„Thank you."

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//I LOVE MY FLOP ERA 💀 Anyways I mark it with a (🎶) for u when u should start the music//

꧁ ⸺ ꧂

My breath quickened as I carefully climbed down to Miles. I had to be careful not to hurt myself or even fall down.

Once down, I ran toward him. "Miles!?" I quickly dropped to my knees beside him and shook his shoulders. "Hey wake up! Miles!" Excitedly, I looked around. No one was there, besides him and I. We were separated from the others as the 'angtsìk chased us. I had no idea where we were. I don't know this forest.

I shook his body again, but nothing happened. I started to panic. "Oh great mother, please help me!" I searched him for injuries. His skin had countless scraped up wounds, but I could not discover any life-threatening injuries. A stone fell from my heart. I didn't know why I cared so much, but I did. Also I could easily run away but...I don't want to.

I leaned over to his head and examined it. I turned it both ways and could see a small laceration on the side. He must have hit his skull pretty hard. Gradually I calmed down again and took one deep breath in and out.

"Okay okay I'll be right back." I knew Miles couldn't hear me but still I hoped he could. I stood up and walked quickly towards the denser forest. From my dad I had learned how to act in such situations. My father...right. A twinge ran through my chest as I thought of my family that I missed so much. Focus y/n. I focused again on the plants and searched for the right remedies.


After a while I had collected all the necessary ingredients and ran back to Miles, who was still lying in the same place. Carefully I put all the things ordered next to him and began to pounding the leaves.

On each wound I smeared the pulp and then bandaged it with a large leaf. I was just about to vet his head when he moved briefly. I was slightly startled and waited tensely, but nothing happened. I sighed and continued. Carefully I tied the leaf around the side of his head and over his forehead. My gaze wandered to the sky, which seemed to darken and turn orange. How long had we been here alone?

When I was done, I carefully checked him again for any injuries I might have missed. But there was nothing more.


Night had fallen. I recognized it by the plants that now began to glow. Miles and I also glowed slightly in the darkness. I looked at the dots that adorned his face and yawned. I felt how the tiredness suddenly caught up with me.

I quickly jumped up and looked for material to build some kind of spear. Even though I had lived here all my life, there were also dangers for me as well. Pandora was dangerous. I knew that. I had already experienced it at my own.


With my temporary spear, I lay down a meter next to Miles and turned over. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but somehow my body could not find rest. I opened my eyelids again and turned back to Miles body. I slid close to him. Very close. I put my hand on his arm. I don't know what made me do it, but it gave me a certain security. Also, I could be faster on the spot if any danger should threaten.

This time my body actually calmed down and I fell asleep.


(🎶) The Colonel slowly woke up with his head buzzing. Blinded by the sunlight, he blinked. His body felt as if he had run a marathon. He raised his head and looked around. Then he noticed that y/n had completely clung to his arm. Her cheek leaned against his upper arm and she was sleeping peacefully. A spear lay next to her. Then he saw the many bandages around his body. Was that her? How long had he been gone? Warmth spread through him as he felt y/n's heartbeat against his arm. Still, he was confused. What had happened?

Different | Colonel Miles Quaritch x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now