Different | Colonel Miles Qua...

By DaughterOfTonyStark0

58.6K 2.1K 323

I was found. They had taken me in. And yet I was ripped away from them.... The 22 year old y/n lived happily... More

Different (Edited)
Attack (Edited)
Shock (Edited)
Time heals all wounds (Edited)
Sky People (Edited)
Kidnapping (Edited)
Colonel Quaritch (Edited)
Caught (Edited)
Flight (Edited)
Stupid Idea
Everything back to the old
Feelings of guilt
The Laboratory
Fight for life and death
„You're so beautiful."
Between recovery and new danger
„Thank you."
Caught in paradise
Enemies to lovers
Hard shell soft core
Between guilt and forgiveness
!Important note please read it!
"There was a sign of Eywa!"
New chances (I)
„Forever." (I)
Ma'Miles (I)
Killing ship (I)
The carnage (I)
Fight for life and death (I)
„Goodbye." (I)
Empty (I)
Tree of Souls (I)
One last gift (I)


1.2K 57 9
By DaughterOfTonyStark0

꧁ ⸺ ꧂

"Damn it Neytiri we've already lost so much time. How are we supposed to free her? The sky people are far superior to us." Stressed, Jake rubbed his face. "Ma Jake." She gently stroked his arm. "We'll save y/n, believe me. Eywa will help us." He looked at her worriedly and nodded. "Don't worry I've notified all our friendly clans. If they find, see, or hear anything, we'll be the first to know." The two looked to Tonowari. "Thank you." Jake took an audible breath. "We really don't know how to thank you enough for that." "It's okay. You guys live here with us now, so we help each other out too. I'm sure you would do the same." Replied the Metkayina. "Of course." Neytiri nodded and stood up. "Come we'll go check on the children." Jake, drawn with despair, followed her out to the sea.

I didn't know how much time had passed, but I saw through the holes in the walls that it was already getting dark. Until now, no one had disturbed me. Thanks to Eywa. For a while I stared only into the emptiness, my tears were already almost dried. Exhausted, I curled up and closed my eyes. I didn't care where I was lying at the moment, the main thing was that I could escape from all the madness for a short while.

Y/n dreamed of everything that had gone through her head during the day. Memories came back to her. Memories she didn't know. Not everything was clear, much was as if wrapped in smoke. Sky people experimented on her and made various tests or something. No wonder she instinctively resisted the needles of the doctors.

Again and again long gone days flashed up.


Lost in thought, the Colonel had been sitting on the stairs of the laboratory for hours, cleaning his weapon. Some of his soldiers had asked him a few times if he really didn't want to sleep a little bit, but each time he denied it. He could not sleep now, he was thinking too much.


I was distantly aware of a voice and a slight shaking. "Y/n......Y/n?" Slowly I became more awake and turned over while still half asleep. "Y/n wake up." I blinked cautiously and blurry I saw a big blue figure. I heard this inhale sharply as it saw my face. Probably because I looked so horrible, just as I felt. "We're about to go. Come on." I brightened as I recognized Miles kneeling in front of me. His hand was still on my shoulder and I was staring at it. He noticed my gaze and quickly pulled it away. "Where-where are we going?" I stood up and rubbed my face. My disheveled hair I tried to tame and brushed it back. "Home." "Home? Ts yours maybe." No reply followed from him.

I ran outside after Miles. Halfway out, his voice rang out again and he cleared his throat briefly. "Are you-." He was visibly struggling. "Are you okay?" Abruptly, I stopped and looked up at him, amazed. "Is that a serious question? What do you think huh!?" I could not interpret his look but his eyes avoided mine. Annoyed, I continued to walk past him to the outside. Briefly the feeling of remorse came up but I banished it directly. While I was walking down the stairs, one of the soldiers suddenly threw me something. "Here little lady catch!" I was almost startled and wanted to dodge, but I caught the strange thing. Questioningly I looked at the avatar and he started laughing. "This is a backpack with provisions, medicine, etc. Just for safety." Confused, I looked at the so-called backpack. "Yeaaahh... no I don't need it thanks." "Just take it." I heard Miles behind me and turned to him. He was also standing on the stairs by now. I sighed indifferently and tried to somehow fit the bag comfortably to my body, which didn't quite work out. I saw Quaritch coming towards me to help me. Frustrated that I couldn't do it myself, I let him.

