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Some time had passed in which the others from the group chose their Banshee. With some it worked better with some rather well... Which was a good thing. Lyle had his difficulties and I felt so much malicious joy that I asked myself if everything was alright with me.

When the soldiers were ready to fly, their eyes wandered over to me. Confused, I looked around, somewhat from a distance. Miles was standing on a rock quite a bit further away, talking into some device. Then it hit me abruptly. "Oh no no I definitely won't. I'll walk back if I have to. But I'm not going to fly with any of you." Shrugging they shoulders, most of them rushed down the hill except for Lyle and Z-Dog. Annoyed, I crossed my arms in front of my chest. "The Colonel won't be happy about that." With raised eyebrows, Z-Dog looked to the still-busy Miles. I didn't move from the spot. "Well then, don't." Came from her and just as I was about to stop her, she also disappeared into the clouds. Now I stood there alone with Lyle. A shiver ran down my spine when I noticed his cold gaze. I quickly turned my head in the opposite direction and nervously bobbed up and down.

"Done. We can go now." I heard Miles call out, landing his Banshee in front of us. His eyes moved first to me and then to Lyle. "She doesn't want to fly with us." Noted the latter. With his typical Colonel Quaritch look, Miles eyed me. Annoyed, I did the same. I didn't want to go with either of them. Understandable, isn't it? "I'll give you the choice." He said. "Oh how nice. But no thanks I'll climb down." I returned provocatively, turning to go. "Y/n!" Softly yet menacingly the word echoed through the air. It caused my body to stop.

I inhaled audibly and with an exasperated sigh, I turned back towards them. "Argh!" With quick steps I walked towards Miles but did not give him a glance. Of course I wouldn't join Lyle. Not even ten pa'lis would make me and he knew it. Lyle threw himself down the cliff and was gone. Pissed off, I tried to climb up the banshee. This one was not at all relaxed due to the bond with Miles. Which honestly didn't surprise me either. I saw the big blue hand of him, ready to help, dart into my field of vision. Funny that this one wanted to help me all of a sudden, but 2 days ago he had beaten me. I paused briefly and looked at it until I slapped it away. "I can do that." His reaction to it I could not see, I was too busy. "By Eywa now shut up for once!" I snarled annoyed at the banshee, even though I knew it wasn't his fault. With a jerk I managed to swing myself onto his neck and hold on tightly. I breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. Miles understood me and in the next moment we rushed towards the ground.


The wind blew through my hair. Shortly I felt at home and thought of the many flights with my family. Homesickness came over me briefly but I caught myself again directly. Meanwhile I had sat down as far forward on the neck of the banshee as possible. But Quaritch was still too close. I tried to ignore it and looked at my so beautiful home. I thought about everything. I had been away from home for so long. Are they even looking for me? Will they be angry that I ran so carelessly to the sky people?

I was jerked out of my thoughts. The animal below me lunged slightly to the side and became extremely nervous. My body was completely unprepared and easily lost its footing. "Hoo take it easy cupcake." I heard Miles behind me and the next moment I felt his warm hand on my arm. He was supporting me so I didn't fall down. Annoyed, I pushed it away from me and glanced back slightly. "Cupcake? Are you serious?" At first there was no answer. "Yeah why not?" I shook my head and turned it back to the front.

Miles was looking at y/n from behind and kept getting lost in thought. Which is why his banshee was having such trouble right now. He tried to concentrate and tell him where he should fly to, but the deed he had committed did not leave him in peace. In addition, he felt a twinge in his chest due to the constant defense and absence of y/n.

"Boss?" I heard Lyle's voice suddenly ring out from the device on Miles' neck. "Yes? What?" he replied. "General Ardmore's orders are to spend the night here and then go right on searching." He exhaled audibly. "Roger that. When I turn off, you follow me." "Yes boss, Wainfleet out." A smile formed on my face. Finally, I would spend another night, in the forest I was familiar with.


Some time passed as Miles looked for a suitable place and finally found one. It was getting almost dark. "Attention we are landing." I heard him and held onto the banshee, prepared this time.

With one leap we touched down on the ground and I jumped onto it. I pressed my toes into the earth to feel this even more intensely. I quickly went to a nearby plant and connected myself. "Oel Ngati Kameie Eywa." I was aware of a slight clearing of the throat and looked in the direction it came from. Miles was standing a few feet away, watching me. "What?" I asked, annoyed. "We're setting up our camp for the night." I untied the tape and walked toward him.


"So boss all set. Who's on watch first?" Came from Lyle. I looked back and forth. Were they seriously going to sleep here like this on blankets? Strange people these sky people. "I'll do it. Y/n just find a spot." Miles stood up and immediately got into position a few feet away from the camp. Surprised, I looked at the others. They just shrugged their shoulders and lay down. One by one, everyone turned off their lights and I still stood rooted to the spot. Quaritch noticed and looked me up and down. "What? Go to sleep." I looked at him briefly until I set out to find a little place where I felt comfortable.

After a few times of thinking back and forth, I finally decided on a spot a bit out of the way. Tired, I made myself comfortable and curled up. A few minutes passed until I fell asleep.

Miles looked around as it gradually quieted down. All his soldiers were breathing evenly. Then he looked at y/n, who also seemed to be asleep.

A few hours passed during which he watched over the others until tiredness caught up with him. He decided to wake up one of his people and go to sleep himself. Now he was faced with the decision of where to lie down. His eyes wandered, as programmed, to y/n. Peacefully she lay there apart from the others. A force unknown to him drove him to lie down near her. His body ran towards her and slid down to the ground a meter and a half away from her body. After all that, he still had a strong need to protect y/n. There could be dangerous animals coming. He also fell asleep after a few minutes.

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//Hello hello hello I'm back hope you liked it :) (1283 words)//

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