Rusger Oneshots

By Emo_warrior365

238K 6K 13.9K

One thing I noticed in this fandom. THERE IS NOT ENOUGH RUSGER. and I'm probably not a good choice to do this... More

some stuff first: How to navigate
You just never learn, do you?
When can we meet again?
An easily flustered boyfriend
A Jealous Commie
Meet you at Hell's Moon?
Friends, Lovers or Brothers
When can we meet again? (part 2)
1.1k(and counting) reads special
Bed Head
A Demon and A Werewolf
A Demon and a Werewolf (part 2.)
2.3k(and counting omg) Special
The German Harem
Artworks!!!(6.5k Reads Special)
Let me Go
...hOw ThE HeCk dID tHiS gEt 10k+ ReAdS
When It's that Time of the Month
Incorrect Quotes part 2(10.9k read special)
Lasst uns feiern!!(Let us party!!)
See, this is What happens, when you get drunk in a Bad mood
Voting time :D
Schlaf ein (Go to Sleep)
Tangled up in You
A Blessing despite the Curse
Ice Skating with You
I got tagged :3
Incorrect Quotes part 3 (20k+ special)
Midnight snack
Vote for your Poison
Happy Valentine's day, meine liebe
tagged again (plus IncQ)
The Boathouse
Sing me to sleep
Harem Shenanigans 1.
Be Gay Do Drugs
32k Reads Special
Hallway Meeting
Harem Shenanigans 2.
Q and A (40k reads special)
First Watch
Soft Movie Night
One Sick Commie
One Sick Commie (part 2.)
The 50th Oneshot
Public Affection is not allowed in Hogwarts
Falling in-(love with you)-to the Ocean
Harem Shenanigans 3.
The German Harem (part 2.)
Lazy Sunday (Morning)
Lazy Sunday (Afternoon)
Lazy Sunday (Night)
Safe and Sound
My R
My R (part 2.)
Nightmares and Reality
Kidnapping a Demon leads to Getting Murdered
Our Scars Make Us Stronger
Happy 'birthday', Deutschland!
Oktoberfest is cancelled and Ger is sad
RusGer's Love Song
'Tis the month of Autumn
Countryhumans but in Among Us
How to Keep a Demon in your House
Halloween Special
Bedtime snuggling for the soft feels
Kidnapping Both A Demon And A Werewolf Leads To-
Cute Pregnancy Fluff Moments
Angsty Whump for the Soul
Snow day
New Year's Eve!
National Cuddle Up Day
Demon's Guilt
Adorable Little Nerdy Nerd
Paper Airplane (Valentine's Day Special)
Wholesome Nesting and Cuddles
Office Problem
Bleeding Out
Kiss It All Better
Patching Up Our Broken Pieces
No Thoughts Just Airborne
Who had the Worst day?
Cuddling Undercover
Crystalized Meth
Say you won't Let Go
Say you won't Let Go (part 2.)
A needlessly long car drive and ice cream
The 100th Oneshot
Family Gathering
Bouquets of Flowers (Valentine's Day Special)
A Little Thunderstorm
Abandoned Hospital
Childhood: Soviet Union Edition
Pack Nesting
Birthday Wishes
Worst Nightmares: Germany
Worst Nightmares: Russia
Minishots in a Oneshot
Cute Animals
Knowledge: Assignment
Knowledge: Self Defense
Christmas Eve
Tell me a Love Story
Berlin 1993
You were all my Family
Big Brother
Impromptu Dances
The 120th Oneshot
One Bed
Minishots in a Oneshot (part 2.)
5 Days to Christmas!
Hand Holding (Valentine's Day Special)

Handmade Gifts (Valentine's Day Special)

928 29 127
By Emo_warrior365

Welcome to the 4th valentine's day oneshot of this book how would you like your romance *seasoned barista working the night shift*

*Still trips and falls on my face and procrastinates writing this till the last minute*

For this valentine's I've granted them both a gift too, a braincell each :D

Breaking tradition of them being complete idiots over each other nooo-

They're still a little silly ofc a little hehehoho if you will, a little head empty no thoughts.

