The Grand King and Queen [Oik...

By mangoezhoez

323K 14.1K 5.5K

Oikawa's sister... the great Oikawa Tooru, and his little sister. To get out of his shadows you went out to f... More

1. You Should've gone to Shiratorizawa
2. Meat buns
3. Novice
4. Gungun Yogurt >> Yakult
5. The Flower Pot
6. Dorming
7. The Intersection
8. First Practice
9. Oikawa Cuisine
10. Onigiri with da bros~
11. Oversleeping
12. Hacking the vending machine.
13. Hell week but it's training
14. Interhigh
15. Interhigh - Quarterfinals
16. Interhigh - 2
17. Interhigh - Semifinals
18. Interhigh - finals
19. Next Time
20. Off days
21. Super glue
22. The White Knee Pad
23. Caltan
24. Interhigh Nationals
25. Interview
26. Day Two
27. Nationals - Quarterfinals
28. Nationals - semis
29. Beef
30. Party at Aunt Miya's
31. Pond Duel
32. Sick Days
33. Training Camp
34. Training camp - 2
35. Training Camp - 3
36. Oikawa
37. Hyogo
38. Sleepover
39. Love Letters
40. Mani no Pedi
41. Luck
42. Prodigy
43. Let's Get It
44. Thank You
45. Engawa
46. Deal?
47. Lights
48. New Year
49. All-Japan
50. Shark(ie)
51. 113
52. Polaroid
53. Sugar Cubes
54. Onita
55. Iwaki
56. Wanaka
57. Pretty Girl
58. Young Miss
59. Deal.
60. Date Auction
61. Strong
62. Cherry Blossom Tears
63. Peculiar Meetings
64. Seijoh
65. Mija
66. Shoji Screens
67. Practice
68. Doki Doki
69. Intrusive Thoughts
70. Choco Milk
71. Wise Words
72. Fingers
73. Weekend in Tokyo
74. Feisty
75. Favorite
76. Weirdo(s)
77. Like and Subscribe
78. I <3 You
79. Questions
80. Interview
81. Training Camp
82. Dragon
83. King
84. Spooky
85. "Coaching"
86. Athletic Festival
87. Flower Field
88. Friendly Rival
89. W's
90. Party Hardy
91. Class Inspection
93. The Competition (?)
94. Training Camp
95. Kanari
96. Bars
97. Minegishi Minami
98. Call
99. The End

92. Sister

812 39 10
By mangoezhoez

This chapter is so very OC centric...I apologize in advanced if that isn't really your style


Fumiko nee-san





Fumiko Oikawa, first born daughter to Yuuta and Etsuko Oikawa. Older sister of Tooru and Y/N Oikawa. Mother of Takeru Oikawa. Wife of Ryu Oikawa.

She's been my role model for longer than Tooru has.

Or to put it in a better form, she's been my role model for everything apart from volleyball for longer than Tooru has, whether I realized it or not, she's always been someone I've looked up to.

And she always will be.




"Yes, Bunny?" Fumiko asked, glancing down at you as she cut the strawberries into small pieces.

You stuttered out your words, playing with the hem of your dress. "Can you tell Tooru-nii to let me play with him? He doeshn't wanna share his cars." You said, elongating your last words as you looked up at her with puppy eyes.

Fumiko sighed, leaning down to scoop you up with one arm, holding your plate of tiny strawberries in the other before walking to the living room.

You giggled from being in her hold, hugging her face from the side when she stepped into the living room.

"I've brwought reinforshments Nii-chan!" You giggled devilishly, Fumiko continuing to walk as she looked where she was going between your arms.

Tooru looked up from his spot on the couch, instantly scoffing as he stood up and dropped his toy car.

"That's not fair Nee-san! It's not my fault Bunny lost her doll!"

"Tooru-" Fumiko began, being interrupted by him soon after.

"No, Nee-san! You were my big sister before you were hers! You have to be on my side!" He huffed, puffing his cheeks as he crossed his arms, glaring at the both of you.

Your grip on Fumiko loosened as she neared the couch. She set the plate down before beginning to sit you down on the couch as well. Not missing the way you mocked Tooru by pulling your bottom eyelid down and sticking out your tongue.

"Sho what if she was your sister firsht! She's mine now so suck it up, bozo." You bit back, glaring at Tooru as you popped a small piece of strawberry into your mouth.

