Fight for life and death (I)

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I watched Miles as he pulled himself skillfully and unnoticed onto the deck. Quietly and carefully, he slowly creeped his way forward. It was quite clear to me that he knew exactly what he was doing. He is a warrior just like my father.

But I still didn't know what to do, I was simply too perplexed. What was Miles up to? It's far too dangerous. Something could happen to him... A voice in my head reminded me that I was in the exact same situation, but I simply ignored it. I had the urge to draw his attention to me. To give him some kind of sign. But something stopped me.

So I watched the muscle-bound Na'vi as he pushed further and further into the interior of the ship until he slowly disappeared from my field of view. Yes, I said Na'vi deliberately, because Miles is with us now.

But now I woke up from my trance and began to follow him. Meter by meter.

I scrambled over the metal pipes hanging from the ceiling and over cold grates. After a while, it became almost too quiet until I finally heard a few voices again. I laboriously squeezed my body between two huge metal walls. When I finally made it, I saw my siblings and the children of Tonowari, once again tied to bars.

I was almost startled when the figure of Lyle and the other soldiers suddenly turned a corner. His face looked cold and his body was covered in countless small injuries. A shiver ran down my spine.

I suddenly remembered Miles. My eyes began to search every corner for him, but I couldn't find him. I had lost him. Damn it.

"My dad will come and kill you!" I heard my little sister Tuk shout out of nowhere. A little spark of pride flashed through me when I heard her threaten so boldly. "Hah hah." Lyle laughed playfully and coldly. He slowly walked towards her and Tuk leaned back in fear. "I welcome him here little one." He spoke softly as he knelt down to her. His face showed a dangerous, happy expression. "Right folks?!" He shouted loudly and laughed out loud as he stood up again. The others joined in. "Yes sir, of course hahaha!" "Yes, we'll finish him off!"

An uneasy feeling rose up inside me. Fear gripped me again. Lyle would kill them if we didn't do something. All of them.

I suppressed the panic inside me and tried to concentrate. There had to be something I could do. But I couldn't think any longer, because in the next second there was a loud bang. The whole ship went through an incredible jolt so that I almost fell from my cover. What was happening here?

A short moment later, everything calmed down again. "Sir, we have a problem!" Shouted Z-Dog. I could recognize her piercing voice everywhere. "The ship has hit a rock. We're sinking!" She stared at some device on her wrist. Lyle scrambled back to his feet and sighed in annoyance. "Argh I'm going to hunt that Sully down! And his little freak daughter too! Swarm out and shoot anything that moves! Now!" I watched as the soldiers ran outside immediately and left Lyle alone.

Now was my chance. Now I could take advantage of the element of surprise! My breathing quickened. My heart was pounding. It was now or never!

I was just about to jump from my cover onto the ground when I was interrupted. A loud scream made me flinch. And then I saw him again. Miles jumped out of a corner and attacked Lyle with a knife. Everything happened so fast that I could hardly keep up.

 Everything happened so fast that I could hardly keep up

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Lyle was shocked and couldn't really defend himself. Miles hit him with one blow after another. He skillfully knocked him down and was able to use the moment to free Aonung and Tsireya. They were closest to him. "Get out of here!" He shouted quickly and turned his attention back to Lyle. He had picked himself up again and ran towards Miles in a rage.

But this time Lyle hit him and punched the man I loved so much right in the face. Yes, I love him, I knew that for a fact and I was incredibly scared for him. I didn't know what to do. I was paralyzed. I heard the sounds of the fight. The heavy breathing and sighing every time a blow hit.

It went back and forth for far too long. Miles suddenly grabbed a huge piece of metal from the ground and hurled it straight at Lyle. He staggered back, slightly dazed, which gave Miles enough time to free my siblings. "Run! Run as fast as you can!" He shouted and pointed outside. Lo'ak, Kiri and Tuk nodded and disappeared not a second later.

"Hehehe. Here we are now 'Colonel'." I heard Lyle say in a bubbling yet calm voice. "Kinda on the Na'vi side. Me now the new leader... Weren't you the one who wanted to kill Jake Sully himself?" He pondered, obviously playing. "And now you're shagging his freak daughter!" "That's enough!!!" Miles shouted and stormed towards him. He grabbed him and threw Lyle to the ground. He tried to plunge the knife he had into his chest, but Lyle stood his ground. "Argh!" Lyle gasped as the knife moved closer and closer to his body. I could do nothing but watch in panic.

It almost looked like it was all over in a second, but suddenly the ship gave another violent jolt. But this time it wasn't a rock. No, it was something else, it was an explosion. In the next moment, fire erupted from several corners.

Lyle took advantage of the moment of inattention and overpowered Miles. He pushed him off of him, grabbed a glass shard and cut Miles in the side of his body. I almost screamed in shock. He gasped and clutched his belly. Blood ran from the wound, but it wasn't as bad as it looked. A stone fell from my heart.

But that didn't last long, because not a second later Lyle lunged at Miles again and kicked him down. Then he grabbed him and threw him to the ground.

No! No! What's happening?! Lyle was about to ram the shard of glass into Miles' stomach. I had to do something!

In a flash, I threw myself from my cover and landed on the ground. "NO!" I screamed in fear at the top of my lungs and stared straight at Lyle. He suddenly looked up and spotted me. His face contorted into pure disgust. "You!" He let go of Miles and stormed towards me like an animal. I was scared to death as I saw him approaching meter by meter at high speed. I braced myself and knew that it was over now. But then...

Suddenly he groaned painfully and began to gasp for air. He panicked and began to turn on his heel. I could see Miles plunging his knife deep into his back. Lyle tried to shake him off but Miles wouldn't let go. Lyle stumbled back and forth, trying to get rid of him.

Then he slammed into a canister in an attempt to shake Miles off. It was slowly leaking strange greenish air, but that didn't matter now.

Lyle was slowly losing his strength. He tried to fight it, but his body gave way. He fell to his knees and breathed heavily. Now Miles let go of him. I watched as he slumped to the floor and became weaker and weaker. "This... This isn't over yet..." And with those words, Lyle's eyes went rigid. The last breath left his body. He was dead.

Now only the heavy breathing of Miles and me could be heard. I stared at the motionless body, then looked up at him. "Miles!" I shouted desperately and ran towards him. I was so incredibly relieved that I almost cried. It was over. It's finally over!

He seemed relieved too and grabbed me with both hands when I was close enough. He picked me up and pressed me against him. I clung to his much too big body and never wanted to let go. "Y/n...Y/n I love you. I'll always be with you!" My heart almost leapt out of my chest with joy. Even at this moment, after this experience, I could only feel him in this moment. "I love you too! So. So much!" I lifted my head and looked at him. Then I pressed my lips to his. For that brief moment, everything was good again. But it didn't last long because there was a strange smell in the air. I wasn't the only one who noticed it.

We broke away from each other. Miles looked slowly around until he suddenly seemed to realize something and cried out in panic. "Oh damn it! Y/n watch out!" He clasped his hand protectively around my head and jumped one 'floor' deeper into the ship with me.

Then there was a loud bang...

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//Very dramatic... I hope you enjoyed it. (1530 words)//

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