Small warning: Talking about hunting and indirectly, animal death, so if you don't like that I'm sorry! Good news is there are 3 other valentine's day shots you can choose to read!

Votes and comments are always appreciated! I hope you enjoy reading!!


Germany stirred awake to an empty bed, groggily palming the cold mattress with a groan. "Russia..."

"Yes?" A familiar voice replied back almost immediately, making him sigh again, tightening his grip around the blanket bunched up around his shoulders. It was the beginning of January, still dark outside, and Russia must've turned off the heater already, that immune son of a bitch. "Come back...'m freezing."

"You know I can't do that, моя любовь. I have to head to the airport in an hour." His boyfriend said, sounding closer, and he felt a warm hand caressing his cheek. Germany reached up and snatched his wrist, cracking one eye open.

"You're already dressed. Your bags are packed. You can afford a few minutes to cuddle with your boyfriend before you leave him for a whole month." He grumbled sleepily, tugging harder until he heard an exasperated huff, a smug grin spreading over his face as the mattress dipped and Russia sat down besides him, allowing him to take the opportunity and scoot over to lay his head on his lap.

Two ice blue irises stared down at him as he finally opened his eyes fully, his smile softening as he took them in. "Good morning." Russia murmured gently, stroking his cheek again, the corner of his mouth quirked upward, white hair tussled and simply styled.

Germany leant into his touch gratefully, eyes landing on his sleeve, dark brown worn leather on the outside, soft breathable cotton against his skin, his hunting jacket. He glanced up again, taking in the shape of those lips he'd memorized over and over again. "Are you excited for your trip?"

"Yeah." Russia replied with a smile, brushing messy strands of black hair out of his eyes and away from his face. "Don't miss me too much, okay?"

"No promises. I want to see pictures." He muttered, snuggling into the blanket cocoon he'd wrapped himself in and cuddling closer into Russia's lap. "We're not going to have internet in the middle of the forest, you know."

"Send them once you get back to civilization." Germany whined, making him laugh, lifting his hand away briefly to press his fingertips to his lips, then touching them back onto his cheek.

"Finland says we'll go for big game this round. It'll be more challenging. We'll go deeper into the forest, so don't get upset if I don't text you for the majority of the trip." Russia said softly, as an act of consolation, stroking his black hair until it was silky smooth. Germany pouted, tilting his head to the side.

"I'll miss you." He mumbled, feeling his hand brush down the column of his neck. "I'll text the minute I land in Oslo. You can call me tonight if you'd like, since we'll be staying at the hotel for today."

"I'll miss you but I'm not that desperate." Germany grumbled, playfully nudging him in the knee and making them both laugh. He knew he'll be having too much fun already anyways once he gets with the Nordic countryhumans. They were some of his best friends, and this trip had already been in planning for over a year.

"Be safe. Don't get stabbed by reindeer antlers or something, and don't bring back a bear." He said, still half-asleep, yet meaning every word. "I'm not going to get stabbed this time, and we're not hunting reindeer." Russia retorted, rolling his eyes and silently musing on how much Germany knew him.

"Plus, the bear was just a prank. I'm not bringing a wild animal home." He continued, grinning at the thought. "Yeah right. You still got close to it though. I don't want you going close to dangerous animals that could kill you." Germany said, voice just as soft but turning his head again to look directly at him, completely serious.

"And you think a Norwegian moose won't?" He murmured, stroking through his black hair again with a smile. Germany narrowed his eyes at him, making him sigh and nod back. "I won't go close to any dangerous animals that could kill me. If it can be helped. I have to take care of Tajikistan this time too, so, I'll be less involved in the hunting."

His brother was coming with them for the first time, and he won't be used to navigating the heavy snow grounds, even though he was as good of a hunter as the rest of them were. Germany exhaled and reached up to pat his cheek, closing his gold eyes. "Good."

"I do want you to have fun, too. But obviously I'm going to be worried."

"You always get worried." Russia said, making him snap his eyes open again to glower. He leant down and kissed him properly on the forehead, calming the rage before it even manifested. "And that's sweet of you. Thank you, mein liebling."

