𝐇𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐢 『Bakugo Katsuki』

By Queen__Dee__diaspora

289K 9.5K 2.7K

_______________________________ "This is the story of how we became the greatest heroes." ___________________... More

◆Chapter 1◇
◆Chapter 2◇
◆Chapter 3◇
◆Chapter 4◇
◆Chapter 5◇
◆Chapter 6◇
🖤Face the Future💚
◆Chapter 7◇
◆Chapter 8◇
◆Chapter 9◇
◆Chapter 10◇
◆Chapter 11◇
◆Chapter 12◇
◆Chapter 13◇
◆Chapter 14◇
◆Chapter 15◇
◆Chapter 16◇
◆Chapter 17◇
◆Chapter 18◇
◆Chapter 19◇
◆Chapter 20◇
◆Chapter 21◇
◆Chapter 22◇
◆Chapter 23◇
◆Chapter 24◇
◆ Chapter 25 ◇
◆Chapter 26◇
◆Chapter 27◇
◆Chapter 28◇
◆Chapter 29◇
◆Chapter 30◇
◆Chapter 31◇
◆Chapter 32◇
◆Chapter 33◇
🖤Hero Awakening (Pt.1)💙
◆Chapter 34◇
◆Chapter 35◇
◆Chapter 36◇
◆Chapter 37◇
◆Chapter 38◇
◆Chapter 39◇
◆Chapter 40◇
◆Chapter 41◇
◆Chapter 42◇
🖤Hero Awakening (Pt. 2)💙
◆Chapter 43◇
◆Chapter 44◇
◆Chapter 45◇
◆Chapter 46◇
◆Chapter 47◇
◆Chapter 48◇
◆Chapter 49◇
◆Chapter 50◇
◆Chapter 51◇
◆Chapter 52◇
◆Chapter 53◇
◆Chapter 54◇
🖤A+B Slumber Party💖
◆Chapter 55◇
◆Chapter 56◇
◆Chapter 57◇
◆Chapter 59◇
◆Chapter 60◇
◆Chapter 61◇
◆Chapter 62◇
◆Chapter 63◇
◆Chapter 64◇
◆Chapter 65◇
◆Chapter 66◇
◆Chapter 67◇
◆Chapter 68◇
◆Chapter 69◇
◆ Chapter 70 ◇
◆Chapter 71◇
◆Chapter 72◇
◆Chapter 73◇
◆Chapter 74◇
◆Chapter 75◇
◆Chapter 76◇
◆Chapter 77◇
◆Chapter 78◇
◆Chapter 79◇
◆Chapter 79.5◇
◆Chapter 80◇
◆Chapter 81◇
◆Chapter 82◇
◆Chapter 83◇
◆Chapter 84◇
◆Chapter 84.5◇
◆Chapter 85◇
◆Chapter 86◇
◆Chapter 87◇
◆Chapter 88◇
◆Chapter 89◇
◆Chapter 90◇
◆Chapter 91◇
◆Chapter 92◇
🖤H R 1🤍
🖤H R 2🤍
🖤H R 3🤍
🖤H R 4🤍
◆Chapter 93◇
◆Chapter 94◇
◆Chapter 95◇
◆Chapter 96◇
◆Chapter 97◇
◆Chapter 98◇
◆Chapter 99◇
◆Chapter 100◇
◆Chapter 101◇
◆Chapter 102◇
◆Chapter 103◇
◆Chapter 104◇
◆Chapter 105◇
◆Chapter 106◇
◆Chapter 107◇
◆Chapter 108◇
◆Chapter 109◇
◆Chapter 110◇
◆Chapter 111◇
◆Chapter 112◇
◆Chapter 113◇
◆Chapter 114◇
◆Chapter 115◇
◆Chapter 116◇
◆Chapter 117◇
◆Chapter 118◇
◆Chapter 119◇
◆Chapter 120◇
◆Chapter 121◇ (Part 1)
◆Chapter 121◇ (Part 2)
◆Chapter 122◇
◆Chapter 123◇
◆Chapter 124◇

◆Chapter 58◇

1.8K 72 59
By Queen__Dee__diaspora

Soon after they escaped the crowd at the train station, Miyuki and the others met up with Shoto and Momo. The half-and-half girl felt relieved seeing them uninjured and safe, yet her heart remained troubled with the news of All Might's resignation. They took Katsuki to the police station and the rest of them returned to their homes afterwards.