Fumiko gasped, softly flicking your forehead before you shot your head back to look at her in disbelief.

"Fu-Fumiko Nee-san?!" You said, your eyes beginning to water as your lip quivered, Fumiko raising a brow at you as she shook her head.

"Don't go crying now, who taught you those words? You can't be saying things like 'suck it up, bozo' okay?" She said, looking at you as you softly nodded, solemnly eating your strawberries as Tooru laughed.

Fumiko snapped her head back to Tooru, making him freeze before looking away. He glanced back to see her still glaring at him, raising a brow as he murmured. "What?"

"Don't say stuff like 'oh, I was your sister first', I'm the older sister, for the both of you, no matter the age. So don't think you're free either, Tooru." She said, reaching over to softly flick his forehead as well.

Tooru pouted, finally sitting down on the couch again as he turned away with a 'hmph.'

Fumiko lightly giggled, standing up to take out the gaming console in the cabinet to put on the coffee table.

"Let's play mario party instead." She smiled, raising the mario party cartridge before sticking it in the nintendo 64.



"You have to go get ready too, Bunny, leave Fumiko here so she can finish getting ready for her big day." Your mother hummed, trying to get you to the next room to get ready for Fumiko's wedding.

"No, Mamma! I wanna see Nee-san get ready." You shook your head, stubbornly sitting down on the floor as your mother sighed. Fumiko and her stylist both giggling at the scene before Fumiko looked up at her in question.

"Is it possible for her to get ready here too, or would it be too cramped?" Fumiko asked her stylist.

"No, no worries, go ahead." She smiled, Fumiko thanking her as she looked back at you.

"If you behave you can get ready here, little Bunny, okay?"

Your eyes lit up at her words, nodding enthusiastically as you hopped up.

"But you have to listen to Mamma, deal?" She said, looking at you flinching as you looked between her and your mother, lips pressed together in thought before sighing and nodding.

"Okay~ Fumi-nee." You caved, finally holding your mothers outstretched hand as she hummed and pulled up a chair about a yard in front of Fumiko.

She let you sit there as she went to the other room to fetch your stuff, letting you see the stylist begin to get Fumiko ready.

You stared in awe as Fumiko got her makeup and hair done, you yourself getting changed and beginning to get your hair done by your mother at some point in the middle.

You sat on a smaller chair in front of your mother as she styled your hair in a traditional style. All the while you didn't stop looking at Fumiko, and saying whatever it was that came to your head.

"My Nee-san is very pretty, right stylist-san?"

"Nee-san doesn't need that much blush, she gets red very easily!.. See!"

"Ooooh, look Mamma! Her dress is red!.. but in the movies they wear white..."

"Mamma, why isn't Nee-san wearing that balloon on her head that they normally wear?"

"A tsunokakushi? To 'hide her horns'?Mamma... Nee-san isn't a devil."

"Oh, the dress has gold and silver too Mamma! How fancy."

"Ay! She just hid a knife—" At this your mother stuffed a piece of bread into your mouth as she sighed, finally finished getting you ready as they put the last touches on Fumiko.

Including the dagger hidden in her robes.

"Oi, but Mamma, what about the white, long, pretty dress we picked out with Miko-Miko-Nee-chan? Is she not gonna wear it?" You asked, remembering the white ball gown you had "helped" pick out with your mother, grandmothers, Fumiko, and Fumiko's mother in law a couple weeks back.

"She'll change into that later bunny, this right now is for the ceremony." Your mother elaborated, stepping up to Fumiko to help out as well with the last touches as you sat back and looked.

You swung your legs back and forth, looking at your mother taking a step back to look at Fumiko fully, her eyes beginning to water as she reached up and dabbed her tears with her handkerchief.

You didn't pay any attention to her words as you jumped off the chair, rummaging through your bag before taking out your camera. One you were much too young to have but had somehow convinced your parents to give you.

You stepped up to your mother and Fumiko, both of them looking down when a flash reached their eye to see you standing in front of them. You looked down at the camera, scratching your head as you passed them the camera.

"You have to smile for pictures, not cry." You nodded, the photo showing both, Fumiko and your mother, on the verge of tears.

They both softly laughed, returning the camera to the picture mode before passing the camera back to you.

