My Little Sisters Wedding

By Mazcat626

138K 4.9K 110

Weddings can bring out the worst in the best of us. Cameron is a 26 year old police officer who can't seem to... More

Chapter One - Drunken Hen
Chapter Two - Caution Sign
Chapter Three - Father Drama
Chapter Four - Vodka Ride
Chapter Five - Foul Play
Chapter Six - Composure
Chapter Seven - Work Mates
Chapter Eight - Guns Blazing
Chapter Nine - You Again
Chapter 10 - Suspended
Chapter 11 - A List Of Problems
Chapter 12 - Poison Ivy
Chapter 13 - Dirty Flirty
Chapter 14 - Problem Solver
Chapter 15 - Beautiful
Chapter 16 - Just Everything
Chapter 17 - Rehearsal Dinner
Chapter 18 - Pick Up Lines
Chapter 19 - Crying Emotions
Chapter 20 - Pre-Wedding Jitters
Chapter 21 - Game Plan
Chapter 22 - Final Countdown
Chapter 23 - The Wedding
Chapter 24 - Reception
Chapter 25 - Tears and Confessions
Chapter 26 - Speeches
Chapter 27 - First Dance
Chapter 28 - Truth Hurts
Chapter 29 - Tears Stream
Chapter 30 - The Babies
Chapter 31 - Tea and Coffee
Chapter 32 - Pissing and Kissing
Chapter 33 - Inappropriate
Chapter 34 - The Talk
Chapter 35 - Awkward Kisses
Chapter 36 - Butterfly Kisses
Chapter 37 - Sparkly Lights
Chapter 38 - Sex and Magic
Chapter 39 - Morning Surprise

Chapter 40 - Mothers Day

4.6K 140 10
By Mazcat626

I blinked multiple times and still my mind couldn't process what my father had just said. Was I a mother? Did the adoption actually go through? Good god!

"Cameron, why did an adoption agency call me? Answer me Cameron." My father said firmly.

"Because Bobby-Lee and I decided it was what we both wanted." I whispered while staring into space, lost deep in my thoughts. Why didn't they call my cellphone? I am sure I never have voice mails. What is going on? I stood up hurriedly and walked to the bench where my voicemail machine sat. It was off. I followed the cord and saw that it had been chewed to nothing. Lisa.

"Cameron, are you okay?" Jacks voice invaded my thoughts and I turned around to face him with an angry face.

"Nope, but I will be." I stormed over to the sliding door that led to the back yard, passing my father who wore a confused look on his face, and went to look for Lisa. I was so mad. I don't know whether it was because I could potential be a mum or the fact I was going to be a mother on my own. "LISA! GET HERE RIGHT NOW." Lisa and Bart came racing at me from their dog mats under the pine tree and halted when I lifted my hand. "Follow me." Both Lisa and Bart followed me, eager and curious as to why they had been called in. I led them to the kitchen and pointed to the chewed up phone cord. "Which one of you chewed the phone chord?" Lisa and Bart sniffed the cord and I watched as Lisa lowered herself to the ground, submitting to the fact that it was her who chewed the chord, something she learned in puppy training. "Bad girl! GO TO YOUR BED, NOW!" She stood quietly and walked to her bed in the living room with her head hung low.

"That was a bit harsh, dont you think?" Jack said as he watched a sad Lisa walk to her bed. I turned to glare at him and he lifted his hands to surrender.

"What else did they say? Is the adoption still okay? What about the girl? Does she have a name?" I shot all four questions at him in one breath, I was so eager to know, was I a mother?

"Whoa! Just calm down. First I want to know what made you think adopting a kid would be a good idea. And with Bobby-Lee? He is a bloody idiot, I knew it from the start." Dad said as he stood and walked into the dining room, pulling out a chair and signalled for me to take a seat also. I shook my head, still too in shock to sit down and relax. I looked over to where Jack was once standing and found him comforting a sad looking Lisa. Bart had joined Lisa and was obviously trying to comfort her too. He's going to turn my dogs soft.

