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"Sometimes a sacrifice has to be made in order to win the war against darkness

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"Sometimes a sacrifice has to be made in order to win the war against darkness."

- Isabella Pevensie 



We had reach the Fords of Beruna, were the army stationed themselves and my brothers, Nathaniel, Oreius and I stationed ourselves in the positions we decided to take. Peter, Oreius, and I were in the center of the front lines while Edmund and Nathaniel were with the archers alongside Mr. Beaver up on the hills surrounding us.

I had decided to mount a black beauty, comparison to Peter's, there was no horn on mine. Out of the entire army, Nathaniel and I were the only ones not cover in complete armour. We, of course, wore the appropriate combat clothing to easily allow us to move. However, we had to reassure Peter and Edmund multiple times that the clothing was protected and cloaked by magic to protect me.

The eerie silence was all that surround us as we, anxiously, awaited any news from the ones we've send to spy on the Witch's army.

It wasn't long until the following far cries of the Griffin was heard as it soars towards us. The Griffin, gracefully, soars in the skies before landing next us,

"They come, Your Highnesses, in numbers and weapons far greater then our own."

"Numbers do not win a battle," Oreius, confidently and fearless, reassured us.

"No..." Peter said, gloomier than before, "But I bet they help,"

I nodded in agreement as we all started to witness and listen the enemy army arrive. Jadis was riding up on her own mound in a chariot pulled by Polar bears leading her much more bigger and stronger army compare to our own.

As we all saw the number of soldiers that Jadis seem to have convinced to be on her side, I notice the fear rise up on the Narnian soldiers as well as in within myself. All for the greater good, we have to sacrifice many things: my family's sacrifice was our childhood and innocence.

But my fear disappeared as soon as I saw what Jadis was wearing that cause a rage within me as I glare down at her. Jadis was wearing a chain maildress, a gold headdress and Aslan's mane hanging from the headdress. 

"Bella.... no matter the circumstance, do not lose yourself because of her," Oreius said as he saw my rage storming within me, or it could be that the ground beneath started to smoke.

"How do you expect me to not want to destroy her for what she's done to, not only my family, but all of us, and have the audacity to wear his mane around her as if it were a trophy?"

Oreius sigh, "Because to her, it is. But... Aslan wouldn't want you to avenge him," I stopped glaring at her as I turned my gaze to him. 

Oreius softly smile at me before he turned his gaze to the Witch's army, who had stopped moving and both armies were facing each other.

THE NOBLE QUEEN | NARNIA/TWILIGHT [1]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن