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"When we have each other, we have everything

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"When we have each other, we have everything." 

- Isabella Pevensie



As soon as I mention Susan's name, Nathaniel took a hold of my hand and the second I knew, we were both dashing towards the sound that the horn came from.

It wasn't long until we reached the creek were I noticed that Lucy and Susan were on top of tree, Susan fending off the wolves that we met on the river. I drew my sword and pointed towards the wolves. It wasn't long until Peter came charging across the creek and draws his sword as well.

"Get back!" Peter shouted towards the wolves.

Lucy noticing us, shouted, "Peter! Bella!" 

Peter got closer to them and pointed his sword, once again, to the lead wolf. I was about to join him when Nathaniel took a hold of my hand and pulled me back,

I turned to look at him, "What are you doing? Let go of me."

Nathaniel said nothing and stood firm, having a tight grip on my hand that I felt it start to bruise. While I tried to release Nathaniel's grip on me, Peter had a tight hold on his sword and didn't let the wolves out of his sight.

"Come on. We've already been through this before. We both know you haven't got it in you. And this time, your sister can't save you... after all, from the looks of it, she doesn't even have control over her magic."

"Nathaniel, let go of me!" I yelled and the pendant started to light up again, however, nothing happen this time, "What are you doing? Let go!"

Nathaniel turned to look at me, "No, Isabella. Your magic is too out of control that if anything, you could end up hurting your siblings,"

I almost started to sob in frustration as I still pulled on his grip, "Then do something! Why are you just standing there, don't you have magic as well?"

Nathaniel was about to respond to me when Susan yelled out to Peter, "Peter! Watch out!"

Peter turned to the other wolf as both wolves started to circle his as a prey. While the lead wolf kept Peter's attention, the other wolf was going to attack from behind him.

I saw the other wolf about to pounce from behind and before I knew it, the wolf was pinned to the ground my a force. I furrowed my brows as the wolf whined on the floor and I turned to look at Nathaniel, who was putting his arm down after casting the spell.

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