By venusmir11

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By venusmir11

"Having too much power is dangerously tempting enough."

- Isabella Pevensie



After changing to some proper sailor clothing, I went into Caspian's study where I found both Susan's horn and bow & arrows; Peter's shield and Rhindon; my bow & arrows, already having my sword at hand but the one thing I couldn't find was my magical pendant. 

"Nathaniel, do you have my pendant?" I asked as I approached while he was helping fixed a part of the ship that was broken.

He looked at me and shook his head, "No." He was about to add on to his response when he was called and had to turn away and continued what he was doing. I put my hand on my waist as I thought about approaching Caspian, but he was preoccupied with other important things and I didn't want to add a selfish thought to his list.

I haven't noticed Lucy walking behind me, "Uhh... I do." Confused, I turned to look at Lucy, who slowly revealed my pendant hanging around her neck from under her blouse.

"Lucy," I said, disapproving as I approached her, "This pendant is dangerous enough in the hands of someone that doesn't know how to wield it."

"I'm sorry," she apologized, being sincere, "I thought that I could help around by using a little bit of magic. Since, you know, you've put most of it in here as a catalyst. And being your blood sister, I thought it would work in my favor like it does with Nathaniel, who has magic."

I sigh, "I know, Lu. But, unlike Nathaniel, you haven't been properly trained to use magic."

Lucy handed my pendant, looking ashamed, "I just wanted to help."

"Oh Lucy. You have a great heart." I pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead, "Maybe later I could teach you a few easy things."

"He's talking to birds!" Tavros rough and loud voice caught my attention as we turned to look at him who was laughing about something.

"He's mad as a loon that one," 

We turned to look at what they were looking at and it was at Eustace, who was hidden away between some barrels while writing on that journal of his. In front was a seagull, who I presume Eustace was talking to it.

"Shoo! Go on, get off!" Eustace ushers the seagull away with an embarrassed look on his face. I frowned and debated if I should approach him or not.

"Excuse me, your majesties," Vela excused herself as she walked around us while carrying a pile of rope and going to help Nathaniel.


"What exactly are you looking for?" Nathaniel asked as he handed me another book, "Is there anything that I could hand some knowledge."

I shook my head as I skim over the pages, "Not exactly. I doubt you will know." Putting the book down and looking into his dark amber eyes, I sigh, "Have you eaten ?"

Nathaniel looked away before standing up, "It's alright. I'm not that thirsty and I have enhanced self-control might I remind you."

I stood up and walked to him, "Nathaniel. I know. But take care of yourself, please." Our attention was diverted when we heard the crew laughing and cheering on. "What's happening?"

Nathaniel, clearly with his enhanced hearing, was able to decipher quickly and he chuckle, "It seems your cousin got himself in a duel with Reepicheep."

My eyes widened, "What? Nathaniel, Eustace doesn't know how to fight!" I headed for the door and rushed towards the deck of the ship.

"Bella, Reepicheep wouldn't really harm Eustace. Besides, isn't he extremely rude to you. I doubt he would want your assistance."

"He's still family, Nathaniel!" As I opened the doors and walked out the deck, I noticed Reepicheep was instructing Eustace as he pivoted on his feet as if he were dancing. 

"See, nothing harmful. Just a playful duel."

"Come on now, again and again. That's right, that's right. Oh no!" Reepicheep fell off the edge of the ship, Eustace rushing to look overboard if he catches sight of the mouse. Unbeknownst to him, Reepicheep crept behind him, taping him on the shoulder with his tail,

"And that is that." Repicheep declared as he pushed Eustace forward, knocking over a basket.

"There's someone in there" Nathaniel whisper as we both heard a scream escalating immediately after the basket fell.

"Look." Lucy pointed towards the basket, where a familiar little girl crawled out. 

"Gael?" Both Rhince and I called out for her, "What are you doing here?" Rhince asked as he looked at his daughter before opening his arms and Gael rushed to his side.  

Everyone turned to look at the Captain as Drinian made his way towards the father and daughter. 

"Looks like we have an extra crew member." Drinian smiled at Gael before handing her an orange. Timidly, Gael took the orange and gave him a small smile.

"Welcome aboard," Lucy greeted the young girl.

"Your Majesty," Gael curtsy to which Lucy smiles at.

"Call me Lucy."

Gale giggle as she turns to look at me and quickly runs to my side as she gives me a hug and looks up at me, "She's just like you."

