Out of touch, out of time [RA...

By luvleyPink_

123K 2.8K 2.6K

Emma, Norman y/n and ray are all orphans and best friends living at Grace Field House Orphanage. Every day is... More

Authors Note
1 ~ The Gate
2 ~ Tag
3 ~ Goodbye
4 ~ the truth of GraceField House
5~ smile
6~ the wall
7~ the infirmary
8~ The Nightmare
9~ Everyone is escaping that's final
10 ~ Sister Krone
11~ The Princess and The Knight
12 ~ Notepad
13~ Theres a traitor
14~Telling Don and Gilda
15 ~ Cooking
16~ Mamas spy
17~ Breakfast
18~ The Secret Room
19 ~ The Fight
20~ The special product
21~ Flowers
22 ~ Here with you
23~ Facing Mama
24~ String Telephone
25~ Norman knows
26~ Lets Burn the house down
28~ Our first day outisde
29~ what would I do without you?
30~ Anthing for the Princess
31 ~ In the Cave
32~ Old photographs
33~ sleepy
34~ Welcome to B06-32
35~ first day at the shelter
36~ Fairy Tales
37~ The deal
3k special chapter
38~ nicknames
39~ really pretty
40~ The Forest
41~ Heart To Heart
42~ Welcome to Goldy Pond
43~ Minervas Message
44- you've a boyfriend?!
45~ The Dream
46~ training and sketches
47~ Hunting Time
48~ Are you Ray?
49~ Never letting her go again
50~ Out of Time
51~ shes not dying here
52~ reading and waiting
53~ I Will Find You
54~ Bring Her Home
55~ My Knight
56~ Ratri Blood
57~ unexpected visitors
58~ the exit
59~ An Illusion
60 ~ Good Luck
61~ There you are
62~ change the world
63~ Paranoid
64~ Jaw Of The Lion
37K Special Chapter
65~ Break in
66~ Minervas Office
67~ Old Friend
68~ a good heart
69~ buried feelings
50K special chapter
70~ Agree To Disagree
71~ an alliance
57k special chapter
72~ a shadow
73~ The Full Moon
74~ The Seven Walls
70K Special Chapter
75~ not yourself
76~ The Battle
80K Special Chapter
77~ Trust Me
78~ Got you
79~ Labyrinth Of Deceit
95k special chapter
80~ The Feeling of freedom
81~ A Mothers Love
82~ The promise
83~ Out Of Touch
84~ Forgotten memories
85~ Someone in the crowd

27~ I Love you

2.3K 47 89
By luvleyPink_

Emma opened the door and Thoma and Lannion stood there with a box and shoes. "Hey Emma, we brought what you wanted!" Thoma said with a smile. "Yeah! And everyone is ready to go" Lannion said.
"Thanks you guys you were a big help" Emma said with a smile. "Alright Ray time to change!" Emma said holding up the box.

After Ray got changed he walked up to y/n who was putting the Polaroid photographs into her pocket. "Hey y/n what I was saying earlier, I know it's stupid but-" Ray started. Y/n stared at the boy and slapped him across the face harshly. "You idiot! I can't believe you were planning on dying you blockhead!" She yelled. "I- I'm sorry y/n! I just thought it would be the best option-" "And leave you behind here?! You're joking right? We are all escaping even you! We can't live without you- I can't live without you! I've known you all my life you think I'd just be okay if you disappeared in a big fire and I'd never see you again?!" Y/n yelled with tears in her eyes as she hugged the raven haired boy tightly.

Y/n broke the hug and Ray held her face for a few moments. "I know it was a stupid idea I'm sorry...I just thought it would work out the best" he said sadly. "Ray, if Emma didn't catch that match I would gladly die here with you. Never would I ever think of leaving you behind. you're too important to me" she said as her eyes filled with tears.