When Miyuki stepped inside her house, she heard a soft bark and the next thing she knew, Poncho caught her off guard as he tackled her to the floor and affectionately licked her face. Her father wasn't home yet, so she decided to go up to her room and her puppy followed at her heels. After changing out of her disguise into a simpler outfit, Miyuki thought she'd take a brief nap before going downstairs to prepare supper. But her plans were foiled when she glanced at her desk.

Oh - that's right...

Miyuki ran her hand over the partially finished laptop on her table, chips, screws, and keyboard buttons scattered around it. It hadn't been that long since she left for the training camp, yet she completely forgot about it - this project she was working on before she left. The technological innovation at I-Island's Academy was phenomenal, and after learning about her maternal family's background, Miyuki decided to challenge herself. Fixing a computer was one thing, but making one proved to be more of a Herculean task than she imagined.

I should finish it off, the half-and-half girl decided as she sat down at her desk. She gathered her tools and equipment and began tinkering away at the unfinished device. I'll finish it off, take a nap, then prepare dinner before Papa comes home!

She dozed off half an hour later, as did Poncho at her feet. When Miyuki woke up, the sky beyond her open window was bathed in deep shades of indigo, orange, and pink as the sun set.

I fell asleep...? she asked herself, rubbing her eyes as she checked her phone. It buzzed as a message popped up on her screen -

Izuku: All Might wants to meet with us!
Miyuki: I'm on my way!

"Poncho, wake up. I'm going to see Izuku and All Might-sensei," Miyuki whispered as she quickly got up from her desk. "I'll return shortly." The puppy opened one eye before closing it again. She dashed for the door.

Mirai appeared in the corridor upon hearing quickened footsteps going down the stairs and saw Miyuki hastily putting on her sneakers in the Genkan. He looked at his daughter with concern. Why was she putting her shoes on in such a hurry? Where was she going?

"Miyuki," Mirai called as he approached her. The half-and-half girl quickly stood up and embraced him. His eyes widened with surprise at the sudden gesture.

"Welcome home, Papa," she greeted him before rushing for the door. She waved at Mirai over her shoulder. "There is somewhere I must go. I'll be back home soon, I promise!" Mirai frowned deeply.

"Miyuki! -"

The door swung shut as Miyuki raced down the street of her neighbourhood to Izuku's home. The green-haired boy was running out of his building complex by the time she reached, so they went to Dagobah Municipal Beach Park together.

"All Might!" Izuku called out. He ran towards the slim figure standing on the beach while Miyuki jogged behind him. "All Might!"

"Oh, you're finally here," the retired hero acknowledged as he turned to the two teenagers.

"All Might!" Izuku called again. Miyuki slowed down and scratched her cheek with a curious expression on her face when Izuku didn't stop running.

"You took so long! Texas..." All Might said, running to the green-haired boy... and punched him. Miyuki gasped. "Smash! You really don't keep your word, do you? Everything was almost in vain, you know. Jeez, who do you take after?"

Miyuki walked over to check on Izuku as he sat up. She frowned when she noticed the bandages around All Might's arms, one of which was in a sling. For him to be so injured in this way...

"Young Midoriya, Young Sasaki..." All Might continued sombrely, "I am effectively retired. My body cannot fight anymore."

He transformed into his muscular form and threw a few punches before returning to his average size within seconds, blood spewing from his mouth. Izuku screamed in shock and Miyuki frowned, leaning away from him slightly.

"The last embers of One for All have gone out and I can't really keep muscle form anymore," he continued. "But even so, every single time, you rush out no matter what I tell you! No matter how many times I tell you, you keep destroying your body! That's why, this time...!"

Izuku flinched away as All Might stood over him.

"... when you got out of a predicament for the first time without getting injured," All Might crouched down and pulled him into a soft hug, "I was so happy. From here on out, I will devote myself to raising you. Let's keep... working hard together."

"A-All Might..." Izuku stammered as he cried.

