Killing ship (I)

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//Hello hello sry for the long absence but girl I've  found ... I don't think I've got to say any more:)
(I mark again with 🎶)
Song: Waves of Gray -Ruelle //

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Three days had now passed since the 'incident', of Miles and y/n. There were endless discussions and arguments. Most of all, Y/n had argued with her parents. They condemned her deeply for what she had done. But they did not understand that she was happy with it. Happy with Miles.

On the other hand, she was deeply hurt. Hurt by the words of her parents. She had cried a lot and tried to explain herself but in vain. Neytiri blocked completely and Jake..well Jake was Jake.

Miles tried to cheer her up as well as her smallest sister Tuk. She was the only one who did that. Her other siblings were not as angry as her parents, but you could tell that they didn't really agree with it either. After all, Miles had captured them for a short time...

"Mom and Dad will calm down y/n. Don't worry." Tuk looked at me with her huge golden eyes and a pitying look. I squatted on the warm white sand and stared out to the sea. The sun was already half hanging in the sky, it was late morning. I had no answer for her. I wanted to thank her so much for supporting me, for helping me feel better, but I was too hurt. I was like absent minded. "They don't let Miles out at all now. All the time he sits in this narrow 'cell' and vegetates. Is this supposed to go on all the time?" The question sounded like it was directed at myself rather than her. Besides, I just couldn't suppress my frustration. I heard Tuk sigh, she didn't know what to do about it either.

A while still we sat there in such a way, until my small sister finally said goodbye. She wanted to go swimming with Kiri and the others in the sea. I however remained alone behind and stared further out on the glittering water.


"Ma'Miles." I whispered through the bars of his prison. It was the only thing I had left. At least. My father had not been able to forbid me to go to him. I don't even want to know what would have happened if he had.

I squeezed past between the thick timbers, into the cell. A slight smile formed on his face as he woke up and looked up at me. He sat up straight and took me in his arms not a second later. He knew what the situation was between me and my parents. He had felt guilty but I had talked him out of it. I couldn't and wouldn't let him feel bad about me. "Ma'y/n." He murmured at my hairline and then gave me a forehead kiss. Yes, I had explained the meaning of Ma'... to him.

My nose drew his scent into my lungs. We had not yet said the phrase. The sentence I wanted so much to say myself and to hear from his mouth. But something held me back. I hated it but I could not do anything about it. (Meant: I see you and/or I love you. If someone was confused)

For a long time I lay in his arms. We did not say a word. We just held each other and listened to the village life and the sound of the sea until...

(🎶) *Alarm of the Metkayina sounds*.

I startled out of my trance. Miles also startled up. Our eyes met briefly until I stood up with a queasy feeling. "I'll be right back. I'm just going to see what's going on. I'm sure it's nothing bad." I waved him off and gave him a quick kiss until I squeezed my way back out of the prison.


Quick as a flash, I looked around. Metkayina were running everywhere. One by one they grabbed all their weapons, called their mounts and jumped into the sea. My breath quickened and the queasy feeling inside me grew. I had a faint suspicion that something worse might have happened. "Y/N THERE YOU ARE!" I was almost startled when I heard my father's voice. I wheeled around and saw that he is running in my direction, at an incredible pace. He had put on his military armor and strapped on his huge gun. "Y/n honey you need to listen to me carefully now!" He dropped to my knees rudely so that we were at eye level. When I saw his fear-filled face, any argument, any disagreement was forgotten. My heart grew heavy in my chest. "Dad w-what's going on?" My voice trembled slightly. "We don't have time. Loak, Tuk, Kiri, and the Tonowari children are out in front of the reef. A Tulkun got hurt and they're helping him...Besides..." He paused for a moment and I stared at him with wide eyes. "Y/n they're coming. The sky people. They're coming, they're attacking. You have to be strong now!"

I was in a daze. I felt panic creeping up in every fiber of my body. "Dad I'm ready!" Neteyam came running up excitedly. He too had his bow slung over his back in addition to holding my own. My father turned his attention back to me and placed both hands on my shoulders. "Y/n I want you to fly with Neteyam on his ikran. Try to hit as many sky people as you can with your arrows!" I contorted my face and could no longer hide my fear. "Y/n!" I felt him shake my shoulders slightly. My head wheeled around to face him again. Briefly, I paused for a moment until I nodded. I was completely out of my depth. He looked at me for a moment until he finally pulled me into a tight hug. I had missed this feeling so much since our fight. "Promise me to be careful sweetheart." I enjoyed his brief warmth until I broke away from him again. "I will." My father nodded, stood up and was about to run on until I realized something.

"Dad wait!" He stopped and looked at me questioningly. "What about Miles?!" The commotion was growing in the village. Shouts and shrieks could be heard everywhere. "He will stay here." He answered dryly. I didn't know what to do. No, he couldn't be serious. Another kind of panic rose in me. Again he wanted to go on. "No STOP!" "Y/n really we don't have time for this! Your siblings are in danger!" I thought for a moment, then remembered something crucial. "Miles might be able to help! He knows the sky people!"

My dad seemed visibly surprised. I don't think he had thought of that himself. He sighed. "All right!"


After a few seconds, my father, Neteyam and I stood outside Miles' prison. "Y/n I don't think he can help us. It won't do any good." Dad was about to go away again. "Jake!" Suddenly Miles had risen himself and was standing directly in front of him. Only the bars separated the two avatars. He looked at him with a piercing gaze. "I can help if you let me."

Jake snorted audibly. He considered, weighed everything. But deep down he knew. Miles could help and his children were more important to him than anything else. So if he had information, he needed it. And if he was ready to fight then...

Dad closed his eyes for a moment, then looked back up. "Okay tell me what you know." Briefly, a wave of relief flowed through me. There was still hope...


Some time passed in which Miles explained everything he knew. His little information about the monstrous ship of the sky people. About Lyle and the rest of the soldiers and the hunt for the Tulkun. "Jake let me out and I'll fight with you." Dad's eyes widened. "No way!" "How else am I supposed to prove to you that I'm on your side! I'm fighting for the Na'vi! I've told you everything I know! I fall in love with your daughter!" When I heard this sentence, I got goosebumps all over my body. Excitedly, I looked back and forth between the two of them. Again the sound of the Metkayina's alarm rang out. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, my father yanked open the door of the cell. He walked up to Miles and stared dangerously at him. "One wrong move. One wrong decision and I'll shoot you with no mercy!" He raised his finger toward his chest. Miles ignored Jake's threat, his gaze was cold. But in confirmation, he nodded slightly. My father nodded too and finally turned to me. "You. Go with Neteyam now." I nodded and was about to go to my brother, but instantly I turned back.

I ran back to Miles. He understood and lowered himself to his knees. Immediately I let our lips melt together. I pressed mine on his as if it could be the last time. His hands were tightly wrapped around my body. Shortly our lips found a rhythm until I had to detach myself from him again with a heavy heart. I took his face in both hands and looked deep into his eyes. "Promise to come back to me in one piece!" I said firmly. "I will ma'y/n." In the corner of my eye I could see the look on my father's face. He grimaced, but I didn't care at that moment.

Again Miles pressed his lips to my forehead. "You come back too." I nodded until I finally broke away from him and ran to Neteyam....

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//Hope you liked it (1635 words)//

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