"Since we were kids you always stayed with me under that tree outside every day and I never understood why- You always made me laugh and smile- I never knew what I did to deserve such a beautiful person like you. I'm never going to leave you again because I Love you " Ray said, his eyes full of a loving gaze as he brushed some hair behind y/ns ear. "Ray-" Y/n said as her eyes widened, she couldn't believe what just happened. "Mhm?" He said with a smile. "I love you too, I always have" She said putting her hand on his.

"Hey Y/n, Ray! We're done here!" Emma and Lannion and Thoma said. Y/n and Ray nodded as Ray took y/ns hand and the two walked towards the three. "What's this?" Ray asked. "Your replacement! It will smell like a body's burning " Thoma said. Pieces of uncooked meat lay on top of a white shirt and pants that were placed on the floor along with two long blonde braids. "Those braids...they're Anna's" Y/n said.

"Mhm! She gave them to me! And regards to the tracking devices I'll take them out so both of you sit with your ears towards me" Emma said with a determined look as she held a small knife in her hand.

"Wait a second.." Ray said. Emma walked towards the pair and put her hand on Rays shoulder. "You can die anywhere, it doesn't have to be here. I'll show you something cool so shut up and come. That was a message from Norman!" Emma said letting go of his shoulder. "Norman?" Y/n asked. Emma nodded.

Emma lit a new match and held it in front of her face. "Now, let's begin, Norman" Emma said. She threw the match into the oil causing flames to arise from the ground. They grew in a matter of seconds, destroying the chairs and tables. Emma stared at the flames and took a deep breath. "Ray!" She yelled.

Meanwhile Mama was humming her beloved lullaby to the babies as they snored asleep in their cribs. She had a gentle smile on her face as she softly put her hand on Carols sleeping face.

Mama opened the door of her office and sat at her desk. She picked up her pen and the clock stroke 12. She sighed and crossed off the date on the calendar. "Happy Birthday dear Ray. And goodbye" Mama said sadly.

"RAY!" Emma screamed echoing down the hallway. Mama gasped and ran towards the dining hall. "What is this horrible smell?" Mama asked opening the doors to reveal Emma on her knees on the floor crying as a fire engulfed the furniture. "RAY!" Emma cried. "Ray...Hey Emma!" Mama shouted running towards the girl. "Mama please! Rays in there" she cried. Mama took out her tracker and the signal was right in front of her.

"Did he set himself on fire?!" Mama asked as she ran out of the dining hall. The hallways were now covered in smoke. "Mama!" Gilda cried. "Gilda! Go take everyone outside! And get the babies from my room!" She said. "Okay!"

Soon enough all the children ran outside the front door dressed in cardigans and their shoes.

Mama stood inside the dining hall next to Emma as she held a fire extinguisher. "If I can...I have to at least save his brain..just stay back Emma!" Mama said turning the fire extinguishers on though it only lasted a few minutes before it stopped running. "What?! The sprinklers aren't working! What happened?!" Mama yelled. "Emma! You need to get out here too or else you'll also..." Mama said turning around to see the girl standing next to her but she was missing. "Emma?" Mama took out her tracker and found her signal she ran towards it. "Emma?!" Mama called but no reply. The signal brought Mama to the sinks and a bucket on the floor. Mama knelt down and moved the bucket to reveal Emma's ear with blood covered on it." What were the children wearing on their feet?"She asked herself.

Emma ran towards the forest as fast as she could holding a piece of cotton wool and a bandage to her ear. "She's here!" Chris said. "You made it!" Dominic cheered. "Emma I was so scared about you!" Y/n said as her and Ray who was standing beside her held cotton wool in a bandage to their ears. Ray just stood there shocked. "Thanks for waiting you guys!" Emma said. "Okay time to go everyone! Let's run to the wall" Emma said. "Yeah!" They all cheered and followed Emma. Ray was so shocked he couldn't move. "Ray?" Y/n asked. "Norman...this is his dumb plan..."Ray said.

Mama ran to her secret room and took out her key. She went to put it in the key hole put it was full of clay. "Huh?!" She said.