"You really don't keep your word, do you?" The former number one hero asked emotionally as Izuku sobbed on his shoulder. He shed a tear. "Didn't I tell you to stop being a crybaby?" Miyuki smiled softly, wiping away the tear rolling down her cheek.

All Might stood up and tenderly released Izuku from his embrace. He turned around and pulled Miyuki into a hug and her eyes widened at the gesture, slightly taken aback. She returned it, her cheeks a faint pink.

"The same applies to you, as well, Young Sasaki," All Might told her as he broke the hug. The teenage girl smiled at him before bowing deeply in gratitude, her hands clasped in front of her.

When she returned home later that evening, Miyuki profusely apologized to her father for running out of the house so hastily. She received a stern lecture for her actions and Miyuki promised to tell him of her whereabouts next time.

After they ate dinner together and the father and daughter played their nightly game of chess, with her father winning once more, they retired to their bedrooms for the night. Miyuki changed into her nightwear before going to check on Poncho. He was still fast asleep on the floor, so she carried him to his bed right next to hers. A white butterfly fluttered in through her open window as she did and settled on her hand.

What's this? Miyuki questioned, tilting her head as she looked at the delicate creature curiously. She sat down on her bed, wondering what a creature like it was doing flying around at night when she noticed something written upon its wings. She squinted her eyes -



Before she knew it, rays of sunlight pooled onto her bedroom floor and the birds outside her window began chirping their early morning song to signal the new day. Miyuki pulled the blanket down, uncovering her face. She looked at the clock by her bedside and she yawned. Her eyes slowly drifted to her window which was firmly closed.

There was nothing again, she thought, glancing warily at the butterfly sitting on her nightstand.

A few days had passed now. Zin didn't show himself nor did he send any more messages like that one. She pushed back her bangs and exhaled deeply.

Was I imagining it?

Miyuki decided she was not going to spend the day twiddling her thumbs over it, so she got up and went out for her usual morning jog to relieve herself of her stress and Poncho gladly joined her. When she returned home, Mirai hadn't woken up yet, so she decided to make Taiyaki for them both. Even though she didn't live so close to them any more, she made some for Izuku and Katsuki, too.

She wanted check in on how the ash-blonde boy was doing. She texted him again yesterday asking after him - whether he got home safely, what the police had to say, and how he was doing. She saw he had read her messages, but he didn't reply. That was expected.

As soon as she finished baking, Miyuki freshened up in her room. Dressing up in a grey tank top with a cardigan and loose shorts for the weather, she left her home - leaving a note telling her father where she was going - with the Taiyaki and made her way to the Bakugo household first. Their home was only a half hour's walk from hers, so she was there before long. The half-and-half girl gently knocked on their door and pursed her lips as she waited.

I hope I'm not interrupting their morning, she thought as she checked her watch.

"Oh, hello - Miyuki-Chan!" Mitsuki exclaimed excitedly, her face brightening up with a smile when she saw Miyuki standing on her porch.

"Good morning, Bakugo-San," Miyuki greeted with a soft smile and gentle blush. She bowed deeply before the older woman. "I hope I've come at an appropriate time and I'm not interrupting..."

"You're very welcome, Miyuki-Chan!" Mitsuki replied happily. The half-and-half girl straightened and her expression morphed into one of surprise when she was pulled into a hug. "It's been quite a while since we last saw you. Please, come in! Masaru and I were just getting ready for breakfast, so you're free to join us if you'd like."

"Thank you very much, Bakugo-San," Miyuki responded pleasantly as she followed Mistuki into her home. "Actually, I'm here to check on, um, Katsuki."

"That's very sweet of you, Miyuki-Chan," Mitsuki said with a close-eyed smile. "Please go ahead. The police ordered him to be in the house at all times, so he hasn't been allowed outside since he got back. He hasn't been in the best of moods because of it, so seeing a friendly face might cheer him up."

"I hope so, too. Thank you for telling me," the half-and-half girl replied kindly. She bowed to the older woman once more before making her way up the stairs to Katsuki's room. She knocked on his door tentatively. Miyuki heard grumbling come from inside, so she took that as permission to enter the room and opened his door.

