Stars Off The Stage

By blackthornsx

4.9K 506 97

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My not so dorky brother
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160 21 1
By blackthornsx

Umm I'm Park Jimin, CEO of Park Industries" he said and my jaw dropped and went 6 feet under the ground.

Out of all people why jimin when I'm getting a fucking panic attack I cursed my luck in my thoughts

"Oh hi Mr.Park, I'm Ariana Jonas, COO of MH" I said after finally coming out of my thoughts.

"I know, actually last night I talked to Mr.Robert about the deal, is it a good time to talk?" He asked in most soothing tone I have ever heard.

No, no no no it is very much pathetic time of my life and yet he choose this time to call. God is indeed merciless. My thoughts were as disturbed as I was

I cleared my throat and said, "ahem Mr. Park actually I'm extremely sorry, I'm in middle of something really urgent right now and even if we continue the discussion I'm afraid that I won't be able to give my full attention to it at this moment"

He didn't spoke for quite a few seconds but then he finally spoke

"Yeah sure, Miss Jonas there's nothing to hurry" he said

"Once again I'm sorry and I'll get back to you soon" I told him because this deal is really important and I can't lose it because of some shithead

"There's nothing to apologise Miss Jonas and we'll be waiting for the call" he assured me

"Thank you" I was about the hang up then

he said "Miss Jonas, sorry for being nosy but are you alright?"

And there we go, Park Jimin being himself, the most sensible and humble human on earth or I would say in the whole universe.

"Yeah, I mean I'll be fine,thanks for the concern tho and no you ain't being nosy" I told him

"Alright then it was really nice talking to you miss Jonas" with that he ended the call

Phew, Ariana long day ahead and still you haven't heard anything from Dan, like wow. It was as if he was listening to me coz my phone showed an upcoming call from Mr.Daniel Robert

"Hi, darling sorry I was kinda busy I didn't knew you called me several times" He said in a calm tone

"Busy?! Busy fucking your girlfriend right?" I said to him in an annoyed tone

"Chill girl, did something happened and if not then let me remind you I'm on an off today" he said

"Nothing happened dude, literally nothing, I just called you to ask that what should I have for dinner" I lashed at him

"Are you jealous Ariana?! That I have a partner and you don't" he said and gawd I can't believe he literally said that

"Jealous?! Are you drunk of what, I mean why would I be?" I asked

"Ariana I assume you don't have anything IMPORTANT TO SAY SO I'M HANGING UP" he said in a raised voice

"Yeah I have nothing important but you do have, to fuck your girlfriend so sweetie I'll help you do the hanging up work" I said that and ended the call

That I have a partner and you don't?

That I have a partner-

You don't-

After sitting few minutes in silence i didn't realise that i started crying, god anything can go better today or not.
No, ariana no emotional breakdown not in the office atleast.

I started to gather my things and headed towards the staircase to go home.

[On the way home]

Incoming call
Alex calling.......

"Hi, ssup?" I said to him

"Are you fine?" He asked me

"Of course, you don't know how much fine is your sister"
I said with a chuckle and I very well know he's not talking about that

"Riana..." he dragged my name and I know that he won't buy any shit except the truth

"No, I'm not wanna grab a drink" I said it, more like a statement

"Will be at your place in 30" he said and ended the call

Atleast I have somebodys back, and Alex being there with me is more than I ever ask for.

Authors POV

Alex Jonas
Ariana's elder and only sibling
27 years old (2 years older than her)
Not much interested in his dad's business, just does it for his sister's sake
And no, he's not a Playboy or a drug addict.

I came back to my penthouse after 45 minutes, of the call with Alex. My place was more than an hour far from the office.

I lived on the outskirts of Quebec because city hustle was not my cup of tea.

As soon as I walked into the living room, I saw my hotshot brother was sitting on the lavish couch scrolling through his phone.

"Hey bud" I announced.

"Hello kiddo" he greeted me back.

"Sorry, I was kinda stuck in the traffic after the call ended" I told him

"That's why I say riana you should move in with me and if not that, then why not atleast in the same building" There we go again big brother mode is on.

"Not that bullshit again Al" I told him

"Fine, you stubborn creature and watch the language" he said in a stern voice

"Mr. Alex Jonas will you like a fucking glass of whiskey with fucking roasted peanuts" I said in a teasing voice and stick my tongue out hehe.

"Spill what happened at the office" he rolled his eyes and asked

"Bro you need to stop being so straightforward, it's scares the shi- I mean chills out of me" I told him, one thing I like about my brother is that he doesn't like to beat the bush around.

And I guess that's the only thing I like about him, because if you like everything about your sibling then what's the whole damn point about being siblings right?

"Miss Koala, let me remind you that, you like that quality about me the most" he said with a wink

Damn can he read my mind?! Annoying rat

"Now tell me what happened, I have other business to handle Missy" he informed me.

"What business?! Wait- don't tell me that you'll have THAT thing with a girl at your place or somewhere else!!! Ewww Alex you disgust me" I said this while making a disgusting face

I mean it's fine to have make out session but right after meeting your sister is too much, no right?