Lucy brows furrow turns to look at me questionably, "I told her to call me Bella." I quickly explained to which she only nodded her head and did a little 'ah' of realization.

"Gael, why don't you go with Lucy. I'm sure you two will have a lot of fun. Lu?"

Lucy extended her hand to Gael, to which she took and gave me a little wave before the two walked off.

"Come on. Look lively. Back to work." Drinian commanded as the crew returned to their duties.


"Bella, do you feel that?" Nathaniel asked, all of a sudden. Putting the book once more, I stood still and tried to decipher what he meant.

"No I-" However, that's when I saw a small glimpse of the green mist. I signaled Nathaniel and pointed towards it. Nathaniel lifted his hand and was about to extinguished it when I took a hold of his wrist and shook my head as I pointed towards Lucy, Eustace and Gael.

Lucy had my pendant at the moment and was practicing the small spells I taught her earlier with Gael watching in fascination. Eustace, on the other hand, was on the corner, away from the girls as he wrote in his journal but I could see he was watching Lucy practice magic.

"I don't want to scare them," I whisper to him, "Besides it seems that it's doing no effects on them."

Nathaniel turned towards the door, listening to something outside. He sighs and turns to look at me, "It seems it's affecting the crew. It looks like they are starting an argument with Caspian."

"Could you stay here while I go and see if I could help," I told him before setting my book down and walking to the door. Nathaniel approached me and he had a look of concern.

"Just be careful. It seems that the mist effects are more potent out there than here. You met the mist and you know what it does, be careful." Nathaniel warned me. As I was about to respond to him, Eustace had lower his journal and furrow his brows,

"What's going on?" he asked. That caught Lucy and Gael's attention as they both turned to look at us. We both smile at them to ease them,

"Nothing. I am just getting some fresh air. Nathaniel will stay with you."

Eustace frowns, either not believing me or just not wanting to stay with a 'dangerous creature' as he has referred to Nathaniel once he found out he was a vampire. Lucy eyes met mine and all I mouthed was a 'Later' before exiting the cabin. 

I took notice of Nathaniel's words because as I walked closer, I felt my emotions sway from ease to frustration and anger. I try breathing to control them but I could no longer identify my emotions as mine or the mist influencing them.

As I got closer to the deck, I was able to hear the commotion from the crew. 

"We demand you turn us back. Now," one of them demanded while the rest followed.  "Yeah turn us back."

I lifted my hands and the doors before me that led to the deck open magically. As soon as the doors bang against the wall, everyone turned to look at me.

My face held absolute calmness but behind those eyes of the crew, I knew that I was transferring the rage that I felt at the moment because of their rebellion and Caspian not been able to calm his own men.

I walked forward before meeting my eyes with the man that demanded earlier, "And who do you think you are to demand your own King?"

The crew backed away slightly, leaving the man alone with the grave he dug himself. I saw Vela nervously glanced at Edmund and Caspian, but none said anything.

"Bella?" Edmund called out for me, more so as if trying to hold me back by calling me out but I ignored him and I heard him sigh in defeat. The sailor gulped before starting to talk,

"Your majesty, I-"

I held my hand up for him to stop talking before walking around the deck, "Listen to me very carefully. Whatever despair you have been able to tolerate until this point does not give you any authority to threaten mutiny."

Stopping at the center, I look at the crew without breaking any eye contact, "Unless you want to be labelled a traitor of Narnia and suffer the consequences, go ahead." No one stepped forward and I toned down my voice, 

"I understand your frustration, men. But your duty, as well as ours, is to protect Narnia. That is our mission in this voyage: we need to protect Narnia against that mist that one day might reach your homes and start taking your own families as it has done to the Lone Islands. Do you want to be responsible for allowing the mist to get more powerful and tearing families apart when you had the chance to stop it?"

Everyone started shaking their heads and murmuring 'no'.

"I didn't think so. I assure you, men, that I will protect all of you to the best of my abilities but I need you all to decide where your loyalties lie. And it's either with us or against us. And trust me, you don't want to be on the receiving end of my sword."

We were interrupted when the ship's watcher yelled out, "Land ho'" 

It seemed that the crew calmed down and decided to not defy their loyalties against its leaders. I simply gave all of them a stern nod before turning to Caspian and Edmund, who had their eyes on me the entire time.

"Well 'land ho'" Drinian repeated as he saw none of the crew members moving, "And not a moment too soon."