Katsuki looked up from the manga in his hands and his eyes widened when he saw Miyuki enter his room. The half-and-half girl's eyes widened, too, when she glanced at him, catching sight of his exposed upper body. Katsuki immediately jumped off his bed to grab his t-shirt from his desk and Miyuki whipped around, her eyes on the ceiling.

"S-Sorry!" she apologized, her face rapidly growing warm. "I-I thought I heard you say come in, so I..."

"What do you want?" Katsuki gruffly questioned. She risked a glance out of the corner of her eye.

"A-Are you wearing a shirt?" Miyuki asked shyly. He rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue in annoyance. Taking that as a yes, the half-and-half girl turned around and she was relieved to see he was fully clothed now. "I-I wanted to come visit, to see how you were doing, and..." she looked down at the box of Taiyaki in her hands and held it out to him. "These are for you. It's Taiyaki - I made it. I hope you enjoy it."

He scowled down at them. Miyuki exhaled lightly at his reaction before turning around and putting the box of treats on his desk. Miyuki turned back around and met his glaring eyes.

"What's wrong, Firecracker?" She asked the ash-blonde boy concernedly. "Are you okay?"

"Of course I'm okay," he responded gruffly as he walked past her. "Sit down already. Your standing around's gonna leave dents in the carpet."

"Thank you... I-I think?" Miyuki muttered, shooting him a curious glance as she sat down on the chair at his desk. "I'm really glad you're okay, though. When I heard the villains were targeting you, I was shocked. Usually..."

"They're after you," he finished, sitting on his bed across from her. Miyuki blinked.

"That's right," she said. "How..."

"That damn zombie and his psycho wouldn't shut up about it," he answered, cutting her off. "They're both crazy, talking about their plans in front of me the whole time – stealing your Quirk and crap. "

"I... see," she muttered, pursing her lips.

"So that bastard wasn't lying, huh?" Katsuki asked, his eyes drifting from her face to the bottom of her hair. He quickly looked away. "But what's the point?" Miyuki's mouth formed an 'o' when she realized what he was talking about.

"Don't worry about it, it's only hair. My head is a lot lighter without it..." she trailed off when she noticed the way he was looking at her. He had a strange expression on his face, like he was considering something deeply.

"One of those guys," Katsuki started, narrowing his eyes as he looked at her, "called you his sister. That bast - freak talked the most out of all them, like he was in charge. Is he crazy or what?"

"I met him once at my middle school when he attacked the festival, but his Quirk was different then," Miyuki explained with a thoughtful expression on her face. "This time when he attacked with the other villains... his Quirk was very similar to my light Quirk. But there's a lot about it I don't understand yet, either..."

He clicked his tongue in annoyance. Miyuki flinched slightly when he leaned forward all of a sudden. Her face grew warm as he reached over to her hair.

"...Looks like we both attract creatures from the dark," he grumbled, but his voice was quieter now. Katsuki adjusted her ribbon so the small ponytail was properly positioned in the middle. A strange look flickered in his eyes before vanishing as quickly as it came. "Guess we've gotta beat the hell out of those monsters, too."

"Th... Thank you," Miyuki stammered out. Their faces were so close together now and she could still feel his hand on her head. She looked up, meeting his red eyes which she could see much more clearly now. "And... yeah, I suppose... we do..."

"Katsuki! Miyuki-Chan!"

The two of them jumped away from each other when the door suddenly swung open and Mitsuki entered the room.

"Your teachers are here and they want to see you," she announced to the two of them. "You should come downstairs, too, Miyuki-Chan."

"Will that really be alright?" The half-and-half girl asked shyly.

"Of course!" Mitsuki replied with an easygoing smile. "They already know you're here, so it's fine. I'll make you something to drink, too."

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment at her teachers knowing she was there.

She hoped things weren't getting too bad at U.A. The media and news channels around the country had been circulating news concerning All Might's retirement as a pro hero and some began putting into question his position as a teacher at U.A. She wondered if they were here concerning that, or something else like -

A dorm system? Miyuki thought with interest as she listened to All Might and Aizawa explain to Katsuki's parents the implementation of U.A.'s new dorm system. She slowly sipped on her glass of orange juice, glancing at the family of three on her right.

