Empty (I)

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When y/n broke down on the beach, Jake held her in his arms for a long time. Hours passed in which she cried and screamed until she finally had no more strength. Jake did everything he could to help her, but he also knew that there was nothing he could do. It hurt him to see his daughter like this. Every sob from y/n stabbed him right in the heart.

After a while, when her body was endlessly exhausted, she fell into a deep, restless sleep.

2 days later...

Emptiness. There was just emptiness. I felt nothing else. I didn't talk. I didn't eat. I didn't go outside. I just sat there and stared into nothingness. My soul felt like it had been crushed. I hardly had the strength to cry anymore, I was paralyzed. Hour after hour passed. Day in, day out.

I heard footsteps but ignored them. "Y/n honey you have to eat something." My mother entered the shelter and looked at me with a pitying look. I also looked at her for a moment until I turned away again. I must have looked terrible, because I hadn't slept for days. "Please. You'll get sick otherwise." I didn't respond and continued to stare dully into space. I heard her sighing, she was about to go.

Then I was suddenly overcome by a wave of anger. I didn't know where it came from, but it was suddenly just there. "You're glad he's dead..." I said in a quiet, broken voice. It was the first sentence I had said in days. "What?" My mother turned around again, perplexed. Then I looked up and gave her an emotionless look. "I said...that you're glad he's dead..." Her eyes widened and I could see that she was a bit offended. "I...never wanted you to get hurt." "And yet he's gone now." I replied coldly. Then she inhaled sharply and seemed as if she wanted to respond. But she didn't and simply walked away.

I, on the other hand, felt my eyes getting wet again. I tried to fight the tears and shook my head. "No!" I got angry and stood up. Suddenly, I saw Miles face again in my mind's eye. I remembered him staying back in the ship and slowly fading away. Then I started to scream. I wanted to get rid of this pain and thought. I hit my head and tried to do something about it. In vain. Immediately afterwards, I picked up some object that was lying around and threw it forcefully against the wall. I did this a few times until I picked up bigger things and started throwing and kicking them around. Slowly the shelter became a pile of rubble. I just screamed out of anger and sadness.

"Great mother y/n! Y/n stop it!" My dad stormed in and grabbed me. "No let go of me!" I shouted, trying to shake him off. He knocked the object out of my hand and pulled me towards him. I couldn't help and broke down again. I cried against his chest while he held me and tried to comfort me. "He's gone dad! Gone!" I sobbed, clinging to his arm. "I know sweetheart. I know..."


Another day went by without sleeping. My body started to beg for food, but I just ignored it and gave in to the pain of my stomach.

Another night dawned. I sat there and looked out over the vast sea. It seemed dark and cold, not as beautiful as it used to be. My eyes felt swollen with fatigue. Then I heard noises and suddenly my father came in. He looked at me briefly until he sat down next to me. "Try to sleep." My body didn't move an inch. "I can't." I said quite. He inhaled audibly and stretched a little. "Please do it for my sake and your mother's..." He paused briefly and thought about it. "He... He wouldn't want you to-" I immediately flinched when my Dad started talking about Miles. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't-" He tried to apologize but I interrupted him with a sign of my hand. He sighed and stared at the sea with me.

After a while, I decided to lie down. I didn't want to add to my parents' burden and curled my body up tightly. "Do you want me to stay with you?" I thought about it briefly as we usually slept together, but I shook my head without further ado. "Okay honey." He got up. "Good night..." he whispered until he finally left the shelter.

I slowly closed my eyes and began to sob quietly. I tried to think as little as possible about Miles and cried myself to sleep. For the first time in ages.

Fire and water erupted from all sides. I could barely breathe or see. "Y/n..." I startled and turned around. Miles stood hunched under the weight of the ceiling. I panicked and ran towards him. I tried to pull at him. But he wouldn't budge. "You have to go." He said and in the next moment I was pulled away by something. It happened so quickly that I could barely make it out. "No Miles! Miles!"
I screamed for him and tried to resist. And just before the ship exploded...

"Y/n wake up!"

"Wake up!" I woke up from my nightmare with a loud scream. My breathing was wildly and I was sweating profusely. I didn't know what was happening to me and fought back. "Hey hey hey, it's me." I realized that it was my father leaning over me again. "It's okay." He had put his hand on my head and kissed me gently on the forehead. After a moment, I calmed down and looked at him. Then he started talking again.

"Come on, I want to show you something..."

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//I don't like this chapter. I think my grammar is pretty bad in this one. Today a little shorter. Hope you like the development of the story. (1009 words)//

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