He took the backpack from me. "Give me your arm." He said and held out his hand demanding. I looked at him and hesitated. I raised an eyebrow and finally gave him my right one. His large hand encircled my forearm and pulled my strap open. Then the second and the thing was already sitting on my back. Finally, he clamped a third strap around my stomach. "Done." I looked at myself for a moment as best I could and nodded.


Some time passed before everyone was ready. Many of them still had their difficulties with their banshees. "So is everybody ready?!" Miles shouted into the crowd. "One moment, sir!" One of them answered. Slightly irritated, he exhaled audibly and shook his head.

I watched the whole thing from a little distance with my arms folded. Lost in thought, I waited for it to finally start. I just wanted to get away from here.


"Y/n!" I suddenly heard Miles call out cautiously. "Huh?" Snapped out of my trance, I looked up. His face looked as white as a sheet and he carefully put on his gun. The others did the same. "W-what's going on?" Confused, I followed his figure. "Don't move. Just stay still. Don't turn around and just look at me." I felt queasy. "Why?" I asked cautiously. Then I was aware of a warm breath of air. It felt like an...exhale. I froze like a statue. Of course, I had to turn around and looked directly into the face of a Palulukan. My eyes grew wide as he stood snarling in front of me. My breath turned into a gasp and adrenaline shot through my body.

"Y/n." I heard Miles say and I half turned to face him again. My eyes, however, were still on the predator behind me. Suddenly it started roaring loudly and as if struck by lightning I ran towards the soldiers. "FIRE!" I heard and ran as fast as I could, butlers course the Palulukan was too fast. He flung me aside with one of his paws.

Pain rippled through my body. I heard gunshots and roaring. Then I felt myself being jerked into the air. The predator had bitten into my backpack and was flinging me around like crazy. I began to scream and no longer knew where up and down was.

Briefly I could still make out Miles and our eyes met in a slightly calmer moment. "MILES HELP ME PLEASE!!! AHHHH!!!" Then the Predator yanked me with it and ran off into the woods. "Y/N NO!" That was all I heard from Quaritch until the only thing I saw was brush.

I screamed for my life and was scared to death.

Then I tried to free myself. I remembered the belt around my belly. Desperately I tried to open it, which was not so easy in my current situation. After a few tries it finally worked and I fell painfully to the ground. The Palulukan was confused for a moment, which gave me a few precious seconds. I quickly got up and ran on, but he was close on my heels.

With a thump I was thrown to the side again. I felt how the claws bored deep wounds into my meat. Filled with pain, I cried out and fell to the ground. My adrenaline, however, made me ignore most of my pain and I could continue to run for my life. Again I was knocked away, this time down a small slope. I fell and fell. Until I came to a stop, somewhat dazed. Quickly I stumbled on.

Fortunately, I had a bit of a head start and was able to find a small cave. Breathing heavily, I squeezed in as far as I could.

After not even one moment the creature was back. Too big to fit in the rock it stuck one of its six arms into the crevice and tried to get me. "Oh Eywa please please help me!" I cried desperately and pressed my hands on my wounds. In an inattentive moment the sharp claws hit my leg and ripped an even deeper wound. I screamed at the top of my lungs. The blood flowed from my body.

I saw my life passing me by. I really thought my end had come now. And not even with my family...

But then, in the last second, I heard shots and the screeching of banshees. The Palulukan let go of me with a roar and disappeared.

꧁ ⸺ ꧂

//Dramatic is all I can say. Hope it was exciting :) (1454 words) //

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