"Oh, sure!" Mitsuki replied loudly, smacking her son's head casually. Miyuki's eyes widened in shock. She wasn't expecting that sort of reaction. "I'm counting on you!"

"Don't hit me, old lady! I'll kill you!" Katsuki shouted and Mitsuki hit him again.

"Shut up! It's your fault to begin with for being so weak!" She yelled. "You got caught, and now you're causing everyone trouble!"

"You two... stop it..." Masaru stepped in. "You're startling the teachers and Miyuki-san..."

"Shut up, old man! Don't butt in!" Katsuki shouted at his father.

"You're the one who should shut up!" Mitsuki retorted. "If you're going to talk, then speak clearly!"

Miyuki sweat dropped, glancing at All Might and Aizawa out of the corner of her eye as she sipped on her juice. They both had plain expressions upon their faces.

"Um, is it really alright?" Aizawa asked hesitantly.

"Oh, the dorm, right?" Mitsuki asked pleasantly as she smacked Katsuki again. "We'd be really grateful. Katsuki's reckless and really good at everything, and he was blessed with a good Quirk, too, so he had other people fawning over him all the time and ended up like this. He kept getting praised for shallow stuff.

That's why I was really happy to hear what you said at the press conference. Yeah, it made me think that this school was really watching him carefully. I was worried for a while and wasn't sure how it would turn out, but he's back safe and sound now, so... You might face some harsh criticism for a while, but I trust you guys and will leave him to you. Right?"

"Yeah," Masaru agreed.

"He's a hopeless guy, but please train him hard and make him a good hero," Mitsuki said as she, her husband, and Katsuki bowed their heads. All Might playfully elbowed Aizawa.

"Shall I buy you a drink?" He whispered.

Miyuki finished off her juice while Aizawa and All Might finished off their business with the Bakugo family. They offered her to ride with them in their car to her home and she gladly accepted.

"We're going to your home after this next one," the Erasure Hero informed her. "It wouldn't be right for you to be left out of the discussion because you were left outside."

"It's Izuku's house next, right?" She asked. He nodded.

"All Might."

"Hm?" All Might asked as he stopped walking. Miyuki looked over her shoulder and saw Katsuki walking over to the former number one hero with his hands in his pockets, a calm and stoic expression on his face.

"What is Deku to you?" He asked as he stood in front of All Might. Miyuki pursed her lips, recalling the way he looked at Izuku the other day at the train station when he cried after All Might's victory.

"Next, it's your turn."

"He's my student," All Might answered simply. "Just like you. A future hero with bright prospects."

"Hey Katsuki, the police said not to go outside!"

The ash-blonde boy's gaze drifted past All Might and he met the half-and-half girl's eyes. She flinched, but didn't shy away. He held her stare briefly before slowly looking away.

"I see," he muttered as he turned around and walked back up the path. "If you don't want to tell me, that's fine. Thanks."


"I know!" He yelled gruffly as he entered his home. All Might turned around to face his student and co-worker.

"Midoriya's house is close by, right?" Aizawa asked as he looked down at his phone.

"I'll take care of Young Midoriya," All Might assured him. "You go on with young Sasaki. I am certain you will manage speaking with her father better than I would."

"Convincing a pro hero of this might be easier than what we just went through in there, but I'm not counting my eggs yet," Aizawa responded plainly. He glanced at Miyuki. "Is this alright with you, Sasaki?"

"Yes," Miyuki replied. "Although, Papa isn't home right now so we'll have to meet him at his agency." Aizawa stopped typing on his phone and looked up. All Might gave him a close-eyed grin.

"I'll buy you that drink later," the former number one hero promised.

The half-and-half girl clasped her hands together in her lap as Centipeder brought in a tray of tea and set it down on the table in front of Aizawa.

"Thank you," the Erasure Hero said as he picked up a steaming cup of the green tea. He faced the pro hero sitting beside Miyuki. "I'm sure you've already been well informed about this ahead of time, but I'm here to speak with you about U.A.'s new dorm system."

"Yes," Sir Nighteye answered curtly as he adjusted his glasses. "First, tell me something, Eraser Head - the glaring attention upon U.A. right now has exposed the institution's most vulnerable asset - its students. My only daughter has been severely injured on multiple occasions due to the faculty's ineptitude to keep its student body safe. With All Might's retirement, their safety is further brought into question."

