"There was a sign of Eywa!"

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"Soldiers are you ready?" Wainfleet turned resolutely to his people. The wind swept across the ship's deck with whipping blows. "Hell yeah!" Z-Dog shouted through the crowd, triumphantly holding her weapon aloft. The others joined in the optimistic roar. Meanwhile, a proud grin formed on the new leader's face. The former colonel and y/n were declared missing and later dead. "We will find this Sully and destroy him! Along with his family!" Wainfleet's arm shot up as well, holding the weapon skyward. The cheering grew louder and scopes hung in the air everywhere. "Captain! Full speed ahead! We will search every single island, kill every Tulkun until we get him!"

The bridge leader acknowledged, and with a satisfied face, Lyle looked out to the sea. Greedy to take revenge.

"Hey there she is! The alien woman!" Snapped out of my trance, I looked up and saw the chief's son, whom I had met two days earlier, sitting by the water. I wanted to go right back to my thoughts. I thought about the confession Miles had made to me yesterday and how I had almost begged him to convince my father. "Hey mongrel woman I'm talking to you!" Rolling my eyes, I stopped and looked annoyed at the young Metkayina. I think his name was Ao'nung. "Don't call me like that!" I hissed back lightly. Actually, I didn't want to get involved in something so unnecessary, but I was getting tired of hearing that I didn't belong. "Don't you have to go play with your little friends?" I knew he was a few years younger than me but still mature for his age. His mine darkened until suddenly a small grin flitted across his face again. "You are out of place here! You are a freak nothing else!" I didn't want to admit it but the words hit the mark, annoyed I walked towards him. "Hey now you listen to me you little-!" I stifled the last word. The closer I got to him the more I shrank. He, on the other hand, had stood up in the meantime and was huge. Not nearly as tall as Miles but still much taller than a sky person. "Oh I'm listening." Laughing, he looked down at me. "You!-" Just as I was about to start getting angry I was interrupted by a loud shout. "Hey back off fish lips!" I wheeled around and saw Lo'ak walking towards the Metkayina with quick steps. "I'm not doing anything what's your problem five-finger?" Ao'nung laughed with a snide grin. "It's okay Lo'ak." I sighed and decided to let it go. It didn't make any sense anyway. "No. That skxawng can't insult you like that!" I didn't object to that, but I could already see how things were only getting worse. "Lo'ak stop it. Really that's sweet of you but if dad finds out, he will kill you." I tried to put some space between the two, who were staring in there faces as if they were about to go at each other.

"What's going on? What happened?" A bright voice rang out and I saw Ao'nung's sister jogging toward us. What was her name again? Tsireya? "Everything's fine." Lo'ak answered her grudgingly as he turned and slowly walked away. "Ao'nung what have you done?" Tsireya was now standing next to her brother, looking down at me as well. I had nothing against her. She had been nice to me from day one. "Are you okay y/n?"  I exhaled audibly. "Sure. Thank you." I turned around dejectedly and walked away.


"Ma'Jake how is this going to work? This is all a huge mistake! We should kill him. Destroy him!" Jake sighed and looked to his wife. "We can't. We'd lose our daughter. You have seen for yourself that she cares about him. Yes, maybe..." ...she even loves him. He did not finish his sentence, only in his thoughts. The fear that it could be true was too big. Neytiri hissed slightly inside herself. She also knew that she could not kill the demon.


"Mom! Dad! There was a sign of Eywa!" Upset, I looked at them with wide eyes. "Y/n what you're want from us is impossible!" I felt anger creeping up inside me, but I swallowed it back down. "What do you mean impossible! Don't you listen to me! Eywa has determined it so! Let me try! Give him a chance! I don't care if you send Metkayina to watch him, as long as Miles gets a chance to try!" A little out of breath, I looked back and forth between the two. My father ran both hands over his face and inhaled audibly. Briefly, there was a moment of silence. "Please." I almost whispered. "Y/n I...We need to think." Hope flooded my veins. I knew that when my father said he needed to think, I was about to get his permission. It was like that even when I was a child. Actually, I am no longer in the age that I have to ask, but this was a completely different situation.

I felt that the discussion was over and walked away.


Night had fallen. I lay awake on a mat and stared at the ceiling. Only the sound of the sea and the steady breaths of my family could be heard. Time passed in which I just lay there until I resolutely got up and sneaked out. In the hope that no one would notice me.

Arrived at the small prison hut I looked around. The two Na'vi who were supposed to be keeping watch were engrossed in a conversation. How senseless. Shaking my head, I walked around the bars and discovered Miles. Quietly, he lay leaning in the corner, asleep. At the sight of him, a feeling of warmth and safety ran straight through my body. Slowly, I squeezed past the timbers until I was behind the bars. Another advantage of being so small.

Suddenly I felt that I was being watched and turned around. Miles had lifted his head and was looking at me with tired eyes. A smile formed on my face. This was the first time I had been with him since he told me he had fallen in love with me. The thought gave me goosebumps. "Hey." I whispered and walked up to him. "Hi." He whispered back. Miles put his upper body up a bit and reached out to me. The closer I got to him the more the anticipation rose in me.

Then I felt his fingers on my back and finally he embraced my whole upper body.

A small squeak escaped my mouth as I was suddenly grabbed under the arms and lifted up. Miles had probably taken too long, because not a moment later he put me in front of him. I quickly glanced at the guards, but they hadn't noticed anything. "Give me a warning." I laughed softly and blushed. A mischievous grin played around his lips, still with his hands around my waist. "Maybe next time." He murmured. Heat rose in my cheeks. His eyes scrutinized my face.

Then he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. Soft as the first day they felt. So soft and carefree. I put both hands on his forearm. I felt his skin, his muscles.

Much too quickly the moment was over and we detached again. We looked at each other. It was just the two of us. As if in a little bubble of our own, until the insecurity came back to haunt me. The insecurity that it was true. That I really am a freak and a deformity.

I felt a big hand on my cheek. I hadn't even noticed how I had drifted off. "Hey are you okay?" Blinking, I looked up. "Oh sorry I must have drifted off again." Miles look radiated slight confusion and yet he had relaxed eyelids. "Yeah..I mean I don't know it's just-" "They said something again." My eyes grew wide. As if he had read my mind, he watched me. With my lips pressed together, I nodded in acknowledgement and looked down at the floor.

I heard him sigh and then felt a hand on my chin, forcing me to look at him. "You're beautiful y/n. Just the way you are." His words sounded determined and I thought I heard some anger out of them too. No anger at me but at the others. The corners of my mouth twitched. Then he leaned forward again and gave me a long kiss on the forehead. For a brief moment I closed my eyes and enjoyed it until he let go of me again. "Don't forget that." While he looked deep into my eyes I couldn't help but smile. What was this man doing to me?

Miles slid back and spread his arm. I knew what that meant because not a moment later I lay down with him and clung to his body.

While I still drew in his scent, I closed my eyes....

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//Hi I am also active again :) (1548 words))//

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