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"You can have more than one home, more than one root

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"You can have more than one home, more than one root. The magic behind it is that it always feels good to come back."

- Isabella Pevensie



Slowly, light rays started to replace the dark clouds that overshadowed the Dark Island for years. Edmund started to climb down the mast while I help Caspian from the floor.

"Are you alright?" Nathaniel asked as he approached us. Caspian nodded while I gave him a small smile. Nathaniel simply pats Caspian on the shoulder before pulling me towards him and gave me a kiss on the forehead and cheek.

"You look like a mess," I stated. Nathaniel, out of the rest of us, was wet from head to toe and pieces of wood and sea weed had stuck themselves in his hair.

"Couldn't agree more," Vela added as she joined our side, "How is it that I am more composed than you are?"

Vela, surprisingly, was dry and didn't seem unbothered by anything. I glanced between the two before we started to laugh, relieved that the nightmare was over. Lucy had turned towards us, a wide smile spreading on her face.

"Edmund! Caspian! Bella!" Lucy called for us before looking towards the distance, "Look!"

We all turned to look at what she was looking at. By now, all of the fog and dark clouds had disappeared and were replaced by rays of light. From a distance, we all were able to spot a great number of longboats and we connected the dots.

Those were the people sacrificed for the mist.

"Narnians! Narnians!"

The longboats ventured forward and we were able to distinguish the faces of the Narnians. My smile widens as I recognize that among the lost Narnians, Helaine was with them.

I noticed that Rhince and Gael were searching for Helaine and have yet to find her. I walked towards them and gently touched their shoulder before pointing towards her direction.

"Helaine!" Rhince and Gael shouted simultaneously once they met sight of her. Gael, without hesitation, jumped into the clear waters and swan towards her mother, Rhince jumping after her.

I noticed how Edmund had wrapped an arm around Lucy and was soothing her. I knew what they were thinking as they watched with a sad smile the reuniting family.

"Hey you two," I greeted them before wrapping my arms around them, "When we return, I promise to do my best to reunite us sooner rather than later."

I leaned over them and gave them each a kiss on the forehead before watching the longboats row closer to the Dawn Treader.

"Let's have them on board! Clear the deck." Caspian commanded before walking towards us. Caspian placed his hand soothingly on Lucy's shoulder and mine.

THE NOBLE QUEEN | NARNIA/TWILIGHT [1]Where stories live. Discover now