Enemies to lovers

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//I mark it with (🎶)//

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I was looking for a way out. Something with which I could free us. My gaze fell on the ground and I discovered a small seashell. Straining, I pressed my body down to reach it with my hands. Sighing, my fingers managed to claw the small thing out of the sand. Breathing heavily, my body straightened up again. "Okay this might work." Motivated, I tried to cut our bonds with the sharp side of the seashell, but absolutely nothing happened. "You've got to be kidding me!" I hissed softly so that no one would notice us. Frustrated, I let it fall from my hand again. "Y/n." Miles voice rang out beside me and I looked up at him. "Yeah?" He cleared his throat briefly. "On my back..." My eyes grew wide. "What? What's there? Are you bleeding? Does anything hurt?" He took an audible breath. "A knife is-." I interrupted him excitedly. "What do you mean? A knife stuck in it?!" Despite his injuries, a small laugh escaped his mouth. "No..I have one with me. It's on my back in a pocket." Miles tried, as best he could, to point to the spot on his back. Now I understood what he was trying to do. Apparently the sea creatures, through all the commotion, hadn't noticed.

 Apparently the sea creatures, through all the commotion, hadn't noticed

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(So yeah that's us)

Because of my size, I fortunately had more freedom of movement in the ties than he did. So I stretched my hand as high as I could to get to the knife, but that wasn't so easy when you couldn't move completely free and it was a three meter tall avatar. "Argh do you have to be this tall?" I touched his back and searched for the knife, what felt like an eternity. Heat spread through me as I felt Miles muscles. "Further down." He said with his lips pressed together. My hand wandered further down until I felt a bulge. "Is that it?" He nodded tensely, looking around. "Pull it out." I carefully pulled the knife out and finally held it in my hands. It was far too big for a human.

I also looked around again before I began to cut the ties. First myself so I could free Quaritch better. "Oh finally." I sighed while briefly rubbing my wrists. Not a second later I cut Miles hands free so he could untie his torso himself. "Come on let's get out of here." I gave him a determined nod and followed his figure.

Just before we disappeared into the thicket of the forest, I turned back to the village. "Y/n." I exhaled and finally we disappeared completely.


"Okay I think we are far enough away now." By now it was getting lighter again and the sun was slowly rising. But still the bushes around us shone and it rained. Miles sat down and leaned tired against a tree trunk. I had other plans and looked for something suitable to dab off his blood. Still angry with the sea creatures, I gathered my things and walked back to him.

(🎶) Wondering, he eyed me. "What are you doing?" He asked, but I gave him no answer. I put myself between his legs in front of him so that for once we were almost at eye level. Slowly I began to doctor him. "We should punish them for that." I saw a small smirk on his face as he heard me getting upset. "It's not funny." I tried to return half-heartedly, but I couldn't hold back a smile either. I brushed the blood off his skin and saw Miles staring at me. Not a moment passed in which he looked away.

This went on for a while until I was almost finished. During that time I could hardly concentrate and found myself nervously avoiding his eyes more often. Again our eyes met and I had to concentrate not to lose myself in them. But this time I lost the fight. His big yellow ones were looking at my face and I got goose bumps. Moments passed in which we just stared at each other. But suddenly, out of nowhere, his upper body leaned forward and he pressed his lips on mine. Caught off guard, I had no time to react, because not a second later he detached himself from me again. I stood there like a statue, still feeling the pressure from his soft lips. Miles cleared his throat sheepishly and looked away in a flash. "I'm s-sorry. I don't-" Before he could speak further, I took his face in both hands and turned it to mine again. This time he was the one looking at me with wide eyes.

I did not think long and could not think clearly. I pressed my lips to his again. I had never felt this feeling before. Everything inside me exploded and it felt like time stood still for a moment. I felt him return the kiss and our lips began to move in rhythm. Then I felt two big hands grab me and pull me closer to him. Strong tingling ran through my body and I almost felt sick because of the excitement. I put my hands around his neck and felt his warmth. It was like a greed. A desire that was suppressed for days and now finally released.

Some time passed until we detached away again and just stared at each other. It was just the two of us. Here and now in this moment. I noticed how he started to smile and his eyes lit up. For the first time I saw him truly smile. It was real and just special.

Miles stroked my wet hair out of my face. "You are...so beautiful." I couldn't help but smile and blush. My gaze wandered downward in embarrassment, but not a moment later I felt two fingers under my chin forcing me to look at him again. His face came closer and gently his lips landed on mine. I retorted and didn't know whether to cry with joy or laugh.

Again we detached and looked at each other. "Are you tired?" He mumbled in a low tone. I just nodded and suddenly he slid down to lie down. Since neither of us had slept the past night this was the perfect time. No words were needed as I lay down next to him a short time later. I pressed myself against his upper body and Miles put his left arm completely around my body. I had the right size for it. I laid my head as good as I could against his chest and pulled his smell into my nose. He smelled good, very good. I clung my left arm and leg to his body so that I could not lose him. His hand held my thigh almost completely and I felt his arm against my back.

For a while I just lay there until tiredness caught up with me and I fell asleep.

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//OMG WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. I almost started crying tbh (1188 words)//

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