Out of touch, out of time [RA...

luvleyPink_ tarafından

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Emma, Norman y/n and ray are all orphans and best friends living at Grace Field House Orphanage. Every day is... Daha Fazla

Authors Note
1 ~ The Gate
2 ~ Tag
3 ~ Goodbye
4 ~ the truth of GraceField House
5~ smile
6~ the wall
7~ the infirmary
8~ The Nightmare
9~ Everyone is escaping that's final
10 ~ Sister Krone
11~ The Princess and The Knight
12 ~ Notepad
13~ Theres a traitor
14~Telling Don and Gilda
15 ~ Cooking
16~ Mamas spy
17~ Breakfast
18~ The Secret Room
20~ The special product
21~ Flowers
22 ~ Here with you
23~ Facing Mama
24~ String Telephone
25~ Norman knows
26~ Lets Burn the house down
27~ I Love you
28~ Our first day outisde
29~ what would I do without you?
30~ Anthing for the Princess
31 ~ In the Cave
32~ Old photographs
33~ sleepy
34~ Welcome to B06-32
35~ first day at the shelter
36~ Fairy Tales
37~ The deal
3k special chapter
38~ nicknames
39~ really pretty
40~ The Forest
41~ Heart To Heart
42~ Welcome to Goldy Pond
43~ Minervas Message
44- you've a boyfriend?!
45~ The Dream
46~ training and sketches
47~ Hunting Time
48~ Are you Ray?
49~ Never letting her go again
50~ Out of Time
51~ shes not dying here
52~ reading and waiting
53~ I Will Find You
54~ Bring Her Home
55~ My Knight
56~ Ratri Blood
57~ unexpected visitors
58~ the exit
59~ An Illusion
60 ~ Good Luck
61~ There you are
62~ change the world
63~ Paranoid
64~ Jaw Of The Lion
37K Special Chapter
65~ Break in
66~ Minervas Office
67~ Old Friend
68~ a good heart
69~ buried feelings
50K special chapter
70~ Agree To Disagree
71~ an alliance
57k special chapter
72~ a shadow
73~ The Full Moon
74~ The Seven Walls
70K Special Chapter
75~ not yourself
76~ The Battle
80K Special Chapter
77~ Trust Me
78~ Got you
79~ Labyrinth Of Deceit
95k special chapter
80~ The Feeling of freedom
81~ A Mothers Love
82~ The promise
83~ Out Of Touch
84~ Forgotten memories
85~ Someone in the crowd

19 ~ The Fight

2.1K 45 48
luvleyPink_ tarafından

Don and Gilda walked down the staircase, there wasn't a sight of any other children around, not even Mama. Suddenly Don took a sharp turn confusing Gilda. "But Don that way is..." She said following behind him as he led her to Mamas office door. "Are you really thinking about going in there?" Gilda asked "I can't stay calm like them. And I need to know the real Mama" Don said staring at the door. Gilda gave him a worried look and then nodded.

Don knocked on the office door then opened it slowly. He and Gilda both walked in nervously looking around. Don walked over to the book shelf at the wall and placed his hand on it. "There's a hidden door behind here" He said as he tried pushing the shelf to reveal behind it but it wouldn't budge. "Why won't it move?" Don asked annoyed punching it. "It won't move! We have to hurry up and save Conny as soon as possible!" He said again. "Maybe... take a closer look at the shape" Gilds said. She pushed the bookshelf to the side causing it to reveal the entrance to Mamas secret room. "Let's go" Don said with a determined look turning the doorknob. "It's locked" he said.

Suddenly the office door began to creak open slowly leaving Gilda and Don in serious panic to reveal...

"Phil?" Don asked confused as to why the little boy wandered into the room with a smile. "Shhh" he said holding a finger up to his mouth slightly closing the door. "I'm playing hide and seek with Nailia and Eugene" he said. Gilda and Don let out a sigh of relief. "Oh I see" Gilda said thankfully.

