Different | Colonel Miles Qua...

By DaughterOfTonyStark0

58.6K 2.1K 323

I was found. They had taken me in. And yet I was ripped away from them.... The 22 year old y/n lived happily... More

Different (Edited)
Attack (Edited)
Shock (Edited)
Time heals all wounds (Edited)
Sky People (Edited)
Kidnapping (Edited)
Caught (Edited)
Flight (Edited)
Stupid Idea
Everything back to the old
Feelings of guilt
The Laboratory
Fight for life and death
„You're so beautiful."
Between recovery and new danger
„Thank you."
Caught in paradise
Enemies to lovers
Hard shell soft core
Between guilt and forgiveness
!Important note please read it!
"There was a sign of Eywa!"
New chances (I)
„Forever." (I)
Ma'Miles (I)
Killing ship (I)
The carnage (I)
Fight for life and death (I)
„Goodbye." (I)
Empty (I)
Tree of Souls (I)
One last gift (I)

Colonel Quaritch (Edited)

2.8K 86 4
By DaughterOfTonyStark0

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Frightened, I pressed myself even more under the metal thing and only saw the legs of the figure that entered the room. Attentively I observed them. It moved and suddenly a face appeared. It was the leader from the forest who had taken me. I was startled and hid my face on my tightened legs. Suddenly I heard a noise and it became bright above me. I looked up and saw that the protective metal was lifted up. Panic arose in me and I quickly scrambled to a nearest corner. The man put the metal piece back down and came toward me. I pressed myself against the wall and looked up at him with wide eyes. He crouched down in front of me and eyed me. "Who and what are you?" He suddenly began and I said nothing. "Why are you-?" He was interrupted by an incoming sky person holding a strange device in his hands. "Argh does it have to be now, I'm busy," He said angrily. Then I noticed that the other had left the door open. I looked again at the avatar in front of me, but he was talking to the human. I took my chance, pulled up and pushed him backwards. I quickly ran out of the white room. Already three meters I had behind me, until I felt two big hands on my body. I started to scream. "You stay here!" The leader's dark voice rang out. I was lifted up and carried back. Helplessly I fought back with my hands and feet but it didn't help. Once in the room, he sat me down on the cold metal thing and pressed his hand on my upper body. I tried to bite him but couldn't reach. I also tried to push his arm away from me but he was too strong. "Let go of me!" I screamed. "I knew you knew our language." He said with a grin and pressed me even more onto the metal until I was lying flat on it. "Will you be relaxed now?" He asked energetically. Slowly my strength was failing me and I stopped struggling and just breathed excitedly. "There you go." He let go of me and raised both hands placatingly. I sat back down and pulled both legs protectively. "So again. Who are you?" I fell silent and he took an audible breath. "Well then, I'll start. I'm Colonel Miles Quaritch." I looked up to him. Thoughts were just racing through my head. What do they want from me? Who are they? Still I couldn't get a word out. He pressed his lips together and nodded knowingly. "Okay, get the lab coats." Quaritch called out, looking at the mirror on the wall. I didn't know what that meant, but it certainly wasn't good.

Two human men came in. "Send more she's strong." Remarked the Avatar and two more dressed alike came in. Attentively I watched them. They came up to me and grabbed me. Again I started screaming and kicking around. "Let me go help!" The four of them carried me out of the room, into an even bigger one, with a whole bunch of lights and sky people. There they leaned me against something and tied me down. Quaritch was also there, watching everything from behind and a kind of mask was clamped on my face.

In the next moment something started to turn at my head. Faster and faster it became and I started to panic. A woman stepped in front of me. "Tell me who and what you are and where you come from!" She ordered. I couldn't think of anything except that I was afraid for my life. I could barely see and was screaming. It was all so strange and my head began to hurt badly. I tried to free myself and cried. "Please that hurts!" I screamed. "There you go, she can talk." Said the woman's voice in front of me. By now I could barely recognize her. "If you want it to stop, then talk!"

"Miss, she's going to collapse if we keep going, we already have some information." I heard someone say. She sighed reluctantly. "Alright." The machine stopped and I was able to calm down a bit.

I was untied and brought back down to the floor. I was sick to my stomach and could barely stand upright. My legs gave way slightly and I stumbled to the side. I felt a big hand on my upper body and saw that I was held by Quaritch so I didn't fall over. I felt so sick I was gagging. "Argh get her out of here!" The woman ordered and he slowly led me out again into the white room and sat me down on the floor.

The nausea subsided again and I became clearer. The Colonel briefly stroked my back with his large hand. "Are you okay again y/n?" He asked. Immediately I looked up at him in amazement. He understood and continued to speak. "Yeah, I know a few things about you now. Like you're out there living with Jake Sully and his family." "Okay and now? What do you want from me?" I asked dismissively. I was fed up now which is why I started talking. "Oh, we just want to know how a person like you comes to live with the Na'vi." I had the feeling that this was not the whole truth. "I've lived there forever can I go now?" He smiled slightly spitefully. "No we have other plans for you." Dumbfounded, I looked at him. "We were able to look into your past a bit. You showed up in a lab, how we don't know yet." "And?" I remarked. "Since you're kind of human, you'll stay here. Someone like you doesn't belong in the wilderness. Even if for some inexplicable reason you can breathe here and there." Said Quaritch. "No, I want to leave, let me go!" I started and wanted to hit him. But he skillfully dodged my blow and grabbed both my arms. "Hey hey, you want me to send you to the lab coats again?!" He threatened. From one moment to the next I became calm. "I thought so. Come on you get your own room now."


He dragged me out of the white room, through a long corridor into a small room that looked more like a prison. "Sit down." He ordered. The room was small and gray with a small hole, probably another one of those invisible walls, that I could see through. It was already almost dark outside. "This is your bed. Your table and chair. And a little bathroom. Do you know what all that is?" Clueless, I looked at him. "God you've got to be kidding me." He rolled his eyes and explained everything to me.


After a while of teaching, he eyed me. "How are your wounds?" "I'm fine," I replied, annoyed. "Let me see." He knelt down to me. "No thanks." I pulled my arm away. But he just took it without effort and pulled the bandage a little to the side. In pain, I hissed out. "No not all good. The wound has become infected." When he was done, I yanked my arm away from him again. "I'll come back in the morning and take another look." "I'll be fine on my own." I said but Miles ignored it. He got up and went to the door. "Oh, by the way, there's a camera up there." Confused, I looked up at the wall and then to him. He sighed. "That means I'll see everything you do, so don't try anything." He paused for a moment. "Well then." With a wave of his hand he said goodbye, walked out of the room and closed the door. I heard a clack and ran to it. I tried to open this damn thing but nothing happened.

For a long time I tried to break out of the room, until at some point I collapsed, exhausted, on what was supposed to be a bed. I fell asleep like a stone...

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//I WAS AT THE CINEMA FOR QUARITCH FOR THE 2ND TIME! AHHH Oh I really hope you like it I put all my issues in there man haha Hope you have the same and die with me 1400 words//

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