The children sprinted down the forest to the wall. "Don! What's happening exactly? Do they all know about the escape?" Y/n asked as she held Rays hand running beside the Boy. "Yup" "How?" Ray asked. "Everyone found out from Emma. We started by telling four others. Nat, Anna, Lannion and Thoma. We let them all hear what sister Krone said" "From that far back?" Y/n asked. "It took us two months. But we managed to bring in the rest of the kids. Emma was only pretending to give up but the whole time she was actually giving instructions to everyone. Mama never even noticed" Don said. "You guys..." Ray trailed off.

Finally They reached the wall. Emma stared up at the tall grey cement. A figure of Norman appeared next to her. "Norman..." Emma said as she smiled. The other children caught up to Emma and stood behind her. "Nat and I will climb up first and then pull everyone up. We will help you guys once we are at the top" Emma said. "You guys hear that? Just like how we trained! And you'll be fine!" Don said. The children cheered and y/n smiled running up to Emma.

Mama stood outside the burning house she called home. Next to her lay the communication device she could contact headquarters with. She stared at the burning house. "It's burning. Everything is burning. But..." she stared down at Emma's ear in her hand and began to laugh. "Emma, Ray and y/n are still alive! My darlings! I won't let any of you escape, my adorable children!" Mama yelled.

Ray stood and watched everyone climb up the wall. "Is this...everyone?" He asked.

Eventually everyone was up and standing on the wall. "Hey are you okay?" Y/n asked putting a hand on his shoulder. "Where are the kids four and under?" Ray asked. "We are leaving them here" Emma said. Y/n gasped "Why?" She asked. "I thought about what Ray said to me before. It's too risky bringing them. Only Phil knows the truth. So I'm leaving it to Phil. I don't plan on ever giving up. I'll return within two years that's when I'll finally take Phil and the others, along with kids at the other plants" Emma said. All 16 Children ran across the wall as fast as they could.

Back at the house the small children were quite upset and Mama called headquarters. "This is 73584 from Plant three. 15 Children have escaped with the special product. Sound the alarm!"

A loud echoing alarm began to turn on. "It went on earlier than expected" Emma said. "What do we do now?! We are still far from the bridge" Ray shouted.

Back at headquarters security began to call in. "We have an alert from Plant three! All hands on deck. There was a fire and 16 kids have escaped. Two of them are of top high quality and one is the special product! We are informing maximum security from here on and we are informing The higher ups regarding the special product " a voice said though a speaker.

"Kill those who aren't high quality if needs be and don't kill the high quality merchandise. And whatever you do, do not kill the special product" A demon said as he talked to his soldiers.

Emma pointed at a tree across the wall. "We are crossing here" Emma said. "Emma How?!" Y/n yelled. "Seriously?! But at that time, Norman said-" Rays eyes widened. And y/ns face went pale. "You guys better have a good plan for this" she said. "It will be okay! We have trained so much" Gilda said. "You what?" Ray asked

Don threw some rope with a rock on it across the cliff and it wrapped around a tree. "Nat!" Don yelled. "Got it!" Nat called wrapping the rest of the rope onto a tree on their side. All the children cheered as Ray and y/n stood there with their jaws dropped. "So then...Emma we really are gonna-" y/n said. "It's fine, the first person just has to cross" Emma said putting a hand on y/ns shoulder guiding her closer to the children.

Don put a hanger on the rope and swung across to the other side. "Yay! It worked!" The children cheered. "Okay! We are up next!" Lannion and Thoma cheered. "Huh?" Ray asked. The two boys flew their soda bottle rockets to the other side of the cliff and they wrapped around another tree making another way to cross. "See you later Ray!" Nat shouted as he crossed the rope. "I see where this is going" y/n said with a sigh of relief as she went to help Emma prepare more hangers for them to use to cross.