Meanwhile Emma, Norman, Ray and Y/n were all still in the bedroom. "So..." Norman said "The next thing to investigate is..." "Outside" they all said at the same time. "We already know most of what's inside of the house and trainings going well, the trackers can be broken which leaves learning about the outside and if we can outmanoeuvre the adults. Once that's done we can clear the wall for sure" Ray said sitting down on the bed next to Y/n. "Next is checking out the escape route" Emma said "The escape we planes out consists of three steps" Norman said pacing up and down the room. "One, get over the wall and escape. Two, get away from this farm as soon as possible. Three, establish a way to survive outside and become self reliant. We have everything we need to pass the first step, as for the second the outside is key. When we leave we should run as far as we can so let's examine and prepare" Norman said.

"We need information about the area outside" Ray said "When I climbed up a big tree I saw a really big forest" Emma said "Okay but we gotta confirm stuff like that" Ray said. "Okay, let's look into it tomorrow" Norman said. Y/n and Emma nodded. "Okay" y/n said with a smile. "Oh yeah! There was one more thing I wanted to show you guys" Emma said leaving the three confused "I have someone I want you to meet!" She said with a grin.

Emma led the three to the library and she threw a book down from a high shelf opening it. "Right here!" She said pointing to a symbol of an owl and a name. "Mr. William Minerva..." Norman read out loud. Emma nodded. "Who's he?" Y/n asked walking over to Norman and Emma to get a better look. "I don't know, all I know is that he is the former owner of these books" Emma said jumping down from the ladder. "But I think it's possible he's on our side" Emma continued "what do you mean?" Norman asked "he's been delivering certain messages throughout some of his books. And not just a few books, lots of them!" Emma said throwing her hands in the air with excitement.

After the four found all of Mr William Minerva's books they opened them all on the table. "This symbol is a bookplate" y/n said examining the books. "It's a label that indicates the books owner before it came here" she continued. "Whats the message?" Norman asked as y/n shrugged. "Look closer" Emma said. "They are all the same owl" he said as he examined them even closer. "Wait- no! The circle...it's morse code!" Norman said looking up at his friends. Ray smiled and put his thumb up. "Correct" he said.

The four sat down together at the table trying to break the secret messages in the books. "It says...Run" Norman said breaking the first one. "And this one says doubt" y/n said pointing to another. "This one says Danger and this last one says truth...but still, these still don't mean-" Norman said getting cut off by Emma. "Hey guys what about these?" She said carrying a few more books and setting them down on the table. "These ones say Harvest, Monster...Farm..." Norman Said.

"It's a message for us from the outside world. Hidden away from the adults and the demons. I think we can trust these" Ray said. "Are you sure?" Norman asked nervously. "Unlike her, I'm more suspicious" Ray said putting his fist on Emma's head making y/n giggle. "This Guy Minerva could really be an ally to us right now" Y/n said. "But we don't know if he's dead or alive so we shouldn't get our hopes up" Ray said. "You're always so negative, let's at least hope theirs someone out there who can help us" y/n said, lightly hitting Ray on the shoulder. "I just have to think realistically, both you and Emma hate doing that" he said putting an arm around y/ns shoulder. "We Just think on the bright side" y/n said slightly annoyed.

"William Minerva, this man outside knows about this farm and though indirectly is trying to help us" Norman said. "That's right!" Emma said with a smile. "There's an ally on the outside and he might still be there. In which case if that's true there could be a society of humans too" Norman said with a smile "exactly!" Emma said. "These kind of messages are only in Minervas books I don't know when these labels were attached but at least we know that this one was attached after the year 2015" Emma said holding up a book. "I see...is there anything else we can figure out? Like is there something in common all the books share?" Norman asked "Not much the genres are varied " Ray said.

"But what about these two books? We don't understand the morse code on these two!" Emma said pointing to a purple and dark green covered books. "One is an adventure novel and the other one is a confusing mythology book not even Ray can understand" Y/n said standing behind Normans chair as he opened the book up.

