid attention, but knowing how the coaches are, they most likely still are." You hummed, glancing at Goshiki as he took your shoes from your hands. You raised a brow at him, only receiving a smile back as he continued to carry your shoes around with him.

Washijou clicked his tongue, stopping at the storage room as he peeked inside.

"Fools, just because you're both the strongest players from your school doesn't make you one another's counterpart." He grumbled, turning around as he looked you up and down before humming.

"If anything I see more of your brother and Aoba Johsai's ace in you than Ushijima." He hummed, turning to Goshiki as he looked him up and down as well.

"Why aren't you stretching yet? Just because Oikawa's with you doesn't mean you get to slack off. Hurry on now."

Goshiki stiffened at his stare, quickly nodding before turning around and jogging to his self proclaimed corner to stretch and drop off his bag.

Washijou hummed, looking back at you as he nodded once and began walking forward again.

"Did you learn anything helpful this time?" He asked as you followed.

You shrugged, thinking back on the training camp.

"They seem to invite just about anyone." You said, smiling at the old man as he looked back at you in question. "Apart from that I think it helped me improve some of the techniques I've been practicing so far."

Washijou hummed, stopping at the side of the court as he looked over the players stretching.

"How's the left handed spike coming along?" He asked, glancing at you to see your confused expression before elaborating. "Tendou was bragging about it."

You hummed in understanding, softly snickering as you shrugged again.

"It's coming along, it's just that for me to hit it perfectly I need to get a specific set, if not I hit it wrong. But that kinda takes away from the surprise of it so I've been trying to hit it at all sets."

Washijou hummed. "It's good that you can point out your own flaws and improvements. That's a great trait for an olympian to have."

You smiled coyly, not really used to getting complimented by the Shiratorizawa coaches. Especially not by Washijou.

"Just continue practicing. After a certain point it'll just become muscle memory. Don't get discouraged."

You hummed, smiling softly as you looked back at Goshiki standing up from his stretches.

He looked at you, smiling brightly as you waved at him, watching as he confidently waved back. The boys around him looking between him and you.

Washijou cleared his throat, fixing you with a look before glancing at the clock.

"You should get going to your own practice. I don't want Kojima bickering at me for taking his star player." He said, grumbling the last part.

You softly snickered, nodding as you agreed with him, beginning to walk towards the exit before you heard someone call your name.


You glanced back, looking at Goshiki in question as he pointed at his sports bag on the bench near the doors.

"Your shoes are next to my sports bag!"

You nodded, grateful he had reminded you.

"Thank you!" You called back, walking over to the bench he pointed to and sitting next to his bag as you slipped your shoes on.

You glanced up in between doing so, catching two blondes looking your way before quickly looking elsewhere.

You ignored it, glancing at Goshiki as he stood tall and confident. Arms behind his back as he held his head up high, intently listening to what coach Washijou was saying.

You stood up, rearranging your bag over your shoulders as you walked towards the doors and, as silently as you could, slid them open.

You stepped outside, glancing back at Goshiki and smiling at him one more time before closing the doors and walking to the girls' gym.

"Drop off your jackets and get in line, we'll go ahead and start with the first drill." Washijou declared, stepping back to the ending line as the boys dispersed to their bags to drop off their jackets.

"Yah, Goshiki!"

Goshiki glanced back, looking at Koganegawa running up to him, bright smile on his face that mimicked that of the little tangerine next to him.

"You know Oikawa Y/N-san?!"

Goshiki stopped at his, looking at the top of his bag to see the corner of a white and blue box sticking out.

He carefully opened the zipper of his bag up more, peering inside to see what it was before a small smile lit up his face.

The white and blue box was a box of Caffarrel Tokyo Gianduia Chocolate Pie, which was only sold in Tokyo Station.

Right next to it was a wooden ninja kokeshi doll with a piece of paper in between them.

He slightly moved the doll to the side to see the full paper, his smile only getting brighter as he saw the printed picture you had left for him.

It was a picture of you in front of the Ajinomoto National Training Center in Tokyo.

You had your arms extended outwards as you drew on a pretty crappy rainbow from one hand to the other.

The rainbow had in bold letters, 'To my Tsutomu-kun.'

Goshiki couldn't help but laugh, stepping back and towards the line already waiting for him as he mumbled under his breath.

"When did she even leave that there?"

"You're late." Kojima said, looking at you with crossed arms as he tapped his foot on the gym floor.

You grinned up at him, finishing off changing your shoes before jumping up and greeting him.

"Nice to see you too, Sensei!" You grinned. "I'm late because I couldn't find my training clothes."

