Stupid Idea

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(Trigger warning: Violence!)

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"Alright, guys, we're going back!" Miles shouted to the group and they all went on their way. Thoughtfully I followed them. What was on the video? Why had my mother shot at this machine?

Just as we flew here, we flew back 'home'. The only difference was the silence. No one said a word. In the distance of the darkness I could see the glowing buildings. We were almost there. "What was on the video?" I began boldly. Miles' eyes moved to me. "Nothing meant for your eyes." He returned emotionlessly. Unsatisfied, I turned my head back toward the open door.


5 days had passed since y/n was abducted by the sky people. These few days became almost a routine. But only almost. She still wanted to get away from there. Every day she was with the Colonel and his people in the forest looking for something. But for what she did not know.

I sat on my bed and was once again in thought. The door opened and I turned my head towards it. Miles entered the room. He cleared his throat. "You're going alone with Wainfleet today." I opened my mouth and was about to say something against it. But with a quick wave of his hand, he didn't let me get a word in edgewise. "No the deal stands." I closed it again and exhaled audibly. "I'm off to do something and I'll be back tomorrow." Silently, I just sat there. Then the door closed again and it was quiet.

The Colonel left the small room again and walked down the hall. A feeling of worry came up in him, but he immediately suppressed it. It made him angry.


Again we groped through Pandora's forest in search of? things? I didn't know it. Through our constant being together, I had gotten used to it for the most part by now. But today it was different. As discussed, I was not with Miles but with the bald guy and the others. As far as I know his name is Corporal Lyle Wainfleet. (I abbreviate as Fleet) It's hard for me to admit this but I felt a bit uncomfortable without Quaritch. The others were all strange and uncomfortable to me. With him, at least I knew how to act. "Move y/n!" Fleet commanded. A little faster I ran on tensely.

But there was one good thing. The bald idiot hadn't put my tracker bracelet on me. I planned to make a run for it. Quite cleverly and unnoticed.


"I'd have to go to the toilet." I remarked. Fleet sighed in annoyance and made a quick motion with his weapon holstered. "Go. But hurry." I nodded and disappeared into the thicket. I moved away so far that they couldn't see me. Then I took my chance and climbed the highest tree I could see within my radius. Of course I had made sure not to leave any footprints. I am not stupid. Waiting, I hid in the treetops.

"Okay y/n that's enough now come back!" I heard the corporal shout distantly. "My god argh." I closed my eyes and focused completely on the voices. "Will someone look at the tracker?" "Yes Corporal!" replied the woman with all the tattoos. "Um I don't think we'll find anything here. You tied the other tracker to her wrist didn't you?" For a moment there was no answer. "DAMN IT!" I almost cringed at the roar. "Swarm out now! Find them! If the Colonel finds out tomorrow we're all screwed! I'll take that little bitch down when I get my hands on her!"

With a satisfied smile, I leaned against the wood. Thank Eywa.


With a jolt I woke up. A few hours must have passed, it was already dark. Still I sat in the trees. I listened but I heard no more voices. They must have moved on. Slowly I climbed back down and made a small leap of joy. I had actually escaped. Okay now calm down, maybe they are still around here somewhere. With quiet steps I crept through the plants. I had no idea where I was. What do I do now. I asked myself.

I discovered one of my favorite fruits. "Not true." I grinned. I quickly ran up to it and picked one. I held it to my nose and took a deep breath. I bit into it with relish. It was the first good meal I'd had since I was kidnapped. It was so good that I thought I was in heaven. After I had eaten the entire fruit, I licked each finger clean, thanked them and continued walking.


At some point I found a suitable place where I could sleep and lay down. Satisfied, I looked at the stars. Soon I was back home. Relaxed, I fell asleep.


I was startled by a nearby scream. "There you are you bitch!" Startled, I saw Fleet coming towards me. It all happened so fast that I couldn't react at all. All of a sudden he lunged with his gun and hit me in the face with it. Whimpering, I fell to the side from the force. It hurt so much that I could not describe it. When I looked up, he took another swing and hit me in the side. Crying and coughing, I held my ribs. Then I felt another blow in my face. Blood poured from my nose and cheekbones. "Please." I cried, frightened. I saw him lash out again and I started to scream. Protectively, I held my arms in front of my head. "I'm not as nice as the others!" shouted the bald man. "You'll learn your lesson yet!" By my braid he pulled me to my feet and dragged me along with him. I cried out in pain and tried to free myself.

I was thrown into the metal bird and tied in a corner. Fleet hit me again in the side. Exhausted, I hung in the corner. Every breath hurt. I heard him shouting to the pilots. "Come on now give gas there in front! Quaritch will be back soon!"


Back at the center, I was locked in my room without a healer or anything. I curled up on the floor in pain and cried. After a few minutes the door handle was pushed down. I jumped up in fright. I was afraid that it was the bald man and I managed to squeeze myself into a corner just in time. I hid my head when I heard footsteps. Panic arose in me. "No go away please not again!" I shouted in fear. A hand touched my arm. I screamed desperately and tried to corner myself even more. "No leave me alone!" I felt a second hand. "Hey hey y/n it's me! What is going on?" I looked up and saw Miles' face. He was crouching in front of me and from one moment to the next, warmth spread through me. Startled, his eyes widened and he eyed me up and down. He stroked my arm and gently ran his hand over the wound on my face. "What happened? Who did this?" I shook my head. "Y/n you tell me who did this now!" I looked to my side. "Talk to me!" Silence fell briefly. "Fleet." That was the only thing I dared to say. "Fleet?!" Horrified, he stared at me. Then his face turned cold. He pressed his lips together and nodded. Then he stood up again and turned around. Astonished, I looked after him. "What are you going to do? Stay!" I didn't believe myself that I had just said that. I blamed it on my panic.

"I'll be right back, don't move," he said quickly and disappeared from the room. This time, however, he left the door open. But I didn't even think about running out.

Full of rage, Quaritch marched outside to the helicopters. He could hardly think straight. As if he were in a frenzy. Then he saw Fleet, sitting with the others, laughing with a beer in his hand. Without saying a word, he walked up to him. "Oh, Colonel, would you like to join us?" Asked he. His expression changed abruptly when he saw Miles walking toward him. "Uh sir what-?" He was knocked to the ground with a punch to the face. Miles lashed out and hit him again and again. "Hey what are you doing!?" The others jumped in horror. With a look from Quaritch, he silenced them. "Colonel what's going on?" Again, Fleet was hit hard. "Was that you with y/n?!"He said dangerously calmly, pulling him closer by his T-shirt. "I thought- She had run off and-" With a hateful smile, he began to really beat Fleet up now. The others just watched in horror because there was nothing they could do. Fleet tried to fight back, which only half worked. A few times he hit the Colonel in the face but nothing more. He on the other hand had to take masses of punches and kicks. After a while Miles pulled him back to him. Fleet coughed and screwed up his face. "Touch her like that again and I'll kill you!" Like a used handkerchief, he left him lying there and walked away with long strides. As he walked back in the direction of y/n's room he wiped his nose once to stop the blood running out.

Trembling, I still sat in the same place as before, waiting. Until I heard someone coming.

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// Wow wow wow somehow I love this chapter haha my god I died writing it. All the time also heard dramatic music haha. I do not like to admit such things but I find my own chapter hot bye🥹🤚🏻 But please write me in whether you find that it goes too fast for you. I've read through my story and I think it goes pretty fast? (1657 words)

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