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"I've never lost a duel to the death

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"I've never lost a duel to the death. Not one. I certainly wasn't going today."

- Isabella Pevensie.



Turning around, I was met with the concern brown eyes belonging to a particular Telmarine Prince.  After the remaining preparations were finished for the duel and potential battle, the night's hours drew in, before the time came for Lucy and Susan to depart to the deep woods in looks for Aslan the same time as Peter has to duel Miraz.

I smile as I set down my healing potion that Nathaniel had ordered me to drink on the last two days and nights. I playfully groan as I lean my head backwards, "But I already rested enough. I'm tired from resting."

Caspian frowns, challenging my words, he responds with "A day isn't enough rest, Isabella. Not after what you've gone through. It takes soldiers weeks to recuperate."

I took a bite of my toast as I scowled at him, "I'm not a soldier. I'm a Queen."

"A pretty stubborn one as well," Caspian mumbled to which I yelled 'hey!' at him and playfully hit his shoulder.

At that moment, Susan and Lucy came in, ready to depart any moment. As soon as she saw me, Susan gave me a disapproving look; and as usual, Caspian and Lucy, just like my brothers and Nathaniel, observed me as if expecting any moment for me to break down.

"You should be resting, Bella."

I frowned as I face my sisters, "I am alright, Su. Truly, the cordial, the sleep, and the healing potions and spells Nathaniel has been using has helped me a lot. I am almost back to normal."

Susan sighs before gently touching my arm, "I know. We are just concerned. You have been through a great deal," Susan reasoned.

I frowned once more, "I am still here. And the six of you don't need to keep torturing yourselves over what happened. I will be fine," I look at the three of them and smile, hoping to reassure them, "I will be fine."

Silence became a familiar presence in these past hours within our conversation whenever I assure my mental health. I was aware how concerned everyone was for my well being and, of course, I was still plagued by nightmares at nightfall and a few flashbacks here and there, but I was fine. 

Our moment was interrupted when Professor Cornelius, entered the room and told us that it was time. I knew that Peter, Edmund and Nathaniel must have been making their way towards Miraz at this moment and the duel should begin any instant.

Both Susan and Lucy started preparing for their departure with the help offered by Caspian and I. The four of us walked to the tunnel that will lead my sisters through a safer exit without alerting the Telmarines. Helping my sister with her plate armor and weapons, Susan and Lucy mounted on Caspian's horse. 

THE NOBLE QUEEN | NARNIA/TWILIGHT [1]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