"We thought we were ready." I said as I reminisced about the day we decided to go ahead and do it. "Bobby-Lee can't have children and we were already engaged so we thought, 'why don't we start now?' We contacted an adoption agency and we put you as a reference. We were going to tell you, but thought we should wait until the time was right. Then a couple months had gone by and we hadn't heard anything so we thought they didn't see us as the right people. Long story short, Bobby-Lee left and became gay and I forgot all about the adoption. I'm sorry about only telling you about this just now." I studied my hand and I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I could be a mother.

"Cameron, it's okay. Now, I don't want you to get mad when I ask this but I have to ask, are you still wiling to be a mother? With Bobby-Lee gone are you capable of raising a child on your own?" Dad asked in an unusual soft voice.

"She wont be on her own, I'll be there." My head shot up faster than a bullet train and I sat staring at Jack.

"Jack, I don't want you to do that. This is what I wanted and we've just started out. Look, this is just way too much responsibility, I-I don't think we can," I paused and swallowed the rock wedged in my throat. "I don't think we can be together."

"I'm not going anywhere. This thing between us is new, yes, but I want to get to know you better. I want to wake up with you, damn it woman...I want to be with you. I don't want to be with anyone else." He said.

"I-I come with-with a lot of bag-baggage." I sobbed out. I hadn't realised I had started crying. He walked over to me purposefully and held my face in his large hands.

"I haven't met anyone who doesn't."

"But, I co-come with a child, that's a lot of res-respon-sibility." I sobbed again. He wiped desperately at my tears as they flowed freely down my face and continued to hold my face.

"Cameron, I'm an emergency Doctor, you don't get any more responsible than that. Your Dad can vouch for me. I want to be with you...let me be with you, please?" His light brown eyes sparkled and held so much hope. I don't want him to feel obliged to stick around. I can't promise him cupcakes, roses and happy families I am adopting a teenager. But I've fallen for him, I've fallen for him hard.

"Okay." I whispered. His lit up and he pulled me in for a sloppy wet kiss. I think I'm in love.

"Excuse me, but you need to get a hold of the adoption agency right now." Dad interrupted. "They've been waiting for your call." He stood and handed me his cellphone.

"Hello, Sunshine Adoption Agency you're speaking with Anna, how may I help you?" The chirpy voice said through the line.

"Hi, uh, hello my name is Cameron Henderson and I hear you've been trying to get a hold of me." I said while looking between Dad and Jack who seemed to look hopeful.

"Just give me a moment. Ah, yes! Miss Cameron Henderson we have been trying to get a hold of you for a couple of weeks! We left a message with your partner, whats his name? Found it, Bobby-Lee Zeeth." That fucken barstard!

"When did you give that message?" I asked politely while trying to hide my anger.

"Five or six weeks ago." She answered politely. Bobby-Lee the guttless piece of shit! When I find him I'm going to kill him.

"I am no longer with him, does that affect the adoption at all?" I asked worried.

"No, it shouldn't do. Why don't you come in today and we can finalise everything. Lily has been waiting eagerly to hear back from you." She said in a cheerful voice.


"Lily, your daughter."

The End.

This is the end of the road for My Little Sisters Wedding. *Sigh* I wrote this story in order to develop my creative thinking and I had no idea that it would be this fun. Cameron is such a formidable character and I am glad to announce that there will be a sequel to My Little Sisters Wedding. In the up and coming sequel we watch Cameron grow from a woman to a Mother. I hope you carry on following Cameron journey figuring out Love, Life, Motherhood and unexpected surprises. Thank you all so much for reading, voting and commenting as it gives me such a boost of confidence in my creative ideas.

Thank you to Shelagh and Keyiamarie for following this story from the start and for liking each chapter as you went.

Take care and thanks once again.


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