Vela walked towards Edmund and they both started to whisper in order for me not to hear. As I was walking back, Caspian stepped in between,

"I had it handle, Bella."

Starring into his dark eyes, I simply stated, "It didn't look like it.." Before walking into the cabin I've been spending most of my time with Nathaniel and the other three children.


The tension was clearly built between Caspian and I. After all, I took his authority away when I confronted his men, but Caspian had a lot to learn as King.

"Weren't you a bit harsh?" Nathaniel asked after a while of silence and him giving me space to let that anger and frustration out of my system, "He's trying his best, Bella."

"Sometimes as a ruler, we don't have the luxury to be 'friends' with all of our people. Once that respect is lost, you never get it back. You should know that, Nathaniel."

"I know. But Caspian is still learning and he never did have as much guidance as you and your siblings did. And I could just do so much. I might be King but you and Peter had the most responsibility out of the rest of your siblings and I. I mean you two are the High King and Queen of Narnia, it's logical."

"Nathaniel, I-" my thoughts were interrupted as Vela open the door of the cabin and bow before us.

"Your Majesties, King Caspian has decided to spend the night on shore."

"Thank you, Vela." I said. Nathaniel turned to Eustace, Lucy and Gael as he suggested for them to pack their essentials before we parted. Vela walked up to me and took hold of my hands, "You know. Caspian has been trying, Bella."

I groan, "Not you, too."

Vela glances at Nathaniel, who only smirks as he pushes the kids out of the cabin, leaving Vela and I alone. Vela chuckles,

"Good. I knew he would speak about it first. But, Bella seriously, Caspian is not mad at you. I know he won't admit it, but he is thankful and he is happy to have you three on board. He has miss you."

I gave her a face as we started to walk to the deck, "I'm not mad at him either, Vela. And I know that he is trying. You all misunderstood everything. I was just frustrated at the moment and the mist was present and messing with all of us."

Vela nodded before we arrived at the longboats. Caspian and Edmund were overlooking the boarding of the longboat before Caspian met my eyes. Edmund looks between us, expecting another fight or more tension between us.

He was about to intervene when, once again, I saw Vela pull him back and order him to board the boat.

"You can't order me to board the boat" Edmund challenged Vela but after seeing the look on her face, he retreated back, "On second thought, I claim a seat next to Lucy."

I heard Lucy chuckle as she boarded the boat with Gael and Eustace. Caspian approaches me and he offer me a warm smile,

"Bella I-"

I took his hand in mine, "All is forgiven, Caspian. Besides it should be me who needs to apologize. I overstep a little."

Caspian shook his head, "Not at all, Bella. You are High Queen, you as well as Edmund and Lucy have every right. You just outrank all of us and well I respect that I - I just want to thank you, with what you said, they haven't retaliated."

I smiled and pulled him to a boat, "Caspian, let's not think of this as King and Queen. Let's think of a friend helping out a friend in need. Sometimes having another voice is helpful once in a while."

"Very well, Bells," Caspian gave me a cheeky smile before turning to look at Reepicheep, "Reepicheep, are you certain you don't want to join us?"

Reepicheep bowed before us, "Someone has to stay behind to protect the Dawn Treader."

Caspian nodded before he helped me board the longboat. As we lower the longboat, I waved my hand and cast a protective spell to protect the boat and Reepicheep.

"That still freaks me," Eustace mumbles, but I smile as I saw how relief he look that the warrior mouse was protected.


As we landed on shore and the rest started finding their own area as to where to rest, Nathaniel and I stopped and looked at each other once we sensed how strong the magic was on this island.

Edmund noticed us standing staring at each other before he makes a face, "Is this a new thing you two are doing to be cute or ?"

Eustace walks past us and makes a face too and gags, "Disgusting. You know there are people here who don't want to see any of this."

Caspian chuckles at Eustace commentary before patting Edmund on the shoulder, "Let them be, Ed. They are clearly missing their time alone as -"

Lucy makes a face as well and pokes Caspian, "Please stop." Caspian only chuckles but he stops as he sees the panic behind our eyes and stops smiling,

"Hey, you two alright?"

My siblings turned to us and both furrowed their brows. Nathaniel shook his head before he leans over my ear and whispers, "I'll try to see if it's near us before creating a protection spell around all of us to prevent its user from entering."

I nodded before he walked away. Caspian and my siblings were confused and somewhat concerned now. 

"Uhh, what was that about?" Edmund asked. Some of the crew members turned to look at us as they saw their King walking away and were confused. I walked closer to the three and made them turned their backs on the crew before whispering to them.