"Here, Bunny, take another one." Fumiko said, smiling softly at you as she stepped back and hugged your mother, sticking up a peace sign as your mother smiled softly at the camera, both of them waiting for you to take the photo.

Once the flash went off you smiled widely, jumping once as you turned to show them the photo.

"You both look beautiful, Mamma, Fumi-nee!"

They both softly laughed, your mother leaning down to pick you up as she smiled.

"Let's go find your father and brother now, the wedding ceremony is about to start."





"What's that one called?" You asked, sitting on the edge of her bed as you looked at her doing her makeup.


You looked at her in awe, nodding as if you knew its purpose as you continued looking at her.

"What's that?"


You would hum every time she'd answer, convincing yourself that you knew what each name meant.

You stood up at some point in the middle, walking over to the door before stopping and looking back.

"I'll be back." You mentioned, looking at Fumiko through her vanity mirror as she giggled and nodded.

You disappeared for a couple minutes before coming back with your coloring book and colors, as well as a plate of cut up watermelon your mother had given you.

You sat on the floor a couple steps away from Fumiko, still able to see her as you laid on your stomach and began coloring.

You'd stop every so often, looking up at Fumiko to see what point in her routine she was in.

You had watched her do her makeup so much that you had a rough idea of what order the products were used and how long it normally took her to get ready.

You kicked your legs back and forth as you ate a piece of watermelon and looked up at her.

"I'm missing something..." Fumiko mumbled under her breath, looking over at you when you chirped up.

"You're missing that pink stuff for your cheeks Nee-chan!"

Fumiko smiled, nodding as she rummaged through her makeup bag to take out the product.

"You're right, Bunny, thank you."

You hummed, taking another bite of your watermelon as you watched her finish, sitting back as she smiled at you again.

"How do I look, Bunny?"

"Beautiful!" You told her, mouth full of watermelon as you gave her a thumbs up.

She softly laughed, standing up to rub your head as she moved to her closet to get her bag.

"I should get going now, I'll see you later bunny."

You hummed, picking up your stuff as you followed her out her room.

"Bye bye, Miko-nee~"



"Pregnant?" Tooru asked, looking up at your mother as you stood in front of Fumiko, carefully observing her stomach. "Is that like a synonym for bloated?"

You looked over at your brother, scowling at him before reaching up to slap the back of his head.

"No, dummy! How do you know what synonym means but not pregnant?" You scoffed, crossing your arms as you stepped back to dodge his own slap. "It means Nee-san is carrying a little lump of meat in her stomach that turns into a human."

Your mother sighed at your explanation, Fumiko softly laughing as she hummed.

"You're going to be an uncle soon, Ruru." Fumiko smiled, looking at Tooru as he only looked at her in even more confusion.

"Can it move yet?" You asked Fumiko, pointing at her relatively big stomach as she looked back at you.

She nodded, catching Tooru's attention once more. "Yes, but he only reacts to certain people's voices. Try talking to him, Bunny." She said.

You softly scratched the side of your head, looking between her and her stomach. "What do I say?"

"Whatever you want, let me see your hands."

You hummed, giving her your hands as she put them on her stomach.

You breathed in, looking at her covered stomach with intense concentration.

"Hello, baby, I'm your aunt, Y/N, but everyone calls me little Bunny." You explained, flinching when you felt Fumiko's stomach move slightly. You looked up at her, only getting a smile as she urged you to continue. "Once you're born, I'll be nine years old! So we won't be that far off in age, baby, so if you ever get tired of your mamma you can come and hang out with me and Tooru-nii! Tooru's your uncle by the way." You continued, laughing joyously to the intensified movement of her stomach.

You looked back at your mother, smiling widely as she smiled at you back, Tooru clearing his throat as he looked at Fumiko.

"Can I try, Nee-san?"

Fumiko nodded, looking at Tooru sitting down next to her and putting a hand on her upper stomach.

"Hello, baby... I'm your uncle Tooru, I'll be your cool uncle! Unlike Bunny." He snickered, looking at you with a smirk before quickly snapping to look back at Fumiko's stomach when he felt it move.

His mouth dropped in shock, looking up at Fumiko with bright eyes. "He really moved!"

Fumiko and your mother lightly laughed, both of them raising a brow when he carefully put his ear up against Fumiko's stomach.

"If you can speak, speak now, I'll listen to you, baby!" He said in earnest, narrowing his eyes as he tried to focus on the baby's voice.