"There's no morse code on this....as for the other one " he said picking up the second book trying to read the Morse code. "It says...Promise? What does that mean?" He asked. "Promise?" Y/n asked confused.

"I'm pretty sure there is meaning. The pages are different" Emma said "You think those two books are special?" Norman asked "Yeah, I have a feeling they will become an important guide for us" she said "based on what?" Ray asked "A hunch!" Emma said. Ray rolled his eyes and sighed "what's with that face?!" Emma asked.

"I think it's something to look into, Mr Minerva and his mystery books" Norman said standing up. "And we're not just running away. We're gonna find a way for us to survive in this world!" Emma said with a smile as y/n and Norman nodded. "Let's run away" y/n said with determination. "Let's live. No matter what the world outside is like" Norman said.

the four put all the books away safely they walked down the stairs. "I'm kinda surprised I expected Ray to find out about the books" Norman said "How the heck did you even mange to find them Emma?" Ray asked "Oh it wasn't me who noticed them it was Phil!" She said walking ahead of the three "Phil?" Y/n asked "yep! He was the one who told me. He was reading a kids book that so happened to be Mr Minervas it was a book that had Morse code in it" she said as the four finally made it to the dining hall.

"Wait guys where are Don and Gilda?" Y/n asked searching around the room for them. Norman ran into the pantry to find them "They aren't here either" he said "Oh no" y/n said nervously.

Suddenly footsteps were heard walking towards the dining hall and the four ran to the doorway to see. It was Don and Gilda with guilty faces, Dons looked extra angry.
"Don! Gilda!" Y/n called waving her hand. "Thank goodness you're both okay!" Emma said. Ray stormed up to the pair.
"Where were you?" Ray asked bluntly

After Dinner Emma, Norman, Y/n, Ray, Don and Gilda gathered in the dining hall that was lit by three lanterns. Y/n stood behind  Emma and Norman who sat at the table. Ray leaned against a wall in the background. "Well?" Ray asked annoyed
"We were just in Mamas secret room,okay!" Don said looking at the floor. Y/n, Emma and Norman gasped. "How?" Emma asked. "Don stole the key" Gilda said. "He what?!" Y/n asked angrily. "Wait did Mama see you?" Norman asked "I don't think so we already returned it. So probably..." Gilds said quietly. Ray sighed "That was a stupid move!" He shouted at the pair "Did you not even stop to think the room has cameras or microphones? If Mama or Krone found out you two would be... no, all of us would be-" Ray said "Tell what would happen Ray" Don said with an angry stare.

Ray furrowed his eyebrows. "Would we all get killed?" Don asked glaring at Ray. That question gave y/n a shiver up her spine. "When we searched the room we found little bunny. You kept us hopeful! So much for your "I don't know" and "let's go save them" " Don said putting his fists on the table before standing up. "Can we Even go save them?!" He asked "Because they're all...Conny and everyone else is..." Don said. Emma's expression turned worried "I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!" Emma said making Gilda grow even more worried. Y/n started feeling seriously guilty.

"So they're really..." Gilda trailed off "See Gilda? They were lying to us after all. What are you hiding? Tell us the whole truth" Don said to Emma. Emma stood up and y/n did too. She walked over to Ray and stood beside him. Norman nodded at Emma and they tuned to Don and Gilda.

"Demons...? A farm...?" "So you're saying we are raised to be eaten?" "And Ray was a spy the whole time?" Don asked "for our sake" y/n added. "Then Ray, you knew what was going to happen to Conny that day? And Emma and Norman...you all tried to trick us and take us out into a world full of enemies?" "Y/n you knew what happened to Conny and didn't tell me?" Don asked as he sighed.