"Papa..." Miyuki spoke up, looking at her father's stern expression.

"Not to mention," the pro hero continued seriously, his tone as sharp as a knife's edge, "the abundant number of males in the school far outweighs that of females."

Seriously? Miyuki sweat dropped at his other reason, her expression holding inflections of disbelief.

He's not going to make this easy at all, Aizawa thought seriously as he and Mirai regarded each other with blank looks. Sir Nighteye sat straight beside Miyuki on the couch, his hands calculatively wrung together. He sweatdropped, too. Even a pro hero like him is very protective of Miyuki regarding U.A. Anyone would naturally be if they were in his shoes.

"Speaking to you as a pro hero, Sir Nighteye, these recent events have the heroes and faculty on edge as well. The students continue to remain our top priority. That is why we shall continuously harden them with the techniques of heroes that they will be better able to stand against villains when the time comes," Aizawa explained. There was a brief pause before he spoke again. "Speaking to you from the perspective of a parent, I understand your hesitation. You only just recently reunited with your daughter. I would feel the same as you do were I under similar circumstances."

"Aizawa-sensei," Miyuki breathed, her eyes widening when her teacher bowed his head deeply. "Yo-You don't have to do that...!"

"Let's hear what he has to say, Yu-Chan," Sir Nighteye told his daughter in a much softer tone.

"On behalf of U.A., and myself as Miyuki's teacher, I apologize," Aizawa continued. "I'm deeply sorry we were unable to fulfill our roles as Miyuki's protectors and breaking your trust in doing so. Allow us this chance to redeem ourselves. I will personally see to your daughter's safety - I will raise her as if she were my own."

Miyuki exhaled quietly. She looked at her father, whose expression hadn't changed, and pouted.

"Aizawa-sensei," she spoke up again, turning to her teacher when Mirai refused to budge. "He already said yes yesterday, so there's really no need for you to do all this."

"Of course there is," Sir Nighteye said firmly as the Erasure Hero straightened himself. "I will not always be there to protect Miyuki from the evils of this society, nor will I ever be able to. She is determined to become a hero and I cannot stand in the way of that, as her father and a pro hero. If I am going to entrust her to you, I will not do it blindly just because you are a high-ranking school in this country."

"I see," Aizawa responded, internally exhaling with relief. He was truly having a hard day today regarding fathers. He took a long sip of his tea. "I understand entirely."

"Not yet," the pro hero responded. Sir Nighteye glanced at his daughter. Miyuki looked at her father before slowly nodding her head. Aizawa raised a brow, slightly confused. "In addition to your security, it will relieve me greatly knowing she is surrounded by other strong and capable heroes, considering..." His tone quietened as he pulled a still, white butterfly from the pocket of his coat, "the League of villains is after her as well."

Aizawa looked at the paralysed insect, perplexed. Then, he noticed the words written on its wings and his breath hitched in his throat.

"I should be the one thanking you, Eraser Head," Sir Nighteye said, his voice holding inflections of emotion to it as he spoke. He bowed his head deeply. "Your intervention is why we are able able sit here today as we are. Help me raise Miyuki to become a great hero. Protect my daughter with your life, if you must."

Miyuki bowed her head as well. Aizawa looked at the father and daughter sitting before him.

This is... why I don't get involved...

"I promise," he told Sir Nighteye firmly as he looked at this small family before him - the one he helped bring back together.

As a hero, we do more than save peoples' lives. We have to save their hearts, as well.

He would not allow anything to happen that would ruin this small, budding relationship between a father and his daughter. Ever since she returned from the internships - after she met the man who was her family - he noticed Miyuki smiled more brightly. Her face held an impenetrable joy to it, and her spirit was clearer now. So much so that he could see it now for himself -

Her heart was full.

But I did, didn't I? Aizawa told himself, his heart softening slightly as he caught sight of the half-and-half girl's small smile of excitement. The corner of his lip twitched. Somehow, I did.

I am more involved now than I thought I would be. I can't back out. So that's why, Sir Nighteye, I promise to you... to Miyuki...

I will... protect her smile.

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