He waited, but nothing came.

He looked up at your mother, ear still against Fumiko's stomach. "I don't think he can talk yet-" He began, softly screeching at the sudden movement of Fumiko's stomach.

A sudden movement that had hit him straight on his cheek.

He held his cheek with one hand, looking at Fumiko's stomach in shock before looking up at your mother again.

He still held his cheek with one hand, pointing at Fumiko with the other.

"He just kicked me...?"

The rest of you broke out laughing, Tooru continuing to look at Fumiko's stomach in confusion, not understanding how any of that was possible.

"I'm already the favorite aunt, Ruru-nii!" You giggled.



You looked at Takeru sitting in front of you, happily munching on the play spoon. His perfectly intact play food in front of him, the play food you had meticulously placed to look real.


Tooru looked up at you, raising a brow as he set down his manga.


"I made him a perfectly good meal, but he's eating the spoon instead?" You said, looking at Tooru in confusion.

Tooru mimicked your confusion, standing up to see what Takeru was doing from a better angle before understanding.

He looked back at you, shrugging as he stuck his hands into his pockets.

"Maybe your cooking just stinks."

You looked up at Tooru with a deadpan look. "It's fake food... dummy."

Tooru rolled his eyes, slumping down next to you as he looked back at Takeru.

"I know that."

"Mhm." You hummed, looking back at Takeru as well. "I'm sure you do."

You both watched Takeru happily eat his spoon, both of your faces blank as he continued unfazed.

Until Tooru decided to interrupt it.

"Take the spoon."

"Huh?" You looked at Tooru, crossing your arms as you raised a brow. "You do it."

"You're the one who let him eat it in the first place."

"And? Nee-san said he normally chews on his toys, that it's okay as long as we're looking at him." You responded, looking back at Takeru who looked between the both of you in confusion.

"He's gonna get splinters on his tongue."

"What?" You looked back at Tooru, confused as to what he meant before looking back at the spoon and realizing what he said. "No he won't, I don't think they'd make children's toys that can hurt the babies." You retorted, looking back at Takeru as a sudden wave of doubt rushed through you.

Tooru looked at you, making you look at him as he shrugged.

"Do you really wanna risk it?"

You swallowed the lump of saliva you hadn't realized had accumulated at your throat, shaking your head as you scooted up.

You reached towards the end of the spoon, Takeru stopping his chewing as his grip on the spoon tightened.

"Can I see the spoon, Takeru? I need it for a bit." You said, trying to convince him to let go.

Takeru glared at you, gripping onto the spoon tighter as he stuck it back in his mouth.

"Takeru... be nice Ta-ke, give it to auntie, yea?" You asked, stilling at the sudden malignant look in Takeru's eyes.

"... Takeru?"


Etsuko and Fumiko both flinched, looking at the playroom they had left a couple minutes ago to get snacks.

"Was that Takeru?" Etsuko asked, looking at Fumiko as the sudden yelling intensified.

They jogged down the hall with the snacks, walking into the disaster in the playroom.

Takeru wasn't the one yelling, it was you. You who was hiding under Tooru's body, who was protecting you from Takeru, who kept on relentlessly hitting Tooru's back with his wooden spoon.

"Okay, Takeru!" Tooru called out, hugging you tight as he closed his eyes. "We won't take your spoon, but stop hitting uncle!"

"Aaabuuh." Takeru said, continuing to hit Tooru. "Pftbtpftb."

Your mother and Fumiko quickly set down the snacks, Fumiko quickly snatched Takeru up from the ground and took away his toy spoon.

Your mother kneeled down next to Tooru and you, softly rubbing Tooru's back which caused him to look up.

He sighed in relief, sitting up as he let you go.

You looked up at your mother, your eyes watering as you hugged her.

Your mother comforted you, looking up at Tooru as she asked. "What happened?"

Tooru sighed, turning over to look at both Fumiko and your mother as he softly rubbed at his back.

"Bunny tried to take Takeru's spoon, cuz we thought it would give him splinters if he kept eating it, but he started to hit bunny with it when she tried to take it. He wouldn't listen to me, and would only hit her harder so I covered her and tried to get him to stop." He explained, slumping down as he ran a hand through his hair, softly mumbling. "...Sorry."

Both Fumiko and your mother sighed, looking at Takeru who now chewed on his hand.