Kojima raised a brow at you. "Don't you have like five pairs?"

"They're all dirty. Sir." You replied, standing up straight as you looked up above him.

"All five?" He questioned again.

"Except for this one, sir. But it was at the bottom of my locker, sir."

Kojima sighed, kneading the skin in between his eyes as he waved you away with his other hand.

"Yea yea. Go stretch and then hop in on the drills. And quit with the whole sir thing. I'm still young, you know?"

You cackled. "Yes... Sir!" You said, quickly running to the corner of the gym with bright giggles.

Kojima scoffed, glaring at you running away before turning around and resuming practice.


You stretched your arms upwards, letting out a long sigh as you walked up the sidewalk to the house gates, taking note of the unfamiliar car parked up front.

You ignored it as you stepped inside, skipping up the steps to the front door as you softly swung it open and breathed in.

You were about to call out your usual greeting before stopping when the sound of your parents' business laughs reached your ears.

You silently took off your shoes, setting them on the stand next to the engawa before walking down the hall.

Your parents' voices became more defined with every step you took.

"As you know, home visits for second years talk about the future options of your child."

You raised a brow, faintly recognizing the voice.

"Do you see Oikawa Y/N-san attending college or going directly into the workforce?"

You reached the end of the hall, stopping to think about the answer for yourself just as your parents did.

Or at least their silence eluded to.

"It'd be the workforce, no? Going straight into playing volleyball is a job...?" You mumbled to yourself, looking up when you heard your mother laugh shily.

"Well, from what it looks like as of right now. We feel like Y/N-chan would be a college dropout." She said, your father humming in agreement with her.

You leaned back against the wall, crossing your arms as you intently tried to imagine yourself in college.

Living in a small shitbox dorm.

Eating mediocre dorm food.

Having to continue studying after high school.

Choosing an area of study that basically dictates the rest of your life.


You nodded to yourself, agreeing with your parents statement as you pushed yourself off the wall.

You stretched your arms upwards, finally calling out your greeting.

"I'm home! Ma, Pa." You said, stepping out the hall and towards the dining room, smiling to see that the teacher they were speaking to was coach Aoki.

"Good afternoon, Aoki Sensei." You greeted Aoki.

"Good afternoon, Oikawa-san." She greeted back, smiling at you as she nodded at a seat next to your parents. "I'm glad you're here actually, would it be okay for me to ask you a couple questions?"

You nodded.

"Do you see yourself attending college or entering the workforce after graduation?" She asked.

"Neither." You said confidently, all three of the adults around you looked at you in shock. "I plan to play volleyball."


You sighed, leaning back to stretch out your arms as you looked at the slow process you had been making on the paperwork in front of you.

You looked up at the clock, reading the time as you stretched one last time and went back to working.



You hummed, sitting back again as you looked at the door to the study.

There stood your older brother, a half pout on his face and arms crossed.

You raised a brow at his silence, setting down your pen as you fully turned to look at him.

"What's up, Nii-chan?"

He smiled.

"Let's go get onigiri."

"It's ten at night, Nii-san." You sighed, looking at his smile turning into a smirk.

"I'll pay."

You hummed, instantly standing up as you pat yourself down. "Let me put some sweatpants and a hoodie on real quick and I'll see you at the front door?"

He agreed, each of you going your separate ways as you took out your phone to check the weather.

"Might need a jacket too..." You mumbled, walking into your room for a quick change of clothes.

By the time you met Tooru at the front door, it was already past ten twenty, but Tooru didn't say anything apart from urging you to zip up your jacket.

He wrapped a scarf around you before wrapping one on himself and walking out.

You both walked in comfortable silence, tucked in your scarves while your hands stayed in your pockets.

"You dating that Atsumu kid?" Tooru asked, breaking the silence.

You raised a brow at him, shaking your head as you sunk deeper into your scarf to hide your blush.

"No? What makes you say that?" You deflected.

He shrugged, looking ahead as he thought back on the conversation you shared when he picked you up at the train station.

"Probably because when I asked you how it was, the first thing you mentioned was Miya Atsumu... by some weird nickname."

"Oi! 'Tsumy isn't a weird nickname."

Tooru glanced at you with a raised brow, scoffing once as his lips turned up in a smirk.

"It definitely is."

You rolled your eyes at him, looking back ahead as you mumbled.

"I'm talking to Suna, not him."

"Don't be silly, Bunny," He teased, looking down at your confused eyes. "You can't date Tuna. That's a food, not a person." He hummed, glancing back at your deadpan look.

"Never mind."