Germany blushed pink, lips pursed and scrunched up as he turned to lay on his side again, hiding his face from view. "I wished you won't go so late in the month though. At this point, you won't be home for Valentine's Day."

"I will be. Promise." He said reassuringly, tucking a lock of hair behind his ear. "30 days. I'll be back."

"Unless a snowstorm stops you." Germany muttered under his breath, making Russia laugh. "Unless a snowstorm stops me." He repeated with a smile, running a finger down the sharp edge of his jawline. "But I'll still try anyways."

"Heh." Germany grinned, squirming away from his finger. "You're not bringing any weapons on you on this flight this time, right?"

"They've all been mailed ahead." Russia answered gently, learning from a past experience. He lifted his hand to press over his forehead, soothing him back to close his eyes. "It's alright, you don't have to worry about me. I know what I'm doing. Just take care of yourself for me, and you won't even notice I'm gone till you see me again."

"Of course I'll notice." Germany mumbled sleepily, eyebrows furrowing as he felt Russia slide a hand under his head and carefully lift him off his lap, setting him back down onto the pillows before standing up again, brushing against his cheek one last time. "Anymore last minute words of advice?"

"Don't get too drunk and challenge Norway's forest to send its best forces of nature against you, you won't win. Play nice with the boys, oh and tell them I said Hi. Remember to sharpen your knife periodically, stay hydrated, don't bring a bear back home."

"Duly noted." Russia muttered half-reluctantly, preparing to leave him to his sleep. "Waitt... one more thing." A drowsy hand clamped around his wrist again, tugging his arm closer until he could peck his lips against the top of his knuckles. "I love you."

Russia smiled and leant back down to kiss him lightly on the lips, running a hand down his shoulder. "Love you too."

"I have to go now. Sleep in if you want, 'kay?" He said softly. Germany hummed in reply, already feeling himself lulling back asleep again.

"Breakfast is on the table." His voice drifted out into darkness, hand slipping away as his grip loosened.


February 14th, Valentine's Day

Well he just had to prove himself right. A snowstorm did end up cancelling Russia's flight back home, twice. Germany sighed to himself and scrolled through his phone alone on the couch, nibbling on some discount chocolate he bought himself as a consolation for his own flawless future predicting.

At least he had Russia's photos to keep him company. Their hunting party of him, Finland, Sweden, Tajikistan, Iceland, Norway, and Greenland all posed and bundled up in front of the snow-covered forest they would hike and hunt in for the rest of the month, smiling broadly.

While he liked the occasional hike in a evergreen forest himself, wandering around a mostly barren snow-covered ground and having to Live there sounded like a nightmare. But at least they seemed to be having fun, in most of the pictures.

Greenland brought skis along this time, and there were a video of Tajikistan falling flat on his face when he attempted to race Finland down a slope. A hilarious series of photos where all seven of them attempted to wrangle in a wriggling fish from under the ice and ended up soaking wet. Sweden seemed particularly pleased as he placed the limp fish speared through with a stick over a bonfire a few photos later.

Germany zoomed in on Russia's face in most of the pictures he was in, not even noticing until he was laughing quietly by himself. He missed his presence, his voice and most importantly the warmth he brought during winter. Their energy bill must have doubled from how much more of the heater he was using since he'd been gone.

He missed his eyes too. The cameras couldn't capture them in their true magnificence, but he could still imagine the piercing ice blue as he stared at a picture of Russia in concentration, left eye peering through the scope of a hunting rifle, looking off into the distance while thinking up calculations in his head. He was sprawled out in the snow, wearing his ushanka, index finger pressing lightly over the rifle's trigger.

There was another photo of him, smiling this time, resting his chin on his palm as he stared at Iceland recounting an animated story, sitting around a small campfire, illuminated by an orange-red glow under a star-lit night sky. He looked so happy, holding a steaming tin cup of tea, bundled up in a blanket, surrounded by his friends and snow and the forest.

And then were the hilarious pictures where he was less poised and composed, graciously sent by Sweden himself. To be honest he was more excited to see those than the ones sent through the group chat.

