Caught (Edited)

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Y/n dreamed of nothing. Her head was too exhausted. She lay curled up on the bed and slept. Not even the sound of the door opening woke her. Quaritch came into the room as announced the next day, with a bowl of bandages. He noticed that she was still asleep and sat down on the, much too small, chair opposite her and waited...

I was awakened by the sunlight shining in. Annoyed, I held my hand up to the light and blinked. I recognized the Colonel sitting in the chair watching me. I startled and was suddenly wide awake. He said nothing. "What are you doing here? Go away." I said deprecatingly. "Get up." He ordered in his dark voice and I stared at him. He stood up and grabbed me by my injured arm. Pain coursed through it and I hissed up. Miles pulled me out of bed and stood me in front of him. Again he sat down and took my arm. Reluctantly I let him do it since there was no point in resisting anyway. My bandage was removed and I looked at my wound. It was already starting to fester a bit. He took a bottle and sprayed something. It burned like hell and I bit my arm. I concentrated so much on not screaming that I didn't notice that he was already starting to wrap a new bandage around it. I watched his strong yet sensitive hands, his arms and shoulders. I hadn't noticed before that he was so packed with muscles. No one in my clan looked like that, not even my father.

"Done." Came from him and he let go of me. I pulled my arm to me and felt over the bandaged wound. "Come on." Quaritch stood up and walked to the door. I didn't move and looked after him. "Come now I won't say it again!" Still I did nothing. He started walking towards me. This caused my body to move. "There you go." He said with satisfaction and with an annoyed face I went along with him.

He showed me the whole facility. Disinterested, I looked around. Once outside, I took a deep breath and a smile slid across my lips as I smelled my home. I saw Miles looking at me. Immediately my joy vanished. We walked on and he showed me the different plants and machines. And then I saw it. The forest was not far away. Ten meters if it gets there. A small loophole between the buildings.

In an inattentive moment I took my chance. I ran towards the forest. Hoping to escape.

" and back there is the main-. Huh? Y/N ARGH!" Cried Quaritch angrily as he saw her running away. "God damn it get her!"

Full of panic I ran on. The forest was almost within reach. But still between the two halves of the house I came to a stop. In front of me, sky people had gathered to cut me off. Ready to catch me, they walked toward me. I turned to run in the opposite direction. There I saw Quaritch coming toward me with an angry looking face. I deftly tried to push past him, but he grabbed me roughly and pinned me under his arm. I cried out. "Let go of me! Get the hell off me!" He carried me all over the place. "If you don't learn to stay here, we're going to have to do this the hard way." He said strictly as we arrived back at the house. I kicked and tried to free myself but nothing helped.

Roughly he maneuvered me back into 'my' room. I shouted at him. "You idiot let me go!" "No." He replied. Suddenly I became silent. "That's right, I know your language too." He spoke like a little child, but that didn't change the fact that he knew the language. "I think I need to call the lab coats again, don't you?" My eyes got big. "Oh no please don't please," I begged and with a cold expression on his face he walked to the door. "No no!" I screamed and tried to hold him by the arm. He turned around. "Listen, I'm going to give you one more chance and then I'm going to go to them." I nodded with tears in my eyes. "One more try to run away." Miles raised his finger threateningly. "Okay fine." I whispered and sat down.

"If you cooperate then you'll get out of here more often. I want to know how you got in the woods there and where Ja-." He stopped and I just stared at my feet. "The lab people won't do anything to you as long as I'm here. Understood?" Again I nodded. At least that's something.

"I'll come back later when you calm down. I have something to do." He said angrily and left the room. Emotionless I looked to the door and remained sitting like that for a long time.


Time passed. I had no idea how much had passed. But I knew that it must have been several hours. I walked back and forth in the small room and thought. Suddenly I heard a soft hissing from the wall. (Ventilation slots) I did not care and continued to walk.

After a while I noticed a second hiss and I ignored it again. Until I felt myself not getting any air. As if the oxygen was being sucked out of it. I held my throat and tried to breathe. My breathing was gasping. Slowly I became dizzy and had to hold on to the chair. Panic came over me. I didn't know what was going on. My legs gave way and I fell to the floor. I struggled for air and could hardly concentrate. My eyes started to go black. My body was motionless by now.

I heard the door kick open and Miles appear above me. "There's one time you're not there and the lab asses come like vultures." He had some kind of mask in his hand and was pressing it on my face. He took the back of my head to prop me up. I heard a second voice. "I'm sorry Colonel but the order came from the top. We had to know how little she could take." "Get out of here!" He ordered crossly. Everything felt like a dream. "Just breathe easy." I heard him say and felt myself getting my breath back. Oxygen flooded my lungs and I regained my strength. I could move again and pressed the mask harder on my face. I took deep breaths and coughed. "Slowly. Are you okay?" He asked, helping me sit down and I nodded. Some time passed until I was fully recovered.

"You said they wouldn't come!" I said angrily. "Yeah I know I was out of town." He squatted in front of me and looked at me. I saw Miles struggling with himself. "I'm sorry." Only very softly these words came out of his mouth but I understood them. Surprised at his apology, I looked at him.

Embarrassed, he cleared his throat and stood up. "I'll come back tomorrow. Food will be brought to you later."

He was gone and I sat alone on the floor again.

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//Oh somehow I don't like the chapter so well (1225)//

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