"Little troublemaker."


Current time (16)

You knocked on the door of your sister's home, hearing her step up to the door before sighing and opening the door.

"Yes?" She said, looking at you with an unimpressed look, a small smile at the ends of her lips.

"Hello, my precious Nee-chan~" You cooed, softly giggling when she stepped aside and let you in.

"What brings you here today, little Bunny? I thought Ruru was dropping Takeru off."

You hummed, switching into your slippers as Fumiko began walking to the living room.

"He is, but I came to ask you something about the documents, since no one's home right now and they don't get home 'till like nine."

Fumiko hummed, slumping down on her sofa as she softly patted the spot next to her.

"I'm guessing you didn't have practice today, which is why you're out so early."

You nodded, slumping down next to her before immediately moving your bag to your lap and beginning to take out the documents you had questions on.

"Yeah, today's my rest day." You elaborated, setting out the documents on the coffee table. "What about you? Where's Ryu-chan?"

She slightly hesitated at the question, sitting up as she leaned over to have a closer look at the documents.

"He's out right now, but what is it you needed help with?"

You hummed, sitting up as you began pointing at certain points on the documents that confused you.

You normally didn't have to look to Fumiko for questions regarding business, since you lived with your parents and Tooru, who could answer all of your questions. But this time you had to seek out Fumiko, one for the fact that no one was at home to help you, and two because the questions were regarding the documents that had to do with the branches she overlooked.

Given that she was the oldest, she was basically working to inherit the main company after your father and mother retire. Due to a reason that she refused to tell you she had begun teaching you some of the parts of the job she overlooked. Simply asking for help to manage the company, help she couldn't ask Tooru for because of another reason she didn't tell you. Telling you time and time again that she'd tell you when she was ready.

It was confusing what she had to be ready for, but you stopped pushing after then, just trying your best to learn all that she taught you.

"Oh, okay okay, that makes more sense." You said, writing down notes on a separate notebook as Fumiko nodded.

She took off her glasses, rubbing at her eyes as she softly smiled at you. "Don't worry, this is mainly just practice, after a while this is basically muscle memory, if anything you can ask my secretary or either of our parents' secretaries."

You softly snickered, leaning back as you shrugged.

"If that's what my future as a business woman is gonna be like, I'm not sure if I still want to go through with it."

Fumiko snickered, rubbing your head as she leaned back, glancing at you when you said a small. "Oh."

"You never answered my first question, Nee-san."

Fumiko raised a brow, sitting up again as she looked at you. "What question?"

"What're you doing out so early? I thought you didn't get home until way later?"

Fumiko stilled, looking down at the sofa for what felt like an eternity, before looking back up at you and shrugging.

"I had a meeting with a lawyer."

"A lawyer? But I didn't see anything about our companies needing one right now, unless it's in a branch I haven't looked over." You asked, confused as you tried to think through any branches or problems in the company that would require a lawyer.

Fumiko sighed, looking back down. "It's a divorce lawyer."

You nodded, your nod slowly slowing down as you processed her words before you looked back at her.


"Ryu and I are getting a divorce, which is why he's not here right now. We decided it'd be best if he stayed somewhere else during the process, and because of how lengthy it is I wanted to ask your help to help lessen my work stress."

You hummed, not wanting to ask any more about the divorce despite still being confused.

"Wait, but couldn't you have asked our parents or Ruru-nii for help? Why me?"

Fumiko shrugged, leaning back to look up at the ceiling as she sighed.

"You're the most approachable... I haven't told our parents yet, and Tooru's dealing with his own stress with Argentina and all that."

You hummed, knowing that at the end of it, you were the one with the most free time. Outside of volleyball and school, your own businesses didn't take much time or excessive effort to look over.

Since your parents had made sure to hire competent employees and managers.

You sighed, putting away the documents as you glanced at Fumiko every so often.

"I'm not going to ask about your reasons for divorce, but I'll be here if you need anything. I know I'm still young but your happiness also matters to me." You pointed out, sitting up as you tried to avoid eye contact.

"You are my Nee-san after all." You cleared your throat, a blush suddenly overtaking your face as Fumiko softly giggled, pulling you in to hug you.

"Thank you, little Bunny."


Thanks for reading you beautiful people, and like always, thanks to my fav bae Sarah for proofreading this chapter!

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