"No I'm not going to do THAT thing, so chill and I won't fuck anyone, anytime soon in the future" he stated

"As if I give two fuc- flys about it, anyways back to the point that why I called you over" I said.

He nodded for me to continue

"I want to fly to New York or anywhere soon, I don't want to stay here" I almost begged.

"And why suddenly you want to go? Did something happened riana, did he-" I cut him off in between and said.

"No, he did nothing but I- I... -I'm done here seriously
I am, I guess dad was right when he said I should start afresh" I confessed to him

"And when did he told you to go and start anew?Is there anything I'm missing?" He asked with his concerned eyes.

And then I told him everything that happened in past few days.

"Okay, so you didn't cared you tell me this right?" He asked with a questioning look.

"I thought that I would somehow convince dad about this whole plan, but turns out I convinced my own ass to move" I said with a chuckle

"Look baby, if you don't want to go then don't, you know I'll convince Mr. Royalty somehow and you know very well that I can" he said with a smile

No, our family is nowhere near the royalty. It's just me and Alex thing to say this to our dad sometimes, when sarcasm reaches its limit.

It's kind of our sibling thingy.

"And about Daniel, he's a piece of shit agree or not and now about the note so don't care about it, give no shits to it okay?" he assured me

"Yeah I know, I panic at first but then you too know I figure it out somehow, just have to be dramatic at first" I said with a short laugh.

"Go to New York and then to Seoul, I'll handle here don't worry" my best buddy told me.

"Hmm, I'll decide it soon" I said to him.

"Why not now? I mean it's not that you have to apply for visa or check availability for the seats" he continued.

"And infact it's Jennifer's birthday tomorrow so why not apologize her for being a bitch and celebrate" he finished.

Aaaaaahhhhhh fuckk godd i forgotttt it's myyy best☕'s birthday Gawdddd.

"Yeah for once you said something profitable, I swear God gave you small brain with that hulk body of yours" I said in one breath

And he just chuckled

Yeah this man laughs, chuckle's and smiles too.

Bestieeee I'm cominggggggg wohooooooooo!!!!!!!

Packing my stuff for a trip is too much for me, I mean why people need so much stuff. And because of this I'm here in crisis for packing my stuff to go to NEW YORK.
YES, NEW YORK (to fulfill my contract as a best friend).

Me and Jennie are bestfriends since we knew each other since kindergarten, but as time passed we grew closer. Her family was no less than us, but Jennie was definitely different.
She always dreamed out of the box, she is one of the few people I look upto.

And talking about the best friend contract, it might sound silly but we did make one, when we were in last year of high school because we were so, sure that this friendship will not end, atleast in this lifetime.

One of the clause of that contract was to celebrate each other's birthday TOGETHER. It doesn't matter that you're on which side of the globe. But on the birthday, both the parties should celebrate it together.

So here I am packing my stuff to fly to New York in less than 4 hours. Jenni doesn't know I'm crashing at her place because umm we kind of fought two days ago because of my shitty behaviour and due to our past experiences, she'll never expect to hear from me atleast for a week from the argument.

"You ready?" Alex asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Nope, I still got um 3 hours and 45 minutes" I said with a smirk.

"Better go early or dad will throw a fit" he reminded me.

"But Al, I need to pack for 2 countries altogether at once" I informed him and grabbed my makeup kit from the dresser.

"Stop thinking about Seoul, who knows you'll comeback and the go back again" he said and raised his eyebrows.

"I'm not a dummy, I know about it. But I'll go to Seoul for a week after meeting Jenni" I said with a fake smile.

"Why though? Why Seoul if you don't have any business there right now?" He asked while making himself comfortable on my room's couch, but sadly that hulk type man doesn't fit in my cute couch.

"I need to meet Jimin, he kind of contacted me today and I somewhat ended the call on a 'I don't have time' note" I told my brother who was eyeing me like I'm spilling a nuclear bomb code.

"What?!? You talked to Jimin and you didn't bothered to tell me? Like riana you are hiding alot of things from me, not good little sister" he sarcastically ended the sentence

"There you go, that's why I didn't informed you, you dramatic ass" I said with a small chuckle.

"I must say, the way you look so calm but I'm damn sure your stomach must be doing internal summer-saults" he said with a loud laugh.

I told you this man definitely laughs, it's just that it can scare the shit out of you sometimes.

"Fuck off Alexi" I said to shut up the man sitting infront of me.

"Okay done, now I just need to grab few documents from office and then shooooo airport"

"Let's go then" he said and stood up from my poor couch that was pressed against his heavy body.

"Where are you tagging along?" I asked while raising my one eyebrow.

"To take you to the office and then shoooooo to the airport" he informed me.

"Did somebody drugged you today Al? I mean why being so considerate towards me, may I know what I did to get this honour" I said and slightly bended into cindrella elegant pose.

"I-..I- I am just happy, that you'll finally have fun. So I just wanted to tag along" he finished with the slightest choke in his voice.

Awwwwww, my brother is definitely a softiee I thought

"Let's go" I said while hugging his arm and dragging him out of the penthouse with my bag.

Anways do vote, comment and share
Love, lina 🐥

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