47~ Hunting Time

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The sun had risen and the demons sat in their mansion afar from the Goldy Pond eating their breakfast. They sat at a long banquet wooden table with a white cloth, candles laid across the middle of the table. Each demon had a bloody slice of meat on their plate.

"Lord Bayon, you certainly are malicious. To think that you had caught two escapees from Grace Field" said Nous with a grin. Bayon placed his fork and knife down on the table as his yellow beady eyes widened. "Oh? Did you hear me talk to my sub-ordinates? Heh. I thought that if I kept it under wraps it would be more exciting when you found them" he said. "So is it true?" Asked Nouma. "Yes it is, apparently there were two more with them, another Grace field escapee and an adult but my silly subordinates lost them. But we shall catch them eventually."

"I want to know their details! What are their ranks?" Demanded Luce. "Both females and equally determined to survive. Number 63194 is highest rank, and the second one 43194 also highest rank...but what makes it even more fun is that she is the sister to that boy who set up the hunting grounds with me. She has the same expressions as him. Hilarious to watch her when we captured her I knew it straight away. " Bayon boasted. "If she runs the farms why is she with cattle?" Asked Luevis. "Does it matter? She's the highest rank and the fact she's a Ratri means she's related to that scum James. It makes me want to hunt her even more...she's also a descendant of Julius Ratri" grinned Bayon.

"Take my plate away. I'm done eating. I can't wait to torment her, and rip her to pieces. The Ratri one is mine" said Luevis as he stood up from his chair. "We shall leave in three hours. Be prepared. It's going to be a fun hunt" Grinned the evil demon.

The Goldy Pond kids gathered in the windmill to discuss the last details of the plans before breakfast. "We will break Leuvis mask. But he's fast. And he reads your moves. He'll block anything we go for. So we have to stop his movements first. Just like the others" said Oliver, standing in front of everyone. "Stop his movements. Got it" said y/n. "But for him, we utilise everyone and we use the village" "use the village?" Asked Emma. "Yeah. It's narrow indoors so we humans have an advantage and...there's a way to stop his movements in this village. Step 1, we stop his movements in a trap we set. Step 2, eight of us lure him in there. Step three, attack. Y/n, your team will handle step two" explained Oliver. "Got it!" Y/n smiled.

Lucas gathered y/n, Oliver and Emma into the back room of the windmill as the others prepared breakfast. "Leuvis is a monster. He can't be killed just because you break his mask. Even if his mask is gone don't let your guard down. The real battle starts then" said Lucas, sitting on a table in front of the three. He took out of his pocket a small tube with a metal chain on it. "Immediately afterwards you have to take away his senses. No matter how fast your opponent is they can't move freely if blinded. And an intense flash of light at close range won't just take away their sight. It'll mess up a bunch of their senses" Lucas handed the small bomb to Emma. "Use it carefully"

After their chat with Lucas the trio went outside. A large table with pots and bowls were scattered across. Gillian, Paula and Pepe were handing out warm soup and bread for breakfast. "Hear you go Emma" said Pepe handing the orange haired girl a small bowl of warm soup and a bread roll. "And for you, Oliver" said Paula. "Thanks" he said, taking the bowl. "And we cant forget y/n" smiled Gillan. Gillian passed y/n a bowl of soup and a spoon. "Sorry we ran out of bread rolls. I gave you extra soup instead though" Gillian smiled. "Here have this" said Oliver, handing y/n his bread roll. "But that's yours?" Y/n asked, tilting her head. "Don't worry I'd prefer you have it" Oliver Smiled. "Oh- thanks!" Y/n said as the boy walked towards a table.

Gillian raised her eyes brows up and down. "See? I told ya" she teased. Y/n giggled "He was just being polite" she said. "I can't wait for this Ray guy and Oliver to meet"

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