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"This might be the end of this tale

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"This might be the end of this tale. But open your eyes, because this is just the beginning,"

- Isabella Pevensie 



Carefully, in order to not wrinkle this beautiful gown that was given to me in order to represent who I was, I turned and, as expected, met Nathaniel's soft look. He was smiling at me as he observed me.

I smile, "Thank you,"

"Why are you here by yourself? Your siblings are waiting for you," 

I sigh and turned to look inside the throne room, "I've been here before. I- I don't know how to explain it, but all this seems too familiar."

"It could be because of this," Nathaniel walks next to me and presents me with a familiar necklace, the one that I found in that room, 

"Where did you get this?"

Nathaniel smiled as he seem to understand the situation better, "And this confirms my suspicion... You've been here, Bella. Through a dream."

"A dream?"

Nathaniel nodded, "Yes, you must have found one of its twins."

"Wait, there are more necklaces that can direct you here to Narnia?"

Nathaniel sigh, "It's hard to explain its magic because my father created for two individuals that have been here to Narnia before you and your siblings arrived. All I know its that two exist in your world, and I know that two people only possesses this."


Nathaniel smile, knowingly, "Ms. Polly Plummer and Professor Digory Kirke."

My mouth widens as I hear the Professor's name and I open once more to question more of it when Aslan walked towards us,

"My dear, why are you hiding over here?"

Nathaniel chuckle, "That's what I asked her, father. But she said that she... what was the words that you said. Oh yes, she was scared witless,"

My mouth hung open, "I did not. Aslan, your son is a liar,"

Nathaniel gasped as we started walking towards my siblings, "I am not. Father do not believe a foul word she says about me."

Aslan chuckles as he stands in between Peter and I before facing the entrance of the throne room,

"Oh children."

THE NOBLE QUEEN | NARNIA/TWILIGHT [1]Where stories live. Discover now