Tooru snickered in delight, stopping to reach down and pinch the arm of your jacket as he looked both ways before crossing the street.

"Tuna isn't very nutritious you know?"

"Tooru!" You whined.

"Kidding, kidding~" Tooru continued to tease, snickering at your mumbling. "Who is this Tuna kid anyway? Have I met him before?"

You stopped to think for a second, not entirely sure if your brother had actually met him or not.

"I used to play games with him! He was that chuppets player." You explained, looking up at Tooru's face scrunching in concentration as he tried to think of his face.

"He plays for Inarizaki." You added, Tooru's face further grimacing in confusion. "Middle blocker with a bendy waist." Tooru's face stayed the same. "Looks like an emo fox?"

Tooru turned to look at you, shaking his head as you sighed.

"The only Inarizaki players I know are the Miya's." He offered.

"Don't you keep up with volleyball monthly, Nii-chan?" You inquired.

He hummed. "Yeah, but that doesn't mean I remember every insignificant fool that pops up in the background."

You sighed at his words, shaking your head as you glanced up at the convenience store up ahead.

"Well then, let's keep it that way."

Tooru arched his brows. "Oi?"

You didn't respond, instead you walked into the store and began looking for your share of food.

You walked around the small store for a while before going up and cashing out.

You walked out with Tooru, bright smile on your face as you opened your convenience bag to show him what you had bought with his money.

Tooru scoffed, reaching up to harshly ruffle your hair as you squirmed.

You cooed, looking up at Tooru mid step. "Thank you~" you began, stopping with Tooru and following his gaze. Your eyes landed on the two policemen in front of you, confusion and hesitation overfilling you as you stepped closer to your brother. "Nii-chan?"


"Whose phone is ringing?" Etsuko asked, looking around in search for her phone as Yuuta walked back into the living room with a plate of cut watermelon.

"I believe it's mine." He said, setting the plate down on the coffee table in front of your mother before picking up his phone next to it and sitting back next to your mother.

"Hello?" Yuuta answered, lifting his cup of tea up to his lips with his other hand as he took a small sip. "Yes, this is."

Etsuko looked up at the clock, confused as to who would be calling so late at night.

"... Yes, I am."

Etsuko looked at Yuuta in question, Yuuta's eyebrows quickly knitting together as he set his cup down. "The police station you say?"

He stood up, nodding at Etsuko to stand up as she did, following him all but befuddled.

"Yes. We'll be there in ten minutes. Yes. Thank you, have a good night. Yes. Thank you." He finished the call, already standing in front of the coat rack as he threw on a coat and slipped his phone in the pocket.

"What happened?" Etsuko asked, mimicking him as she slipped into her own coat.

Yuuta breathed in, looking up at her with a concerned expression. "Tooru and Y/N are at the police station."



Your parents rushed into the station, their eyes automatically trained on the two teenagers in the corner.

You sat on the chairs, slowly swinging your feet back and forth as you played with your fingers. Tooru stood next to you, leaning against the wall with his legs and arms crossed, looking down at the ground with scrunched brows and a pout of his lips.

"Oh, what a relief." Your mother sighed, both of you looking up at the sound of her voice.

They both rushed over to you, your mother instantly bending down to hug you as your father hugged Tooru.

Your mother leaned back, looking you up and down before holding your hands and giving you a small smile. "Are you okay?" She asked.

Your father having leaned back to look Tooru up and down before asking a similar question. "What happened?"

Before either of you could answer, a police man walked up to your parents, clearing his throat to get their attention.

"We found them loitering around after hours without an adult."

Your parents turned to look back at the two of you, Tooru about to speak up before you beat him to it.

"I just wanted some onigiri..." You mumbled, both your parents sighing as they nodded.

Your father turned back to the police man, following him as he led him to fill out the required paperwork to release you both.

Your mother hummed, sitting down next to you and patting the empty spot next to her for Tooru to sit.

He did, at which your mother reached out to hold one of your hands.

"Next time just tell us and we'll make some." She said, rubbing the back of your hands.

You just nodded.

Unlike Tooru who mumbled under his breath.


"We don't know how to make onigiri, Mamma." Tooru sighed, both you and your mother looking at him with blank expressions.

"Then we can learn!" She said, reaching up to ruffle Tooru's hair before pulling him down to softly kiss his temple.

"It's about time you two stop spending money on foods you can be making at home anyway." She said, pulling you in next to kiss your temple.


"...Okay." Tooru and you begrudgingly responded.


one month later..

Thanks for reading you beautiful people, and like always, thanks to my fav bae Sarah for proofreading this chapter!

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