18~ The Secret Room

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After breakfast and the daily test everyone was heading outside to play. Emma, Norman, Y/n and Ray ran deep into the forest to discuss the plan once again of who the traitor was.

"So, how did the plan with the ropes go?" Emma asked standing in-front of the three
"Yea was there any more progress on who the informative is?" Y/n asked. Norman looked at the ground and back at Emma and Y/n "Actually..." he started "Oh that?" Ray interrupted catching everyone's attention "that's me" he said bluntly. Emma and y/ns eyes widened "What?!" Emma shouted  "It was you the whole time!?" Y/n hissed kicking Ray harshly into the back of his leg "How could you do that to us!?" She said walking over to Ray.

Emma put her hands on her head with a puzzled expression. "Sorry for that reaction but I still don't understand" she said "There better be a good explanation for this Ray" y/n said crossing her arms. "Right- let me explain" Norman said with a nervous sweat.

"So you're the traitor but not the enemy" Emma repeated Normans words "You were acting as Mamas spy this whole time for our sake?" Y/n asked putting a hand on her chin "Yeah. The truth is I was going to tell you all as soon as you came back from the gate but you guys left little bunny and y/ns drawing and you mentioned bringing everyone with us at the escape so I had to hold off. Then Mama found out so I had to manage the situation, while also juggling your silly actions. So I figured I should keep quiet and keep things under control" Ray said with his hands in his pockets.

"So basically you were covering up the mistake Norman, Emma and I made?" Y/n asked the raven haired boy. Ray nodded without saying a word "But you agree with taking everyone on the escape, right?" Y/n asked. Ray looked at y/n and his gaze softened as he sighed. "Yeah. I had a change of heart. I'll help you take everyone" He answered with a smile
"That's unlike you" Emma said. "Do you not believe him?" Norman asked "No I'm actually happy" Emma beamed pulling her hands behind her back. "Now Ray is going to help everyone escape and we have new information to trick Mama from the inside. It's awesome!" Emma finished. "But you must have known for a long time" y/n said with a worried look. "It must have been hard keeping it to yourself all these years. Sending all our siblings off knowing their...fate without being able to say anything. So many of them..." Emma trailed off. She walked up to Ray and firmly grabbed one of his hands.

"Wait...were the experiments for the tracking devices done on someone's ear?" Emma asked. Rays eyes widened as he stared at the orange haired girl. "What happened to that child or...children? You didn't get them to be shipped out early because of us did you? You surely didn't sacrifice someone for our sake did you?" Emma let go of Rays hand and continued "Actually, I should be happy, thank you. Because of this we can all escape together now but..." Emma grabbed Rays hand again and held it even tighter. "You must promise to never do anything like that again. You're not alone now" she said with a shadowing glare. Ray let go of Emma's hand and raised his free one. "I promise" he said.

Emma and y/n walked ahead of the boys while they trailed behind. "Emma was sure mad. Y/n was too at the beginning. My leg still hurts" he said rubbing the back of his leg walking beside Norman. "Hey Ray, I want to ask you something" "what?" "When you said you did it so Emma y/n and I don't get killed. But are you actually..."

"Oh yeah! Thanks for reminding me y/n!" Emma said with a smile as the two girls ran down closer to the boys. "Y/n and I have something to report."

Later in the house Don , Gilda, Ray, Y/n, Emma and Norman were all gathered in the girls bedroom to discuss the report in further detail. "Gilda, Y/n and I noticed that Mama disappears right before 8 o clock every night" Emma explained holding a clipboard with paper on it. "Disappears?" Norman asked. "Yeah, she's not found anywhere in the house. She has a secret room" y/n Said. Emma sat on the bed revealing the pages on her clip board. "A secret room?" Don asked examining the papers. "Yes, located here" Emma said circling outside Mama Isabella's room with a red pencil. "Next to Mamas bedroom. Mamas bedroom has the bathroom and washroom next to it. Past that continuing beyond the wall is Mamas office" y/n said as Emma followed y/ns words circling the places she mentioned. "But this probably isn't a wall" Emma said as Gilda nodded. "I notice that every time Mama disappears, she always goes into her office or the washroom" Gilda said. "So I measured the distance inside the room" Emma said "And the distance of the hallway" y/n added "So that's what you were going to do before we made dinner a few days ago" Ray said to y/n "Yeah" y/n said with a smile. "And the results?" Don asked with a nervous sweat. "They didn't match" Emma said showing an example on her paper "there's about ten steps worth of space. One side is a wall and the other is a bookshelf. But I have a feeling there are hidden doors on both sides" Emma explained. "And beyond that, there's a secret room" Gilda said "But what is it for?" Don asked anxiously. "Probably scheduled check ins. The room is most likely for that" y/n said "From headquarters?" Don asked "The base where they supply sisters and babies to the house" Norman said.

"Ray did you know the room was there?" Emma asked "No but I had an idea it existed" He answered. "Let's try get in!" Don blurted out. "It's a way to communicate with the outside! And a way to find Conny and the others whereabouts! We might be able to find some clues" he said nervously. "But how could we get in there so easily?" Gilda asked. "Even if it's difficult we have to do it! I know y/n would agree with me!" "What?" Y/n asked confused "You love Conny just as much as I do. She used to say you were like her real big sister! You won't give up on her that easily will you?" He asked with enthusiasm. Y/n stared at Don with a nervous sweat before taking a deep breath. "Y/n?" Don asked "I uh..." y/n felt guilty that Don didn't know about the truth but she couldn't break it to him just yet. "I do love Conny of course I do but-" Ray grabbed Y/ns hand and held it tightly. "Hold on Don. There's no merit for going into it that far. Even if there's a communication method it's most likely only connected to headquarters and Mama won't know where our siblings were sent. There won't even be any clues and if we're careless, our tracking devices could give away our position. We don't know what kind of security that room has, it's too dangerous" Ray said. "But.." "I'm saying that the risk overwhelming outweighs the benefit" "You're right.." Don said sadly "Sorry for making you feel uncomfortable y/n too" he finished "it's okay Don" y/n said with a sad smile still holding onto Rays hand as their fingers intertwined.

"But for now be careful of Sister. Don't dig your grave with a foolish move" Norman said. "Exactly. I have Mama under control but we're doomed if Sister finds out. Keep that in mind when you act" Ray said. "Don, can you go ahead and start making dinner preparations if none of us do Mama might-" "I know I know " he said unamused as he left the room followed by Gilda. Leaving the four in the bedroom.

Authors note -
Thank you so much for over 400 reads!

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