'Your handsome boyfriend ;)' Sweden said, which made him huff in amusement. Russia snoozed in his sleeping bag in the tent with his mouth open and drooling into his blanket, limbs askew, the very image of Russian beauty and grace. Iceland wasn't any better in the sleeping bag next to him too, between the two of them they'd taken up every inch of their tent.

A second picture, Russia giving Tajikistan a piggy back ride while they trekked through knee-deep snow, a smirk creeping pass his supposed grumpy expression as his brother pointed at something out of the photo and laughed. Followed by an absolutely ridiculous blurry picture of them both slipping and sinking into the snow a second later, where he could see the silent screaming coming from both of them.

Either way, they seem to be having a blast. Russia already promised not to send him any of the gore and cleaning that had to come with the hunting, just the prizes of their adventures. They'd gotten grouse and fish and probably stripped several pine trees of their bark and leaves, but he still had no idea what the main prize of the trip would be.

A soft 'ding' made him blink out of his thoughts, looking back at his screen to see a message from Russia himself.

Surprise! I got a taxi from the airport. I'll see you in around 10 minutes.

10 minutes! He sat up straight again as he stared at the text bewilderedly, a silly grin spreading over his face. This crazy boyfriend of his had somehow kept his promise, And kept his return a secret from him. He was going to be the death of him, Germany swears, springing up to his feet and snatching his half-eaten box of cheap chocolate up along.

The next 10 minutes were filled with great joy and great dread, because 'Shit, I should probably clean up the living room a bit' , battled with the thought of 'Oh it'll be fine he's my boyfriend he won't care, he should be more excited to see me' in his head, making him pace around in circles as he debated by himself if he should really spend the effort.

A car door banged shut outside, and then the sound of suitcase wheels rolling across the porch had him perking up, gold eyes glimmering as he looked out of the window quickly, an even broader smile gracing his features, already running towards the door.

Russia, wonderful as he was, back into casual civilian clothing and just a scarf saving him from the Belgian winter chill. Granted it must not be as cold as the Norwegian forests but still- Germany was nearly tempted to give him an earful about it already.

Lucky for him, Germany was distracted for now by the sheer fact that he was home. They both grinned as he basically jumped up at him the second he entered the doorway, hugging him tightly and knowing that he'd be caught without hesitation.

"You're back!!" Germany exclaimed joyfully, giggling as he felt his feet leave the ground as he was spun in a circle.

Russia tucked his nose into the crook of his neck, smirking mischievously as it made Germany yelp at the coldness, hugging him a little tighter and pressing a small kiss on his cheek. "I'm back."

"Why Must you do that every time??" He complained, rubbing his half-frozen neck with a hand and shivering, glaring playfully as familiar laughter rang through the living room. "It's how I show my affection." Russia simply answered, shrugging his bulky backpack off his shoulders and onto the floor, rummaging through one of its compartments.

"You could just kiss me like a normal person, you know." Germany grumbled, walking back up to him and bumping his forehead against his shoulder, watching him work closely. He gasped mock-offendedly as Russia stuck his tongue out at him, blue eyes sparkling. "No."

"So, how did it go? Did you have fun?" He piped up, grinning again as Russia straightened back up, smiling at him and looking around the house with fondness. "Yeah, I did."

He glanced down as Germany walked in a circle around him, holding his wrist and lifting up his arm to look over his torso thoroughly. "Good, no obvious signs of injury. Did you get hurt?"

"Nah, of course not." Russia rolled his eyes and laughed again, wrestling his arm free gently before going back to his backpack, waving him over.

"I have something for you." He said, unzipping yet another section of the bag and grinning as Germany brightened up considerably, hopping up and down behind him like an excited kid. "Is it antlers? Did you bring me back the antlers of whatever you killed?"

"No, I got one for you a few years ago. Why? Do you want another one?" Russia asked, turning back to face him, holding out a medium sized box that looked sleek smooth, a malt black colour and tied up with a pretty pink ribbon. 

It was classy, but unbranded. Germany gasped with a beaming smile as he grabbed it with both hands, fingers running over the outside of the gift and feeling the sturdy weight of it resting in his palms.

"Happy Valentine's Day, милая." His boyfriend spoke up, which finally got his attention again. He bounded over to stand on his tip-toes to give him a long-due and well-deserved kiss on the lips, holding him close by the nape of his neck and hugging the gift to his chest.