Ray stood there watching the girls actions as more of the children began to cross. "What...when did they train for this....?" Ray asked as a figure of Norman stood beside him. "Well Ray?" Norman asked as Ray gasped. "What a smug face how annoying" Ray said bluntly. "Just admit it, we completely fooled you" Norman said with a smile. "You'll show me something cool so shut up and follow, huh?" Ray asked mocking Normans words. "And I kept my word. I even managed to keep y/n safe just as promised" Norman said. "She's got a wound on her ear now though" Ray said bluntly. Norman smiled. "Isn't it cool?" He asked Ray as more children crossed. "Look, we never thought something like this was possible" Norman said. "Yeah...honestly taking everyone seemed like a nightmare I kind of figured they'd all hold us back" "You weren't the only one. But I made my decision in the end thanks to Emma. Thanks to her everyone joined without question she's reckless and unreasonable but she's honest. She can say that we are taking everyone without wavering. You don't have to give up Ray. Beside I know y/n won't let you. She truly does love you" Norman said. Rays face turned sad at Normans words.

"Just six more!" Don shouted. Jemima stood at the rope with a hanger in her hand. "Emma what should I do?" She said shaking with fear. "I'm - sorry it's too scary! I keep thinking about the cliff below ..." Jemima cried. Thoma and Lannion looked down at the bottom of the cliff and started to feel scared. "What if I fall?" Jemima said. "Fall?!" The boys said with worry as Jemima began to cry. Ray and y/n walked up to Jemima. "It's okay Jemima" Ray said. "We can cross together and be brave" he said with a smile. "Like the Knight from the fairy tales?" Jemima asked. "Yeah" Ray said.

"Emma you still have the rope we used to get up here right?" Ray asked. "Oh yeah!" Emma said. "Can you tie us with it?" Ray asked as Emma nodded. As soon as she was finished Ray turned to y/n.

"Are you sure you'll be okay crossing together?" Y/n asked. "Yeah I'm positive, are you worried for me?" Ray teased. "Shut up!" Y/n said with a small laugh. Ray held y/ns face for a moment as he moved closer to her face and kissed her lips softly. "See you on the other side" Ray said. "Oh my gosh! The knight kissed the princess!" Jemima giggled as the two went across the line.

Y/n just stood there, frozen as she smiled at the boys actions and blushed. "Are you two finally together!?" Emma squealed. "I'll tell you about it later" Y/n giggled.

"See Jemima we are on the other side now. You're safe" Ray said hugging the girl. " you got me Norman. Congrats" Ray said closing his eyes. Emma pushed Lannion and Thoma across the line. The only two left were herself and y/n. "Alright y/n and Emma! You guys are the last two!" Don yelled.

Emma and y/n put their hangers on the rope. "You ready?" Emma asked as y/n nodded. They were about to slide across when they were met with Mama standing beside the two, out of breath. Everyone gasped from the others side.

Emma and y/n stared at Mama. Emma looked back at the burning house. "Goodbye house. Goodbye to the home we loved so much. And of course..." Emma started. "Goodbye Mama" y/n said. "Please don't go y/n and Emma. We need you here y/n please!  , just stay my darling children I don't want you to leave..." Mama said as her eyes filled with tears. "I'll look after Ray for you Mama don't worry" y/n said.

Emma and y/n slid across on the rope to the other side. Ray caught y/n and pulled her into his chest. Emma took the hands of the small children as they all began to run.

Mama stood there and gazed at the children who just broke free. The ropes were now cut and flowing free in the air. Mama let her hair down, blowing in the wind. "Be safe my children and y/n...good luck" Mama said.

"I guess that's it then...it looks like I've lost. Run children and be careful."

All the children were running through the new forest. They all finally made it to a cliff where to sun was rising.

"Our very first Morning..." Emma said with a smile.

Ray took y/ns hand and smiled. "A new beginning..." y/n said with a smile of determination.

Hey guys! We are nearly at 1k! Tysm for all the support <3 this ISNT THE END OF THE BOOK!!! I will continue to write more chapters based on the manga because I don't like the anime ending lol

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