It was silent for a moment before Don started laughing quietly...then it grew louder and louder. Suddenly Don threw a punch at Norman knocking him straight onto the floor causing y/n to gasp at his actions "Norman!" Y/n and Emma shouted at the same time.  "Seriously?!" Don yelled. Ray walked up to Don "Hey Don Stop!" Ray yelled angrily at Don but before Ray could say anymore Don punched Ray right into the face. Y/n gasped and ran over to Ray who was now on the floor. "Ray are you alright?!" She asked panicked holding his face. Y/n got up and ran over to Don "Don stop it! You are acting insane!!" She yelled pushing him.  Don grabbed y/n by the collar of her shirt and punched her right in the face. The punch was so hard she fell onto her side. Don picked Emma up by her collar too and was about to punch her but he let go. Emma stepped back and stood in front of Don.

Ray got up from the floor and knelt down beside y/n. "Hey are you okay?" He asked brushing some hair that was in her face behind her ear and helping her up. Her face was slightly bruised like Rays and her lip was bleeding. "I'll be fine" She whispered with a small smile. Ray wrapped his arm around her shoulder stepping back a bit from Don who was acting insane at this point. "Are we that much of a burden?" Don asked staring at the floor. "Are we that weak and useless to you four that you can't go without protecting us? That time you asked us to help you out I thought you were really relying on us. Was that a lie?" Don asked on the verge of tears. "I know we're not as smart as you four but we're family...Aren't we?!" He asked now crying "I just want you to have a little faith in us!" He cried. Don took a deep breath and continued "sorry I'm acting a little weird right now I need to go cool off I'm going outside" he said as he left the room followed by Gilda.

Don and Gilda were standing outside by the tree on the frosty grass in their slippers. "Honestly...that was just me taking it out on them" Don said sadly "I'm not mad because they are treating us like weaklings i have no reason to be... I'm just upset because I couldn't do anything to help Conny and the others" Don said breaking down again. "I'm so ignorant and powerless! I'm frustrated because I really am weak! Damn it...it's so frustrating" He said now on his knees crying. Gilda walked over to Don and put her hand on his back. "I want to be stronger..." Don said sadly "Yeah, I know" Gilda said.

Emma, Norman, Ray and y/n ran outside with a lantern looking for the pair. "Don! Gilda!" Emma called. "Emma" Gilda said turning around. "Look, I'm sorry I didn't understand, I was ready for you to resent me but not at all ready to believe in you" Emma said "Me too. Sorry" Norman said bowing "Also me too" Y/n said bowing. "Well I shouldn't have punched you like that...are you guys okay? Sorry" Don said bowing also. "I'll be alright" Norman said with a smile. "Us too" y/n said with a smile referring to herself and the Raven haired boy holding her hand.

"It was a bad idea to act on our own I'm sorry" Gilda said. "Yeah, of course Ray would get mad..so please forgive us" the two said as they bowed. "Of course we will" y/n said with a smile. Norman turned around to y/n and Ray. Ray had an annoyed look on his face. "Well will you?" Norman asked Ray. He didn't answer and sighed. Y/n hit him lightly on the arm and gave him a glare. "Yeah...I forgive them" Ray said annoyed "if the worst happens I'll figure out how to deal with it" he sighed. "I should also apologise for the other things I did. I'm sorry" Ray said bowing.

"Now that you two know the truth,I need to confirm something with you both. The outside world is full of demons. If we mess up we will die. Even knowing that will you still come along?" Emma asked. Gilda and Don gave each-other a glance and nodded. "Of course we will!" They said.

As everyone was chatting Ray felt eyes burning in the back of his head. He quickly turned around and nothing was there. "What's wrong Ray?" Y/n asked "Nothing...thought I saw something, let's go inside before you catch a cold" He said putting his hand on y/ns shoulder. "Yeah you're right. I don't want to be sick when we escape!" Y/n said. "Is your bruise okay? I can get you a bandage and some ice" y/n said brushing her thumb over his bruise. "I thought the Knight was supposed to look after The Princess" Ray said with a smirk. "I can't believe you're still quoting that game we played like a week ago with Jemima and the others " Y/n said rolling her eyes as the pair walked inside the warm house.

Sorry for any typos

Okumaya devam et

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