"There is magic in the island."

"Doesn't all of Narnia have magic?" Eustace said from behind us. The four of us jumped as he caught us off guard. We turned to look at him, a bit annoyed he interrupted and eavesdropped, "What?! It's a made believe land, shouldn't all of it have magic? Why are you surprise if you are the magic expert or whatever you are, Isabella."

"Please stop." I said before continuing to explain in a low voice, "Narnia's magic is different compared to someone who could wield magic. Someone on this island is a wielder of magic and from what we sense, it's powerful."

"Then we should retreat back to the ship," Caspian said, about to give the command when Lucy intervene.

"No. It won't do well if you panic the crew." Turning to face me, Lucy asked, "Bella, is it as powerful as yours or Nathaniel's? At least we might have the advantage of having you and Nathaniel. Besides we know how to fight magic, except for the crew and Eustace."

Eustace made a face and crossed his arms, "I am not going to fight anything. In fact, I am going to sleep and I am going to enjoy it without any mouse or King or anything annoying interrupting me." Eustace made a u-turned and storm away to find a spot for himself.

"Good riddance," Edmund mumbled. Forgetting what just happened, Caspian coughed a little before scratching his ear, 

"I don't really know how to fight magic either."

Deadpan, I stare at him before hitting him on the arm, "What did I tell you before I left?! Learn to fight magic."

"I'm sorry. I didn't exactly have time to squeeze some magical duels with Nathaniel. We were busy."

"Doesn't matter. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. Nathaniel went to see if it was close to us before creating a protection spell around us. We should be safe until the morning."


I didn't know how long I was asleep before I was shaken awake followed by the alarming voice of Nathaniel,

"Bella! Wake up!"

Groaning with my groggy morning voice, I squinted my eyes as the morning sun hit my eyes, "Five more minutes, Nate. Then I would join Lu and Mr. Tumnus for tea."

"No, Bella. Lucy's gone!"

My eyes snapped open and I sat down before shaking my unconscious mind away and looked at Nathaniel, "What do you mean?" Nathaniel looked distressed and as I looked him up and down, his hair was more messier and his clothes were covered in mud, "Hey are you okay?"

He looks down at himself and shakes his head, "That doesn't matter. Bella, last night, when I went to see if the wielder was close by, somehow, I entered a part of the forest and before I knew it, I was trapped in a loop spell."

"A loop?"

"Yes, I couldn't exit the forest and kept appearing in the same spot over and over and I was never able to cast the protection spell around and, finally, I was able to break out of the spell but it was already morning."

"Wake Caspian."

Nathaniel nodded and ran to his side before waking him up and explaining Lucy's disappearance. I notice the footprints imprinted on the sand and I reach forward and touch it lightly before I was engulfed in a vision.

I saw how we were all soundlessly asleep. I couldn't see the creatures but I was able to see how the footprints approached us slowly. It stopped in between Gael and Lucy, the book next to her opened slightly before taking her.

"Bella!" Edmund shook me from my vision, "What did you see?"

I pointed towards the direction that the footprints came to and from, "They went that way. Nathaniel, can you sense something else."

Nathaniel sniffed and shook his head, "I only smell Lucy's scent."

Caspian turned to the crew that were awake and pointed towards the direction I pointed, "This way."

We all grabbed our weapons and ran into the island to rescue my sister.


"Caspian, Bella, Lucy's dagger" Edmund stated before we both turned and saw Edmund bending down, looking at Lucy's dagger on the ground. I bend down next to him and was about to hold her dagger to see what had happened to her until spears are thrown through the air at us.

"Stop right there. Or perish." A voice threatened before we were attacked by an invisible force as our weapons were knocked out of our hands.

Not even Nathaniel was able to deflect the attacks as he was poked and punched by that invisible force as he swung and tried to punch the force to no success. Some of us were lifted and others were dragged.

"What sort of creatures are you?" Caspian asked, looking around and, if by some miracle, see what the invisible beast looked like and had attacked us to no avail.

"Big ones - with the head of a tiger and the body of a..."

"Different tiger"

"You don't want to mess with us."

"Or what?" Edmund asked before a silhouettes of the creatures started to appear.

"Or I'll claw you to death."

"And I'll ram my tusks right through you."