"Can I open it now?" He asked after many more thank-you kisses, still staring excitedly at his present with a bounce in his steps. Russia laughed again, pressing another light kiss to his messy black hair before stepping back to watch. "Of course, it's your gift."

Germany grinned gleefully as he pulled at the satin ribbon, untying it carefully. The box slid open easily, and he lifted the lid away to look inside, gasping yet again.

"Do you like it?" Russia said curiously, watching him place the lid and the ribbon down onto the couch and reach into the box. The metal belt buckle clinked as he lifted it out, brand new and shiny. The rest of the polished belt coiled neatly in Germany's hand.

"Wow..." He breathed out, setting the rest of the box aside in his excitement to marvel at the belt. There was no indication that this was bought from a branded company, or mass produced. A single brush of his fingertips against the strap made him notice immediately how much softer this leather was, compared to the other belts that he owned. Yet, it weighted sturdily, it was like nothing he'd ever seen or felt.

"What is this?" Germany asked again in a voice just above a whisper, touching the long leather strap of the belt again and unraveling it, admiring the craftmanship, the stitching visible but modest, beautifully done. 

"Elk leather." Russia replied just as quietly, smiling a little wider as his head snapped up to stare at him. "From- the elk we shot."

Germany looked back and forward between him and the belt he was holding in his hands, laughing in surprise and wonder. "You shot an elk? And made it into a belt? For me?"

"To clarify, I didn't make the belt. It was a local leathersmith in Oslo that Norway recommended. But I did skin the animal myself." Russia explained quickly, getting equally as excited as his boyfriend.

Germany grinned, rolling the belt back up and feeling the soft but firm leather wrap around his hand. "You did? That's amazing, Ru. I didn't know you knew how to skin elk." 

"I didn't. This was my first time." Russia shrugged, like it was no big deal. Germany reached up to kiss him hard on his god damn lips again, his free hand tangling messily into his white hair.

"I think this might be the most thoughtful And practical gift I've ever received." He said, smiling broadly. He was torn between wanting to wear this belt forever, and wanting to protect it with his life and make sure it never broke, letting himself fall back into Russia's chest and hugging him gratefully. 

"The rest of the leather is with Spain. I thought he'd like to have it to make his own creations." He continued, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. Germany hummed with another soft smile, still admiring his gift. "Thank you, Russland."

"Do you want to try it on? See if it fits right?" Russia asked, nodding towards the belt in his hands.

"If you haven't noticed, Russ. I am literally in sweatpants." He giggled in reply, gesturing to the lower half of himself.

"Huh, I couldn't tell." He hummed flirtingly after looking him up and down, smirking as it successfully made him blush.

"Also, if you look at the back of the belt- right there." Russia said, helpfully pointing at the upper corner of the belt strap, just before the buckle. Something was branded into the leather, small and just readable if he brought it close to his face, little letters in neat Cyrillic.

'Я бы выбрал тебя в каждой жизни'

"I would chose you in every life." Germany translated softly, running a thumb along the phrase as he scanned through it, reading it over and over again. 

Russia reached up a hand to lightly brush against his cheek, making him glance up, golden eyes unexpectedly welling with tears. "And that's a hundred percent true."

He had to pull him into his arms again, but knew there was no need to whisper any reassurances. Germany breathed out shakily, clutching the belt and the increasing weight of its value and meaning to his chest.

"I love it." He finally mumbled, already memorizing the feeling of those burnt words grazing against the tips of his fingers, swearing by them as much as Russia did.


4 years of writing is not making endings any easier to write and that's unfair >:O

Yay for practical gifts Good job Russia he's learning

Also, would anyone like it if I wrote the story about their hunting trip I think it'll be a cool adventure- Please lemme know if you're okay with reading that!

The substory of Russia getting stabbed(See above) might be revealed there XD

Germany: I'm sorry, you were STABBED?!

Russia: Lightly. Lightly stabbed.

Thank you all for your support and love!! I hope you all have nice Valentine's Days, whether it be spent alone or with another person!! 

Have a great day/night!! ❤️

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