By now, the creatures were visible and they were less intimidating than they led on. Nathaniel started to chuckle as he sat on the ground and looked the creatures up and down. The creatures consisted with the appearance of a dwarf but the only difference was that they had a big foot and were in a pyramid of three creatures per group.

"And I'll gnash you with my teeth."

"And I'll bite you with my fangs. Grr!"

"You mean squash us with your fat bellies?" Edmund asked, not amused but rather irritated by the situation. 


"Fat bellies?" One was confused as it asked.

"Tickle us with your toes?" Caspian jokes, a smirk present on his face. The creatures realize that they were visible, were startled and one of them fell off from the pyramid group in front of Caspian.

Immediately as he fell vulnerable, Drinian pointed his sword at the creature before Edmund and I approached it.

"What have you done with our sister, you little pip-squeak?" Edmund pointing his sword.

"Now, calm down,"

"Enough of this," I said before creating a fireball, trying to intimidate it into answering us, "Where is she?"

"Bella," Nathaniel warned me sternly. I ignored him as Edmund and I kept our gazes straight into the creature's soul. The creature before us eyes widened as he tried to back away from the dangerous flame as the others did.

"You're just like the Oppressor!" the creature pointed at me in fear. Edmund and I share a confused glance but the others started jumping around and chanting the same before they encouraged him to answer us before I harm them.

"In the mansion," he whispered.

"What mansion?" Edmund asked as we didn't see any structure nearby. As soon as he uttered those words, we heard a shimmer from our right side and the mansion became visible, "Oh. That mansion."

Extinguishing my fireball, I was ready to enter the mansion when Eustace voice came from the bushes behind us,

"You know I'm really getting tired of you all behi-" Eustace cuts himself off as he looked at the creatures before us.

"It's the pig."

"The pig has come back."

"This place just gets weirder and weirder." Eustace utters in disbelief. Vela approaches and pulls Eustace, to which he protests but quickly shuts up once he saw her glare.


"Him calling us weird?"

All of our attention was switched when the creatures started to bounce as they chanted, "The Oppressor!" over and over. We all turned to see Lucy was walking out of the mansion with a man by her side.

"Lucy," Edmund and I sigh in relief with a smile. The man that was beside Lucy glances at my pendant for a second and smiles before bowing before us,

"Your Majesty."

"Caspian, Nathaniel, Edmund, and Bella," Lucy introduces us to the man before she turns to us, "This is Coriakin. It's his island."

Caspian, Nathaniel and Edmund a quick bow while I do a quick curtsy in respect to Coriakin as the leader of the island.

"That's what he thinks," the Chief stated, "You have wronged us, magician."

Coriaking started walking towards them and tried to reason, "I have not wronged you. I made you invisible for your own protection."

The creatures scoff, "Protection?"

"That's oppressive! Oppressor!"

"I have not oppressed you," Coriakin sighs in defeat but it seems it was not the first time he has argued this. He continues walking forward as the creatures hop away.

"But you could've, if you'd wanted."

"Be gone," Coriakin demanded as he threw white flakes at the creatures, more of an illusion of a magic spell which made the creature retreat immediately. Nathaniel and I chuckle, knowing that no magic was involve but rather the illusion of it while the crew and the rest thought it was.

"What was that?" Lucy asked. Coriakin smiles as he turns to look at Lucy, mischief behind those eyes,

"Lint. But don't tell them."

"What were those things?" Eustace asked as we started to walk after Coriakin.


"Right, of course. Silly me." Eustace mumbled. Vela started to pull him by the hand which he started to protest, "Hey! I can walk myself. Thank you very much."

Vela shook her head, "Not a chance am I releasing you. I am sick of your blabber mouthing about everything. Now, you don't have an excuse if I chaperone you."

I chuckled but wasn't able to listen to Vela and Eustace argue more before Coriakin turned his attention to us once we enter the mansion.

"It's an honor having such a great magician and witch before me, your majesties."

I humbly smile, "The pleasure is all mine. We're quite impressed with your work as well."

Coriakin smiles, "Thank you, your majesty. But my work is nothing compared to your accomplishment over the thousands of years.  To this day, magicians and witches look up to you two as the greatest of all time."

 "That's quite the title," I said as I glance at Nathaniel who only smirk,

"I think it is deserving of a great King like me." I rolled my eyes as he pulled me towards him with a chuckle, "I mean, I should take all the credit. You were my apprentice. Aren't I great?"

"At making yourself look like a fool? Yes. Besides, didn't you get trap in a loop?"


Sailor outfit:

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